Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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CA isn't on the boat cruising down the river of denial. She wants me to think that is her destination but she can't fool me.

Say on or about June 9, 08 when she boarded the boat down to the river of coverup she changed the signage for all to read "river of denial". She made sure the signs were pretty darn large and she shouted at every stop and in front of every camera where that boat docked.

She wasn't then and sure as I sit here typing isn't about to switch the signs back now. She's had that trip ticket punched out and there's no going back to making it whole again. Can't be undone.

She has made every advance possible to bully, manipulate, deflect and use her infamous semantics to steer herself and KC towards being the "wronged" individuals in Caylee's murder.

She claims she sees herself and KC as victims. They are only victims of their own lies. The only truth that I have seen come from CA's lips is the fact that she is the mother of KC and LA and that LE/FBI have confirmed it through forensics. Every word/sentence from CA's lips, is in my humble opinion, a lie. Stories ...... fabricated to protect her ego and self image.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. Life is not a rehearsal. There are NO do-overs, second time around. A moment is here only once; then it is gone -- forever. Cindy, Casey, George and Lee will at one point in time and moment have to face Caylee and ask for forgiveness.

Not only that but her public lies made her look so ridiculous that everything she says is regarded with suspicion. Her own brother has told her that she is making an idiot of herself but that advice only met with anger and rejection. Cindy is terminally arrogant.
I have always believed that to admit Casey's metal instability is to admit her own.
And, George is afraid of Cindy so he goes along to get along.
They may have been in denial for the first couple of minutes, but I don't believe they have been anywhere close to that in a long time. This is plain and simple cover up and lies for their daughter, but mostly for their own reputation (not that they have much of one left anymore). If they had a clue as to how much their reputation has been damaged they would see that their efforts to "keep up appearances" are fruitless.
Deep down I think there are things about the family they don't want to get out.Things that probably go way back.They know KC would turn on them unless they try to help her.I think she will turn on them anyway.
I voted none of the above.They are protecting themselves.

miss james, :Jumpie: GREAT POST!!! this is exactly what I am thinking, just going on my (GUT FEELING) :curses: I just hate to use that term :blowkiss:
Cindy is protecting her out of guilt! She knows the truth, I think she blames herself for was KC did.
Once upon a time there was an innocent little girl named Caylee that the Anthony family has forgotten in all the success of a murder cover-up. I hope they, at least, dedicate their new book to "that little girl". Sad how this family has presented themselves in all this. I've begun to believe the whole family is guilty of lying through their teeth to protect their secrets and the killer of Caylee.
Cindy told the 911 operator that it smells like a dead body was in the dam car.
LA said KC cried the night LE was called, before they got there, that she should have been held accountable long ago for inappropiate behavior.
Cindy said within 48 hours of KC being arrested that she had already lost one, and she wasn't going to lose another.
George did his best to stay out of KC and CA's way, thus getting in the car, knowing that a dead body had been in there, driving it home, then going to work, as he was told to do, CA would find out where KC and Caylee were.

I voted that they were protecting KC by lying for her.
To my surprise, the Anthonys have brought to my attention how dysfunctional my own family is, but however they or we got that way, changing seems to take time, and is a delicate process, with many setbacks.

Imo, what Cindy failed/fails to recognize is that she lost KC long before she lost Caylee.
Imo, she feels as though she has no choice but to do what she has always done which is to ignore the bad, and be "supportive" until the time comes when KC herself comes to terms with what she has done, then she will continue to be supportive.
When KC does finally come to terms with what she has done to herself as well as her daughter, imo she will spend years blaming her mother for her downfall.
However, the day may come when KC finally comes to see that she was/is an adult, and responsibility lies at her own feet.
Cindy was not there when she murdered her daughter Caylee, nor was she there when she threw/tossed/dumped, or whatever adjective one chooses to use to cover up her offense. KC alone is responsible for her actions.
I'm sure Cindy thinks she loves her daughter and is being supportive.
I think George thinks the same, and also thinks he loves his wife.
I think LA thinks he loves his family.
One person can accomplish so much destruction.
I don't think Cindy recognizes that her being "supportive" is honestly not helping her daughter.
I don't know that KC is a sociopath, but she is most certainly self centered, and a habitual liar. She is also a murderer, imo.
Well, one of her lawyers LKBadden is on true tv right now discussing the fact that in many other countries it is a recognized defense to a mother murdering a child under the age of three, postpartum psychosis. Maybe they believe she < Casey , was so troubled and it is partly their fault for enabling her rather than getting her help. She did tell her mom once she felt she needed to be admitted to a mental hospital. Cindy did tell Ryan that Casey was a sociopath, so they knew she was troubled. I think they feel guilty and that explains some of their loyalty. Also, in Cindy's FBI interview she says, "I hope the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I like to see myself as an excellent mother and Casey was like me." I think that narcissist tendency to draw the conversation back to her, helps illuminate my other theory, they don;t want to face that THEY raised a girl that could do this.
Cindy told the 911 operator that it smells like a dead body was in the dam car.
LA said KC cried the night LE was called, before they got there, that she should have been held accountable long ago for inappropiate behavior.
Cindy said within 48 hours of KC being arrested that she had already lost one, and she wasn't going to lose another.
George did his best to stay out of KC and CA's way, thus getting in the car, knowing that a dead body had been in there, driving it home, then going to work, as he was told to do, CA would find out where KC and Caylee were.
I voted that they were protecting KC by lying for her.
To my surprise, the Anthonys have brought to my attention how dysfunctional my own family is, but however they or we got that way, changing seems to take time, and is a delicate process, with many setbacks.

Imo, what Cindy failed/fails to recognize is that she lost KC long before she lost Caylee.
Imo, she feels as though she has no choice but to do what she has always done which is to ignore the bad, and be "supportive" until the time comes when KC herself comes to terms with what she has done, then she will continue to be supportive.
When KC does finally come to terms with what she has done to herself as well as her daughter, imo she will spend years blaming her mother for her downfall.
However, the day may come when KC finally comes to see that she was/is an adult, and responsibility lies at her own feet.
Cindy was not there when she murdered her daughter Caylee, nor was she there when she threw/tossed/dumped, or whatever adjective one chooses to use to cover up her offense. KC alone is responsible for her actions.
I'm sure Cindy thinks she loves her daughter and is being supportive.
I think George thinks the same, and also thinks he loves his wife.
I think LA thinks he loves his family.
One person can accomplish so much destruction.
I don't think Cindy recognizes that her being "supportive" is honestly not helping her daughter.
I don't know that KC is a sociopath, but she is most certainly self centered, and a habitual liar. She is also a murderer, imo.

Yosande, where in the heck have I been? You are right, so right about this.
GA did know or at least strongly suspected Caylee was in that trunk prior to them going to retrieve the car. I apologize for missing anyone elses posts about this. Its like a light bulb suddenly went off.

IMO, GA is/was the most transparent in his feelings and actions and the only one capable of telling the truth. It wasn't until 'someone' set him straight about what they would all lose that he agreed to take his daily dose of the KC koolaid.

I voted none of the above because I still believe to this day that CA knows exactly what happened. To me, denial = innocence, so it can't apply here.
I think Cindy has always been so over-bearing and controlling that Casey never had a chance to grow into adulthood and have any control. She was treated like a child and mommy dearest ruled everything in her world, including Caylee, and I think the pressure Casey felt from that had been escalating over time. A child without some control rebels. Casey didn't have the emotional skills or adult functional skills to walk away from Cindy, get a job, be an adult and assume her parental rights over Caylee and her own life. Casey immaturely blew from the pressure and unhappiness of her 'stuck' position. I think the big fight with Cindy was the last straw. I do believe Cindy is both feeling guilty for causing the extreme situation, for being controlling and over-bearing, and recognizes her part in why it happened. She is also doing what she is used to, covering up for Casey by habit, and as a way to still be in control of her entire family, whether that part is conscious or not, a deep seated habit.
The real reason Cindy sought counseling re: Casey, was not to get Casey on the right track as an adult. It was for Cindy to figure out how to maintain control over Casey and Caylee. She saw the rebellion (stealing, lying about a job, staying over at boyfriends with Caylee) and Cindy felt threatened enough to seek counseling. When the counselor said boot her out..Cindy quit...that counselor wasn't for her as she put it. That would defeat her whole purpose. Cindy likes to deflect from the fact that she was over-bearing with Casey and Caylee. She has worked overtime to give you the opposite impression. I can guarantee that Cindy spent more time sleuthing Casey's every move much more than George ever did. She had to know everything going on with Casey in order to try to maintain the control. She did not want Casey moving out with Caylee. Remember, Cindy loved Caylee more than she ever loved Casey...her own words.
You can bet she did in fact have Casey bring Caylee home from RM's in the middle of the night. And that it was Cindy who sent George to Sports Authority to investigate. George was Cindy's original Dominic Casey, and Cindy is still in charge of investigations to this day with George's replacement. George was just her foot-man, like Dominic. Cindy IS the only CEO/lead detective in this organization.
My entire last post leads to the biggest cover-up lie told by Cindy yet.
"She had no motive, she had a place to live, food, and lots of family support"
Cindy's brand of 'support' is what led to motive.
And the SA will be ripping the lid off of that to prove motive existed. Cindy better be prepared for the bumpiest ride of her life.
I voted None of the above.

1. I really don't think that they are in denial. (they are in convenience - what reaction is best in this situation)

2. I don't think it is guilt either. (Cindy is arrogant enough to feel that she did nothing to bring this about)

3. I am not sure it is to stand by KC either. (Maybe to cover up something that they don't want revealed or just because it looks good that they are standing by her. Problem being that they go too far for what is socially acceptable.)

4. Love (not likely - I don't think that any of them are actually capable of such an emotion. Anger, rage, arrogance, annoyance,, no.)
I think that CA's support of KC is as much for her dislike of LE and the SA as it is for KC. In the message CA left TM she told him (paraphrasing) "you do not want to cross me, I'll win." CA can't stand anyone she can't control, probably the reason she disliked JG so much, he stood up to her. So by covering for KC, she thinks she looks like an "excellent mother ", which is how she described herself to the FBI, and at the same time stick it to LE as much as possible. Privately CA is probably glad to be rid of KC, she was becoming too uncontrollable. JMO
I think Cindy has always been so over-bearing and controlling that Casey never had a chance to grow into adulthood and have any control. She was treated like a child and mommy dearest ruled everything in her world, including Caylee, and I think the pressure Casey felt from that had been escalating over time. A child without some control rebels. Casey didn't have the emotional skills or adult functional skills to walk away from Cindy, get a job, be an adult and assume her parental rights over Caylee and her own life. Casey immaturely blew from the pressure and unhappiness of her 'stuck' position. I think the big fight with Cindy was the last straw. I do believe Cindy is both feeling guilty for causing the extreme situation, for being controlling and over-bearing, and recognizes her part in why it happened. She is also doing what she is used to, covering up for Casey by habit, and as a way to still be in control of her entire family, whether that part is conscious or not, a deep seated habit.
The real reason Cindy sought counseling re: Casey, was not to get Casey on the right track as an adult. It was for Cindy to figure out how to maintain control over Casey and Caylee. She saw the rebellion (stealing, lying about a job, staying over at boyfriends with Caylee) and Cindy felt threatened enough to seek counseling. When the counselor said boot her out..Cindy quit...that counselor wasn't for her as she put it. That would defeat her whole purpose. Cindy likes to deflect from the fact that she was over-bearing with Casey and Caylee. She has worked overtime to give you the opposite impression. I can guarantee that Cindy spent more time sleuthing Casey's every move much more than George ever did. She had to know everything going on with Casey in order to try to maintain the control. She did not want Casey moving out with Caylee. Remember, Cindy loved Caylee more than she ever loved Casey...her own words.
You can bet she did in fact have Casey bring Caylee home from RM's in the middle of the night. And that it was Cindy who sent George to Sports Authority to investigate. George was Cindy's original Dominic Casey, and Cindy is still in charge of investigations to this day with George's replacement. George was just her foot-man, like Dominic. Cindy IS the only CEO/lead detective in this organization.

I voted "guilt" and "to protect", and feel Cindy played a major role in all that happened including the tragic outcome. Cindy didn't want Casey to become an adult with a job and become independent. That would mean that Casey would move out and take Caylee with her. Cindy getting custody of Caylee was Cindy's method of controlling Casey.

I think the fight on June 15th was the catalyst for all that happened afterward.

Cindy feels guilty because she knows she bears some responsibility in what happened to Caylee. She's protecting Casey, but she's also protecting herself - ultimately herself - because she shares some responsibility in what happened to Caylee.
I think that CA's support of KC is as much for her dislike of LE and the SA as it is for KC. In the message CA left TM she told him (paraphrasing) "you do not want to cross me, I'll win." CA can't stand anyone she can't control, probably the reason she disliked JG so much, he stood up to her. So by covering for KC, she thinks she looks like an "excellent mother ", which is how she described herself to the FBI, and at the same time stick it to LE as much as possible. Privately CA is probably glad to be rid of KC, she was becoming too uncontrollable. JMO

Respectfully bolded by me. Per the bolded part, this is my belief about the entire 31 days that Casey was not at the Anthony home. It was a relief to Cindy to not have to deal with Casey on a day to day basis. Cindy did not act as a normal grandmother would (IMO) when she had a granddaughter that lived with her for the majority of her life suddenly be unavailable to her for any long length of time. Cindy has behaved in a manner that tells me she was glad to be done with Casey during that time. Sure, she called Casey and spoke with her but over the phone is much different than dealing with a person face to face day after day.

I do believe that George is simply covering for Casey because Cindy has told him that he will no matter what. Cindy rules that house and that family. I believe that if George was away from Cindy for any real length of time that he would crack and tell all that he knows. George appears to be the only one of that family that truly loved Caylee and I think that this is eating him up inside.

The above is simply MHO.
I think that CA's support of KC is as much for her dislike of LE and the SA as it is for KC. In the message CA left TM she told him (paraphrasing) "you do not want to cross me, I'll win." CA can't stand anyone she can't control, probably the reason she disliked JG so much, he stood up to her. So by covering for KC, she thinks she looks like an "excellent mother ", which is how she described herself to the FBI, and at the same time stick it to LE as much as possible. Privately CA is probably glad to be rid of KC, she was becoming too uncontrollable. JMO
I think her intentions were to keep Caylee and be rid of KC..
Not that she hated KC, just that keeping Caylee became such a deep psychological need for Cindy she would sacrifice one over the other. The irony in all this is that now she is defending Casey to cover her own faulty short-comings as a mother, and Casey is accepting her help to avoid the penalty of her actions, while completely hating and blaming Cindy as the reason she was driven to murder. I do believe Casey blames Cindy. It's a sordid web of destructive dynamics.
The irony in a nutshell:
Casey is accepting help from her nemesis who drove her to murder, and Cindy is offering help to her nemesis who took her Caylee away....creating a symbiotic, yet twisted, relationship.
I think GA said it best very early on...When he was talking about the smell in the car with LE.
One of his remarks and I am not quoting him here but the essence of what he did say is all telling. He did say something very close to these words.

"Don't want to believe, can't believe, that a child of yours, someone you had raised can do that to another human being"

With this sentence he said enough about - why he and CA are covering for KC.
How will the world look at them to have a child that can do this?
they may as well hide everything, clean up everything and never be aligned with a child that can do such a thing to another human being.
Check this out, George's best friend of many, many years talking to Tim Miller"
I don't know that there is a lot you can do here. George knows ALL the answers are right there in that bedroom and SHE WONT TALK!" referring to Casey. Listen :[ame=""]YouTube- Casey Anthony Case: Tim Miller Won't Disclose Records[/ame]
miss james, :Jumpie: GREAT POST!!! this is exactly what I am thinking, just going on my (GUT FEELING) :curses: I just hate to use that term :blowkiss:

What more worse stuff could there be....that is worse than their daughter murdering their granddaughter?
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