Anthonys pushing for jailhouse funeral for Caylee!

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IF they grant the jailhouse funeral, I think they should have an open casket and let KC see that baby's skull and bone fragments that remain instead of the precious child she just threw away. Talk about shock value! I know that sounds mean...Seeing is believing ya know..but it could just shock her enough to cooperate, if not, it would be a horrible thing to have to see in her mind day after day forever. It should not be shown to anyone else, or pictures taken, etc..Seems like jailhouse would be easier to maintain control of the public. I guess I just want KC to see what the outcome of her actions were and that they were horrible!!! :furious::furious: Kathleen
I was hoping, by the thread title, the anthony's had pi$$ed of LE and they were "pushing" for a jailhouse reunion that way. I am sickened by the real meaning, but not a bit surprised. Raise your hand if you hate the anthony's.

Can I raise my hand with just a one finger salute?

Please God tell me that you broke the mold after you made this family?

This just blows my mind.

ROFLllll Actually since the A's indicate they are willing to negotiate then I would probably vote yes- but my end of the negotiations would include things like:

Max of 3 persons permitted to attend. Pictures of the deceased at the memorial are encouraged.
No contact visit- prisoner on one side of the room, mourners on the other side.
Due to the number of persons who would have to be in the room, and due to concerns over contraband there would be two cameras aiming at opposite sides, one on KC and one on the family. Live video with a seven second delay.
KC must prepare and read a written eulogy and must remain in the room if other family members read eulogies.

Comeon folks, we can't do anything about this. But if JB wants to have "entertainment" to complain about, then let's give him something.
This all sounds like another tactic to help Casey's image, as in "look she is a grieving mother" and "she wants to attend her daughter's funeral". The attorney's involved HAVE to know that this would never happen, a service behind bars of the person she is accused of murdering. PLEASE !
I agree ~ that is exactly what it sounds like to me ~ a defense ploy to make Casey into the grieving mother who isn't allowed to attend her murdered child's funeral. And here I thought the Anna Nicole burial hearings were as absurd as it could get! :rolleyes: MOO
No beautiful service in a church surrounded by loved onea, pictures, flowers, hymns and memorials...but a service in a jail. This is how they are going to send there final goodbyes to their beautiful granddaughter. This is the most pathetic, despicable thing I have ever heard of. I feel like I am going to retch.

This was exactly what I was thinking. Why wouldn't they want to celebrate Caylees life with family, and friends who loved her... and who deserve to say goodbye to Caylee in the proper way. Casey put a sticker over the duct tape and threw Caylee away, she don't deserve anything. That was Casey's goodbye.
It really makes me wonder who exactly came up with this crazy idea! They should be smacked in the back of the head...
I don't think that the judge would allow this at all. This case is nutts... something new every single day.
Gads, is there no end to this madness? I'm to the point now where I don't think I can follow this case for the sake of my own sanity. Ugh!!!!

I agree, it's become such insanity that my vasculitis has flared, my head hurts and my BP was in dangerous territory last night. I'm not even going to take it tonight after hearing this. :crazy:
IF they grant the jailhouse funeral, I think they should have an open casket and let KC see that baby's skull and bone fragments that remain instead of the precious child she just threw away. Talk about shock value! I know that sounds mean...Seeing is believing ya know..but it could just shock her enough to cooperate, if not, it would be a horrible thing to have to see in her mind day after day forever. It should not be shown to anyone else, or pictures taken, etc..Seems like jailhouse would be easier to maintain control of the public. I guess I just want KC to see what the outcome of her actions were and that they were horrible!!! :furious::furious: Kathleen

Respectfully I would ask you to consider something.

This is the girl that is alleged to have killed her daughter and at some point duct taped her mouth.
This is the girl that is alleged to have put her daughter's body in her trunk and drove around with it for about 2 days.
This is the girl that is alleged to have picked up her daughter's decomposing, odoriforous, dripping remains and to have carried them out into the woods.
This is the girl that continued to drive the car that stunk from decomposition fluids from her daughters remains.
And after all of that, this is the girl that began to party and cozy up with her boyfriend, meanwhile lying about the location of her daughter.

Looking at some dry bones that don't drip and don't even look like Caylee is not going to phase her.
I think one tiny bit of good has come from this latest Anthony antic.
I'm hoping that it has opened everyone's eyes as to the type of person Conway is. Any lawyer to go along with such a reprehensible request must have the morals of an ally cat.:furious:

I guess he can kiss his plans to ever run for public office, eh?
I think if they want to hold a memorial service at the jail, fine. However, I think a funeral Mass should also be held in church.
Oh yes, don't you know every grieving parent and grandparent wants to hold their child's funeral in the county pokey. It's all the rage!:bang:
Is this the kind of "closure" BC believes George needs?
MOTY already said her goodbyes when she dumped her. She grieved in her own way. A trip to Blockbuster to rent macabre tapes. When that didn't help her feel good enough, she danced at Fusion, went shopping on Amy's dime and cooked pasta for everyone.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think she's accepted this very well. :furious:
Good grief. When are these people going to let go of this child and let her be laid to rest? No one in that family is operating with a full deck right now. A judge needs to get control of her body so this can be done quickly.
I just wish the prosecution would come out with something that would shut this family and their attorneys up once and for all. over.
I just wish the prosecution would come out with something that would shut this family and their attorneys up once and for all. over.

From your lips to God's ears.

These games are getting old.
IMO, they just want the service at the jail to try to prove KC cares. Tough luck, she should have cared long ago. I dont think it will be allowed.
What is with these people?!?!

Is this an unprecedented event, to request a jail house funeral so the parent who has been indicted for murdering her child can attend the funeral? Has this ever been requested before in any other case and been granted?

Maybe if the A's wait long enough, the obstruction of justice charges will come in and THEN they could have their reunion with KC.

hahahahah! As a Orlando taxpayer I would not be adverse to having an A family wing at the jail :).
IF they grant the jailhouse funeral, I think they should have an open casket and let KC see that baby's skull and bone fragments that remain instead of the precious child she just threw away. Talk about shock value! I know that sounds mean...Seeing is believing ya know..but it could just shock her enough to cooperate, if not, it would be a horrible thing to have to see in her mind day after day forever. It should not be shown to anyone else, or pictures taken, etc..Seems like jailhouse would be easier to maintain control of the public. I guess I just want KC to see what the outcome of her actions were and that they were horrible!!! :furious::furious: Kathleen

I agree with you! She needs a wake up call.....
Since she was the only one who attended the heart ceremony/ She should be allowed to see her efforts weren't in vane.
Can I raise my hand with just a one finger salute?

Please God tell me that you broke the mold after you made this family?

This just blows my mind.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Who do these people think they are??? And what idiot is entertaining this request? Makes me want to vomit. Throwing away that precious baby like that. Maybe if they do this, Casey will feel so caught up in emotion and confess! Yeah, right. Can't even listen to this anymore. Where's the bus or train that they need to be run over by?

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