Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!

I don't understand it either.
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!

I'm thinking the A's are sadly mistaken if they think they are going to get much public sympathy after all they've done to delay the inevitable.... That public sympathy now belongs to Caylee Marie.
The public sympathy angle is the only thing I can come up with. Are they really that deluded? Maybe their attorney is so new to the entire case he really has no clue how much the family is reviled. Or he's totally incompetent -- but I don't think so.

It just seems like a nutty thing to do.
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!

Great question!!!

Put me in the baffled column!
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!

Thank you!! WHY-- is what I want to know. Also, what is Conway waiting for? Is he waiting for the investigation of the crime scene to be finished?
Maybe it's time to put that SA petition link back up here. Just in case BC needs further confirmation. :)
Lies are bad enough-but remember Cindy said lying was not a crime. However, 1. Tampering with evidence 2. Obstruction of an investigation and 3. Accessory after the fact are in my opinion on a whole different level. I hope LE and FBI take their time to consider whether they deserve a pass on this. Being honest from the start couldn't have saved Caylee's life BUT, if Caylee hadn't been found-it could have gotten a murderer freed!!!:furious:

Gee, if lying is not a crime, why is Casey charged with lying to LE? Cindy doesn't know squat and for that alone, she should be prosecuted for stupidity. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
I have seen this mentioned a lot, but i am missing something.
Why would george lie about seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th? I don;t understand what advantage or disadvantage that is to Casey. IOW, an alibi for the morning of the 16th doesn't buy Casey anything does it? I don't know why he would lie about it.

I think GA is confusing the 9th with the 16th, as to when KC left the house with Caylee and backpacks.

IRRC, kc told GA she may be working late and not come home. That was the night she didn't come home. She spent the night with Ricardo.

His memory may have been adjusted when CA changed the dates.
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!
Because Cindy wants the media attention still?

I think the sympathy vote is what they are hoping for. What I want to know is why their attorney referred to it as just "immunity" It is really IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION. In other words, I'm not telling the truth until you promise to not discipline me. Buffalo chips.
it was mentioned on CNN that according to BC the sa & LE aren't at this time thinking about prosc them ---- kicker was "at this time"........
I think you might be right! We may never know of course. Was a coverup conscious and calcuted in detail, or not?

It may be that when G & C could not accept that Caylee was deceased, they created a false reality to allow them to cope and function.

They then would feel justified in altering the real reality to fit in with their false reality to which they clung.

They are really torn at this point because they are dealing with this unfathomable loss and also the impending loss of Casey from the home.

This is not to say I am overflowing with compassion for them. I was in the beginning , but they talked alot of that out of me.


PS Can anyone answer the question I asked that got buried???

DId the Anthony's lie about the big fight anyway, so as to create the illusion that it did not happen??? That's how I remember it but I am not sure.:blowkiss:
I ask because if the motive for George to lie about when Casey and Caylee left the house, is to take emphasis off that fight....we would need to know about the fight. If we don't know about it, why hide it from us?

bold by me
Not sure if anyone answered. I'm just reading thru some threads now.
I watched the Dateline interview just the other night and Cindy said that on June 15 (Father's Day) she and Caylee went to Mt Dora to visit the with Great-grandparents at the Assisted Living Facility and then cindy said she and Casey had a lovely evening on June 15. Everything was lovely that day! We are led to believe nothing upsetting happened on June 15. but according to Rick and the neighbor there was an argument.
Also, Didn't Lee tell someone (Jesse?) that Cindy and Casey argued and Cindy went to strangle Casey?
Lies are bad enough-but remember Cindy said lying was not a crime. However, 1. Tampering with evidence 2. Obstruction of an investigation and 3. Accessory after the fact are in my opinion on a whole different level. I hope LE and FBI take their time to consider whether they deserve a pass on this. Being honest from the start couldn't have saved Caylee's life BUT, if Caylee hadn't been found-it could have gotten a murderer freed!!!:furious:

Not to mention the millions of dollars the taxpayers of Florida will have to pay because they LIED and covered up KC's actions. They should have to make full restitution for taxpayers money spent because of each and every lie.
She not only knew it was missing but, per George, probably knew that it was the last thing Caylee was seen in. I think Caylee was killed in the house on the night of the 15th. KC may have wrapped her in the sheet and took her to the car telling George that she was asleep and that she was taking her to Zanny's house. I think this is a good reason for George to lie to LE about seeing them leave. If he had told them that Caylee was asleep and wrapped in a sheet when she left LE would immediately entertain the possibility that Caylee was dead and not asleep. So that their house would not be suspected of being the scene of the crime, they portrayed the night before and that morning as normal.

It wouldn't be so important for CA to question KC about a sheet that was only missing but knowing that Caylee was wrapped in it, supposedly asleep, would make them think of the possibility that Caylee was dead and not asleep. Instead, there was no fight, GA knew exactly what both were wearing, hugs, kisses, etc. No reason to look at the house as a crime scene, Zanny did it.

Now comes the rumors of Caylee being wrapped in a covering when she was found, the linens on Caylee's bed taken as evidence, and their worst fears are being realized. Caylee was dead when she left the house on the 16th and LE can prove this. Their statements about the circumstances of KC and Caylee leaving become lies and obstruction of justice so that now they need immunity to admit the correct story.

As a side note, I think the reason KC took Caylee's clothes off was so that she wouldn't be found in the pajamas CA put on her before tucking her into bed that night.

That is a very reasonable theory. The duct tape to keep them from hearing her scream? horrible.
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times, but why did the A's new attorney even make this public? Why not go to the authorities and ask for immunity in private? What was the advantage to do it this way? Unless he had the mistaken idea they would get loads of public sympathy in favor of an immunity deal and felt the prosecution would be pressured to go along? I'm not understanding... help!

Seems as if he wanted to beat the prosecution to the punch. It's a great legal technique and not a new one.
Seems as if he wanted to beat the prosecution to the punch. It's a great legal technique and not a new one.

It IS a great legal technique!!!

But I believe it is meant to be used in front of a jury.
It takes the oomph out of negative evidence that will come out, if the person to whom the bad stuff pertains, puts it into evidence at trial.

But to do it outside the Courtroom, when your clients are being investigated relative to potential criminal charges, might not be quite as productive for the defense.

Did he flutter, too?:)

I don't disagree that it seems to be a concocted story.

I just can't see any motive to do it.
A murder is a murder no matter when they leave the house.

Correct ,but if you change the "house" in the scenario, you change the possibilities of subjects, imo
Yeah, after a million LIES why would it be believed that THIS TIME they were bing honest. They KNEW there were discrepancies all along-they made them up and planned them out together to cast doubt...But the question that I ask myself is WHY are they NOW willing to come clean?

To profit from her death is the ONLY reason that I can come up with that makes any sense whatsoever. They KNOW if they are charged and convicted they will be prohibited from profitting from her death, and THIS is unacceptable to them. They are willing to throw Casey to the wolves at this point to insure that they continue to be allowed to make money from this child's death.

I PRAY that in consideration of JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE that the State will deny this offer and seek the full recourse of charges available to prosecute the crimes committed by EVERY member of this family to the FULL extent of the law.:furious:

I honestly do not believe they will throw Casey to the wolves. I personally believe they are asking for immunity because they fear they are also going to face charges.

And unless they participated in the actual crime or cover-up of the crime, which I don't think they did, I think they could still sell "their story" or profit from Caylee's death. I think it's Casey that can't profit, but I am not an attorney, so I don't have a real clue how that works.

Like you, I hope they are held accountable for their actions. I think the only time Cindy actually put Caylee first was when she made the 911 calls. After that, Caylee was forgotten and she focused on Casey.

But this is just a guess on my part, and what you're saying is a very good explanation as to why the A's now want to deal, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if you're right on the money about what's going on with the A's.
The A's were advised to get an attorney once the body was found. Le must have gave the impression that they could and maybe would go after them. Their lawyer is trying to prevent any public outcry by dangling their information like a carrot. He knows they are guilty of trying to plant reasonable doubt.He knows they are guilty of trashing LE. He knows they have run their mouth so much that people are "sick" of them. He is doing all he can to promote sympathy for the A's. The picture of George crying in his truck...all for sympathy..he couldn't get out of the camera to do this . They are trying to avoid any charges that could keep them from making a buck. They havn't worked in 6 months
how does that work??? Casey stole because she had no money..she even took Caylee's money from the bank . They were a working family before this happened. I hope that LE finds enough evidence to nail all involved. Justice for Caylee
The A's were advised to get an attorney once the body was found. Le must have gave the impression that they could and maybe would go after them. Their lawyer is trying to prevent any public outcry by dangling their information like a carrot. He knows they are guilty of trying to plant reasonable doubt.He knows they are guilty of trashing LE. He knows they have run their mouth so much that people are "sick" of them. He is doing all he can to promote sympathy for the A's. The picture of George crying in his truck...all for sympathy..he couldn't get out of the camera to do this . They are trying to avoid any charges that could keep them from making a buck. They havn't worked in 6 months
how does that work??? Casey stole because she had no money..she even took Caylee's money from the bank . They were a working family before this happened. I hope that LE finds enough evidence to nail all involved. Justice for Caylee

All indications are that their attorney, Brad Conway, was retained before the discovery. He wasn't able to meet with them until they returned from their trip.
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