Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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This makes no sense. If all they are worried about is obstruction charges, they should know that they would likely receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Esp considering that a persuasive argument could be made that desperate people do desperate (and stupid) things. Including but not limited to trying to keep one's child from being charged in a capital case. Furthermore the atty stating "for the next interview they give to authorities, there will not be any conflicting statements," while asking for "full immunity," as opposed to stating "for the next interview they give to authorities, they will tell the truth." speaks volumes. From where I sit, this is not about avoiding obstruction charges. It is about avoiding something much deeper, much darker. Otherwise put, afaics, granting "full immunity" to these people for a more rehearsed and cohesive lie would be entering into a fool's bargain. Besides, LE has done a fine job untangling this mess, in spite of the plethora of lies and dramatics emanating from that household.

I agree, the way this is going down I am thinking more serious charges are being proposed. Something like accessory after the fact or something.

Since LE hasn't stated what charges they are considering, I am thinking they are allowing themselves some wriggle room. Something like threatening accessory but being willing to reduce to obstruction. And this latest release from the attorney is a counter saying they will stick to what they have so far unless the prosecution agrees not to charge them. IOW the attorney is trying to bargain with their testimony at KC's trial.
Conflicting that the polite way to say they lied??

I've NEVER thought they were grieving grandparents....they are grieving parents because they've lost KC. And their lies couldn't save her.

It is very polite and it also paraphrases this--

837.021 Perjury by contradictory statements.--

This makes no sense. If all they are worried about is obstruction charges, they should know that they would likely receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Esp considering that a persuasive argument could be made that desperate people do desperate (and stupid) things. Including but not limited to trying to keep one's child from being charged in a capital case. Furthermore the atty stating "for the next interview they give to authorities, there will not be any conflicting statements," while asking for "full immunity," as opposed to stating "for the next interview they give to authorities, they will tell the truth." speaks volumes. From where I sit, this is not about avoiding obstruction charges. It is about avoiding something much deeper, much darker. Otherwise put, afaics, granting "full immunity" to these people for a more rehearsed and cohesive lie would be entering into a fool's bargain. Besides, LE has done a fine job untangling this mess, in spite of the plethora of lies and dramatics emanating from that household.

You hit the nail on the head on what I bolded. Fortunately, Florida law has recognized that in serious offense that desperate people do desperate things by accesory or OJ, even by family, does not cut it for a crime commited against a child under 18.
Originally Posted by mysteriew
I think I am going to look for an email for the prosecution. I don't want to influence what the decision is for the immunity so much as I want to make sure that if they get immunity that they cannot ever profit from the case.

I am going to ask that if immunity is given, that a clause be included that any monies the Anthony's recieve in the future that are due to or related to the Caylee Anthony/Casey Anthony case can only be used for the burial of Caylee Anthony and that any amounts in excess of that be donated to a children's charity.

It would really po me if they got immunity then later I heard that CA was writing a book. And if you recall, there has been mention of that.

There is a clause in the "helpfindcaylee" trust fund that the funds are to be used for a funeral if that is the end result of the "search".

So, there is monies there for Caylee's funeral.
Casey didn't make this family lie for her. The A's are in the exact place they got themselves into.

What they A's have done is not a slap on the wrist offense. I don't think we should underestimate the seriousness of the situation.

Great point.
When people say the A's lost someone they love, I hope y'all realize in A-speak that means Casey and not Caylee.

I respectfully dissagree! We may be able to pick apart their statements, their actions, but there is no way of seeing their heart. I believe they have lost both. And I do believe with everything in me that they loved both, only now, Casey is the only one left..she is their daughter and no matter what, they don't have to like her, but they love her.
Cindy and George were not faking 2 years of her life, maybe a few months they have, but not the last 2 years. Pictures to tell an amazing story of love between Caylee and her grandparents!
I think it's time all the A's stand up and take responsibility for their actions. They need to finally show their respect for little Caylee. Instead of throwing her away like a piece of trash.
Conflicting that the polite way to say they lied??

I've NEVER thought they were grieving grandparents....they are grieving parents because they've lost KC. And their lies couldn't save her.

I voted no and go after them, for the reason above.
The dream team is not being paid. Income from books, movies, appearances, etc., will line their pockets and they will profit from the murder of their beautiful granddaughter. Each time they reach into their pocket, their hands will be covered in blood money.
They have a history of making money of the all the public apperances on TV shows. No one in this family should profit from this death.
Give them a chance and they will do it again.
The "grieving grandparents" only goes so far. It doesn't extend to lying to LE. I certainly hope that LE doesn't buy this immunity request. I don't think the Anthony's have anything to offer LE that LE doesn't already know. It's my opinion they're just trying to save themselves from future charges. MOO

I agree. Anyone from Colorado who remembers the Michael Manning case back in the 80's? This poor baby was hidden in the heat ducts while they were searching the home. The mother was given immunity by Boulder Co DA Alex Hunter. She knew where her son was.
If the Anthony's have issues with the truth which we all know they do they need to be held accountable.
They hardly ever charge them with it though.

Scott Dyleski's mom lied through her teeth and they even locked her up in jail for destroying evidence and giving a false statement to police. She had to testify or go to jail and imo she lied about somethings on the stand but they never tried her in the end.

Jackie Peterson also lied about how the $10,000 got to Scott. She was never charged either.

If they need Cindy and George's testimony at trial they will not charge them imo.


It depends on the law at the time and in the state it happened. Alot of states still treat lying family members as victims. Alot of Lying family members are not charged because they can't be. Couey's family is why this law is flawed. And it appears at the time of Jessica's murder, the charge of accessory excluded family members and Couey's family could not be charged. Thankfully, Florida has since changed that law. There is no no longer an exclusion for family members.
I hate the idea of bargaining for the truth.

IMO, LE will cut a deal with the GA and CA because they want all the details confirmed and because they figure no jury could be counted on to convict
grieving grandparents and parents of withholding information or a cover-up. On the other hand, remember the Defense will likely be trying to show
how someone besides KC committed the murder, had easy access to the body dump etc and would loudly announce immunity deals to the jury
hoping to throw a doubt curve into the mix for any wavering jurors. With immunity, GA and CA would sit back and reap the benefits of such a deal and be
eager to weather the defense strategy of attacking and blaming them if it comes to it. Limited immunity might work, if it applies to only statements they made
and not involve any actual involvement in accessory after the fact to hiding evidence.

This defense team isn’t interested in justice for KC or Caylee, they are interested in winning at all costs and furthering their own egos and careers. They will likely attack any immunity to the grandparents in several ways, including veracity of their statements. It’s a lose, lose situation for LE and win, win, no lose for KC defense.
LE needs to be careful with this choice and I am sure they will consider all repercussions
I respectfully dissagree! We may be able to pick apart their statements, their actions, but there is no way of seeing their heart. I believe they have lost both. And I do believe with everything in me that they loved both, only now, Casey is the only one left..she is their daughter and no matter what, they don't have to like her, but they love her.
Cindy and George were not faking 2 years of her life, maybe a few months they have, but not the last 2 years. Pictures to tell an amazing story of love between Caylee and her grandparents!

ITA. My mom use to tell me "I don't like you very much right now, but I still love you."

GA and CA loved Caylee. However, they lost sight of that love after Caylee went missing and they were doing their best to protect KC.
I vote no immunity and charge them with everything possible. The games these people have played are costing the State a fortune.
They want immunity because they are scared and they don't want to have to give up all of the future "deals" that would make them millionaires many times over.
Originally Posted by SuziQ
Casey didn't make this family lie for her. The A's are in the exact place they got themselves into.

What they A's have done is not a slap on the wrist offense. I don't think we should underestimate the seriousness of the situation.

yes it's called being responsible
something they failed to instill in their children(either one)
When people say the A's lost someone they love, I hope y'all realize in A-speak that means Casey and not Caylee.

I'm not trying to be snarky, but does this mean you don't think they loved Caylee? Because I disagree. I think they loved her very much.

I don't have a problem with them seeking immunity, if it means the truth finally comes out. I really don't think either GA or CA had anything to do with Caylee's death at all, and I don't think they had anything to do with the disposal of the body, either. But, the way I see it, I think that this whole time, the Anthonys have been coddling up to Casey, because they felt that Casey held the key to getting their granddaughter back. They let her tell her lies, and they followed along. Sure, I don't think they wanted anything bad to happen to Casey, because she is their daughter. But, I think it was more about the remote chance that Casey was telling the truth and that this so-called nanny had taken Caylee and if they wanted to get Caylee back alive, they needed to protect Casey. The body farm evidence and hits by cadaver dogs weren't enough, but now that they have full-on proof that Caylee is gone, I think they are coming to realize that they've been duped. I'm sure hearing that Caylee's body had been found was probably the lowest moment of their lives, and now that they know they lost Caylee, reality will be sinking in, and with all hope, they will soon realize the great extent Casey is involved. I think they, especially CA, harbor alot of guilt, too. Not because they hurt Caylee, but because they didn't protect her from her mother.
No. No immunity. Little Caylee has been found. They didn't care about finding her. They persecuted and threw under the bus anyone who didn't believe or support their "princess gorgeous" daughter (to them). Book em Dan-o.
There is a clause in the "helpfindcaylee" trust fund that the funds are to be used for a funeral if that is the end result of the "search".

So, there is monies there for Caylee's funeral.

Somehow the Anthony's have found the money to pay all their bills these past 5 months, without working, as well as Cindy's rumored Botox injections and purchasing a new wardrobe.

I would think if they can find the money for those things, they can find the money to bury their own granddaughter without asking the rest of us to pay for it FOR them via donations people made to find a missing child.
How about immunity for the truth, no profit and for testifying against Casey?

I respectfully dissagree! We may be able to pick apart their statements, their actions, but there is no way of seeing their heart. I believe they have lost both. And I do believe with everything in me that they loved both, only now, Casey is the only one left..she is their daughter and no matter what, they don't have to like her, but they love her.
Cindy and George were not faking 2 years of her life, maybe a few months they have, but not the last 2 years. Pictures to tell an amazing story of love between Caylee and her grandparents!

I'm sorry, but the A's forgot about three years with Caylee the moment they picked up the car from the towyard. Pictures tell nothing. If the love factor was based on video and pictures, Susan Smith's kids would not be dead.
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