Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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Oh, they lied, no question. But with the remains discovered, I think their new lawyer had a very rough 'come to Jesus' talk with them and they realize NOW it's time to tell the truth. They screwed up big time with what they have been spewing until now - but if they want to come clean, I say let them. Caylee deserves the truth, even if it's coming several months late.

Zuckerschnecke, yours is simply the first one of the long line of posts I've read stating this same perspective, so don't feel I'm taking it out on you when I say.....

George and Cindy want to impress upon the world that they've taught their child to tell the truth. This child has repeatedly told lies and lies and lies with regard to the disappearance of her own child. The support a parent gives a child should CEASE when the child lies. That is not to say a parent has to stop loving the child. But they pass off their heartbreak of their liarpants daughter onto the world at large and HIDE the fact that she is lying by telling lies of their own. This is NOT good parenting, and no matter how many times people want to say that a parent will do anything to help their child, needs a slap of reality (no offense JDB). This reality looks a lot like Caylee Anthony's rotting corpse in a garbage bag.

A parent who supports a liar when there is a small child at risk and potentially dead deserves the full force of the law of the land to come down upon them. In every instance, the Anthony family has demonstrated how they have parented their children. They have denied, lied, twisted, hid, and otherwise obscured the TRUTH from observers, and when those observers continue to press that they are all lying, they ban from their lives the person who would dare speak that truth.

The entire time they have been thrust into the public eye because of their daughter's behavior, they have been attempting to pull down the black curtain that would allow the world to see into their family life and see it for what it really is: A messed up dysfunctional chaotic nightmare. In order to do that, I believe they did more than just tell lies. I believe they dug themselves into the trench of illegal behavior, defined as it will be by any potential charges the police feel justified in making against them. It is NOT the fault of anyone else but the Anthony's, because as I have stated many times on this website, in the time of stress, people dig into the thing that gets them through their day to day lives in an accelerated manner. This behavior of lying and hiding and attacking, then, is how they have ALWAYS conducted themselves, and it is in this situation that the rest of the world has been given a front seat view.

The Anthony's had a choice to make. Their choice was to lie and get in the way of LE and the investigation into the disappearance and all liklihood death of their granddaughter, who has never been more than a superficial consideration as they all worked together to cover up the sickness in their family.

Too bad for them. Again, my compassion will be in that they are able to find a way to live with the consequences of what they have chosen to do throughout this, and NOT in that the law will give them immunity to avoid those consequences.
Zuckerschnecke, yours is simply the first one of the long line of posts I've read stating this same perspective, so don't feel I'm taking it out on you when I say.....

George and Cindy want to impress upon the world that they've taught their child to tell the truth. This child has repeatedly told lies and lies and lies with regard to the disappearance of her own child. The support a parent gives a child should CEASE when the child lies. That is not to say a parent has to stop loving the child. But they pass off their heartbreak of their liarpants daughter onto the world at large and HIDE the fact that she is lying by telling lies of their own. This is NOT good parenting, and no matter how many times people want to say that a parent will do anything to help their child, needs a slap of reality (no offense JDB). This reality looks a lot like Caylee Anthony's rotting corpse in a garbage bag.

A parent who supports a liar when there is a small child at risk and potentially dead deserves the full force of the law of the land to come down upon them. In every instance, the Anthony family has demonstrated how they have parented their children. They have denied, lied, twisted, hid, and otherwise obscured the TRUTH from observers, and when those observers continue to press that they are all lying, they ban from their lives the person who would dare speak that truth.

The entire time they have been thrust into the public eye because of their daughter's behavior, they have been attempting to pull down the black curtain that would allow the world to see into their family life and see it for what it really is: A messed up dysfunctional chaotic nightmare. In order to do that, I believe they did more than just tell lies. I believe they dug themselves into the trench of illegal behavior, defined as it will be by any potential charges the police feel justified in making against them. It is NOT the fault of anyone else but the Anthony's, because as I have stated many times on this website, in the time of stress, people dig into the thing that gets them through their day to day lives in an accelerated manner. This behavior of lying and hiding and attacking, then, is how they have ALWAYS conducted themselves, and it is in this situation that the rest of the world has been given a front seat view.

The Anthony's had a choice to make. Their choice was to lie and get in the way of LE and the investigation into the disappearance and all liklihood death of their granddaughter, who has never been more than a superficial consideration as they all worked together to cover up the sickness in their family.

Too bad for them. Again, my compassion will be in that they are able to find a way to live with the consequences of what they have chosen to do throughout this, and NOT in that the law will give them immunity to avoid those consequences.

. Their ANYBODY BUT CASEY monologue is wearing VERY thin. They don't hesitate to point their fingers at anyone they don't like. Everyone goes under the bus in their attempt to create a Casey Anthony who does not exist and has never existed. Shame on them.
has anyone tried to bluff info out of the anthony's?

like, going into the jail... telling casey that her parents told them everything.. and before they enter their statement, if there's anything casey wants to tell them, she'd better speak now..

or going to george and cindy and saying... look... casey told us everything.. and i mean everything. what do you 2 have to say for yourselves?

scare them all into speaking up and ratting each other out
Zuckerschnecke, yours is simply the first one of the long line of posts I've read stating this same perspective, so don't feel I'm taking it out on you when I say.....

George and Cindy want to impress upon the world that they've taught their child to tell the truth. This child has repeatedly told lies and lies and lies with regard to the disappearance of her own child. The support a parent gives a child should CEASE when the child lies. That is not to say a parent has to stop loving the child. But they pass off their heartbreak of their liarpants daughter onto the world at large and HIDE the fact that she is lying by telling lies of their own. This is NOT good parenting, and no matter how many times people want to say that a parent will do anything to help their child, needs a slap of reality (no offense JDB). This reality looks a lot like Caylee Anthony's rotting corpse in a garbage bag.

A parent who supports a liar when there is a small child at risk and potentially dead deserves the full force of the law of the land to come down upon them. In every instance, the Anthony family has demonstrated how they have parented their children. They have denied, lied, twisted, hid, and otherwise obscured the TRUTH from observers, and when those observers continue to press that they are all lying, they ban from their lives the person who would dare speak that truth.

The entire time they have been thrust into the public eye because of their daughter's behavior, they have been attempting to pull down the black curtain that would allow the world to see into their family life and see it for what it really is: A messed up dysfunctional chaotic nightmare. In order to do that, I believe they did more than just tell lies. I believe they dug themselves into the trench of illegal behavior, defined as it will be by any potential charges the police feel justified in making against them. It is NOT the fault of anyone else but the Anthony's, because as I have stated many times on this website, in the time of stress, people dig into the thing that gets them through their day to day lives in an accelerated manner. This behavior of lying and hiding and attacking, then, is how they have ALWAYS conducted themselves, and it is in this situation that the rest of the world has been given a front seat view.

The Anthony's had a choice to make. Their choice was to lie and get in the way of LE and the investigation into the disappearance and all liklihood death of their granddaughter, who has never been more than a superficial consideration as they all worked together to cover up the sickness in their family.

Too bad for them. Again, my compassion will be in that they are able to find a way to live with the consequences of what they have chosen to do throughout this, and NOT in that the law will give them immunity to avoid those consequences.

I agree! Thank you for putting it so well.
I am sure there are people on WS who have lost grandchildren and/or have had missing family members. We don't KNOW there isn't ONE AMONG US HERE. And there are many many examples of people out there who have gone through what the Anthonys are going through and they haven't acted like them. Bad behavior is bad behavior period.

I haven't seen a single post from anyone admitting to similar circumstances. You're right though, it doesn't mean they might not be reading here. And you're also correct that there are those that have had the strength to discuss their missing loved ones cases that have never been found or have been found dead.

If there are those here that found themselves in similar circumstances I would trust their opinion the most and would encourage them to speak up (if they so desire).

I'm looking for the truth and some understanding. We all may be here for different reasons.
I am sure there are people on WS who have lost grandchildren and/or have had missing family members. We don't KNOW there isn't ONE AMONG US HERE. And there are many many examples of people out there who have gone through what the Anthonys are going through and they haven't acted like them. Bad behavior is bad behavior period.

Right on Gaia
I think this is a win/win situation for LE and I think they will agree to the immunity.
First, I don't believe LE has any intention of bringing charges against George and Cindy, and second, they want to know the truth. They'll lose nothing by granting immunity and gain everything. I believe they'll do it.

(Edited post to remove my comment about Anthony bashing, with apologies to all.)
I haven't seen a single post from anyone admitting to similar circumstances. You're right though, it doesn't mean they might not be reading here. And you're also correct that there are those that have had the strength to discuss their missing loved ones cases that have never been found or have been found dead.

If there are those here that found themselves in similar circumstances I would trust their opinion the most and would encourage them to speak up (if they so desire).

I'm looking for the truth and some understanding. We all may be here for different reasons.

There are a lot of people on this board who have been through some horrible circumstances.

I am one of the most compassionate people in the world, due to having gone through some rough, life changing circumstances.

But we have laws in this country and those that break them need to be prosecuted for them. This isn't situational ethics, this is life.

Lying to LE is not good. There should not be any excuses. If we go down that route we will no longer have justice for victims.

I am sorry but they did a lot of covering up. The knife, the washing of the clothes ...just to name a few.

I believe a crime scene needs to be keep "clean". Tampering with evidence won't help anyone solve a crime. Why do it if you are interested in catching the person who took your grandchild? You only do it to cover up for someone. JMO
they will never testify against their daughter. Immunity in exchange for what? Testimony? You think they will get up there and tell the truth? They don't know what that means.

Nope, no immunity. Get em good. I'm sick of looking at them.

There are a lot of people on this board who have been through some horrible circumstances.

I am one of the most compassionate people in the world, due to having gone through some rough, life changing circumstances.

But we have laws in this country and those that break them need to be prosecuted for them. This isn't situational ethics, this is life.

Lying to LE is not good. There should not be any excuses. If we go down that route we will no longer have justice for victims.

I am sorry but they did a lot of covering up. The knife, the washing of the clothes ...just to name a few.

I believe a crime scene needs to be keep "clean". Tampering with evidence won't help anyone solve a crime. Why do it if you are interested in catching the person who took your grandchild? You only do it to cover up for someone. JMO

I agree, not everyone talks about being crime victims, it is difficult for them. The truth must be told, in any case.
. Their ANYBODY BUT CASEY monologue is wearing VERY thin. They don't hesitate to point their fingers at anyone they don't like. Everyone goes under the bus in their attempt to create a Casey Anthony who does not exist and has never existed. Shame on them.

I mentioned that I am on the fence with giving them immunity. I don't know yet WHY they are now wanting immunity. If they continue their charade that it was this imaginary nanny, I have no mercy on them. But on the other hand, if they want to come forward and spill all they know on Casey, the nanny is fake story, all the lies Casey has told, I am all for giving them the opportunity to turn on her.

I also don't think Cindy threatened to call police because she wanted to cover her butt for the smell in the car. I think she was desperate to get an answer from Casey.

Whatever transpired in the last 4 days, between George, Cindy, the attorney has made me think they want to turn on her. But I could be completely wrong. If they keep saying the nanny did it, I will eat my words.
I agree, not everyone talks about being crime victims, it is difficult for them. The truth must be told, in any case.

I agree, one thing I did do was pray, every day, that Caylee's little body would be found. Without it I felt we would not have justice for her.

I was impressed when I read somewhere that Chief Beary said in an interview that he prayed that they would find her.

Yes, you are right. When we tell the truth we don't have to worry about things like "immunity from prosecution!
I also agree that the nanny story is completely frustrating and a dead end as pertains to the truth. I would be disappointed if they continue to resort to it.
I haven't seen a single post from anyone admitting to similar circumstances. You're right though, it doesn't mean they might not be reading here. And you're also correct that there are those that have had the strength to discuss their missing loved ones cases that have never been found or have been found dead.

If there are those here that found themselves in similar circumstances I would trust their opinion the most and would encourage them to speak up (if they so desire).

I'm looking for the truth and some understanding. We all may be here for different reasons.

ya know it depends on which circumstance you are talking about...think about columbine...doubt those kids parents got any love or compassion after what their kids did...granted it was in a greater circumstance but there were parents invovled

or Sharon R. with Lacy...she handled it lots better----you could see and tell the grief that she was invovled in...

there have also been in the past others who turned in their own children---for crimes committed by them....

Sadly missing kids are all over the place and sadly we've seen others go thru it....its just this one was created by the A's and Lies and the cards are starting to tumble....
I also agree that the nanny story is completely frustrating and a dead end as pertains to the truth. I would be disappointed if they continue to resort to it.

I wish they'd give up the nanny story too but I don't think it has any bearing on the truth. They can tell all they know and still believe in the nanny, it won't change anything.
I still say, only people who have done something wrong need immunity.

I don't believe that any immunity should be given until LE makes sure that the Anthonys did not have anything to do with hiding the body or hiding any sort of crime scene in the home or vehicle. If they did nothing like this and only told a few "mistruths" to LE about the 24th, then maybe they should get immunity in order for the truth to come out. It's very convenient and telling that they want immunity now that body has been found.
ya know it depends on which circumstance you are talking about...think about columbine...doubt those kids parents got any love or compassion after what their kids did...granted it was in a greater circumstance but there were parents invovled

or Sharon R. with Lacy...she handled it lots better----you could see and tell the grief that she was invovled in...

there have also been in the past others who turned in their own children---for crimes committed by them....

Sadly missing kids are all over the place and sadly we've seen others go thru it....its just this one was created by the A's and Lies and the cards are starting to tumble....

I think that the more evidence is revealed, the more the anger is mounting against the Anthonys but I don't believe they created the situation and they did the best they could.

I think Sharon R. is a remarkable woman who at first was disinclined to believe Scott P. had anything to do with Lacy & Connor's disappearance. As more information was revealed she rightly changed her position. My heart has always gone out to her and to Lacy's family. She is always very dignified which helped greatly in solidifying public opinion on her behalf.
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