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this is from his book. i cant find where he said what the spelling mistake is..

The internet history files say "fool-proof suffication," so luckily we don't need to rely on JB to tell us what it was. ;)

The hyrdogen peroxide + suffocation + chloroform would have had a greater impact...IMO. Why wasn't the "suffocation" used???!!
I get that the DT could have claimed it was George...George's testimony locks him into the story that Casey and Caylee left the house before he did. But clearly the records show otherwise...especially the MySpace and FB activity on the computer. The PT must have shown George this info...and he still stuck by the story? All I can say if that was the case, then George WAS willing early on to take the fall for his daughter. I wonder if LE thought George did mix up his dates?

Of course, the "fool-proof suffication" search was three months after the "chloraform" and other searches.

Also, the "fool-proof suffication" search took all of one minute--Casey clicked on, IIRC, two links, neither of which would have been much help. It seems like a passing thought rather than a murder plot.

Still, it might have given the jury something to think about....
I'm beginning to think the entire story of Casey going anywhere was a total fabrication...regardless of what day it was supposed to have happened. They couldn't remember the date because every day was like any other. Did we ever see the computer activity for June 9th?
I was wondering the same thing, if chlorophyll was searched because Cindy said that when she STARTED to google search chlorophyll it gave her the option to search chloroform. She told Linda that if they'd go back and find her chlorophyll search they'd find where she looked at chloroform, but what is she really saying. Is she saying that she started to type in chlorophyll, she either mistakenly or purposely went to chloroform instead?

I still wonder just what was wrong with that dog. It must have been a very tired and sleepy dog to make Cindy think that something had drugged it.

Casey doing experiments on the dogs to see how much it would take to put Caylee asleep?
Thanks, JWG. :blowkiss: I knew if I got the materials for you, you could figure it out.

Two things to add: the search was actually "fool-proof suffication"--so "suffocation" was misspelled as well.

Also, when I look at the same data as you have, the "fool-proof suffication" search shows up at 1:50 pm, not 2:50 pm. Any idea what might be causing the difference? 1:50 pm is also what JB said, not that I'm assuming he has a clue. :rolleyes:

ETA: Someone quickly get on Amazon and let "Ron Manta" know that the AIM login was casey's!!

ETA2: BTW, JWG, I did confirm that George had an AIM account as well. George4937 or whatever the house number on Hopespring is. It shows up in some of the earlier internet history files.

Hi AZ great to see you and JWG joining forces again... Could the 2:50pm versus 1:50pm explain the click on “venturing into the pro-suicide pit” or is there another explanation for it? TIA :seeya:
Hmm. Didn't KC at some point tell someone her dad was in the hospital because he suffered a small stroke?

yes she told amy that... i was thinking it was the day before fathers day but im not sure..
Hmm. Didn't KC at some point tell someone her dad was in the hospital because he suffered a small stroke?
Yes...that was Amy. IIRC, it happened later on. But, Casey always drew on what she heard or what she saw. That whole mini-stroke story was soooo bizarre!
Yes...that was Amy. IIRC, it happened later on. But, Casey always drew on what she heard or what she saw. That whole mini-stroke story was soooo bizarre!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Text Messages from Casey Anthony (14076199286) to Amy Huizenga per 07/23/08 OCSO Forensics Report

0796 14076199286 06/13/08 06:16:55AM (GMT-4)
(Casey Text Amy): Im on my way to the hospital with my dad. Ill call you when I can

0799 14076199286 06/13/08 07:50:14AM (GMT-4)
(Casey Text Amy): My dad almost had a stroke. We are still waiting for him to get check out. I promise I will call you asap

0800 14076199286 06/13/08 07:53:33AM (GMT-4)
(Casey Text Amy): I love you too! Im really sorry about this.

0802 14076199286 06/13/08 07:55:52AM (GMT-4)
(Casey Text Amy): He will be. He just gave my mom and I a huge scare.

0808 14076199286 06/13/08 08:12:40PM (GMT-4)
(Casey Text Amy): Love ya too! Im glad hes alright. Hes stubborn.
The hyrdogen peroxide + suffocation + chloroform would have had a greater impact...IMO. Why wasn't the "suffocation" used???!!
I get that the DT could have claimed it was George...George's testimony locks him into the story that Casey and Caylee left the house before he did. But clearly the records show otherwise...especially the MySpace and FB activity on the computer. The PT must have shown George this info...and he still stuck by the story? All I can say, if that was the case, then George WAS willing early on to take the fall for his daughter. I wonder if LE thought George did mix up his dates?

I can say with certainty of my opinion that GA reversed the dates. He described the 9th of June, not the 16th. FCA told him she was spending the night w/zanny (she was sleeping w/Carlos) and didn't come home that week. Carlos (?) tells us she spent the night on Monday and Tuesday.

My senses tell me that sindy refreshed his memory and went back in time. What he described as happening did NOT happen on Monday, the 16th, but occurred on the Monday, the 9th.

The Family of the Lie made certain the dates were confusing...all three of them.

IMO, the SA knew better but was "stuck" with what the family told them. In the grand scheme of things, they didn't think it would impact anything. Also, I imagine the family of the lie stuck by their newly told weave of dates.
Casey doing experiments on the dogs to see how much it would take to put Caylee asleep?

Tinker and Tillie met an early death, according to what I heard. Shortly after the funeral, they were put to sleep, according to sources.

This family should never be able to own a dog...not one of them..grrr.
Casey got a call from Jesse Grund two minutes after her last login to AIM, or one minute after the "foolproof suffocation" search.

The evidence supports Casey searching for a method of "foolproof suffocation" just before 3 PM on June 16, not George. The evidence supports George being at work, or close to pulling in the parking lot. Not at the computer.

my, you are assured that the search for foolproof suffocation actually existed? why, why, why didnt the state tell the jury this?

if they'd left out the the chloroform searches a bit and concentrated on THIS search, soooo close to the actual murder, they might have got through the the pinellas pinhea---sorry, I mean the pinellas 12. I feel like even THEY couldnt discount the computer logs for the day, THAT SEARCH within an hour or so of the murder, the 31 days, the fact that the baby was found with DUCT TAPE COVERING HER FACE?

were they absolutely married to the theory of chloroform? was it because GA insisted that OCA had left during those hours even though the pings and logs would have told a different story?

I always thought it was a rage thing (her murder of caylee) that looks a lot more like a calmer premeditation to me....that disturbs me :/

and ... we didnt know this why did JB let the cat out of the bag? is he stupid? does he think we are? between that and some other stupidity from him over the years and at trial I almost wonder if he WANTS us to know the truth ... and gets off on OCA not realising that.
Excellent work! JWG needs to put that response on the de-bunk the steaming pile of poo thread! Thank you so much for uncovering the TRUTH.
Wasn't there some information that Judge Strickland sealed along with the tape?
The hyrdogen peroxide + suffocation + chloroform would have had a greater impact...IMO. Why wasn't the "suffocation" used???!!
I get that the DT could have claimed it was George...George's testimony locks him into the story that Casey and Caylee left the house before he did. But clearly the records show otherwise...especially the MySpace and FB activity on the computer. The PT must have shown George this info...and he still stuck by the story? All I can say, if that was the case, then George WAS willing early on to take the fall for his daughter. I wonder if LE thought George did mix up his dates?

Holy Carp!! As impressive as always JWG and AZLawyer - deep deep thanks and appreciation. I'm going to take a while digesting this - just doing my first skim..but RR0004, my assumption about the chloroform vs suffocation presented in court is: the prosecution had a body that was pitiful tiny bones and no direct cause of death so no other link of evidence for suffocation besides the search (and a dead child) but no way to prove it.

For chloroform they had a car trunk as evidence that had overwhelming levels of chloroform in it. I think they had to go with the one that had the most "back-up"...IMO of course.
The internet history files say "fool-proof suffication," so luckily we don't need to rely on JB to tell us what it was. ;)

Of course, the "fool-proof suffication" search was three months after the "chloraform" and other searches.

Also, the "fool-proof suffication" search took all of one minute--Casey clicked on, IIRC, two links, neither of which would have been much help. It seems like a passing thought rather than a murder plot.

Still, it might have given the jury something to think about....

I wonder - since it was such a short visit - and I hate to even suggest this - if it was related to some of the *advertiser censored* she was watching.....suffocation erotica ..
Tinker and Tillie met an early death, according to what I heard. Shortly after the funeral, they were put to sleep, according to sources.

This family should never be able to own a dog...not one of them..grrr.

What confirmation do we have that the dogs were put down shortly after the memorial? I thought we saw pics of them long after that?

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