Anyone about Canada?

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Jul 19, 2007
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I was just wondering if anyone here is from Canada or knows much about it? My DH's immigration case isn't going well and one option we have thought about is moving to Canada, which would be about 12 hours from Illinois if we live on the border. I have read they banned pit bulls there, as most of you know we have a pit baby we love and I would not want to have to leave him behind. I know it is in Ontario but wasn't sure about the rest of Canada. I was wondering where is a good place to live near the border with a Hospital as I am a medical transcriptionist so I need to be close to work and with good schools. I would appreciate any input, thanks.
Pit bulls are only banned in Ontario, to my knowledge.

Thanks thats kind of what I thought so I guess Manitoba is where we might go. I liked Thunder Bay, what I seen online anyway but that is in Ontario.
I can't help you much,except to say I love Canadians. Everytime I'm up there,they are friendly and welcoming. They also have good beer,and love hockey!
i live in saskatchewan.

medical transcriptionists here make around 18 dollars an hour.
i live in saskatchewan.

medical transcriptionists here make around 18 dollars an hour.

Thanks MistyM, do you know anything about Altona or Morden. They are both close to the border of Manitoba. What I seen on line looks nice. I know I will have to actually travel there eventually to check these places out. I want something with good schools. We live in the country right now but not too far from the city and my son goes to a really good school where classes are small and they get a lot of attention.
I live in Alberta,any position in the medical field here is in great need.But it is farther west than where you want to be.If you need any info please feel free to ask away.
I live in Ontario, depending where you move will depend on your school - each municipality has their own school board. In Onatrio the kids have to take an EQUAO test in Grade 3, 6 and Grade 10 they must pass the test to graduate high school - these are provinical test. Also in High School it is a prerequisit to do community service to get your diploma.
If you want to move to Canada I suggest Saskatchewan, Alberta or British Columbia - those are the provinces with the money. Ontario is on its way to a recession.

Also before you move look into what is needed here for immigration and what work permits you will need and if your diploma, certificate is recognized in Canada some are some are not.

Good luck
I live in Ontario, depending where you move will depend on your school - each municipality has their own school board. In Onatrio the kids have to take an EQUAO test in Grade 3, 6 and Grade 10 they must pass the test to graduate high school - these are provinical test. Also in High School it is a prerequisit to do community service to get your diploma.
If you want to move to Canada I suggest Saskatchewan, Alberta or British Columbia - those are the provinces with the money. Ontario is on its way to a recession.

Also before you move look into what is needed here for immigration and what work permits you will need and if your diploma, certificate is recognized in Canada some are some are not.

Good luck

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I am planning on asking our immigration attorney this next week how we could go about doing this if things don't work out here. I can't imagine moving away from my family though. I am definitely looking for places that have big hospitals with offices around. I would like to work from home eventually but if I couldn't find something right away I would take anything. I have heard that they are more strict in Canadian schools than American schools. My son is a good student so I wouldn't worry so much but I know he doesn't want to leave his friends and go to a new place.
If you're seriously thinking of having your son go to school in Canada, I'd suggest get him now learning french, it's taught in the schools there at a young age and it would be something to help him with the transition.

If you're seriously thinking of having your son go to school in Canada, I'd suggest get him now learning french, it's taught in the schools there at a young age and it would be something to help him with the transition.


Yes that was another question I had. I know most people speack French and English there. In the hospital do the doctors usually speak English or both for their reports?

I'm from BC but a very very small town which mostly depends on lumber mills for income. The situation is not good here right now with the dollar being the way it is. Bigger cities like Vancouver or Victoria or even Kelowna would have more opportunities.
I used to do medical transcription, coding, etc. but our little hospital has been cut back to 10 beds so my department has shut down and transcribing is done through the phone, elsewhere.
My brother lived in Ontario and although he said it was beautiful there and tons of opportunities, he found the winters long and very cold.
Feel free to pm you if I can be on any more help to if you are considering BC at all. What kind of work would your DH be looking for?

I'm from BC but a very very small town which mostly depends on lumber mills for income. The situation is not good here right now with the dollar being the way it is. Bigger cities like Vancouver or Victoria or even Kelowna would have more opportunities.
I used to do medical transcription, coding, etc. but our little hospital has been cut back to 10 beds so my department has shut down and transcribing is done through the phone, elsewhere.
My brother lived in Ontario and although he said it was beautiful there and tons of opportunities, he found the winters long and very cold.
Feel free to pm you if I can be on any more help to if you are considering BC at all. What kind of work would your DH be looking for?

Well my DH works for a truck company right now. He loads and enters bills into the computer. He liks this or construction work so I think he could probably find a job just about anywhere but I am kind of limited to where I can go with my career. I was worried about the winters. I hate the cold and always look forward to summer. We were trying to look into towns close to the border that way we could still drive to Illinois in about a day. My mom is having a cow because we are even thinking about it. She says she is keeping the grandkids, LOL.
LOL, I can understand your Mom. If my grandkids moved away (which they might have to yet if things dont change) we will be right behind them. BC is very far from Illinois so I doubt you'll want to be this far west. Ontario, like I said (Ottawa was where my brother lived) would have so many opportunities but it DOES get pretty severe winters. As for trucking, or even you, I doubt you would have any problems with jobs in a large city. Yes, French is a requirement in school.
LOL, I can understand your Mom. If my grandkids moved away (which they might have to yet if things dont change) we will be right behind them. BC is very far from Illinois so I doubt you'll want to be this far west. Ontario, like I said (Ottawa was where my brother lived) would have so many opportunities but it DOES get pretty severe winters. As for trucking, or even you, I doubt you would have any problems with jobs in a large city. Yes, French is a requirement in school.

I will look in to Ottawa, thanks. I knew I shouldn't have dropped French in high school. I thought I will never need that, LOL! Now here I am 11 years later and I may need it!
Regarding French - yes they teach it in the school, but in Ontario it only start to be taught in grade four. In Quebec it is taught in Kindergarten. Ontario hospital the Dr ususally speak english - but the general public speaks many languages like Mandrin, Punjabi, etc. and in the that was just built in my neighborhood speaking these languages were the requirement to be hired. Yes Canada has two offical languages but if you move out west it is primarily english, Ontario many languages, Quebec primarily french, Eastern Canada English and french.
Remember also we spell certain words different than Americans
lite = light
color = colour

You get the point.
Before you move I would apply to a few jobs and see what response you get. Look on also look and see what is available for your husband. 1000 GM workers in Ontario are going to be layed off in September, plus other plant shut downs - the grass may not always be greener on the other side.
On the plus side our medical benefits are better than the States. It is based on the province, in Ontario it is called OHIP and everyone is entitled. However finding a family doctor might be hard.

Good luck.
I have a dear friend who is a teacher in Canada. Through another chat room she gave me so much help and advice for my son in 7th grade and how to help him better at home with his school work and attitude towards it. She has been a life saver to me. I adore her.

Also, imo, and I live in California now, I would totally consider moving to Canada, if I were thinking of moving.... the only problem for me is the snow. No No No, I don't do snow well.

I know this post probably wasn't any help to you, but I just wanted to chime in that I am a fan of Canada!!
If you are thinking of Ottawa you will need French it is our capital (very bilingual)

But you might want to consider London, Windsor close to the Detroit border, or Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto close to the Buffalo border.
You may also consider moving to Niagara Falls - and continue working in the States for a dr. office or hospital - just cross the border daily many in Niagara do this. Niagara / Buffalo are side by side.
If you are thinking of Ottawa you will need French it is our capital (very bilingual)

But you might want to consider London, Windsor close to the Detroit border, or Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto close to the Buffalo border.
You may also consider moving to Niagara Falls - and continue working in the States for a dr. office or hospital - just cross the border daily many in Niagara do this. Niagara / Buffalo are side by side.

Thanks that sounds like a good idea I had thought about too just crossing the border to go to work everyday. My DH wouldn't be able to do that but he can find something there. Thanks for the links. If you have any others that have jobs or real estate in border areas I'd greatly appreciate it.
Canadian real estate, but I would suggest renting first till you find a neighborhood you like then buy.

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