GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

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On the 10pm news they reported that Anne was in "critical but stable" condition. Police are still investigating. Prayers going out for her recovery.
I could be wrong, of course, but I think this goes back to the " W" movie and her portrayal of Ann Coulter. Some crazy may have been stalking her , and could have gotten the courage to approach her for an autograph related to the movie.
Also how does "beaten and stabbed in her own bed" translate into " robbery"? It speaks to a much more personal crime against the lady, IMO. The purse could have been taken as a souvenir or as a ruse.

From what I have read, she was VERY excited to get the part and for the movie to be in release last weekend.
This breaks my heart. I hope so much that she recovers without lasting impairments and without any damage to her beautiful face. She is a lovely lady.

I hope whoever did this is caught very soon and punished to the fullest extent of the law with premeditated attempted murder. ( or whatever the max. charge could be).
I really wish they hadn't released what hospital she is in.
I really wish they hadn't released what hospital she is in.

Because you fear the guy will go there? LR has 3 hospitals. It would not be difficult to locate her with all of the TV station people hovering around. She was taken to the hospital nearest to her home which is only a few miles. For a long time the hospital denied she was there, but news sources said folks from her station were camped out at the hospital.

A robber doesn't typically beat someone in their bed. If they attack them for their purse (which is missing in this case), they may beat them to get it away, but not to the extent she was beaten.

Still no further local news on any of this today.
GMA article and video at the below link:

Little Rock, Ark., anchorwoman Anne Pressly's condition was upgraded to stable today after she was severely beaten and stabbed in her home.

Brad Garrett, a former FBI agent and ABC News contributor, said the attack has many earmarks related to stalking.
"Someone who is struck multiple times tends to lend itself to someone who had an obsession with her or knew her, because it's personal versus someone who was going to steal," Garrett told "Good Morning America." "Stalking or bothering people is a fairly common thing for people who have daily exposure to the public on television. It tees the ball up for that type of personality that wants to create some fantasy world."
Hopefully she will recover, I cannot imagine a full recovery as I believe mindwise this sort of thing lingers and it would be tough to try and forget.

I travel to Little Rock often, typical large city and bad things can heppen anywhere.
This is such a sad story. We will probably find out there was a sexual motive behind the attack. The robbery will be a secondary motive. The attacker has probably watched Ms. Pressly in the past and was aware of her schedule. Because of the extreme brutality of the crime, one can assume there will be DNA left somewhere on Ms. Pressly or within the crime scene boundaries. Most offenders who commit this type of crime are sloppy. My prayer is there will be DNA and that the DNA will be in the CODIS data bank.
I have not seen any mention of a boyfriend. They said she lived alone with her 2 dogs. I agree it doesn't sound like a random robbery to me either. I think she knew her attacker I don't think the dogs would have 'wandered" away if there was a stranger in the house. The dogs can tell alot. Even if they can't speak. They can still tell alot. I think whoever did that to her knows her and her dogs. Pets are very loyal and can sense danger with a stranger. Especially if they are very protective. I know if someone broke into my house they would have to kill my dog to get to me, and that wouldn't be an easy feat. She's a full blooded rotwieller baby. She gets a little upset when my hubby tickles me, cause I squeal and she thinks he's hurting me. She barks and jumps at him even tho she knows he's not hurting me.
So I really don't think this was some random robbery. My prayers go out to her and her family and I hope she has a quick recovery.
I don't mean to ask a trite question in the face of Miss Pressly's horrific attack, but what breed dogs did she have? Large, small or in-between?
Is it believed that she actually let the dogs out into a street or that the intruder let them out or maybe put them outdoors?

Also, she was at a birthday party the last time she was seen. I wonder if the police has interviewed all who were there?

I agree that this was probably a sexually motivated crime... not a robbery.
I don't mean to ask a trite question in the face of Miss Pressly's horrific attack, but what breed dogs did she have? Large, small or in-between?
Is it believed that she actually let the dogs out into a street or that the intruder let them out or maybe put them outdoors?

If I remember correctly, I believe the dogs were cocker spaniels. I do not have time to look for the link. Sorry............
Also, she was at a birthday party the last time she was seen. I wonder if the police has interviewed all who were there?

I agree that this was probably a sexually motivated crime... not a robbery.

If the party was at a restaurant, I would assume that LE has interviewed all the friends that were at the party as well as any of the wait staff that may have been employeed by the restaurant.
If I remember correctly, I believe the dogs were cocker spaniels. I do not have time to look for the link. Sorry............

I don't have a link either but I remember on the news there was a man walking to a police car holding a tan cocker spaniel.
I don't mean to ask a trite question in the face of Miss Pressly's horrific attack, but what breed dogs did she have? Large, small or in-between?
Is it believed that she actually let the dogs out into a street or that the intruder let them out or maybe put them outdoors?

Also, she was at a birthday party the last time she was seen. I wonder if the police has interviewed all who were there?

I agree that this was probably a sexually motivated crime... not a robbery.

Cocker Spaniels
They don't want to treat her as a celebrity, because if they do then they will be accused of giving her special treatment because she is a news reporter.

I live in Little Rock and this has already happened to all of the news agencies here because a black person was killed in a poor neighborhood the same night and very little information was covered by any of the news sources.

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