Anthonys pushing for jailhouse funeral for Caylee!

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Boy, I'd pay to see that! Unbelievable!:mad:

Now there is a thought-do you think the Anthony's would set up a Pay-Per-View deal???

Somehow this is not out of the realm of possibility.
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

Above bolded by me. While I can understand your point of view and love nothing more than to play devil's advocate, where was Caylee's humane good bye to her family? How was she treated humanely in all of this?

The family, I feel for them and what they have lost. But they are hurting themselves further by not coming to grips with what has happened. Giving a memorial in jail is just another was to let Casey have her way. It sickens me the audacity, really.
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

You will probably get a lot of negativity for your post, so I just wanted to say bless you for being such a compassionate person. It is obvious that the Anthony family loved and adored this child, so I feel that we need to assume that they believe they are doing the right thing.
Does anyone know if Diane Downs or Susan Smith went to her chikdern furneral?
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

I don't know that Casey will ever face what she did.

She has been sitting in a solitary jail cell for over four months and has nothing to do other than eat her commissary junk food and think about what she did.

If she hasn't broken yet, she never will.

The sign of a true sociopath.
But you have to remember they are asking for two things. One - to have an actual memorial service for little Caylee with all three attending, which probably violates their policy on the number of visitors allowed per visit. And Two - they are asking for a "private" meeting. That means no recording, no listening in. That is obviously against policy...and for good reason.

Why should they make an exception for Casey when they don't for any other inmates...many of whom are also awaiting trial or judgement? There are alot of people in there that are still legally "innocent" - but they are all still expected to follow the same policies of the jail. If they allow it for Casey, then all of the other inmates could start filing motions to be allowed to do the same. "Hey! I want MY private meeting with my family." "Hey - me too!" I just don't think they can open that can of worms. Given what Casey is accused of...I doubt they really want to anyway. :rolleyes:

I totally agree. They have already flaunted the jail's rules - the letters passed through Jose Baez - which they admit to in the recently released visit video. It is astounding, these people are likely co conspirators in a cover up and they want a private meeting.
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

I, for one, will support you. I don't know that it's the BEST thing they could do at this point, but I also don't want to question their motives behind it, because no one except them understands the reasoning.

Maybe they want this so that they can forgive Casey. Forgiveness is very important to a lot of people, and no one should be slammed for wanting to be able to forgive someone who did them wrong.

Maybe they want this as a last chance to see how Casey reacts so they truly know what to believe.

Maybe they're just nuts. I have no idea. But it's not my family, and it's not my granddaughter, so I don't feel I have the right to judge. I'll leave the legal issues in the hands of the experts who are presiding over this case.
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

I would normally agree with you, however, in my opinion, this isposturing by the defense team, giving KC the ooportunity to be seen "grieving" for Caylee. To "humanize" her. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just when I thought this case couldn't get more bizarre I come here and find that this sweet little girl's funeral/memorial might be held at the jail...:mad:

I sincerely hope this request is turned down, as a jail is an inappropriate place to have a funeral or memorial service. Not only is this a government-owned facility which would probably require additional personnel and security, among other resources, just for the people who attend, etc., but also something like this could enrage certain others incarcerated there, assuming they know about this case and are aware that KC is among them. I've heard that KC is kept away from the others for her own safety--she is not among the general population for that reason (I believe).

Plus, if this is allowed, imagine the possible future demands of inmates charged with murder of family members....
Does anyone know if Diane Downs or Susan Smith went to her chikdern furneral?

According to this article in People magazine, Susan Smith did not even watch the funeral on TV.:

" Allowed only a Bible, a blanket, her eyeglasses and a single family visitor a week, she was virtually incommunicado, probably one of the few Americans who did not see footage of her sons' funeral or read accounts of it. There have been, says a spokeswoman for the South Carolina Department of Corrections, no tears in Susan's solitary cell. ",,20104416,00.html

There have been "no tears in Susan's solitary cell." She and KC sure are two of a kind. :furious: But, good grief, even she finally admitted that her story was a lie, that she had killed them and told them where to find the bodies. KC will go to her graving lying.
I'm probably going to get shot at here, but I think a jailhouse memorial service might be the best thing the A's could do at this point. Perhaps my belief system is a little different, but I always believed that memorial services were for the living, the ones left behind. Caylee is already gone--has been for months. Regardless of KC's role in her daughter's death (and no matter what we think we know, the truth may never come to light) even she must come to terms with the finality of her actions/inactions. More importantly, the A family has not even had the ability to grieve properly. No matter what any member of this board may think, I feel it is inhumane to deny them the opportunity to say goodbye as a family--even in the presence of the accused--if that is what they feel will aid their grieving process. They may NEED to look KC in the eye as they bless the memory of this baby as a part of their healing process. I don't think it will be a benefit or detriment to either side of the legal table. I just hope it can be decided quickly so the family can move on. I would not expect a burial. IMO the A's will more than likely keep Caylee's cremated remains as I don't believe they are anywhere near ready to let her go.

No shots...but, this didn't have to happen at all. It wasn't bad luck or anything that put them in this position. It's normal...not have consequences. Besides, they believe she's innocent, I don't think looking her in the eye is going to do anything for the healing process. Although, they can see her through visits should that change. At any rate, I think it's about time to consider and respect Caylee. She's the victim here...
From what I have been read Diane Downs was arrested AFTER Cheryl's funeral.

Funeral took place May 25th, 1983 and she was arrested February 28, 1984.

Eerie similarities in these cases big difference DD took her children to the ER and KC tried to hide it.
In the Susan Smith incident, things happened more quickly and less confusingly. The children were missing for 10 days before their mother confessed to everything. The boys were buried shortly after being recovered from the lake. In this case, neither the mother nor the family requested any kind of service together.
This case is different due to the length of time passed and the ongoing media storm. For the A's, who cannot possibly have imagined much less seen this train wreck coming, every day is "groundhog day"--they wake up to their world crashing all over again. If they believe that a service together in the jail will stop the madness (or even ease it) I say "let it be". Any service in rememberence of this child is a tribute, regardless of who attends! I'll step down from my soapbox, but I just don't see any way it could be a benifit or a detriment to either legal team.
Just one more slap in the face to Caylee! It still continues to be all about Casey. With this family it always will be about Casey and that is why poor Caylee is no longer here with us! This little girl just can't seem to get the respect from them that she deserves. Think about it memorial service in a JAIL with her and for her KILLER! God bless you Caylee! There are a lot of people in this world who never knew you but hurt for you and hope you may rest in peace:blowkiss:
This is so sad. I have never heard of a jail house funeral. I wonder if Andrea Yates was allowed to go to her 5 children's furneral? I don't think so. Has there been a case where someone was arrested for someone's death that has been allowed to attend their funeral? This to me is the most disrespectful thing they could do to Caylee. Who cares what they want this is about CAYLEE. I hope the justice system protects her better in death than she was protected in life.
It's pretty obvious, imo, how Geo and Cindy feel about Casey, since from what I know, they haven't seen her since 10/14/08. So, with this in mind, I am wondering if this is their way of rubbing her face in it... forcing Casey to have to endure a funeral. We know she doesn't want to, waste, huge waste, and all that.

Sadly. Very sadly. I really do not think they are asking for this funeral because they want to "get" at Casey or rub it in her face. I really strongly believe these people think their daughter is innocent and they actually believe they are so special as to deserve to host a funeral at the jailhouse.

They will never ever believe casey did this. Even if Casey herself admits it, they will still say she admits it only because..yada yada yada.

Understand that CASEY is a direct reflection of her parents and these parents do not want anyone to think they are bad parents or that their family is flawed - they CARE A GREAT DEAL about what people think of them and they will never give anyone of you the satisfaction of publicly condeming their "beautiful, smart, CEO and thumb" of a daughter.

*edited to include - even if deep down they DO believe she KILLED caylee - they will never say it out loud and they wil put it away in the back of their mind and still pretend to be the perfect family 0 there is nothing more important than keeping it together for everones eyes.
You will probably get a lot of negativity for your post, so I just wanted to say bless you for being such a compassionate person. It is obvious that the Anthony family loved and adored this child, so I feel that we need to assume that they believe they are doing the right thing.

Maybe they did love her in some way but they have shown over and over and over again they love Casey more than they ever did Caylee.
Has this even been 'confirmed' ???

From last night NG show....

KATHI BELICH, WFTV: Apparently, the family`s attorney says he`s trying to work with the jail to allow arrangements for something like this. The jail says that no request has been made and that it`s highly unlikely (SIC) that Casey Anthony would be treated as every other inmate in the jail. She`s under protective custody and they`re not going to bend the rules for her. So that`s what we know about that.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, you know I`m not going to even blame Casey for it. The whole thing about having a service in the jail started with discussions, and it was even discussed in my office here sometime back that they could potentially have a service right in the jail. There`s only three relatives outside right now. Obviously, if they get arrested for tampering or something, they could all be in there at the same time.

But we started discussing it, and then it was on some of the chat rooms that they were talking about it at the time, too. And so I can`t blame Casey for it. I think it just started on the outside and worked its way to where somebody -- an attorney picked up the ball and ran with it.
A psychologist on one of the programs said the she thought it was a "healthy" idea for the family. To grieve together.
I know it will never be allowed. However, I can see where the lawyer and the family is coming from and wanting to do this. I don't think it would go as well as the psychologist would think though. I don't think George could take it, and I am not sure mother and daughter would either. Lee would probably fly off to another state to avoid it.
Does anyone know if Diane Downs or Susan Smith went to her chikdern furneral?

Cheryl Downs was murdered on May 19, 1983. Her mother/murderer probably did attend her May 25th funeral as she was not indicted and arrested until February 28, 1984. In the interim, little Cheryl's critically injured brother and sister were under police guard.

Michael and Alex Smith were murdered on October 25, 1994. Their mother/murderer confessed on November 3rd and their little bodies were pulled from the lake that same day. Their funeral was November 6th. I doubt their mother/murderer attended. She was confined under a 24 hour suicide watch, wearing a paper gown.

I'm glad you asked this question. Casey's attorneys and family keep insisting this case is "special" and "unique". It is not. Caylee is far from the first child tragically murdered by the person who should have loved her the most and protected her from all harm. :furious:

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