Anthony's Computer Forensics

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Thinking of Jesse's statement, when were the photos and videos of Caylee being downloaded? Could the perp have been listening to those when talking with Jesse, or they were just playing in the background on the computer, you see where I am going with that...

The videos and pictures, I thought, were downloaded the following day - the 17th. However, that does not mean KC was not viewing them during the call with Jesse.

Also, I thought that Jesse mentioned hearing Caylee on the 24th, and then later retracted that.

Do we have a statement from Jesse pinpointing the 16th as a date when he heard Caylee?
Similarly with apologies for being O/T, but if my hunches are correct, I can't help thinking that if just one of those 'flurry' calls had been answered, KC might now be facing trial for alleged murder.
The videos and pictures, I thought, were downloaded the following day - the 17th. However, that does not mean KC was not viewing them during the call with Jesse.

Also, I thought that Jesse mentioned hearing Caylee on the 24th, and then later retracted that.

Do we have a statement from Jesse pinpointing the 16th as a date when he heard Caylee?

oops, this pdf

page 14

Still looking around, may add.

Adding page 14 through 16.
...doesn't necessarily change your generally theory, but, FWIW, after the long call w/ Amy is the 11min call w/ Jesse when he stated he heard Caylee...just FYI. The "flurry" started @ 4:10PM. George called right on the heal of the end of Jesse's call for <1min @ 3:04PM. Between 3:04PM and the start of the flurry of calls @ 4:10PM there is less than 1minute cumulative phone time (texts & calls), and no computer activity. Of course, this means you have to buy Jesse's statement...or....something happened immediately after he heard Caylee and Casey was distracted otherwise...

Apologies in advance...since the call info OT to computer forensics, but, IMHO, relevant to using in combo w/ computer forensics to establish what was actually going on.

Since it appears that KC spent half of the previous night (early hours 16/6) texting and talking to AL, it is possible that she may even have been dozing during the period you highlighted above. Just a thought.
Yeah, guess I got carried away. We still do not know how many older videos could have been on the computer either. But, it would be interesting if the computer would show activity during the calls with Jesse.
FWIW...some other information about what was going on in the same timeframe...

Monday, 6/16 Noon-2PM Casey 5 out of 6 pings are on the cell tower closest to Lee's (a.k.a.Twr 22).
Monday, 6/16 3:04:06 PM INCOMING CALL George A. (Cell) Casey A. 0.4 mins

Tuesday, 6/17, 3:15PM Casey texts Amy, "can't wait to finally get you moved in""
Tuesday, 6/17, 3:31PM the nursing home pics of Caylee are downloaded onto the laptop.

Yes...(see above) pics were downloaded on 6/17. Maybe confusing, but, thought these items would help establish Casey as the user for the times were discussing...6/16 and 6/17...perhaps not necessary, but, since we can...wth.
SNIPPED: "... Usage abruptly ends at 3 PM. I suspect Casey was preoccupied from 2 to 3 and not paying attention to Caylee. Around 3 PM, I submit, is when Casey discovers something awful happened to Caylee. :eek: . . ."

You're assuming she found her after something awful happened and that Casey did not cause something awful to happen to Caylee. :(
SNIPPED: "... Also, I thought that Jesse mentioned hearing Caylee on the 24th, and then later retracted that.

Do we have a statement from Jesse pinpointing the 16th as a date when he heard Caylee?

No, you're correct, he originally believed he'd heard Caylee on June 24, and later recanted being certain he'd heard Caylee that date. No other dates have been in the information we have to date.
You're assuming she found her after something awful happened and that Casey did not cause something awful to happen to Caylee. :(

That is correct. All along I have believed this all started with a tragic and avoidable accident. A circuit-breaker tripped in Casey's brain that made a very bad situation a whole lot worse. :(

Probably a topic for the Theories thread.
On pages 2844 and 2845 are two screen shots of a computer forensic application called Encase Law Enforcement. It appears that this program is reporting the number of files that were created / written / accessed / modified / deleted. The data is summarized to show hourly activity on the HP desktop and Compaq laptop by hour for the days of June 16 and June 17. Although we do not know exactly what each "dot" means in the plot, we can use the information to see a relative usage pattern.

I am going to make the following assumptions:
1) The HP desktop always stays in the Anthony home
2) The Compaq laptop traveled around with Casey
3) Cindy's working hours ~ 8-5 PM so not at home during that time
4) George's working hours ~ 2-10 PM so not at home during that time
5) Cindy clearly used computer for email and managing social networking page
6) Not sure what George's usage of computer was, but reasonable to assume he surfed as well.

Looking back at the screen shot, although we do not know exactly what each "dot" means in the plot, we can use the information to see a relative usage pattern. What I have done below is show the relative usage of the two computers, as reported by EnCase. The 100% from 9-10 PM on the 17th for the Compaq computer means that was the most active computer usage for either computer during the two days. A 49% from 12-1 AM on the 16th for the desktop means the computer was roughly half as active as the previous example.

            [FONT=Courier New]HP Desktop        Compaq Laptop
12AM 1AM    49%   *****    
7AM 8AM     74%   *******    
8AM 9AM     15%   **    
10AM 11AM   80%   ********    
11AM 12PM   49%   *****       0%
1PM 2PM                       1%
2PM 3PM     82%   ********    1%
4PM 5PM                       1%
11PM 12AM   23%   **    
12AM 1AM    3%        
1AM 2AM     6%    *    
3AM 4AM     36%   ****    
4AM 5AM     5%    *    
8AM 9AM     5%    *        
12PM 1PM    26%   ***        
1PM 2PM     3%            
2PM 3PM                       80%    ********
4PM 5PM                       13%    *
7PM 8PM                       54%    *****
8PM 9PM                       44%    ****
9PM 10PM                      100%   **********
10PM 11PM                     65%    *****
11PM 12AM   6%    *     [/FONT]
My interpretation is as follows:

The HP computer had relatively light usage on the 17th. I believe this was likely indicative of the parent's computer usage. The 11PM to 1AM usage into the 17th is probably Cindy, and after that is probably George - based on when each has to get up for work in the AM. Yes, seems odd for George, but maybe he was surfing Websleuths. :waitasec:

KC was a very active user, based on what we see with the Compaq on the 17th. Thus, based on the level of activity and the assumptions I listed above, I humbly conclude the following:

KC spent the night of the 15th / morning of the 16 at her parents. She is very active on the HP in the morning, probably before Caylee gets up. Caylee gets up between 8 and 9, usage drops. Caylee then plays or watches TV from 9-10 while Casey gets back on the computer until noon.

From noon to 2 PM there is no HP activity, supporting George's statements he saw the two and they left around 1 PM. However, from 2 to 3 - after George has left for work - the usage goes way up. This is the second most active period of either computer during this time.

Usage abruptly ends at 3 PM. I suspect Casey was preoccupied from 2 to 3 and not paying attention to Caylee. Around 3 PM, I submit, is when Casey discovers something awful happened to Caylee. :eek:

The minimal activity seen on the Compaq (and I do mean minimal) can easily be explained by the laptop being powered on and open and connected to the internet. This alone will cause some small number of files to be accessed and modified. Casey did not really need to be doing anything on the computer.

First - huge TY to JWG for taking the time to lay all this out!

Not debating this theory...there's room for plenty-o-theories...just thought I'd toss 'nother one out there...jus' for grins. :)

IIRC, Tony stayed home from class 6/17 to be w/ Casey, yet, he wasn't certain Casey actually stayed WITH HIM that night (someone ck me please). He could be saying 6/16PM-6/17AM vs. 6/17PM-6/18AM.

Let's say...for speculating purposes based on the computer forensics...

1) The HP usage 6/17 1AM-5AM was Casey...seems like Casey-time, IMHO.
2) This would mean, IF proven with the use details, Casey went back to G&C's 6/16 after 11:17PM (her last ping @ Tony's apt.) without Caylee. IF she encountered anyone @ G&C's it woulda been George (Cindy sleeping for work). Casey coulda told George she left Caylee with the Nanny since she allegedly already told George they might stay out that night anyway when they allegedly left ~12:50PM Monday, 6/16.
3) Casey coulda used the HP to look-up some stuff until 5'ish, then, drove back to Tony's...her first ping-o-the-day being @ 10:52AM @ Tony's 6/17.

This scenario would have George & Cindy covering a...Casey-came-home-without-Caylee 6/16PM...which would blow even bigger holes in the defense than already exist today.
You're assuming she found her after something awful happened and that Casey did not cause something awful to happen to Caylee. :(

I think its easy for some to come to that conclusion because 1 She is a pretty young women and 2 Her friends say she was a good mother. But lets not forget these are the same friends that have been lied to and fooled for years.And as far as looks go well looks can be deceiving and in this case IMO are. Sorry I just dont buy its a accident gone wrong. She a good actress I give her that. But even actress have a soul and IMO thats something KC lacks:)
First - huge TY to JWG for taking the time to lay all this out!

Not debating this theory...there's room for plenty-o-theories...just thought I'd toss 'nother one out there...jus' for grins. :)

IIRC, Tony stayed home from class 6/17 to be w/ Casey, yet, he wasn't certain Casey actually stayed WITH HIM that night (someone ck me please). He could be saying 6/16PM-6/17AM vs. 6/17PM-6/18AM.

Let's say...for speculating purposes based on the computer forensics...

1) The HP usage 6/17 1AM-5AM was Casey...seems like Casey-time, IMHO.
2) This would mean, IF proven with the use details, Casey went back to G&C's after 11:17PM (her last ping @ Tony's apt.) without Caylee. IF she encountered anyone @ G&C's it woulda been George (Cindy sleeping for work). Casey coulda told George she left Caylee with the Nanny since she allegedly already told George they might stay out that night anyway when they allegedly left ~12:50PM Monday, 6/16.
3) Casey coulda used the HP to look-up some stuff until 5'ish, then, drove back to Tony's...her first ping-o-the-day being @ 10:52AM @ Tony's 6/17.

This scenario would have George & Cindy covering a...Casey-came-home-without-Caylee 6/16PM...which would blow even bigger holes in the defense than already exist today.

I will have to chew on that, but possible. Evidence page 2499 says AL skipped school on the 17th to sleep in with Casey. He does not mention her leaving after they watch movies and then coming back.
That is correct. All along I have believed this all started with a tragic and avoidable accident. A circuit-breaker tripped in Casey's brain that made a very bad situation a whole lot worse. :(

Probably a topic for the Theories thread.

O/T, but thanks for your posts today on this thread - they are very helpful to me in terms of firming up my thoughts on what time Caylee died. :)
Sorry, I don't buy the tragic accident. She was given plenty of oportunities to BS her way out that way and didn't take them. Because all would have required her to reveal where caylee is. There is something about the body that would directly implicate her in a deliberate act.

One thing I would be interested to see is what network the laptop was connected to during each period of activity?
That is correct. All along I have believed this all started with a tragic and avoidable accident. A circuit-breaker tripped in Casey's brain that made a very bad situation a whole lot worse. :(

Probably a topic for the Theories thread.

JWG, I'm really on the fence on whether Caylee was murdered or if it was an accident. I love your theory. BUT, where does chloroform fit in, and how about KC's partying, nonchalant attitude, who gives a attitude after the fact? And what do you make of the death & neck breaking searches back in March?
...doesn't necessarily change your generally theory, but, FWIW, after the long call w/ Amy is the 11min call w/ Jesse when he stated he heard Caylee...just FYI. The "flurry" started @ 4:10PM. George called right on the heal of the end of Jesse's call for <1min @ 3:04PM. Between 3:04PM and the start of the flurry of calls @ 4:10PM there is less than 1minute cumulative phone time (texts & calls), and no computer activity. Of course, this means you have to buy Jesse's statement...or....something happened immediately after he heard Caylee and Casey was distracted otherwise...

Apologies in advance...since the call info OT to computer forensics, but, IMHO, relevant to using in combo w/ computer forensics to establish what was actually going on.

...with some attempt to keep one foot on the "computer forensics" path and keeping with theory development from it...

I'm seeing that Casey had almost an hour of uninterrupted time between 3:04PM and 4:10PM when she wasn't on the computer (tie to forensics :)) and she wasn't on the phone (except a ~30sec call to Tony @ 3:35PM) IMMEDIATELY before the "flurry" begins @ 4:10PM.

Soo...this doesn't prove whether or not she was distracted OR engaged in nefarious activity...either way....jus' pick the one you wanna work with for now.
Soo...this doesn't prove whether or not she was distracted OR engaged in nefarious activity...either way....jus' pick the one you wanna work with for now.

My working hypothesis is a little different. I am guessing she was distracted up until 3:00, to the point where her call with JG ended. Then she realized Caylee was not around. From 3:00 to 4:00 she was engaged in a search, attempted resuscitation, and panic. Her reaction was classic me-first Casey: what's CA going to think? I'm in trouble. I gotta make up a story. Her reaction was not about Caylee.

Part of 3:00 to 4:00 is making up the story about whatever happened. Once she had her story straight, she started the flurry of phone calls, but cannot reach anyone. She could not execute this brand new plan. So now she thinks I gotta get outta here. And I can't come back to stay without Caylee. She decides to subtley move in with Tony at that point.

Of course, nothing but a working hypothesis. :waitasec:
My working hypothesis is a little different. I am guessing she was distracted up until 3:00, to the point where her call with JG ended. Then she realized Caylee was not around. From 3:00 to 4:00 she was engaged in a search, attempted resuscitation, and panic. Her reaction was classic me-first Casey: what's CA going to think? I'm in trouble. I gotta make up a story. Her reaction was not about Caylee.

Part of 3:00 to 4:00 is making up the story about whatever happened. Once she had her story straight, she started the flurry of phone calls, but cannot reach anyone. She could not execute this brand new plan. So now she thinks I gotta get outta here. And I can't come back to stay without Caylee. She decides to subtley move in with Tony at that point.

Of course, nothing but a working hypothesis. :waitasec:

This is very close to what I believe happened.
My working hypothesis is a little different. I am guessing she was distracted up until 3:00, to the point where her call with JG ended. Then she realized Caylee was not around. From 3:00 to 4:00 she was engaged in a search, attempted resuscitation, and panic. Her reaction was classic me-first Casey: what's CA going to think? I'm in trouble. I gotta make up a story. Her reaction was not about Caylee.

Part of 3:00 to 4:00 is making up the story about whatever happened. Once she had her story straight, she started the flurry of phone calls, but cannot reach anyone. She could not execute this brand new plan. So now she thinks I gotta get outta here. And I can't come back to stay without Caylee. She decides to subtley move in with Tony at that point.

Of course, nothing but a working hypothesis. :waitasec:

ok...I think I gotcha now. Following this, the Jesse-hearing-Caylee-(or not) would just serve to narrow down to a finer point the time went something went wrong.

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