GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

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Kiki and Carla LaShelle:

I'm so sorry you've both had to go through those terrible experiences but I'm glad you survived. Carla LaShelle, losing your sister along with being attacked has to be in your mind always. I hope that man is no longer your husband, Kiki.

May you both have the strength to overcome these horrendous acts.

Thank you Ydog... and no, after saying some quiet goodbyes I took my children--only the youngest of whom was from second marriage and just weeks old--and moved across nine states (3000 miles or as far away as you can get), obtained a dissolution AND a protective order effective thru 2011... and despite extreme challenges, including serious health issues, I know that I speak for us all when I say we 'count it all joy' for my youngest daughter who is the joy of our lives. 'He gives us beauty for our ashes, joy for our mourning...' .
Very early on someone (from the gas station?) had been on TV saying they had the best surveillence set up you could get and it would show everything...

I find it odd that if her purse was dumped somewhere and then someone found it and took her card to buy gas, that it would all happen within the stated "20 mins" time frame. I mean like would the killer take the purse, go across town to the park, dump her purse somewhere (it is still dark out) and then someone else finds the purse, gets the card and goes to the gas station, again all within a short period of time. I can see finding a stolen purse in daylight whith a lot of people around, but at night/early morning in a park... not sure.

ITA I find this highly improbable within such a short period of time. Neither does it seem a simple crime of opportunity, or run-of-the-mill break-in, robbery, or even sexual assault perpetrated by some local "homeless person." It is far too sadistic, and ritualistic, in nature. In fact, why take the purse at all if they weren't planning on using her credit card? Do we know whether anything else was missing from the purse? JMO
Very early on someone (from the gas station?) had been on TV saying they had the best surveillence set up you could get and it would show everything...

I find it odd that if her purse was dumped somewhere and then someone found it and took her card to buy gas, that it would all happen within the stated "20 mins" time frame. I mean like would the killer take the purse, go across town to the park, dump her purse somewhere (it is still dark out) and then someone else finds the purse, gets the card and goes to the gas station, again all within a short period of time. I can see finding a stolen purse in daylight whith a lot of people around, but at night/early morning in a park... not sure.

The "20 minute timeline" isn't real unless the police have released something officially. All that is known is that she was last heard from about 10:30 p.m. and her mother arrived about 4:30 a.m. I think the CC was used ar 4 or sometime around that. I think people have assumed the killer had left and gone directly to the gas station, when in fact he could have left at midnight and had 4 hours before the card was used. Or at 1 a.m. and 3 hours, etc.
Thank you Ydog... and no, after saying some quiet goodbyes I took my children--only the youngest of whom was from second marriage and just weeks old--and moved across nine states (3000 miles or as far away as you can get), obtained a dissolution AND a protective order effective thru 2011... and despite extreme challenges, including serious health issues, I know that I speak for us all when I say we 'count it all joy' for my youngest daughter who is the joy of our lives. 'He gives us beauty for our ashes, joy for our mourning...' .

I'm happy to hear that Kiki and your quote was beautiful.
The construction workers would be one of the first people I interviewed! I can't believe LE has not interviewed them yet. He would have full view of her house, would be able to determine she lived alone, get an idea of what her schedule was. Maybe he even tried to talk to her once or twice and was rebuffed causing him rage at being rejected. There are just so many possibilities I just can't believe they haven't interviewed them yet. They have had plenty of time.

Ever time I think about poor Patty finding her daughter in that condition my heart hearts. I cannot even imagine what injuries like that would look like let alone imagine finding my daughter like that.

LE has not release anything confirming or denying that there was a sexual assault have they?
LE has not release anything confirming or denying that there was a sexual assault have they?

Not officially but John Walsh clearly stated that in his Fox interview mentioned earlier. I had (sadly) always assumed that was part of it.
Thank you all for the kind words. I have some seizures too from my attack, and a stroke left me partly blind and weakend on my right side. I also wear a bridge as I lost some teeth. and also have sinus problems and headaches from having my face bashed in. The worst part of surviving (for me) is knowing the sequence of events, as if it was somehow all predetermined, had to act out in just this one way that i lived and my sister didnt.
Thank you all for the kind words. I have some seizures too from my attack, and a stroke left me partly blind and weakend on my right side. I also wear a bridge as I lost some teeth. and also have sinus problems and headaches from having my face bashed in. The worst part of surviving (for me) is knowing the sequence of events, as if it was somehow all predetermined, had to act out in just this one way that i lived and my sister didnt.

Carla Lashelle, I am so sorry for your pain and so proud of you for moving forward. For your sister RIP and my prayers are with you and for her. Forgive me for asking and if I missed it, but did they catch your attacker?
Being beat to crap is more often than not a situation in domestic abuse. Some don't make it and the ones that do carry lots of baggage. I speak from personal experience.

Anne had an extraordinary amount of damage from what media reports and what I have surmised. I truly think this crime a targeted incident with everything else being a decoy. I have thought from the beginning a stalker with rage issues and nothing has changed my mind. It is personal and from what we know she wasn't involved in any relationship where we could blame the boyfriend/husband. This is a hate crime....with variables being thrown in.
Pressly is actually her last name and not a stage name. Cannady is her stepfather.

Thanks, I thought so but wasn't sure. It seemed odd two friends with the same name, spelled the same way. A lot of TV news people use professional names and it wouldn't be unusual.

I hope the police have their man and are just waiting on evidence to come in.
Carla Lashelle, I am so sorry for your pain and so proud of you for moving forward. For your sister RIP and my prayers are with you and for her. Forgive me for asking and if I missed it, but did they catch your attacker?

Thanks, yes they did. It was pretty easy. Although to be honest it doesnt change anything really for me. It doesnt fix anything.
... I truly think this crime a targeted incident with everything else being a decoy. I have thought from the beginning a stalker with rage issues and nothing has changed my mind...

That is still a big part of what i think about. I have a feeling it was a stalker type crime. But i still wonder too if no one had any indication of the guy? I could be wrong, but i would think that most victims have some sort of knowledge they are being stalked. Letters, gifts, the stalker showing up at work or home, phone calls, etc. From my own experiences, i knew about the person that attacked us. He had become a pest, but was also creepy. Every nite we worked he would buy us a drink and a rose, etc. After a while it got to the point that enough was enough. We thought we had taken care of him by having him kicked out of the club where we worked, whcih is not uncommon anyway. Thats what bouncers are for.

What frustrates me with this horrible crime, is the somewhat contradictory statements that slowly crept out, mere made, retracted, dropped, etc. I can understand the need for some of it, but then sometimes it makes LE seem dumb too. You can either assume LE is building a case (in a way there is no hurry to rush into something and bungle it) or else they are fishing around for anything and hiding behind the silence.

The Eve Carson case also upset me greatly, but LE seemed to make more info available FAST. Same here in Florida with the Denise Amber Lee story (another very upsetting one for me) as it happened close by. For better or worse, LE fessed up to totally blowing how that crime was handled. Also the Casey Anthony case here. A lot of details are made public to aide in the search for Calee. Maybe laws about disclosure are different here? Or vary state to state.
Not officially but John Walsh clearly stated that in his Fox interview mentioned earlier. I had (sadly) always assumed that was part of it.

Thank you and thank you for sharing your story with us. It is terrifying and sad the things humans can do to eachtoher. I am so sorry you lost your sister in such an unneccessary way.

I am glad you at least got the peace of mind that the perp was caught.
The stalker theory seems the most likely scenario to me too (although I still think the construction workers need to be interviewed). It explains the brutality of the crime.

Usually though a stalker who is stalking out of an obsession will make his presence known in some way - by writing letters, leaving message, making sure the stalkee is aware that he is around watching, it is part of the thrill and the control to know that you can instill fear into that person. One the other hand - I'm sure there are stalkers who get off on remaining completely in the shadows too. Surely if Anne felt like someone was stalking her she would have said something to someone. I have not heard anything confirming she was frightened of anyone.
Surely if Anne felt like someone was stalking her she would have said something to someone. I have not heard anything confirming she was frightened of anyone.

That was my feeling too. There was some mention on the news of maybe an overly friendly fan that turned out to be not involved. But no one mentioned any red flag type people popping up.

Of course, you can have something totally random happen. look athte Charles Manson clan murders...
Thank you all for the kind words. I have some seizures too from my attack, and a stroke left me partly blind and weakend on my right side. I also wear a bridge as I lost some teeth. and also have sinus problems and headaches from having my face bashed in. The worst part of surviving (for me) is knowing the sequence of events, as if it was somehow all predetermined, had to act out in just this one way that i lived and my sister didnt.

What awful memories and after effects you have to live with. My heart goes out to you.
Yellow, I know it will kill me in the end. So its still murder either way.

Maybe thats why the Anne P. case haunts me so much. I just feel an attachment or bond. it haunts me and hurts me MORE than my own stuff.
That was my feeling too. There was some mention on the news of maybe an overly friendly fan that turned out to be not involved. But no one mentioned any red flag type people popping up.

Of course, you can have something totally random happen. look athte Charles Manson clan murders...

I'm still not convinced that even your 'garden variety' stalker (if there is such a thing) necessarily practices the sadistic genitalia mutilation, ritualistic cutting, disfiguring of face, etc we've been hearing about (?) So if those reports are true, I have to stick w my deranged on drugs 'thrill killing' theory... JMO
New news article. Seems like nothing new. Those poor parents, I cannot imagine returning to Anne's home.


Publicly, police say they are no closer to finding a suspect, but Pressly's parents say they have been told privately that there has been progress and that detectives are developing leads that could narrow the search for the killer.
SNIP from above linked article.

Returning to their daughter's house was difficult for the Cannadys, but they gave police some new information about a missing item Pressly had bought the day before she was beaten while on a shopping trip with Patti Cannady. Police are not releasing that information at this point.

I wonder if this is the bracelet we've all heard rumored about.

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