Anthonys May Sue Over Merchandise being Sold

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I have never agreed with the anthony's on anything. That being said, I think that anyone out there selling tshirts and buttons is just LOW. This is a baby that was killed and thrown out like trash. Regardless of who did it and the circus that has been created, and who created that circus, someone must protect her memory, and at this point, the only ones that can, are the ones that did. Whatever their motivation for it is, at this point, it was the right thing to do. all imo

It's possible some of the T's may be in the form of a tribute to Caylee,the same way people display photos of Caylee in their avatars.
Has anyone seen any of these things advertised online?
Why is it sleaze? They saw the Caylee doll was out there. They were protecting Caylee's name. I would sue for it also.

What is the 20K (that we know about) from ABC for?
She copywrited the name because people were trying to use it to sell things. We don't have all the facts about why Cindy did that. So far they have not tried to profit off of Caylee, but if there are people selling t-shirts, etc., I would sue in a second. Why should she let anyone profit off that. Surprised anyone thinks it is ok.

There is NO way I think it's ok for anyone to sell or profit off of a murdered child. It does make me angry that ICA PAID her lawyer with pictures of Caylee SHE SOLD after she was killed! JMO
What is the 20K (that we know about) from ABC for?

They never got 20,000, it was taxed and they paid their lawyer. Anytime Cindy is mentioned here, she is basically tarred and feathered and I think that if anyone here saw their grandchild's name being "used" and profited from by total strangers selling pens, etc., they would sue. That is what we are talking about the suing. I would do it in a second and I hope they win, which they will.
He might be able to stop people sellling that stuff on ebay, but as to the rest of the Internet- good luck with that!
The A's already copyrighted her name!
Can you imagine the thinking behind that? Sleaze.

I too find it disgusting. If it was like Caliee Anthony rememberence t-shirts where money would go to charity, I would support it.
But making a profit on the suffering of a family is just low class any way you look at it.
I too find it disgusting. If it was like Caliee Anthony rememberence t-shirts where money would go to charity, I would support it.
But making a profit on the suffering of a family is just low class any way you look at it.

It sure is.
It's possible some of the T's may be in the form of a tribute to Caylee,the same way people display photos of Caylee in their avatars.
Has anyone seen any of these things advertised online?

If it is in the form of a tribute, then it should be for free or a donation. This is not a tribute.
It's possible some of the T's may be in the form of a tribute to Caylee,the same way people display photos of Caylee in their avatars.
Has anyone seen any of these things advertised online?

If it is, the money should go to a charitible organization perferably to an organization related to crime victims.
Agreed Chablis. I think anyone would if they saw people profiting off the name of their grandchild. Cindy can't get a break and that is the way I see it. She is so disliked that anything she does is suspect and basically hated, imo.

Yes but I think one has to consider why CA is so disliked. Normally in a case like this the public would have sympathy for the Grand Parent of a missing and murdered child. However it has been CA's actions during this entire process that have caused such public disdain for her.

CA's actions and intentions are pretty transparent to anyone that has followed this case in the slightest. I personally don't think CA is doing it to protect the name of her grand child or to show her granddaughter any amount of respect. No I think it clearly comes from her greed and attention seeking. CA's actions during this entire ordeal pretty much indicate as much.
Why is it sleaze? They saw the Caylee doll was out there. They were protecting Caylee's name. I would sue for it also.

But in the same breath, the grandparents are the ones that helped promote Caylee as a three ring circus side show. KWIM?

It should have never come to this in the first place. The Anthony's need to crawl under a rock and stay there and let the state take care of Caylee.
If it is in the form of a tribute, then it should be for free or a donation. This is not a tribute.

Apart from the short-lived Caylee doll we don't yet know why people are selling items... or what they are.
So are you saying it's OK for the Anthonys to make $$$ from Caylee but anyone else should do it as a public service?
Your post stated that the A's had not profited off Caylee. That is not so.
The only things I see on Ebay are People or Globe Magazines, the book Caylee was reading and one t-shirt with Casey's picture on it and Guilty written on it. Not a big deal unless there is more out there. jmo
Sue away, I doubt key chain and T-shirt purveyors are worth the effort, but whatever. jmo

And-- I think it would be nice if folks who want to support Caylee bought a certain variety and color of flower-- something like that. Stay away from tacky junk... and the A's lawyer.
Yes but I think one has to consider why CA is so disliked. Normally in a case like this the public would have sympathy for the Grand Parent of a missing and murdered child. However it has been CA's actions during this entire process that have caused such public disdain for her.

CA's actions and intentions are pretty transparent to anyone that has followed this case in the slightest. I personally don't think CA is doing it to protect the name of her grand child or to show her granddaughter any amount of respect. No I think it clearly comes from her greed and attention seeking. CA's actions during this entire ordeal pretty much indicate as much.

I have to respectfully disagree. It is clear that Cindy is hated to such a degree that if she moves, it is the wrong way.

But she is not deserving of the hate that I have seen expressed. She and her family have every right to sue anyone who is trying to use Caylee's name for profit.
If it is, the money should go to a charitible organization perferably to an organization related to crime victims.

That would be a good idea, I don't think anyone should make a business out of Caylee.
Maybe the A's should be the first to set that example and donate all the hundreds of thousands they have made, to Tim Miller and his organization.
Don't hold your breath though...
Apart from the short-lived Caylee doll we don't yet know why people are selling items... or what they are.
So are you saying it's OK for the Anthonys to make $$$ from Caylee but anyone else should do it as a public service?
Your post stated that the A's had not profited off Caylee. That is not so.

Zsa Zsa, I disagree with you and am going to leave it at that. Again, I feel that there is such dislike for Cindy that she cannot move right or left without a negative response. They have not profited off Caylee and no one knows that they did, imo. They did the 48 hours show. 20,000 is not a lot of money and they have no money. They can't move without a camera - doesn't matter if anyone thinks it is their fault - they can't move. They have been through hell and have lost their grandchild and it is beyond sad. Cindy is not, imo, deserving of such hate.
I think another thing that should be noted is the timing of this action. These threats to sue could have happened at anytime leading up to this. However the A's and their lawyer decided to do this right during the middle of jury selection. These actions could have taken place before hand when this case was stagnant, but they choose right now do it.
That would be a good idea, I don't think anyone should make a business out of Caylee.
Maybe the A's should be the first to set that example and donate all the hundreds of thousands they have made, to Tim Miller and his organization.
Don't hold your breath though...

Sincerely, you should be able to back up that one - they never made hundreds of thousands Zsa Zsa.
Zsa Zsa, I disagree with you and am going to leave it at that. Again, I feel that there is such dislike for Cindy that she cannot move right or left without a negative response. They have not profited off Caylee and no one knows that they did, imo. They did the 48 hours show. 20,000 is not a lot of money and they have no money. They can't move without a camera - doesn't matter if anyone thinks it is their fault - they can't move. They have been through hell and have lost their grandchild and it is beyond sad. Cindy is not, imo, deserving of such hate.

Tell me something good. Give me a little insight of the good Cindy Anthony has done?

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