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Aug 19, 2006
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of a pedophile kidnapping a child for ransom.As far as I know real kidnappers and pedophiles have completely different MOs.
librazone said:
of a pedophile kidnapping a child for ransom.As far as I know real kidnappers and pedophiles have completely different MOs.
Only in this crazy case...I think that's one of the reasons that so many people think it was an inside job followed by a bizarre cover-up.
librazone said:
of a pedophile kidnapping a child for ransom.As far as I know real kidnappers and pedophiles have completely different MOs.

I think if you look throught history there has always been the first.
Jack the ripper? Eileen Weurnos, ...
A pedophile is a describtion of one who has sexual interest in children it does not exclude him from also being a kidnapper anymore then it excludes a priest from being a pedophile.
Amraann said:
I think if you look throught history there has always been the first.
Jack the ripper? Eileen Weurnos, ...
A pedophile is a describtion of one who has sexual interest in children it does not exclude him from also being a kidnapper anymore then it excludes a priest from being a pedophile.

But you cannot think of a particular case.

Anyway this guy Karr appears to have been checked out by the FBI 5 years ago and they knew then he was a bit of a flake.
southcitymom said:
Only in this crazy case...I think that's one of the reasons that so many people think it was an inside job followed by a bizarre cover-up.
Unfortunately it seems that the cover up is mainly the work of the Boulder DA's office...and by the looks of it they are going to continue with their obfuscation.
librazone said:
But you cannot think of a particular case.

Anyway this guy Karr appears to have been checked out by the FBI 5 years ago and they knew then he was a bit of a flake.
NO, but that means little as I am not nearly as knowledgable as many here.
librazone said:
But you cannot think of a particular case.

Anyway this guy Karr appears to have been checked out by the FBI 5 years ago and they knew then he was a bit of a flake.
If you google kidnapping and pedophile there are a number of specific cases.

When you include ransom note there are fewer.
You see kids who are kidnapped by mom's bf who turns out to be a pedophile all the time...
windovervocalcords said:
If you google kidnapping and pedophile there are a number of specific cases.

When you include ransom note there are fewer.

Couldn't find any with a ransom involved. But of course I could have missed some.
I think the real distinction in the Ramsey case is that she wasn't kidnapped at all. That note seems like an enormous red herring to me. Most pedophiles who kidnap don't intend to return the child. Kidnappers are motivated by money or revenge. Pedophiles are motivated by sex.
bulletgirl2002 said:
You see kids who are kidnapped by mom's bf who turns out to be a pedophile all the time...
True, but they don't typically leave a ransom note is I think the distinction.

Those that kidnap and leave a ransom note usually do not molest the child.
southcitymom said:
I think the real distinction in the Ramsey case is that she wasn't kidnapped at all. That note seems like an enormous red herring to me. Most pedophiles who kidnap don't intend to return the child. Kidnappers are motivated by money or revenge. Pedophiles are motivated by sex.

Absolutely thats my whole point pedophiles and real kidnappers have different MOs. This case could have been cleared up years ago if the DA's office had acted on the handwriting expert's and FBI's reports which both pointed to Patsy Ramsey.
The police and the FBI knew from the start that a family member committed this crime. Law enforcement agency whether the police or the FBI have dealt with thousands of cases... this is their job and they usually have a good idea of who the perpetrator is within the first 24 hours of the investigation.
librazone said:
Absolutely thats my whole point pedophiles and real kidnappers have different MOs. This case could have been cleared up years ago if the DA's office had acted on the handwriting expert's and FBI's reports which both pointed to Patsy Ramsey.
The police and the FBI knew from the start that a family member committed this crime. Law enforcement agency whether the police or the FBI have dealt with thousands of cases... this is their job and they usually have a good idea of who the perpetrator is within the first 24 hours of the investigation.
I just posted a link to Mark Mclish's work on statement analysis of the JBR ransom note on the other note thread.

I think the note is KEY in implicating Patsy Ramsey based on how she uses language in later statements as well.
librazone said:
Absolutely thats my whole point pedophiles and real kidnappers have different MOs. This case could have been cleared up years ago if the DA's office had acted on the handwriting expert's and FBI's reports which both pointed to Patsy Ramsey.
The police and the FBI knew from the start that a family member committed this crime. Law enforcement agency whether the police or the FBI have dealt with thousands of cases... this is their job and they usually have a good idea of who the perpetrator is within the first 24 hours of the investigation.
librazone, out of five handwritng analusts, grading on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being complete exclusion, four analysts scored Patsy a 5, and the fifth analyst scored Patsy a 4.5, so, so such for a conviction on handwriting analkysis. The Boulder Plolice suffered from myopia in this case, and in focusing on the Ramseys, and refusing to consider other possibilities, they made total *sses iut of themsleves. Having suspicions is one thing, but the BPD took it way past that, and that has been proven again, and again.
Buzzm1 said:
librazone, out of five handwritng analusts, grading on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being complete exclusion, four analysts scored Patsy a 5, and the fifth analyst scored Patsy a 4.5, so, so such for a conviction on handwriting analkysis. The Boulder Plolice suffered from myopia in this case, and in focusing on the Ramseys, and refusing to consider other possibilities, they made total *sses iut of themsleves. Having suspicions is one thing, but the BPD took it way past that, and that has been proven again, and again.
And you have the names of these analysts and their reports?
Buzzm1 said:
librazone, out of five handwritng analusts, grading on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being complete exclusion, four analysts scored Patsy a 5, and the fifth analyst scored Patsy a 4.5, so, so such for a conviction on handwriting analkysis. The Boulder Plolice suffered from myopia in this case, and in focusing on the Ramseys, and refusing to consider other possibilities, they made total *sses iut of themsleves. Having suspicions is one thing, but the BPD took it way past that, and that has been proven again, and again.

Looks like you have little confidence in law enforcement agencies. Sorry but they do know their jobs. They went after the ramseys because they knew they had the right people.The only thing that stopped an indictment was the politics going on in the DA's office.

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