April 2006 edition of Diary of a Mad Crime Forum Owner is now the MAY EDITION

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Dear Websleuth Members,

Do to my father's illness and accident I need to push the Newsletter to May 1st. I am so close to being done but I need about 3 hours straight to get it all together and the mailing list done. Needless to say, I haven't had this block of time.

Liz suggested I make the April edition the May edition. Liz, thank you. I am going to take your advice.

For those who purchased the news letter I'll give everyone a free month as a way to apologize for the delay.

Again, I am so sorry. My dad needs me now more than ever in my life.

I read him the newsletter yesterday. He got a big kick out of it. Doesn't have a clue how a forum works or about the little "gossipy" things I have in the letter but it cheered him up. Expecially the part where I try and convince Angela Ricci that Mark Geragos is a twit. LOL.

Anyway. May 1st or before is when it will come out.

Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad.

Don't worry about us. ;) We'll find something to keep us busy! :D

Tricia: No big deal. Like evryone has said before me. FAMILY always comes first darling. And your entire family is in my prayers and thoughts. :blowkiss:
Tricia :blowkiss: hugs and prayers for you and your dad ... DO NOT worry about us.. ;) Your dad comes 1st :blowkiss:
Our concern is for you and your dad now. The way time flies lately it will be here in no time!

It will be all the more fun for the wait. :)
Tricia ~ Not to worry. I am sorry that you dad is not well and I wish him a speedy recovery. I certainly understand not having the "3-hour" time frame to finish your newsletter. One thing about a newsletter - the news won't change. :p

Take care of your dad and don't forget to take care of you too.
Hey Tricia....GUESS WHAT??????? We all LOVE U 2!!!!!

Take care of your dad!!!!!!!!!!


My father just had a mass removed from his lung and he's going to be okay. Turned out not to be cancer. I was there for my dad and that's the best gift you can give him. I wish him a speedy recovery.
All my best,
Tricia... family first hon. It's just a newsletter. No apologies required girl! :blowkiss: {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
Tricia, please don't worry about the newsletter. If May is not done either, so be it. Your family does come first. I hope your Dad is doing fine now.
I don't need a free month, having this website to come to is free enough for me.
Tricia you do what you have to do.Family must come first.I will light a candle for you & your father tonight,and say an extra special prayer.
Thanks you guys. It will be ready by May 1st. Like I said, I have all but about 1 percent done.

I appreciate your support.
Thanks guys,

This is how screwed up I am . I thought this week was the last week of April. YIKES.

Anyway, I am shooting for Wed. Dad took a real turn for the worse but the good news is today he has taken a turn for the better. If he stays status quo (sp?) then Wed. will be the day.


Thanks again everyone.
tricia i wish you would not worry about this right now. i have gone through illnesses with both parents and now my husband is recovering from back surgery. you are a GREAT owner and i think every single person who subscribed to the newsletter did so mainly to support WS with the news being secondary. we will understand any delay of any length when there is the illness of a parent, child or spouse.

don't they say "life is what happens when we are busy making other plans?" please do not feel pressure to produce a newsletter right now. your priority is your dad. a little later this month will mark the 11th year since my father passed away. i sure would prefer spending time with him in his hour of need over almost everything else. so please give yourself a break....we all do.

this is the best site on the web and each and every one of us can exercise a little patience until your dad has recovered.
izzyB said:
tricia i wish you would not worry about this right now. i have gone through illnesses with both parents and now my husband is recovering from back surgery. you are a GREAT owner and i think every single person who subscribed to the newsletter did so mainly to support WS with the news being secondary. we will understand any delay of any length when there is the illness of a parent, child or spouse.

don't they say "life is what happens when we are busy making other plans?" please do not feel pressure to produce a newsletter right now. your priority is your dad. a little later this month will mark the 11th year since my father passed away. i sure would prefer spending time with him in his hour of need over almost everything else. so please give yourself a break....we all do.

this is the best site on the web and each and every one of us can exercise a little patience until your dad has recovered.
I just now found this thread Tricia, I had no idea! Please email me if I can do anything at all for you my dear. Hugs to you friend.
I pray for your Father to get better. My mother is really sick right now. Spend every moment you can with him.

lots of love to you both
Darlin Tricia Now you listen up young lady. If I have to I will board a plane fly to UTAH and hunt you down. IF you do not listen to these folks. Until your Dad is out of the woods Forget about the Dang Newsletter.
This is not a request it is a direct ORDER from JDB :blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:

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