Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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I think G&C better start telling the truth - before KC throws one or both under the bus! jmo
ITA. I voted no and charge them. This is not their conscience talking. It's saving their own skin. Deep down they know she's not above tossing them under the bus.:twocents:
I vote NO..No immunity and charge them with all the obstructions and if it turns out some cover up..:furious:

Because of them lying this case has gone on too long. I thought you only give immunity for something that might help..gee telling them they lied..we already know this..and will that help Caylee No..

I hope LE goes after them all the way:woohoo:..I am so sick of CA.
I think it's likely that George has given crucial information to investigators. I don't much care if he's lied to the media and the public--so long as he's given authorities what is needed to convict his daughter.

I am not sure that Cindy is in an emotional state that promotes anything except scrabbling for comfort whereever she can get it, even in "mis-truth." I think all bets are off when it comes to predicting her behavior. At least for a while.

Her self-protective mode may slowly be turned down as she accepts the truth that is being made clearer by the day. When that occurs, I think we may be surprised to find that Cindy is not the monster she is portrayed as being. I think she's a woman who's worked hard all her life to take care of her family. I think she's done the best she knew how. Now she will learn new ways.

I'm not opposed to immunity for the Anthonys. I believe they have found themselves amid horror that no one could possibly anticipate---and as such, there are no blueprints for appropriate response.

With immunity, they can begin to make amends to the universe for the loss of their Caylee--by telling the truth. I am sure there is a good deal more they know, whether related to the crime itself, or simply useful in terms of providing insight into Casey's mind.

I think it would be a shame to squander that information. And I don't see what purpose would be served by prosecuting them. I'm not convinced they obstructed justice---after all, Cindy's the one who called 911. They have been a thorn in Leonard Padilla's and Tim Miller's sides, but they haven't thrown up any real roadblocks. They've simply run their mouths a lot.

Irking WS isn't prison-worthy, IMO.

I have to say that their new attorney is exactly who they needed. It's a shame they were not receptive to what I have to assume was similar guidance from Mark NeJame. But they were unglued at that time. I see two people pulling themselves together--and I am hopeful it's for the right reasons.

I love your post. You sorted out all my jumbled thoughts. Thankyou!
I vote....NO NO NO Immunity, in ANY way, shape, or form! These things (I can't even bring myself to call them people!) have used Caylee for three years now as their bargaining chip...All of them!!! IMO, of course....this is how I see it playing out

CA: KC, if you don't have this baby, you are going to get a job and work for a living

KC: Mom, if I have this baby, you are going to take care of me and her whenever I want (ie texts in docs....after not being there to babysit for KC, she texted a friend "they owe me")

CA: KC, if you don't do what I want, I am going to petition for custody
KC: Mom, if you don't do what I want, I'm going to put your grandbaby in a trash bag

KC wanted her party life style, she didn't want to answer to anyone...Poor little Caylee suffered for that...
CA and GA thought they could "control" KC, again, using Caylee!!! They NEVER gave this poor, innocent child a chance in this life....

Caylee Marie Anthony is NOT a bargaining chip....the truth surrounding this poor baby's demise is NOT a bargaining chip.....

The A's have admitted they lied...what exactly do they think they have to bargain with now? They can either do the right thing for Caylee (who they claim they loved) and tell the truth just for that reason alone or they can get on the stand and repeat the things UNDER OATH that they have already admitted to lying about.....If the latter, throw the book at them!!!!

CAYLEE deserves to know that there was SOMEONE in her family who loved her in her short life on this earth...

To the A's...treat her as the child you claim to have loved and do the right thing....She WAS a person, not a tool!!!! Give this beautiful baby girl some dignity!!!

Sorry everyone for the long post...Just disgusted and heartbroken at the thought that this is in any way acceptable in their minds, all at Caylee's expense!! Again, this is all JMO
We will all know what their level of guilt is. If they are given immunity then chances are, LE does not have anything on them other than their conflicting statements.
If they are not given immunity, then someone knows something I am desperatly ready to find out about!

I never thought they had anything to do with the death of Caylee, or the coverup. They are guilty of spinning lies because they could not believe their daughter could do something so wrong. None of Casey's friends thought she could have hurt her daughter either, even the old ones.
The worst I see happening to the Anthony's is learning the truth in trial! That alone, is punishment enough for their mistruths, their behavior, and their laying blame on others.
Since LE has already figured out the A's halftruths they don't need the actual truth from the A's. A little late to come running with your tail between their legs after LK show. LE offered the A's allthe common courtesy awarded to families of the deceased, but had to listen to all the venom being spewed at them while they are working so steadfastly. I think there is a movie mogal backing this circus. The more discourse stirred better the story, more money when this goes to film
Bolding mine

Yes, Cindy called 911 31 days later. How long does it take for a body to decompose in the Florida heat?

My opinion only

She didn't call because of Caylee.

It was because of her daughter stealing and lying.

No one ever called 911 because Caylee was missing.
George said to KC and to the media, "I would give my life" well by lying and covering up what went on you may well be giving up some of your life in jail. Was he willing to take the fall for KC? How far would they go? I think they went pretty far on other people's time and money. Look at the man hours, searches, people worried, sitings of Caylee, millions of dollars and free legal advice, no immunity! Go to jail like the rest of us would!
I say give them the deal but only for: CONFLICTING statements and that they should give clarity RIGHT NOW to ANY and ALL conflicting statements.....A deal but with a catch....
That they agree to never ever recieve a penny for anything to do with this deals, book deals, picture ,and interviews deals.....that instead this money be put into various trusts for a CAYLEE memorial fund that is distributed as a court appointed overseer sees fit....and that they have nothing to ever do with these trusts....
Just had a thought ... how are they actually seeking full immunity when there are currently no charges pending and according to some of the media reports, law enforcement/SA has indicated that they do not have any charges in the works or have not considered charges yet.

The SA cannot grant full immunity if there are no charges pending, right? I'm not versed in crimlaw so I'm thinking that if they haven't been charged yet, why would Conway even make this statement?

I'm thinking this statement by Conway was a bit premature on his part, although I can understand him taking a pre-emptive, aggressive defense position at this time considering all that they have done in the past to encourage potential charges.
Most of us here do not think the A's had anything to do with the murder of Caylee. And really problably do not know many facts told to them by KC, have they hidden or not told things? Most likely, but I do not think many of us would hand anything to LE that would for sure convict our own child. Up until a few years ago it was expected that a parent would cover for their own child, kind of like they expect a spouse to cover for the other one.

The Anthonys have lost so much in the last 6 months and the extent of the horror of this situation has not come full circle. There will be enough evidence to convict KC that she left behind and the lies she has told without punishing GA and CA for anything they may or may not have known or should have known. They are a destroyed family already.
The 31 days is disturbing. But I haven't seen any evidence that indicates that, during that time, Cindy had any reason to believe that Casey was doing any more than simply stringing her along, spitefully keeping Caylee from talking to her as punishment for whatever occurred on June 15.

But what about CA's July 3 "My Caylee is Missing" post on myspace?
The title of this thread references "statements", but what about their "actions" ? I think their "actions" up to this point (especially CA) should be enough to deny them immunity from anything at this point. That boat already sailed.
IMO they were given ample opportunity to tell the truth..what has changed now that the body has most likely been discovered? They still think the Nanny is responsible. I think the investigators have plenty of information, I say no way and go after them for obstruction or accessory after the fact whichever is a better fit. JMO.

And why should LE trust them to tell the truth now anyway? They've already lied once without batting an eye.
I wonder how Jose' is taking this news. Better yet,I wonder how KC is taking it.
ABSOLUTELY not, what is to say there will not be more spinning. Anthonys wouln't know the truth if they were slapped in the face with it, i still wouln't believe them! How can you trust someone that has lied over and over?
I think the immunity request comes a bit too late.
I think if your beloved grandchild were " missing " you would offer only the truth and give all of the details in hopes of finding her!
It's just too late for Cindy and George now! Besides, I'm not sure if they can even tell the truth. Lies, half-truths, and mistruths spill so easily from their mouths, and it appears to be a way of life in that family! Cindy has spouted off in every one of her multiple tv appearances that lies aren't against the law! What???
The fact is when you have an innocent 2 year old gone, lies are definately against the law!

ETA... I hope and pray the state of Florida has taken Cindy Anthony's nursing license away from her! Would you want her to care for you???
I have this niggling little thing hanging in the back of my brain. Casey was NOT a young woman. She was a 22-year-old teenager. I'm not sure she could accomplish this without help from somebody. I didn't used to feel this way but the more I think about it, the scarier it gets for me.

Remember that she wasn't employed, didn't even have gas money, she wasn't like most of the rest of us who - if we got really PO'd - could go to a motel and spend the night and cool off. She was so completely dependent on everybody else.

I'm scared what may come out. I don't think she could have disposed of the body without help. :(
I'm confused. Asking for immunity is a contradictory statement in itself. On the one hand, they are saying they deserve special treatment because they thought Caylee was alive but, just found out their grandchild was actually deceased. Therefore, "we are grieving grandparents, feel sorry for us." Then on the other hand, they are saying they knew all along their grandchild was deceased but, lied and covered-up for a murderer. So, "we are criminals but, ready to stop being criminal (especially since you now have the goods on us)."

If this works, the Anthony's and their attorney will enjoy the success of their manipulation.
BC stated when he first was hired last week that the A's have done nothing wrong. BC also stated yesterday that he had alot of homework in representing the A's. BC must have been told something by the A's that would be of importance to LE for him to want immunity for clients. The following days are going to be tense I feel. Do we think their new attorney is working overtime trying to untangle a web of lies and deceit.
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