Anthonys want autopsy results sealed AND ALL Autopsy Updates

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Should the Anthonys have a say about the autopsy results being sealed?

  • Yes - they are justified and should have a say in it

    Votes: 35 6.4%
  • No - they shouldn't have a say in it

    Votes: 505 91.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 2.0%

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This is a very interesting read on FL law regarding autopsy results as public records. Generally, autopsy results are public record. However, autopsy photos are not public record (see FL Statutes Chapter 406.135) and are available only to next-of-kin or by court order .

I might add that according to FL Statutes, there is no charge for a copy of autopsy results that are requested and sent electronically (e-mail) from a Florida (county) Medical Examiner's office.

Edited to add that several years back I obtained, at no cost, the complete autopsy report of Terri Schiavo, via e-mail.

Super thanks for this What'sThatClue! I've got my work cut out for me.
Verité;3866485 said:
Super thanks for this What'sThatClue! I've got my work cut out for me.
Yes it is Florida Law to release autopsy reports.
I think they will release it next week.
But I am sure they had to review some papers :eek:
creating some delay.

they are obviously delaying every step and buying as much time as they can.
First, IMO....BC, after his motion, made a comment to the effect of "there are no bombshells", etc. in the autopsy, obviously, BC filed the motion (IMO, PURPOSELY the wrong way) on a "whim" because the A's said so????
AND, he mentions he wants them released in court, where a coroner can "explain" the results....just WHO in the heck does he think analyzed the remains and wrote the report, Inspector Clouseau?????

ETA : These frivolous motions filed about "embarrassment" and "anguish" to KC and the A's get me soooo steamed that you can froth milk for a cappucino with it!!!

"there are no bombshells" depends on who is listening.
According to CA she told LKL that KC only stole once; only went to a party when the baby was missing once; no big deal what bomb shell????
To me this entire case is one bomb shell after another.
Maybe someday it will dawn on them that they could've been in the same place as Caylee and they'll be glad she's in jail. :eek: MOO

I think they would still be in denial about that. (made bold)

I do not think they are in denial about much else.
This entire case is so hard for me to digest, so as her parents I imagine that has not occurred to them yet.
They can legally share information. IMO, JB is using the lure of such information to keep the Anthony's in his good graces. JB doesn't want the Anthonys to let LE know the vital and damaging information regarding the events surrounding Caylee's murder. It behooves JB to keep the Anthonys wanting more and on "Casey's" side, it keeps them quiet. If it "appeared" to the Anthonys that they were being kept on the "outside" or to be thrown under the bus by JB they would be more likely to talk. I'm very sure JB is manipulating the Anthonys as much as the Anthonys are trying to manipulate everyone else.

IMO, it's a dangerous line JB is traveling in sharing information with counsel who is not hired to represent Casey. The atty-client privilege is not protected if JB shares anything with BC.

What about the notion that the motion to defer autopsy release is preferred by the DP attorney, AL, who prepares for her capital cases with meticulous precision
and record keeping? Buying time for her benefit so she can spin the autopsy results in the right direction to fit with her theory is my best guess
about what's going on here. Of course, the As will be anguished if the results are released now before going through AL's wash, rinse, and spin cycle.

No one on the defense team--and I consider the As part of that team--want the public (and potential jury pool) to absorb the unabridged version of
the autopsy results--not until AL has done her 'splainin' to help us know why KC is innocent. Not!
Just stopping by to get everyone's opinion on the docs today. The newcaster from local channel here in Orlando said on his report tonight that he spoke with Dr. G, the medical examiner, and interviewed her within the past few days. She said that the cause of death on the autopsy report would remain homicide of unknown cause, BUT there is a portion of the autopsy report where she describes what she feels happened to Caylee based on all of the evidence and her findings at the time of the autopsy. That, to me, will be extremely interesting and extremely telling. Not sure if anyone was privy to that interview and I don't have a link, but it is WESH here in Orlando on their 6:00 local news report.
Just stopping by to get everyone's opinion on the docs today. The newcaster from local channel here in Orlando said on his report tonight that he spoke with Dr. G, the medical examiner, and interviewed her within the past few days. She said that the cause of death on the autopsy report would remain homicide of unknown cause, BUT there is a portion of the autopsy report where she describes what she feels happened to Caylee based on all of the evidence and her findings at the time of the autopsy. That, to me, will be extremely interesting and extremely telling. Not sure if anyone was privy to that interview and I don't have a link, but it is WESH here in Orlando on their 6:00 local news report.

Red bold respectfully by me:
I would think whatever "that" is was also very interesting and telling to the SA, enough to put the DP back on the table.
JMHO of course
I, for one, will be absolutely riveted to my seat watching next weeks hearing on this matter! I think (and hope) we will see a courtroom drama like no other. I hope every media outlet out there has their attorneys in court to give their say on getting these results released. Particularly after the SA's objection to the defense's motion to continue, I think Judge Strickland is going to be about up to here with the carp. (I really like their wording in the was right on!) I just feel the Judge is going to kindly put the A's in their place and confirm to BC, that it really is NOT his place to even make such a request. Their special treatment of their special feelings is about to come to a close my friends.

It's gonna be good's gonna be good...I can feel it in my gut!
The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that what makes this different than any other information released in this case. Shouldn't it all cause anguish? So what makes this any different than anything else that has been released?

The A's just want to be calling the shots in this case. Judge Stan needs to make sure that they know they're not the ones calling the shots.

Sheaffer takes some shots at Conway (& A's) for them thinking they can call the shots..He believes Judge Stan will rule against them..Here's the link for anyone who hasn't seen the video yet.

LEGAL EXPERT: Sheaffer On Withheld Autopsy Documents
Each one of us has our own personal take on such things. I'm speaking from where I view the subject. The LAST thing I want to think about is an autopsy and the details of how Caylee's remains were found. However, I've met friends on WS that are in the medical field who have a more professional interest in remains.

If we were all in a room together and someone was reading the autopsy results out loud, I'd be the one doubling over. I can't hardly handle putting "remains" and "Caylee" together. Although GA was totally RUDE in his depo when he was upset about the attorneys discussing Caylee's remains, I did understand how uncomfortable it was to hear the words.

Hope I typed that so you could understand where I'm coming from...I have a hard time explaining this tactfully. :silenced:

Thanks for explaining. I understand the part about it making anyone uncomfortable. I'm sure even those in the medical field must be affected in some ways when it's the death of a small child. What I still don't understand is how that translates into being disrespectful to Caylee. But thanks for trying. :)
No! It is okay! Don't be sorry! Not long after I said it I felt bad for doing so and knew that I was saying it out of anger. We are very peaceful here too. We live in a very military town where it is not always the popular standpoint, but I teach my kids to be practitioners of non-violence and they are not allowed to play with violent toys. We are against the death penalty, but this case has tested me many times. When hearing about duct tape for instance. The more I have thought about this the more I can't imagine why these people continue to protect the person who murdered their grandbaby.

If they truly believed in her innocence they would have everything public knowledge that could possibly point to the innocence of their daughter and they would be out in the streets daily demanding justice and that the real killer be found. Poor, poor Caylee. She never had a chance. Thank goodness for all of us and all of the people outside of her family who stand for justice and do the work the family should be doing for Caylee. If I were the A's the only thing I would be saying for KC is that I would be trying to get help for her obviously defective little mind.

Exactly. CA seems to find time in her schedule to go on LKL to promote her foundation. (NOT Caylee's; hers!) Seems like she could squeak out time for a short presser demanding a search for the real murderer.
JB and AL are trying to coordinate a morning show appearance for the day after the report is released - no time slots available for Friday evening and Saturday is no good. Ok Ok tacky but everything that BC and CA and GA and JB and AL do now is part of a very precise detailed plan for KC's Defense.
I understand trauma being able to break a person. The point of my comment was that it would surely break me and leave an empty shell.

If all love and positive characteristics that the Anthony's had disappeared along with Caylee, what remains is not emptiness. It is self centered and very dark with not the first evidence of respect or concern for the memory of Caylee. Even the "memorial" for their granddaughter was more about them and their murdering daughter than Caylee.

In my opinion this motion to block the autopsy result's release is also self centered and dark to prevent awareness of how horrible the manner of Caylee's death must have been.

Thank you for your kind words of my granddaughter's being lucky, but it is me who has been blessed.

After reading all the posts, I have to wonder if the same people who are adamant about seeing the autopsy report of Caylee are also as adamant about the autopsy report of Sandra Cantu? I'm trying to figure out if it is because there is more respect for the Cantu family, where there is very little (next to none) for the Anthonys?

I know there is a gag order in the SCantu case and therein may be the difference. I also wonder how gag orders affect the Sunshine laws in the State of Florida?

Someone should have told JB to be careful what he wished for when he opposed the gag order in this case. I think the autopsy report will be released next week.

What I'm adamant about is that there be no more special treatment in this case, period. Remember, it wasn't just JAB who didn't want a gag order; the A's didn't either. Had JAB and the A's not opposed it and the records were sealed, then it wouldn't be an issue. They cannot be allowed to pick and choose what is released and what isn't. The laws must apply equally to them --- despite that it appears they haven't in the last year.
Could someone help me out here? I was under the assumption that the original gag order requested by the State would cover the attorneys on both sides. IIRC, the judge even mentioned at the hearing that George and Cindy wouldn't be included in the order. I don't think that the gag order ever applied to the release of discovery under the Sunshine Laws.

The records could have been sealed by the court.

PS: Here's one story on it:,2933,457160,00.html

The court said and the state agreed that the gp's shouldn't be prevented from discussing Caylee being alive and searching for her. Not that they could discuss the criminal case. There was a lot more going on then and if you look, I'm sure you'll find the A's opposed the order.
I think they lost the right to have a say in how the autopsy results are released the day they checked the memory of Caylee at the door. The moment they went on a crusade to prevent Casey from receiving any sort of punishment at all for the murder of her daughter is the day they put Casey's interests before Caylee's. I'm not entirely sure they have ever put Caylee's interests first. The only motive for this request is to benefit Casey and any other motive put forth by the Anthony's is nothing but pure rubbish.

"they put Casey's interests before Caylee's.."

They sure do...!!

And I they wonder why their always catching "Flak" from the public

Prosecutors are expected to release hundreds of pages of documents to the public Friday in the case against Casey Anthony, but not the autopsy report on Caylee Anthony's remains.

In a motion made public Thursday, Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, are asking that prosecutors be restricted from releasing the autopsy on the little girl, whose remains were discovered Dec. 11 in east Orange County. They were found less than a mile from the Anthony home.

Orange Circuit Court Stan Strickland issued an order late Thursday that will delay the release of the autopsy reports, which were expected to be made public on Friday, until the issue is addressed in court. He wants to hear from the media about the Anthonys' request.

"For reasons unknown to the court the motion was served only upon the State Attorney's Office," Strickland wrote in the order. "The real party in interest in this matter is the various news media."Casey Anthony, 23, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Caylee.

"George and Cindy Anthony are respectfully asking . . . to restrict the release of the autopsy results," according to the motion. "The information contained within the report will cause great anguish to the Anthony family, still struggling with the loss of their only granddaughter. . .

"Releasing the autopsy report to the media at this point in time causes endless comment and speculation in the media and public forums, such as the Internet. The publication of these results has already been the topic of countless television programs despite the fact that the actual autopsy report has not been released.",0,5615388.story

Thanks for taking the time to give us a refresher course by quoting the actual wording of the motion. I start wondering if I have the early onset of dementia when I read contradictory posts, one which may say, No, the As didn't say they'd be anguished by the autopsy information, but rather by the media, or vice versa, etc. etc. etc. until I
start to feel dizzy!

Your factual quote clears my mind like a good psychoactive drug. Bless you!
Ok, so if the A's havent seen the AR, and dont know whats in it, then how the HECK does BC know that there is "no bombshells" AND....

how do the A's know that the AR doesnt EXONERATE their precious perp? For all they know, there could be info in the report that could show that the perp didnt do it. (ie info about something that indicates only someone large and strong could have achieved) they cant know that UNLESS THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THE REPORT.

Oh, but if I read between the lines, BC says they didnt READ the report, not that they didnt get someone else to read it and relay the info...

*sammie tears her hair and gnashes teeth*

...and still manages to look darn good!
Absolutely. And I, unlike the Anthonys, understand the meaning of "public records."

My question as to standing deals, though, with BC's right to file any motions in regard to the criminal case. George and Cindy are not parties. BC is not an attorney for the defense. I still would think there would have to be an amicus curiae filed to even allow BC's motions to get past go. And if he were to do that, how would the relationship between he and JB change? Or is the law here in Florida that much different than other parts of the world?

Don't know much about criminal law, but in a civil case one would generally file a Motion to Intervene.
It's absurd to me that the Anthony's ask for the autopsy to be sealed since they and JB have been the most vocal in this case. But if the SA states, as they have the entire time, that they have no dog in this fight, I think the Anthony's will get this.
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