Anyone noticed how quiet it is on the G & CA front?

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Mother to Many
Aug 31, 2008
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I had to change the title once someone was kind enough to tell me how...:)

We now know that Jose B got his copy of the discovery that was recently released this past Monday and then the documents and audios have slowly trickled down to us day by day after that. This is a HUGE amount of new information and some fairly incriminating evidence is included to my way of thinking, and some inconsistencies have been revealed in some of the statements that George and Cindy have made as we have gone through this.

The interaction with the Anthony's has been on an almost daily and non-stop basis almost since the beginning of all of this, and now, suddenly, as all of this is released, we are hearing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from that front. It is a very noticeable silence to me considering the noise of the previous months, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed the absence of communications from the Anthony's and if anyone has an opinion as to why they have ceased, seemingly, ALL interactions with the press and the public.

The vigil was cancelled Sunday and then we have heard barely anything from them since then. It makes me wonder if they have realized anything different than what they believed before, or if they have received some information that makes them believe something different? I just find it so strange that they just went silent like they have. Anyone else?:confused:
They're gathering the wagons to work on the next story (i.e. lies) about what happened to Caylee... "Hmmm, nobody believes the Puerto Rico story- next!"
Maybe they realized that if they keep their mouth shut they are more believable:)
Maybe they realized taking baseball bats to protesters wasn't a very good idea.
I don't know-I don't think these are the kind of folks that would just suddenly down all communications with the "outside world" unless they have either been restricted and threatened by their attorney, OR they have found something out that has taken all the fight out of them...I just wonder...
I think their attorney advised them to be quiet.
Probably, but don't you think he has ALREADY done this when he first took the case and it did not work then so WHY is it working NOW, at this particular moment in time...???:confused:

I agree....any attorney would tell them to shut it.....from the beginning. Have the protesters at the house died down? That seemed to be fueling a lot of it. I just wish they would charge KC, stick her back in a more bail...maybe she will break without mommy, daddy, and her attorney around every second. JMO
I agree....any attorney would tell them to shut it.....from the beginning. Have the protesters at the house died down? That seemed to be fueling a lot of it. I just wish they would charge KC, stick her back in a more bail...maybe she will break without mommy, daddy, and her attorney around every second. JMO

Put her in general pop where the inmates don't like baby-killers. She'll sing like a canary.
It HAS been very quiet this week. I thought all the protesters had left as you don't see any in the webcam shots, but this evening, when NG was talking to her reporter, Leticia, who was outside the Anthony home, I saw a man in the background with a sign. But that's the only protester I've seen on camera this week.

No one in the Anthony family - George, Cindy, or Lee, has made any statements. There hasn't been any video showing Casey going and coming from JB's office either. Very quiet!

I'm sure the Anthony's attorney told them to stop talking, but he was retained several weeks ago and both George and Cindy continued to make public statements to the media gathered in front of their house.

The flood of documents being released this week may be giving them reason to doubt their position.
They're probably hanging out on the internet trying to see what "we" think about the docs that are being released. Probably planning defense posturing and , oh yeah, looking for book and movie deals.
True JAJ! My hubby was just up for a drink of water and we were talking about the case....he said the same exact thing. Too bad for the Defense theories, 90% of the public wont be so convincing. All I can say now if choose your jurors wisely.
True JAJ! My hubby was just up for a drink of water and we were talking about the case....he said the same exact thing. Too bad for the Defense theories, 90% of the public wont be so convincing. All I can say now if choose your jurors wisely.

My 17 year old, who knows how interested I am in this case, (as if I could keep it secret?) saw me working on it tonight and she said, You know mommy, I doubt there is one person in this country who has not heard of this little girl...She said even the teens at school are discussing it...So yes, choose oh so wisely Mr. Baez, because your day in court draws near.:eek:
Yeah. Someone needs to go inside that house and be sure they're still ALIVE.

Of course, maybe they didn't divide up the docs and read them in relay-fashion as we have. They're still just up to the 27th page of Jesse's interview.

I can't help wonder if they'd ever heard the stories about "Dad had a stroke," or "Dad was cheating on Mom," etc. Fascinating, to be sure.

Then I remember poor George telling people that the "naughty" picture of Casey was taken when she was pregnant - the one where she's groping her own breasts. OMG. It would be more than my folks could bear to then see all the photos of posing while someone groped her breasts FOR HER, or touching tongues with girl friends over a Taco Bell burrito, or leg-humping a shot-girl at a night club while searching for missing daughter.

These things have probably redefined the term, "humility" in that household.

If there was a pressure gauge on that house, I'd say it's about ready to "blow" at any time.
I knew a boy in high school who said his father had a stroke and almost died over the weekend. It was very ironic that his dad dropped him off to school that morning. He took a lot of ridicule because of that lie. :)
I knew a boy in high school who said his father had a stroke and almost died over the weekend. It was very ironic that his dad dropped him off to school that morning. He took a lot of ridicule because of that lie. :)

That is the same way that Casey lies-STUPIDLY-
There are probably several reasons why this family is in hiding this week. Their public relations firm and attorney probably said, "Staging the fights with the protesters didn't work to make you more sympathetic with the country, so now try staying inside away from the fray and let's see how that goes". Or, they're all inside reading and listening to all the statements and all in total shock. Or, they know much more now and they have no defense. Or, they've all died from the horrors they've read and heard and pictures they've seen of their precious Casey. :waitasec:

Someone said the media isn't sensationalizing the protesters anymore in hopes they will settle down. Also, they said there is less local TV coverage about the case, until the recent documents dump. Not being in the Orlando area, I wouldn't know for sure.

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