Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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Where did this notion come from that the Anthonys are holding the remains of Caylee as an assurance of immunity? That makes no sense at all. It's ridiculous to think that LE is "holding off arrest until the funeral is over". The Anthonys aren't going anywhere, LE can arrest them whenever it is convenient or neccessary to arrest them.
I just checked out several news outlets, and on the Sentinel Blog, people are up in arms about the A's getting immunity. If LE/SA listens to the people, the A's won't be getting it.
I'm not quite sure if the request for immunity isn't part of some grander picture, but something tells me this may backfire in their faces.
At first I thought LE should hear what they have to say and if it's valuable enough then go ahead and give them immunity.

Now, after thinking about it longer, plain and simple they just cannot be trusted. Sc**w Em. Who needs their conditional honesty? Their day late and dollar short pretense at wanting to do right by Caylee. Why no plans as of 12-31-08 for Caylee's funeral? Are they now holding the bones of that precious child hostage for self protectiion? Will they ever look back and see how many times they stabbed Caylee in the back? I may need to go to the rant thread. JMO

They haven't been honest and your right, they can't be trusted. Wonder if they would agree to a poly (now) if they were given immunity? (it's not like they can just be taken at their word :crazy:) The way that this case has played out, it probably would'nt be a bad idea for the SA to require - it is possible that the defense...laugh...could, on cross examination, bring they're credibility...laugh... issue I said, you never know and it happens all the time, the pots calling the kettles black.
Where did this notion come from that the Anthonys are holding the remains of Caylee as an assurance of immunity? That makes no sense at all. It's ridiculous to think that LE is "holding off arrest until the funeral is over". The Anthonys aren't going anywhere, LE can arrest them whenever it is convenient or neccessary to arrest them.
I agree. I think the Docs are on holiday somewhere nice and warm. First things first.
i guess it doesn't hurt to ask :winko:

but..... if they had cooperated they wouldn't have had to ask for immunity.

If they had cooperated AT ALL anything they might have done initially that was deemed unlawful would likely have been dropped given the circumstances.

if a parent lies at first and then changes story,etc. that is criminal, but very often they are not prosecuted because it is considered "normal" for a parent to cover for a child to a certain extent, or be in denial, etc. and if the person later shows remorse and cooperates fully, charges are often dropped.
Bolding mine.

You mean the "grieving grandparents", ya know, the same ones who said they loved Caylee with all their hearts and bought her stuff, may not have been telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to LE all along?

How could such a thing be true? I mean, haven't they told us over and over and over that we need to focus on Caylee? To get off our asses and find their grandaughter? Do you mean there's the slightest possibility the A family hasn't done all it could to bring that tiny bag of bones that once was a vibrant, singing child out of a garbage dump for a Christian burial? Does that mean the same hammer and bat-weilding people who protected GRASS so bravely didn't do all they could for their own grandaughter? Do you think George was telling us something when he put that yellow crime tape around Cindy's house?

WOW, I find this whole thing mind boggling.

My opinion only.

Exactly. ABSOLUTELY! And very well put by a snippy (but very good snippy) sort of way.
Originally Posted by Bev
Where did this notion come from that the Anthonys are holding the remains of Caylee as an assurance of immunity? That makes no sense at all. It's ridiculous to think that LE is "holding off arrest until the funeral is over". The Anthonys aren't going anywhere, LE can arrest them whenever it is convenient or neccessary to arrest them.
Evidently, it came from their attorney, BC, according to this article:

Immunity would ensure the couple could tell investigators everything they know without fear of prosecution, attorney Brad Conway said.


Investigators are waiting until after Caylee's funeral before they approach the Anthonys again, Conway said.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.,0,3948456.story
Today's Bus Schedule:

- Cindy was formerly going to throw Jesse, Amy, and Ricardo under the bus. This schedule has changed. Cindy will now throw Casey under the bus, so that LE will not throw her under the bus.

- George will continue to throw whomever Cindy tells him to under the bus.

- We predict that since Cindy (and therefore George) are now willing to throw Casey under the bus, that Casey's previously scheduled throwing of the non-existent ZFG under the bus will now have a change in schedule to Casey throwing Cindy and George under the bus.

- It is unknown at this time who Lee will attempt to throw under the bus, or who is attempting to throw Lee under the bus.

- Caylee remains dead, murdered by her mother, Casey, and fades even further from memory as each of her family members struggle and posture to avoid being the one thrown under the bus.

That was great,turned my frown upside down:woohoo::woohoo:
Something turned in George and Cindy's heads around the time they got this new attorney. Either they've come to grips with what's happened, or they are going to continue the crazy nanny story. I am probably going to get reemed here for saying this, but I think one or both of them has come to their senses. Think about it: no more visits, they are awfully quiet and it seems to be that they are gearing up for telling all they know in exchange for getting Casey convicted. Check out the article here:

Do I think the family has done something illegal or obstructive? Yes. Do I think they consciously helped Casey in the murder of KLee? No. I think they believed what their hearts told them to for a long time but with the confirmation of Klee's death, knowing the bizarre lies Casey has told her whole life, and knowing whatever other testimony and evidence is going to come out, they are coming face to face with the evil named Casey. Just my opinion.
My theory is that Casey bought a replacement crib sheet/blanket at JCP.

Does JC Penny sell gloves in June? The A's sure grabbed the receipt quckly when they saw what was on it! KC might have been really cold. :cool:
IMO...The two lawyers for the A's goal is to protect their civil rights by getting them full immunity. I believe they are only using the media as a way to generate interest of the public, LE and DA to hear what "compelling" information their clients have in assisting in prosecuting KC and make it appear that they are desperate to talk. Once the immunity is granted they can continue on with their fairy tales without fear of prosecution and their lawyers will have done their jobs.
The statute is in the last pages of the Will George and Cindy Testify thread, but in Fl in a felony case if you are ordered to testify by subpoena you cannot take the fifth, there is limited immunity in that your words cannot be used to prosecute you later, but you are not immune to the crime you may have committed (unless a seperate immunity deal is reached in advance). If subpoenaed they will either answer honestly, commit perjury and be prosecuted, or refuse to answer and be in contempt.

If you testify voluntarily your words can be used against you later, and you could take the fifth. They will all be subpoenaed I think, that is what they meant when they said "the Anthony's will be asked to help convict their daughter".

So what it comes down to is that the Anthonys are asking for full immunity because if they are subpoenaed and answer the questions truthfully while on the witness stand, their answers may lead to being charged with a crime.

If full immunity is granted, they can testify truthfully without the possibility of being charged for crimes they may have committed.
Please show enough respect for Caylee to spell out her name correctly.

Wow. I surely have the most respect for CAYLEE. I had seen many people using abbreviations and thought that it was done for a reason. Please don't imply I don't have respect for her, that's a little harsh.
IMO...The two lawyers for the A's goal is to protect their civil rights by getting them full immunity. I believe they are only using the media as a way to generate interest of the public, LE and DA to hear what "compelling" information their clients have in assisting in prosecuting KC and make it appear that they are desperate to talk. Once the immunity is granted they can continue on with their fairy tales without fear of prosecution and their lawyers will have done their jobs.

That was my other thought that could happen and I hope that's not the case. I am hoping one or both have seen the light.
I have always wondered about "NOT LOSE ANOTHER ONE!"
what did she mean???? CA talks wierd ...........:eek:

That was in reference to LA being chased in his car by the media when he left the jail one day. CA had lost Caylee and did not want to lose LA in a car wreck. CA made this statement on video.

I'm bolding this post so people see it, there is a big misconception on what CA was referring to and many even wrongly assume this means Casey had an abortion or another child. It just gets outta hand. I don't want to see the rumors get resurrected again. :blowkiss:
That was in reference to LA being chased in his car by the media when he left the jail one day. CA had lost Caylee and did not want to lose LA in a car wreck. CA made this statement on video.

I'm bolding this post so people see it, there is a big misconception on what CA was referring to and many even wrongly assume this means Casey had an abortion or another child. It just gets outta hand. I don't want to see the rumors get resurrected again. :blowkiss:

I still want to see a link to this. I have searched valiantly but to no avail.
I hope they give them immunity so we can put this to rest for little Caylee's sake.
Hi, this is my first post. Isn't it time that everyone in the A family comes clean, tells the truth and takes their punishment? Seems to me, the unwillingness to do so created the monster in the first place. To continue in this insanity is, well, just INSANE!
I still want to see a link to this. I have searched valiantly but to no avail.

I wish I had one for you, it was during the first time Casey was in jail and LA had returned to CA's house from a visit with Casey. It's one of CA's
impromptu rants at the media in her front yard. Seriously, the comment does not mean what some want it to.
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