Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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Thanks so much, I am going to try to today if I get time. Do you always use more than one color? What if you just use one (would it not be as detailed or get as clear a picture?) I ask because I notice the ones Ive seen are always more than one color. When you use more than one color, or say polish with food coloring, do you just blot it all anywhere, on top of each other?
Thanks so much, I am going to try to today if I get time. Do you always use more than one color? What if you just use one (would it not be as detailed or get as clear a picture?) I ask because I notice the ones Ive seen are always more than one color. When you use more than one color, or say polish with food coloring, do you just blot it all anywhere, on top of each other?

Hey misfit....thats what I did. My daughter had some finger paint in squirt bottles so we used blue red and yellow. I think alyzabeth used nail polish. I'm looking forward to seeing yours :)
Alyzabeth I totally get what your saying because that thought did cross my mind as well except I never thought of a mirror. When I saw the twins I immidiately thought of a gemini(zodiac) for some reason. I got the really sick feeling too when I looked at it.

Now that suggestion is something I find very interesting because I am a Gemini and that thought never entered my mind, but if it had, I would have dismissed it, thinking I was just thinking that because I am a Gemini.
And what really surprises me is how I am always buying 2 of just about everything when I go grocery shopping, husband calls it "Geminitis"
so I am normally very aware of the Gemini thing...just odd that I didn't associate with this and you did.
Now you have me wanting to go through all the 400 docs and find the birthsigns of every one of the people they got statements from. (I think they all include DOB)
Thanks so much, I am going to try to today if I get time. Do you always use more than one color? What if you just use one (would it not be as detailed or get as clear a picture?) I ask because I notice the ones Ive seen are always more than one color. When you use more than one color, or say polish with food coloring, do you just blot it all anywhere, on top of each other?

The food coloring I used was added right into the bottle of nail polish to darken it up. I shook it up good and it mixed in, I didn't know if it would or not.
I don't always use more than one color. Sometimes I feel like adding a little more flair but single colors work just as well.
When I use more than one color, I put the first color on, then dribble the second color on, then close it up and smoosh it. There have been a few times I added the second or third color after I smooshed the first color or colors and that works too. That's the beauty of it, there is no right way or wrong long as you can look at it when you are done and feel like it means something.
The first blot shook me up really bad. The second I opened it, I felt sick. It is a remarkable inkblot, to say the least, but I hate seeing it. I had to walk away. The images it conjured up in my mind make me want to cry. I don't even want to describe it except to say I don't see that as being two men carrying one child they love, I see it more as one person in front of a mirror or filming what he is doing.

I didn't get anything from the last 2 at all.

Now that suggestion is something I find very interesting because I am a Gemini and that thought never entered my mind, but if it had, I would have dismissed it, thinking I was just thinking that because I am a Gemini.
And what really surprises me is how I am always buying 2 of just about everything when I go grocery shopping, husband calls it "Geminitis"
so I am normally very aware of the Gemini thing...just odd that I didn't associate with this and you did.
Now you have me wanting to go through all the 400 docs and find the birthsigns of every one of the people they got statements from. (I think they all include DOB)

You know what's odd? When I looked at the inkblot you did for your husband, I thought Gemini, and I was wondering if he was a Gemini. I dismissed it as me blowing smoke up my own butt.

I don't see the same things you guys do at all. When I do 'get something' it comes at me in words. Strange stuff.
I didn't get anything from the last 2 at all.

You know what's odd? When I looked at the inkblot you did for your husband, I thought Gemini, and I was wondering if he was a Gemini. I dismissed it as me blowing smoke up my own butt.

I don't see the same things you guys do at all. When I do 'get something' it comes at me in words. Strange stuff.
My husband is a Scorpio. And what is really strange is that I felt soooo compelled to mention that when I posted that pic but I didn't because I figured I'm pushing the limits of sanity around here anyway...why make it worse...LOL
My husband is a Scorpio. And what is really strange is that I felt soooo compelled to mention that when I posted that pic but I didn't because I figured I'm pushing the limits of sanity around here anyway...why make it worse...LOL

Lol. I bet he's got his own psychic thing going on. I'm a Scorpio too, as is my other half.
Lol. I bet he's got his own psychic thing going on. I'm a Scorpio too, as is my other half.

Yes, he certainly does have his own psychic thing going on. That is an understatement. This Gemini used to have a slight tendency to dress up the truth a tiny bit...:crazy: then him and I met up and he exposed me every time, on even the smallest things until I realized I really was doing that and he wasn't just picking on me.
He has his theory about Caylee...he believes that Caylee died by accident somehow because Casey wasn't watching her as well as she should have been. He feels that Casey loved Caylee and the accident caused her to "split off" as he calls it to protect her psyche. He seems to think the pain of allowing Caylee to be hurt was too much for her to handle and she is in numb mode.
He tried to register here and post but for some reason his registration made it all the way through and when he tried to post he got disconnected and then received an email saying his account was denied because he didn't meet the requirements or something crazy like that, so he didn't try again. I wish he would though, he has plenty to say about
Yes, he certainly does have his own psychic thing going on. That is an understatement. This Gemini used to have a slight tendency to dress up the truth a tiny bit...:crazy: then him and I met up and he exposed me every time, on even the smallest things until I realized I really was doing that and he wasn't just picking on me.
He has his theory about Caylee...he believes that Caylee died by accident somehow because Casey wasn't watching her as well as she should have been. He feels that Casey loved Caylee and the accident caused her to "split off" as he calls it to protect her psyche. He seems to think the pain of allowing Caylee to be hurt was too much for her to handle and she is in numb mode.
He tried to register here and post but for some reason his registration made it all the way through and when he tried to post he got disconnected and then received an email saying his account was denied because he didn't meet the requirements or something crazy like that, so he didn't try again. I wish he would though, he has plenty to say about

Oooh, contact a mod about it. I'm sure they'll get him in.

It's quite possible that his idea is what happened, though I'm not sure it was an accident, I still go back and forth on that.. Something did snap there though: I'm convinced of it.
I am posting this as a flyby. I have to get the kids to their after school activities, but here is my version of the two men inkblot pictures.

*I see the two men facing each other. I do NOT see them holding anything.

*In between the men I see a face that is almost cut into. I only see the eyes around it.

*Where the head in middle looks split, I see an alligator with it's head pointed down.

*Below the above, I see a child crying in pain or in fright and the child has no arms.

*This child's feet look like they are wrapped around a baby with no arms. This also looks like female genitalia.

*Below the above, I see another alligator swimming towards the child/female genitalia.
I just looked at the first two ink blots, a feeling of sadness, then on the first picture I saw little Caylee's great grandparents torn between a decision, both holding her thoughts together. The second picture shows me the her great gramps is holding on in him memory the last time he was with little Caylee, it's almost as if it's a silhouette reversed outline of them in that photo of the last day anyone saw her. Just my thoughts.
Reading through the documents, I see Amy drives a red car. I did not know that before today.
Unfortunately, I don't think that it was the one that I keep seeing, but still. I might not be nuts. lol.
Hi everyone. I did my own inkblot this morning. I asked Caylee who hurt her.

I will tell you what I think. This is a person playing a guitar with long hair or a hunting hat on and red balloons, possibly a heart balloon. I think I know who the person might be.

What say you?

It took me a minute but I see where you are getting that. My eyes are so tired from sifting through the document dump its hard for me to focus! lol

Hmmmm.....fuzzy red balloons!.....did that guy wear a hunting hat?
Happy I looked at your ink picture and this comes to my mind.
Caylee looks at KC as if she were a stranger...Could this be the answer?
Goodness . . . from the mouth of babes! I just looked up Lion of the Tribe of Judah and found this:

I do see the face of Jesus in the first inkblot by Alyzabeth and if your son sees the Lion of the Tribe of Judah . . . well . . . this just tells me that Caylee is with Jesus, "the King of Kings, the Messiah himself."

I see a sad elephant in the one done by Grace's daughter but not in the squirrel one. I see a skeleton next to it. I also see lungs with water trying to enter.

The one done by Grace does show 2 men carrying something between them, with love and carefulness.

I keep seeing feet in these inkblots. I think it's time for me to do one.

That web site you posted I found interesting since he saw The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Look what it says............

The Lion of Judah is a fascinating one. A lion, or wild cat, is courageous and fearless, yet silent in its pursuit of its goal. It also spends much time watching and waiting with patience for the right circumstances to arise before it attains its goal.
I didn't get anything from the last 2 at all.

You know what's odd? When I looked at the inkblot you did for your husband, I thought Gemini, and I was wondering if he was a Gemini. I dismissed it as me blowing smoke up my own butt.

I don't see the same things you guys do at all. When I do 'get something' it comes at me in words. Strange stuff.

It comes to me in words too. My son saw very distinct images, which no matter how hard I tried, I could not see, but when he spoke the words, they rang true for the Lion of Judah for some reason. I still don't get the crying elephant.
Hi everyone. I did my own inkblot this morning. I asked Caylee who hurt her.

I will tell you what I think. This is a person playing a guitar with long hair or a hunting hat on and red balloons, possibly a heart balloon. I think I know who the person might be.

What say you?

I can't normally see what anyone sees.........but this one is terrifying to me. I see a woman with a shovel looking down to strike someone again and I feel like it is Caylee's blood dripping off the shovel.
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