Anthonys want autopsy results sealed AND ALL Autopsy Updates

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Should the Anthonys have a say about the autopsy results being sealed?

  • Yes - they are justified and should have a say in it

    Votes: 35 6.4%
  • No - they shouldn't have a say in it

    Votes: 505 91.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 2.0%

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Thank you for your response and I understand all of your points; however, I have to wonder, since autopsies are a matter of public record, could the media not also demand the release of the Cantu autopsy as they most likely will do in the Anthony case?

I have no dog in this fight as far as seeing the autopsy or not, but I do wonder if the negative emotions against the A's is what drives us to feel entitled to this report.

I don't want this to come out wrong as I'd like to the see the autopsy, but whatever the court decides is fine with me. I do respect the Cantus and for that reason I would not particularly want to see that report. As far as the sexual assault vs. whatever state Caylee was in when the body was found, how do we know that the findings will not cause public outrage and prevent KC from getting a fair trial also? This is simply an observation on my part, nothing more. Respect for the family vs. no respect for the family of a deceased child. I was curious, that's all.

My question was also about how the Sunshine laws in Florida affect a gag order. Which law trumps the other? Would it apply to an autopsy report?


I do not know the laws in California, so I don't know how open things are there. Also, I am not an attorney and the attorneys that I spend most of my time with are in Virginia so the advice they give me is based on Virginia law. However, based on what I do know, I would think that the media can file as many motions as they want to see whatever they want. If what they are seeking is under seal they will not be allowed to see it unless they can come up with a valid reason that does not jeopardize the case in any way, shape or form and I can't think of a legal reason they could do so. In Florida, from my understanding, the gag order would have trumped the Sunshine laws. The Sunshine laws are in place and a given, unless a judge orders that something be sealed.

I carry a copy of the Constitution in my purse everywhere I go. I love our Constitution and I will always fight to protect it, no mater if I agree with the person or not. For example, I may not agree with something you want to say, but will defend your right to say it. I am a practitioner of non-violence and don't own a gun, but fiercely protect and defend the 2nd Amendment because I know why the founding fathers gave it to us and I believe, especially the last eight years (Patriot Act among other things) that it is necessary. However I will be the first to admit that PART of my reasoning is because of my negative feelings for the Anthony's. They are not interested in justice for Caylee, just freedom for KC. As Tricia says, we all have something to offer and I would like to see all the evidence so that I can see if there is anything I have to offer this poor baby.

As many of you know, I have done volunteer work for IP cases for years. I am currently working on a case that I have been working on for the last 10 years. This Feb marked the 30th Anniversary of the man being placed in prison for a crime that I and MANY other people do not believe he committed. The man's family did not care about Justice for him. When he was sentenced to death, his mother told the powers that be that executing him was fine with her. She was abusive and was the person who taught her son to use drugs. For 25 years there have been people working this case and there are a set of about 5 major questions and 500 minor questions that have never been answered and frankly, after all these years many people have given up. Last week, while talking to a friend of my father's who I have known longer than I have been working on the case, somehow we got to talking about it and out of no where the answer to one of the major questions, that could eventually play a major role in freeing this man fell right in my lap. I called the lawyers at 2 a.m. and they are now sending PI's down here to legally get the info that we need so motions and petitions can be filed and media alerted. The almost hired and sent someone over that night! Little old me, after all these years, practically on accident found answers that were being looked for since I was in elementary school that may set a man free after 30 years. You never know what a public look and fresh eyes will find in that report or in the piles of evidence we have been allowed to see. Two of our members here solved the mystery of who was taking down the memorials just by taking a little initiative to investigate on their own.

So yes, absolutely, the A's behavior and lack of ability to look past their daughter's lies and see the truth and seek justice for Caylee, in my heart, compels me to have no sympathy for them and to seek it myself and in that sense, it is partly my feelings for them that drives me in this case.

(Warning Graphic) As far as her condition, the public SHOULD be outraged!! In Cantu's case I am of the opinion (MOO) that they really aren't afraid so much of mere public outrage, but also the possibility that someone will shoot Huckabee in the head while she is being transported, or at least try to, putting officers and the public in danger. KC is a mother who killed her child, which unfortunately happens all the time. Mother's that do so lie all the time, it is the family ache for the spotlight that turned it into what it became. I am sure there is some fear for KC's safely or they wouldn't be transporting her so secretively, however, there is a special kind of hatred for Female Sunday School teachers who rape trusting little girls with inanimate objects and then kill them and throw them in the retention pond.

But yes, I can't imagine that the gag order wouldn't trump the Sunshine laws. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. I'm always willing to learn more about out rights!
Ok, so if the A's havent seen the AR, and dont know whats in it, then how the HECK does BC know that there is "no bombshells" AND....

how do the A's know that the AR doesnt EXONERATE their precious perp? For all they know, there could be info in the report that could show that the perp didnt do it. (ie info about something that indicates only someone large and strong could have achieved) they cant know that UNLESS THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THE REPORT.

Oh, but if I read between the lines, BC says they didnt READ the report, not that they didnt get someone else to read it and relay the info...

*sammie tears her hair and gnashes teeth*

(bold mine)

Or unless they already know exactly what happened. Which I think they do...
The reason that Sandra's autopsy was sealed was made very clear. The horrific sexual assult she suffered was so vile, obvious and inflamatory that to release the results would hinder Huckabees defence.

Also, the judge made the decision to seal the autopsy report after reading it. There were no special requests made by anyone. It was done as a routine court procedure and not accompanied with a lot of media exposure.
Absolutely. And I, unlike the Anthonys, understand the meaning of "public records."

My question as to standing deals, though, with BC's right to file any motions in regard to the criminal case. George and Cindy are not parties. BC is not an attorney for the defense. I still would think there would have to be an amicus curiae filed to even allow BC's motions to get past go. And if he were to do that, how would the relationship between he and JB change? Or is the law here in Florida that much different than other parts of the world?

I believe anyone can file motions to ask a court to do whatever they want, as JB so kindly showed us when asking to be present for all testing of little Caylee's body and the search for her in the woods on Suburban BEFORE it was even known by anyone other than KC that it was actually Caylee. Imagine if he was snooping his nose around there and it turned out it wasn't Caylee!! He had no business there, or to be present for testing before it was certain whose remains they were. However, just because you file does not mean it will be granted. Anyone, even those who aren't lawyers can file motions and ASK the court for things. And if they have no right, they are just denied. Bogs and clogs the system, but still a right in America.
SoSueM I feel many of W/S members emotionally want something to be provided in discovery docs that will connect KC to the murder of Caylee in a concrete way. If this were to happen it would make the A's less interesting in sluething what tiny morsal members put together. Once something shows a direct link CA & GA would have nothing left to say and their foundation would be considered a joke. The A's have held the box with Cayleeys ashes long before the memorial. I'm sure that from the moment CA & GA held Caylles ashes to the memorial, to home, gave them an opportunity to think about all aspects surrounding Caylee's death and deal with these emotions with their mental health counselors. (I pray the therapist are on a retainer as thier counsel, as they seem to be needed more than a attorney. They have pulled the emotional distress so many times while actively trying to derail investigations.) I know that I'v personally become frustrated with the A's contradictions and feel this game of charades needs to stop and they need to start doing a life. It was stated on Oprah yesterday that a "crisis" is the end of the world as we know it. Lay the old to rest so you can work on something new to be born from the lessons learned. I just want all the side,snide,cokey, smiles to stop comming from the family because it shows such disrespect for Caylee Marie Anthony.
Also, the judge made the decision to seal the autopsy report after reading it. There were no special requests made by anyone. It was done as a routine court procedure and not accompanied with a lot of media exposure.
They way I read it, he hasn't made a decision. He TEMPORARILY sealed it until he heard all the arguments. BTW the actual autopsy REPORT (the pictures have already been sealed) is an entirely different matter. Even if it IS sealed, it will come out during the trial and probably more vividly than if it were released and read now. I sincerely hope the media argues that speculation by the puoblic on the report would be far more ugly than the releasing the actual report.

\besides, I have yet to see any anguish from the Anthonys - lots and lots and lots of ANGER, but no anguish.

I also question the timing of the release of the body to the Anthonys - was it signed BEFORE or AFTER the autopsy. That might make a difference. I would think leaving the remains of that child in a funeral warehouse while they planned a not-so-public memorial would have produced more anguish that a written report which they probably will not even read.
Thank you for your response and I understand all of your points; however, I have to wonder, since autopsies are a matter of public record, could the media not also demand the release of the Cantu autopsy as they most likely will do in the Anthony case?

I have no dog in this fight as far as seeing the autopsy or not, but I do wonder if the negative emotions against the A's is what drives us to feel entitled to this report.

I don't want this to come out wrong as I'd like to the see the autopsy, but whatever the court decides is fine with me. I do respect the Cantus and for that reason I would not particularly want to see that report. As far as the sexual assault vs. whatever state Caylee was in when the body was found, how do we know that the findings will not cause public outrage and prevent KC from getting a fair trial also? This is simply an observation on my part, nothing more. Respect for the family vs. no respect for the family of a deceased child. I was curious, that's all.

My question was also about how the Sunshine laws in Florida affect a gag order. Which law trumps the other? Would it apply to an autopsy report?


Autopsy's are a matter of public record. but the one clear cut unequivocal reason that a court will seal them is in the circumstances of rape or sexual assault. particularly of a child. That is the accepted comunity and legal standard for sealing pretty much any public records.

This applied very clearly in Sandra Cantu's case, and is the reason why the judge so quickly and totally clamped a gag order on all parties in the case. because it involved the sexual assault of a child.

By all evidence this aspect does not apply to the Caylee case.

It is long held that the public has the right to know certain basic amounts of information concerning the death of any members of the community. As such the Death Certificate and where applicable Coroners Report are and must be maters of public record. As I said above, our society does not permit and cannot permit secret deaths. So all but the most extreme issues must be open to the public and public scrutiny. In those cases where the record is sealed it is to protect the victim themselves, (rape and sexual assault and the details of it still to this day carry a certain stigma to them, even in death, and bring a certain perception of shame and disgrace to the victim). While the A's might not want everyone hearing the details of Caylee's departure. That Coroners report is Caylee's voice in all of this. And hers is the only one that counts. if it brings shame pain or disgrace to George and Cindy or even KC is inconsequential. The only standard for sealing it is if it in some way brings community shame or disgrace or further harm to Caylee.
They way I read it, he hasn't made a decision. He TEMPORARILY sealed it until he heard all the arguments. BTW the actual autopsy REPORT (the pictures have already been sealed) is an entirely different matter. Even if it IS sealed, it will come out during the trial and probably more vividly than if it were released and read now. I sincerely hope the media argues that speculation by the puoblic on the report would be far more ugly than the releasing the actual report.

I believe Laila was referring to the judge in the Sandra Cantu case :)
I would feel exactly the same.IMO this is not about compassion-or lack of-but following the law,and justice for the murder of a little girl.Please ask yourself why most of us don't care for the A's.

I do understand why so many feel as you do. They frustrate me no end!

BUT ..................I am able to have empathy for their situation. If it were my grandchild that was killed by the hand of another....I would rather it remain sealed until trial.

IMO It's not much different than those that want to photograph Anna Nichole or John Travolta's son dead.....

I admit I have looked at the photo's available of JonBenet Ramsey countless times. But I also know, if she were my child, grandchild or niece I would prefer those were not available to the public.
In a motion filed by their attorney, George and Cindy Anthony argue that "the information contained within in the report will cause great anguish to the Anthony family."

Tough! The entire Anthony family has caused "great anguish" to a nation of concerned, sympathetic, prayerful people, and to me personally. I do not give a d@mn any more how they feel, and it irks me every time they're able to control what we see and know. I'm ashamed of how that sounds but it's the truth.

ETA: However, I could understand, and even agree with the A's, if they were only asking the court to withhold the autopsy photographs . It would be ghastly for them (and for me :( ) to turn on television or log onto the internet and be presented with Caylee's little skeleton.
Come on people...have some compassion.

If it was your granddaughter wouldn't want a say?

I know many of you don't care for the Anthonys...but take them out of the equation....then how would you answer?

I would say that I am subject to the law of the land, and can thus suck it up, or I can work for change in the law.

AND, if my daughter murdered a baby-- any baby, I'd bust her, myself.
All the A's can say in their defense is that it will cause them "anguish." The media's points will overpower theirs--the rules of the Sunshine Laws, fact that no other family gets special treatment like this, etc. They could go on forever with reasons and laws of why this should be released while the A's will be lucky to make five minutes worth of points "it's hard for our family, it will cause us anguish, we are still having trouble coping, etc." If the judge rules in their favor I will seriously be shocked.

All crimes are hard on somebody's family. But, the As are "entitled." :(
He didn't bother to pick up the reports because, IMO, he already knew that these people did not see Caylee. IMO, Jose already knew that Caylee was dead.........

I agree. So, the idiot should not have tied up resources by asking.

BTW-- I read, today, that KC calls him, "J." How cute! Not.
IMHO, Caylee's remains will lose no respect. A description of the bit of her that remains to be examined for evidence will probably be no more invasive or personal than the description of the hair that was found in the trunk of the car. I hope not, anyway. The only people who will feel a loss of respect are those who harmed her or are trying to prevent the truth of her murder from coming into the light.

I don't think there's anything here on earth that we can do to harm her. She is finally safe and beyond harm.

Go for it and please bring any and everything to light that can help convict her murder.

Agree! The crime does not reflect on the VICTIM. It reflects on the perp.

It's a little like reflecting shame on a rape VICTIM.
Those two should try doing some of that ugly coping to get their minds off things. ;)

NOOOOOOOO! Now, I'll NEVER get the picture of CA pole-dancing out of my head! :(:eek::eek::eek:
having an autopsy report made public simply underscores and perhaps emphasizes that the death of this child was a crime and not simply the tragic "accident" the anthonys have worked so hard to convince a jury it was.

When a child dies in a tragic accident, it is respectful to withhold the details of a post-mortem examination. When a child is the victim of a crime, the horror of certain details may be necessary to remind the jury of how unjust the event and how terribly violated the child was. .

Nothing about the death of this child indicates respect was showed by her family at any level. The person who killed her, (or allowed her to die and callously hid the event to avoid the consequences), and bagged her like garbage showed no respect. The grandparents insisting that she was a missing child and refusing to cooperate with those who sought to find her remains in a timely fashion was disrespectful. The fact that the family ate dinner at the ritz and discussed media plans while le was on their hands and knees searching for caylee's little bones that had been scattered by the elements and by animals, due in large part to the delay they purposely brought on in their efforts to protect their own daughter and arrange for her defense was the height of disrespect. The gaudy, proprietary and superficial way they chose to memorialize her as if she were a cherished object bestowed especially on their family, and conversely, the way they were rude to the very people who they exploited for media attention when they wanted to grieve alongside them was extremely disrespectful.

None of the anthony family has shown the search for justice and dignity this innocent baby deserved, from realizing the danger she was in by enabling their daughter, to protecting her from the harm that came to her. They have only sought to claim the grieving grandparent card as they have sought to claim any other privilege - when it suits their purposes only.

Little caylee can suffer no further indignity than has already been heaped upon her by the hands of those to whom her safety was entrusted. If there are any salient facts in this autopsy that help contribute to justice or if it raises the awareness and anger of the public that children can be so mistreated, and someday helps prevent similar situations going forward, then i could care less about the anthonys and their sensibilities.

They have shown that sensitivity is something they feel they are exclusively entitled to and everyone else is immaterial.

Having an autopsy report made public simply underscores and perhaps emphasizes that the death of this child was a crime and not simply the tragic "accident" the Anthonys have worked so hard to convince a jury it was.

When a child dies in a tragic accident, it is respectful to withhold the details of a post-mortem examination. When a child is the victim of a crime, the horror of certain details may be necessary to remind the jury of how unjust the event and how terribly violated the child was. .

Nothing about the death of this child indicates respect was showed by her family at any level. The person who killed her, (or allowed her to die and callously hid the event to avoid the consequences), and bagged her like garbage showed no respect. The grandparents insisting that she was a missing child and refusing to cooperate with those who sought to find her remains in a timely fashion was disrespectful. The fact that the family ate dinner at the Ritz and discussed media plans while LE was on their hands and knees searching for Caylee's little bones that had been scattered by the elements and by animals, due in large part to the delay they purposely brought on in their efforts to protect their own daughter and arrange for her defense was the height of disrespect. The gaudy, proprietary and superficial way they chose to memorialize her as if she were a cherished object bestowed especially on their family, and conversely, the way they were rude to the very people who they exploited for media attention when they wanted to grieve alongside them was extremely disrespectful.

None of the Anthony family has shown the search for justice and dignity this innocent baby deserved, from realizing the danger she was in by enabling their daughter, to protecting her from the harm that came to her. They have only sought to claim the grieving grandparent card as they have sought to claim any other privilege - when it suits their purposes only.

Little Caylee can suffer no further indignity than has already been heaped upon her by the hands of those to whom her safety was entrusted. If there are any salient facts in this autopsy that help contribute to justice or if it raises the awareness and anger of the public that children can be so mistreated, and someday helps prevent similar situations going forward, then I could care less about the Anthonys and their sensibilities.

They have shown that sensitivity is something they feel they are exclusively entitled to and everyone else is immaterial.

What a wonderful post.. you have hit the nail on the head !!
GA/CA are a walking contradiction. They tell the truth, then they spew lies. CA even promotes KC's lies to LE as if they are absolute truths. They abandon Caylee's memory in favor of KC and everything KC has done. They are too "grief stricken" to give depos in the civil suit, yet they are full of anger and hostility and have no problem showing it when they are deposed. Not a tear, ever, for Caylee. Then they want to "help" find missing children (as if Caylee was ever truly a missing child). Now, they want to squelch the autopsy results claiming "extreme anguish." They don't have any anguish over the mountain of evidence showing KC committed the act of murder against their only grandchild. Puhleeez!!
Anthony's want... Anthony's want... Two words I'm tired of hearing.

IMO, they knew long ago where Caylee's body was. I am of the opinion that KC got a note out through JB telling where the body was. I think she probably blaimed it on "ZFG," but I think they knew where Caylee's body was hidden.
Yes, Judge S doesn't have to hold a hearing on matter. Judge S can take the request/motion under submission on the pleadings without oral argument. Or he can set a hearing and hear oral arguments from the parties.

I bet he won't call for a hearing. He better not if he wants to control this mess.
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