Anthonys pushing for jailhouse funeral for Caylee!

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Maybe this idea which is probably coming from CA is what drove GA over the edge? Who could blame him? I just can't believe this news, but then again this saga gets weirder and weirder as time goes on.
They want a jailhouse memorial service to show KC as a GRIEVING, DISTRAUGHT mother who couldn't possibly have harmed her child. It's all about creating REASONABLE DOUBT in just ONE prospective juror's mind. All they need is ONE juror to doubt that she could have killed Caylee to have a hung jury.

They've created REASONABLE DOUBT all right--I reasonably doubt the sanity of every single one of them that agrees with this cockamamie decision/request.
The 'funeral at the graybar motel' notion makes me wish I knew how to make an emoticon. I'd make one right now that looks like Susan Powter yelling 'STOP THE INSANITY!!!'

I got brainfreeze from thinking about this case.
this latest foolishness type of stuff is what made GA finally say "enough"

who could blame him?

his daughter kills her daughter -

his wife either is in total denial or simply wants to continue covering up the
stuff her daughter has done her whole life -

he went along for the ride for a bit but even he knows that this is a load of bullcrap

his son is probably involved in getting rid of evidence or covering up other things...

he wants out and i cant say i blame him

not that suicide is the answer but he just wants out of crazyville
I cannot even say anything about all of this. I just want to cry for that poor baby. How DARE they!! :( :(
MOTY already said her goodbyes when she dumped her. She grieved in her own way. A trip to Blockbuster to rent macabre tapes. When that didn't help her feel good enough, she danced at Fusion, went shopping on Amy's dime and cooked pasta for everyone.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think she's accepted this very well. :furious:
I agree! She had "a funeral" already, and even placed a heart sticker on the duct tape as a last "loving gesture" towards her child!:furious:
This is so ridiculous! The most unbelievable stuff , will this ever come to an end???
My goodness, Stephen King couldn't have thought up such a stroy as this!!!
This is a very poorly thought out ploy at an attempt to make the murderous monster appear half way human!

And there's no way this will ever be allowed!
I just wish the prosecution would come out with something that would shut this family and their attorneys up once and for all. over.
Oh, so do I!
Enough already!!!
Is it remotely possible this is actually an attempt on their part to look KC in the eyes and say "Look what you've done"? Any chance at all?

I thought the whole heart sticker on duct tape was as bad as it could get. Does this baby deserve no respect at all? They make my heart hurt.

Ok, I voiced my displeasure over this jailhouse funeral idea some pages back, but your post made me stop and think. I have thought from the beginning that Geo and Cindy knew Caylee was dead and Casey was responsible for Caylee's death. Whatever games they played in public, imo, were just that. I felt that when the A's were playing the 'Caylee is alive' game, it was enough of a diversion for Cindy to keep her from confronting the fact that her granddaughter was dead.

It's pretty obvious, imo, how Geo and Cindy feel about Casey, since from what I know, they haven't seen her since 10/14/08. So, with this in mind, I am wondering if this is their way of rubbing her face in it... forcing Casey to have to endure a funeral. We know she doesn't want to, waste, huge waste, and all that.

I know the A's have done some dispicable things and I will never understand the media circus games that they have played, but despite them knowing Casey has no desire to deal with this "old problem" she dumped a long time ago, maybe, just maybe, like the poster above has stated, this is the A's way of forcing Casey to actually see what she has done. See the grief. Not that she cares, I know she doesn't at all, but instead of laying around ordering bon bons, Cindy is making Casey attend a funeral. Ugh! Not how Casey wants to spend her day, that's for sure.
hahahahah! As a Orlando taxpayer I would not be adverse to having an A family wing at the jail :).
LOL !!!! I don't even live in FL but would gladly donate part of my state taxes to house the family in a certain Orange County jail !:)
I still don't see JB allowing Casey to be close enough to the Anthonys because they may "talk" and he certainly doesn't want that. I think CA is the one pushing for this to happen but I don't think LE will go along with it. Many prisoners have lost family members while in jail and did not get to go to the funeral. This would be for pure public relations if this were allowed to happen. And I can just see Casey smiling away and asking "what the hell are you all crying about?"
I just want to know what makes KC so "special". No other inmate that has a relative die gets any special treatment??? They don't get to go to any memorial services, I have never heard of any such thing - she is in jail, not some sorority function to be held within the compound like BC and the A's are talking about. Plus, who is going to pay for all of the extra security and such, I hope not tax payers money - as usual!!!!! All of her lies have cost this county and State way to darn much as it is. I'm sorry, but, IMO KC has chosen her own path - other wise there would have never been a Grand Jury Indictment.

So sorry, but, she has gotten enough "special" treatment as it is. I still say throw her out in general pop. Let her see what life is really like.Time for not only KC, but the rest of the whole darn bunch to wake up and smell the roses!!!!!!!!
uh looks like CA is trying to keep GA in the hospital another week...that poor man.
I just want to know what makes KC so "special". No other inmate that has a relative die gets any special treatment??? They don't get to go to any memorial services, I have never heard of any such thing - she is in jail, not some sorority function to be held within the compound like BC and the A's are talking about. Plus, who is going to pay for all of the extra security and such, I hope not tax payers money - as usual!!!!! All of her lies have cost this county and State way to darn much as it is. I'm sorry, but, IMO KC has chosen her own path - other wise there would have never been a Grand Jury Indictment.

So sorry, but, she has gotten enough "special" treatment as it is. I still say throw her out in general pop. Let her see what life is really like.Time for not only KC, but the rest of the whole darn bunch to wake up and smell the roses!!!!!!!!

Forgive me if this has already been said. While I agree with everything you've said here, legally KC is innocent until proven guilty, therefore I wonder if that little fact would qualify some sort of special arrangement? If she had already been found guilty, this would be clear cut, but now I'm wonderinig........:confused:
Interesting. I guess it means now they have to put the funeral off a bit longer while they wait for an answer from the jail.

Who does it benefit the most to request a jail funeral service?

Who has the most to gain if it is turned down?

Who has the most to gain if it is allowed?

I believe it would be the defense team and Casey.
Forgive me if this has already been said. While I agree with everything you've said here, legally KC is innocent until proven guilty, therefore I wonder if that little fact would qualify some sort of special arrangement? If she had already been found guilty, this would be clear cut, but now I'm wonderinig........:confused:

But you have to remember they are asking for two things. One - to have an actual memorial service for little Caylee with all three attending, which probably violates their policy on the number of visitors allowed per visit. And Two - they are asking for a "private" meeting. That means no recording, no listening in. That is obviously against policy...and for good reason.

Why should they make an exception for Casey when they don't for any other inmates...many of whom are also awaiting trial or judgement? There are alot of people in there that are still legally "innocent" - but they are all still expected to follow the same policies of the jail. If they allow it for Casey, then all of the other inmates could start filing motions to be allowed to do the same. "Hey! I want MY private meeting with my family." "Hey - me too!" I just don't think they can open that can of worms. Given what Casey is accused of...I doubt they really want to anyway. :rolleyes:
Since when does she matter to Casey...? It seems to me, she hasn't mattered much (personally, I believe, at all) since, at least, June 15/16 2008. It's time for Caylee to be considered and hell w/Casey.
Gees, I'm thinking that when you kill your baby, you give up your right to attend her funeral/memorial.
That's generally how it works! Even "alleged" murders shouldn't attend the funerals/memorials of their victims, what an insult! :sick::sick::sick: It's like the victim is being victimized again.:behindbar
This is so creepy it defies explanation. We are in the Twilight Zone here.

Casey already attended Caylee's first funeral, as far as I'm concerned (and obviously the police agree). :furious:

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