Anthony's Computer Forensics

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O/T to computer forensics, but, tie to the timing established by them...

Notice we haven't heard ANYTHING from ANYONE 'bout that 26 second call Casey took from George @ 3:04PM on 6/16.

IF Jesse did hear Caylee on the prior call, perhaps the timing of George's call had something more direct to do with Caylee's demise....recall that Casey's story to George was that she was dropping Caylee off w/ nanny so she could goto work. If Caylee woke up early from her nap (Jesse hearing her) and Casey took George's call (switched over) it wouldn't do for George to hear Caylee in the background...

I don't know WTH Casey took George's call if the circumstances weren't right...unless it was a mistake...jus' thinkin' out loud (again).

There just wouldn't have been enough time for Casey to react to the situation in switching over to take George's call and doing something like duct-taping Caylee quiet...leading to suffocation...ugh...but somehow w/ the computer usage stopping almost exactly the time of George's (extremely rare) incoming call...there's an answer...

I'm not sure how reliable Jesse's recollection of hearing Caylee in the background on this specific date / call is, given that he back-pedaled on claiming to hear her KC tell Caylee to "get off the table" on the 24th.

It may be neither here nor there. I think you are right in noting that the call from GA at 3:04 precipitated something. That rare call interrupted her call with Jesse and interrupted her time on the computer.

If LE ever asked GA about the call, would love to hear him say what it was about.
I had some time this evening to examine KC's uploads to Photobucket - more the when rather than the what.

Some general comments:

  • The highest daily upload activity occurred in the first three months after opening the Photobucket account on April 2, 2007.
  • January 4, 2008 and April 25, 2008 stand out as high upload dates after the initial three months.
  • The raciest and most suggestive images and icons were uploaded in the first three months of activity.
  • Many, many of the images uploaded are quite "dark" in theme. Skulls seem to be a particular favorite. However, I cannot discern whether or not she grew more dark over time or if it was constant. If I have time, I might try to see if her upload themes trended in any particular direction (time consuming with 20,000 images).
Following is a summary of what I found by examining KC's computer upload pattern. While not a full-blown EnCase examination of the hard drive, the patterns are pretty suggestive.

April 2, 2007 to January 4, 2008: 278 days total, 102 days uploads, 16716 uploads, 60 uploads per day.


January 5, 2008 to June 16, 2008: 164 days total, 34 days uploads, 1799 uploads, 11 uploads per day.


June 17, 2008 to July 16, 2008: 31 days total, 16 days uploads, 549 uploads, 18 uploads per day.


IMHO, it looks like some sort of restriction was placed on KC's computer activity after she uploaded pictures on January 4, 2008, presumably taken at some sort of holiday party. This restriction was "lifted" after June 16, 2008.

I sure wish I had access to that hard drive :rolleyes:.
I had some time this evening to examine KC's uploads to Photobucket - more the when rather than the what.

Some general comments:

  • The highest daily upload activity occurred in the first three months after opening the Photobucket account on April 2, 2007.
  • January 4, 2008 and April 25, 2008 stand out as high upload dates after the initial three months.
  • The raciest and most suggestive images and icons were uploaded in the first three months of activity.
  • Many, many of the images uploaded are quite "dark" in theme. Skulls seem to be a particular favorite. However, I cannot discern whether or not she grew more dark over time or if it was constant. If I have time, I might try to see if her upload themes trended in any particular direction (time consuming with 20,000 images).
Following is a summary of what I found by examining KC's computer upload pattern. While not a full-blown EnCase examination of the hard drive, the patterns are pretty suggestive.

April 2, 2007 to January 4, 2008: 278 days total, 102 days uploads, 16716 uploads, 60 uploads per day.


January 5, 2008 to June 16, 2008: 164 days total, 34 days uploads, 1799 uploads, 11 uploads per day.


June 17, 2008 to July 16, 2008: 31 days total, 16 days uploads, 549 uploads, 18 uploads per day.


IMHO, it looks like some sort of restriction was placed on KC's computer activity after she uploaded pictures on January 4, 2008, presumably taken at some sort of holiday party. This restriction was "lifted" after June 16, 2008.

I sure wish I had access to that hard drive :rolleyes:.

Wow!! How interesting, thanks for sharing! Do you know what pictures were uploaded that day?
Wow!! How interesting, thanks for sharing! Do you know what pictures were uploaded that day?

Unfortunately, OneGrl (you're not lost), there is not just one day represented in the graphs. We are talking roughly 20,000 pictures uploaded in about 150 separate days - many hours were invested. :rolleyes:

This is just one piece of the puzzle, but at least a piece that we have. She was also surfing the internet and IMing friends, but I believe the trends were similar there as well:

  • Lot's of freedom before January 4.
  • A tight leash from January 5 to June 16.
  • Anything goes after June 16.
Unfortunately, OneGrl (you're not lost), there is not just one day represented in the graphs. We are talking roughly 20,000 pictures uploaded in about 150 separate days - many hours were invested. :rolleyes:

This is just one piece of the puzzle, but at least a piece that we have. She was also surfing the internet and IMing friends, but I believe the trends were similar there as well:

  • Lot's of freedom before January 4.
  • A tight leash from January 5 to June 16.
  • Anything goes after June 16.

LOL yep, you caught me- I'm not, not anymore- thank G0d! :)

I am quite impressed with the work you have done with all the computer forensics that have been made available to us! I tend to agree with you about Casey's computer searches. The chloroform, as the murder weapon, I seriously doubt it!

You should put your amazing thought process together with Nancy botwin's! The two of you would make a great team, IMO. She's got great info and insight into Casey photobucket account. I so love the way both of ya'll's minds work!

ETA- the day I was asking about what she uploaded was Jan. 4, the last day of her "freedom" on the computer.
Muzikman uploaded KC's photobucket images to I downloaded these last night and looked through the files today. There are several thousand images here, most of them "icons" with a few hundred pictures of Casey, Caylee, and friends scattered throughout. Most of the pictures have been posted on the web, and a few of the icons.

Executive Summary: Since many won't read my long-winded analysis, I will cut to the chase. Having analyzed KC's Photobucket uploads and the patterns of the uploads, I am convinced now more than ever that the searches for chloroform, household weapons, etc. in mid-March 2008 were meaningless and unconnected to the death of Caylee.

I looked at several things when examining this CD: Date / time files were uploaded, the content of the image or picture that was uploaded, the "theme" of the images, and whether or not "clustering" of images occurred (uploads of several pictures having the same theme at the same time).

Here is a summary of what I found along with some conclusions I drew:
1. Prior to June 16, KC almost always uploaded files before 8:30 AM, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and after 8:30 PM. While there are a very small handful of exceptions, the overall pattern is very clear.
I would conclude from the above that KC was on the computer when Caylee was asleep (evening) or napping. Nap time seems to be roughly 1 to 3 PM, based on computer activity.

2. Uploads after 6/16 clearly break the pattern established pre-6/16.

I would conclude that KC is no longer worrying about Caylee's sleep habits.

3. KC uploads in "themes". Multiple themes are often uploaded in a single day, within a very short (minutes) period of time. A theme might be tattoos, love, boyfriends, gangstas, or oral sex.

I would conclude that KC has "internet ADD". She spends a very short period of time on one topic and then bounces into another. I think her twelve minutes of chloroform and household weapons searches fall into this category. It is almost like Homer Simpson talking philosophy and then stopping to pick up a penny he found on a sidewalk.

4. KC likes images of skulls, tatoos, suggestions of being a *advertiser censored* or *advertiser censored*, and partying.

5. Many of the sayings or quotes collected by KC refer to relationships in either a serious or dark-humor manner.

6. By far the largest and most graphic collection of icons and quotes of a sexual nature were posted mid-2007. By comparison the images uploaded after January 2008 are pretty lame.

While these are not images of KC, I believe that these are the images the FBI was referring to when interviewing George.

7. The largest collection of skulls and other "dark images" also occurred in 2007.

8. The largest collection of party images occurred in 2007 and early January 2008.

9. KC clearly spent a substantial amount of time searching for and collecting the images.
Standing back and putting the chloroform searches into a better context than reasoned above in my earlier posts, I think KC was originally searching for an image similar to the "Win her over ... with chloroform" image, and this search took her to women's self-defense site, then to weapon's sites, then to a zombie poll...then after 12 minutes she got bored and "found a penny", moving on to something else.

Living her life 10 minutes at a time.

GREAT post! When I got to the end, what crossed my mind was perhaps she was searching for a photo to post on her my space that depicted a woman fighting off a man trying to chloroform her, or something along those lines (self defense), to post along with a snazzy remark, sort of in reply to ric's pic. Just a thought ...
I totally love this thread! So much here to read, ponder, think about and research! Thanks so much to all who contribute and of course, to JWG! I am shocked by this data when I think of the fact that SHE was Caylee's Nanny! I was shocked when I saw the ping info for very much the same reason! How on earth was this woman spending so much time on the phone talking, on the phone texting and on the computer downloading/uploading while she was supposedly taking care (singlehandedly) of her toddler!???

Also - JWG - I've had similar suspicions about the RM "chloroform" posting and the appearance of the same substance in the trunk of KC's car...I do think that she originally went onto the internet as a curiousity - trying to figure out RM's icon - But...I haven't yet discounted the possibility that her searches could have given her "ideas" to fulfill a plot that she had already thought out. (Just something to think about...)

  • The highest daily upload activity occurred in the first three months after opening the Photobucket account on April 2, 2007.
  • January 4, 2008 and April 25, 2008 stand out as high upload dates after the initial three months.
    January 5, 2008 to June 16, 2008: 164 days total, 34 days uploads, 1799 uploads, 11 uploads per day.

    June 17, 2008 to July 16, 2008: 31 days total, 16 days uploads, 549 uploads, 18 uploads per day.

  • Jeeze; when did that girl work? Oh, that's right-- she DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I whole heartedly agree. Why search "shovel" I mean really, it had to be in with something else that would narrow down a search. I would get LWOP if they built a case on my searches. LOL

me too!
JWG - I sure wish you had access to that hard drive as well !!!!!!!!
Amazing work, JWG!!!!!

So, what is your theory as to why her computer usage/uploading went majorly down after January 5th during Caylee's waking hours?

Was all of the uploading on the desktop in the A house or all on the laptop or a little of both?

Wasn't she supposedly "working" and leaving the house every morning with Caylee at that point (Jan-Jun)?

Was she sneaking back home every day during that timeframe to use the computer/put Caylee down for a nap??

I'm curious where she was playing on the computer and why she seemed to have newfound restrictions during Jan-Jun '08.

Good information, JWG! Looking at your graphs goes a long way into showing me that she was doing the right thing (watching Caylee) but maybe suffocating under her load of responsibilities and lack of a free life at the same time.

I'm not believing the chloroform to make Caylee pass out all day. It's obvious from your usage analysis that Caylee was napping at the time most children her age napped. Why would Caylee take a regular 2 hour nap if she was Chloroformed all day?
Could it be as simple as she started using Cindy's laptop more exclusively?
Unfortunately, OneGrl (you're not lost), there is not just one day represented in the graphs. We are talking roughly 20,000 pictures uploaded in about 150 separate days - many hours were invested. :rolleyes:

This is just one piece of the puzzle, but at least a piece that we have. She was also surfing the internet and IMing friends, but I believe the trends were similar there as well:

  • Lot's of freedom before January 4.
  • A tight leash from January 5 to June 16.
  • Anything goes after June 16.

NICE work! :clap: TY so much.

Very interesting. It makes me wonder when Cindy started seeing the counselor.
debs - Maybe....but where was she taking Caylee to use it?

Quite a number of the pictures of Caylee we've seen (but not paid to view!!!) were taken in other peoples' homes. She could have brought the computer there. A lot of fast food places with play yards have wi-fi. A lot of areas are close enough to be wired, especially in a metro area. She could have gone virtually (no pun intended) anywhere and had access to the internet. But to simply use the computer for whatever else, obviously she only needed to be where she could plug the comp in, and if she had an adapter in her car, then she really didn't need to be anywhere special at all but the front seat.
I had some time this evening to examine KC's uploads to Photobucket - more the when rather than the what.

Some general comments:

  • The highest daily upload activity occurred in the first three months after opening the Photobucket account on April 2, 2007.
  • January 4, 2008 and April 25, 2008 stand out as high upload dates after the initial three months.
  • The raciest and most suggestive images and icons were uploaded in the first three months of activity.
  • Many, many of the images uploaded are quite "dark" in theme. Skulls seem to be a particular favorite. However, I cannot discern whether or not she grew more dark over time or if it was constant. If I have time, I might try to see if her upload themes trended in any particular direction (time consuming with 20,000 images).
Following is a summary of what I found by examining KC's computer upload pattern. While not a full-blown EnCase examination of the hard drive, the patterns are pretty suggestive.

April 2, 2007 to January 4, 2008: 278 days total, 102 days uploads, 16716 uploads, 60 uploads per day.


January 5, 2008 to June 16, 2008: 164 days total, 34 days uploads, 1799 uploads, 11 uploads per day.


June 17, 2008 to July 16, 2008: 31 days total, 16 days uploads, 549 uploads, 18 uploads per day.


IMHO, it looks like some sort of restriction was placed on KC's computer activity after she uploaded pictures on January 4, 2008, presumably taken at some sort of holiday party. This restriction was "lifted" after June 16, 2008.

I sure wish I had access to that hard drive :rolleyes:.

I wish you did to JWG! You have done an excellent job:)
Unfortunately, OneGrl (you're not lost), there is not just one day represented in the graphs. We are talking roughly 20,000 pictures uploaded in about 150 separate days - many hours were invested. :rolleyes:

This is just one piece of the puzzle, but at least a piece that we have. She was also surfing the internet and IMing friends, but I believe the trends were similar there as well:

  • Lot's of freedom before January 4.
  • A tight leash from January 5 to June 16.
  • Anything goes after June 16.

I just wanted to say that I think your analysis is amazing. Very interesting stuff!!! TY! :clap::clap::clap:
Bumpity bump--

A forensic search of the Anthonys home computer had revealed searches for "how to make chloroform", "self defense", "household weapons", "neck breaking", and "shovel". These searches took place on March 17th and March 21st.

Cindy was at work on both days.

The latest documents reveal George was not working on the 17th but was working on the 21st.

Any thoughts on who might have been available to perform the searches on *both* days?? :waitasec: See page 11 of 12.

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