GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 3

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A close family member of mine had Borderline Personality Disorder with Narcissistic Tendencies (they have since passed away). I have psychotherapist friends who call them "Border Drains" as they say they are the hardest to treat and are entirely exhausting. I know the feeling first hand. I would not dare to diagnose AL, but BPD does ring true based on my personal experience. MOO.
knowing now that the appointment was set up a couple days before makes me wonder if this was going to be a premeditated murder makes me wonder why he had not better thought out a burial place. kidnapping for ransom makes alot of sense. then there would not have been the need for a disposal site. will have to wait for trial to get these details I guess. I think manner and method of death will help answer these questions.

BBM Maybe he did put a lot of thought into her burial spot and he was certain that she would never be found there. I honestly feel he thought he was too clever to get linked to her and therefor didn't think the police would ever search for her behind the locked gates of that cement yard. He may have been a fairly intelligent guy however his long record shows that he didn't get away with most of his crimes. He definitely was a career criminal however he wasn't anywhere close to good at what he did. He stole a motorcycle, got caught. Stole a car, got caught. Planned to rob a bank, got caught. Stole merchandise from Walmart, got caught. Figured out a way to steal movies, etc. by disabling their locking mechanism however he then posted videos of it on You Tube. He kidnapped and murdered a woman and was caught and charged just a handful of days later (and there isn't even an obvious link between the two of them.) Seems to me that the most lucrative thing he ever did was sue the prison, and that was legal. Maybe he could formulate an argument but he sure couldn't get away with his crimes.
New article.

The heartbreaking murder has given Carter's family a new mission: to keep her memory alive by channeling their grief into positive work. Carl Carter Jr. says he wants to help others in the same situation.

"Mom's death was senseless," her son Carl tells PEOPLE. "I hope that things will change to help protect other people."
A close family member of mine had Borderline Personality Disorder with Narcissistic Tendencies (they have since passed away). I have psychotherapist friends who call them "Border Drains" as they say they are the hardest to treat and are entirely exhausting. I know the feeling first hand. I would not dare to diagnose AL, but BPD does ring true based on my personal experience. MOO.
Yes yes yes. I work with them as patients (non professional). Very exhausting.
I think its a throwback to the older days, when the world (or the United States then) was considered much safer then., (prior to computers), etc.

I recall however, in Howard County Maryland, where i was looking for a home for years that there was an agent (one of those multi =million dollar sellers probably with Century 21 back then, around 1979) was murdered in one of those empty homes. It shocked us then, and look how long ago that was! I'd remember her name if I heard it but its been decades.

She had become so popular, and the exposure was over the top as I recall, and she herself, did this exposure for more business.
Rinbea2 - I just have to say this. As someone who has studied Buddhism, the correct spelling is Buddha, not Buddah. In a place where accuracy in quoting is essential, I just wanted to point this out. Perhaps you simply didn't know this or auto correct struck again. Said with all due respect. :blushing:

:happydance: How long have you been sleuthing???? You have a good eye for detail! Thx... you are correct on both counts, the spelling and/or auto correct or cut & paste boo boo.
I drove to the airport today and on the way I passed so many of these dotted areas on the map. She was so heavy on my mind and probably forever will be. I passed the plant, the Jacksonville exit that leads to Jacksonville Cato, the Scott exit..
My husband is right , This case is consuming me. How can it not is my question? It's all right here under our nose! He just don't get it. But anyway I was thinking of how good we've heard that Beverly was on earth and I'm so amazed that this case has progressed so fast I wonder if she's helping. And then the old song came on ... Let it be , let it be .. There will be an answer ... Let it be. :)
I think our law enforcement is smarter than I am with this stuff so I know they have to see what I see. If that's the case, I'm glad they aren't saying a lot.

TamE...your husband and mine both. My husband KNOWS that I'm obsessed with this case. For many reasons. Not only did I know her, all of these places are very much old stomping grounds, I was driving down Cantrell in WLR today and noticed another realtors ad on a electronic sign...she has long blond hair and they were announcing her recent accomplishments. My mind immediately flashed to BC and prayed silently that there will be procedures in place where there will never be another victim of such a tragedy like this.
This. I don't keep up with the news, etc. (I'm only keeping up with this one as it is local to me), so I don't know how kidnappings, etc. usually "work", but I just don't understand how AL could have gotten BC out of the house by himself. IMO, there had to have been another person, some sort of drugs... something.

Also, I saw a comment on one of his YouTube videos to effect of, I know this guy, he's stupid, he probably killed her by mistake. I have a screenshot, but I don't think I'm allowed to post it (?)...

I've thought about this a lot. When she went missing, it was said she was 5'3" and 140lbs. She had recently taken up running and I feel weighed less than that but not for sure. When his info was released, he was listed as obviously taller but not much heavier (approx 160). I've just had a hard time thinking he could have carried her out alone. I can try to go back and verify the weights again, if anyone is interested. Now I'm thinking he may have been thinner due to recent weight loss. Hmm...
:happydance: How long have you been sleuthing???? You have a good eye for detail! Thx... you are correct on both counts, the spelling and/or auto correct or cut & paste boo boo.

I kept seeing it and I just couldn't stand it anymore! It got my attention as the type is so small. It made me look harder! And it's really so silly and I'm so glad you're laughing. I think Buddha would be happy. :)
I'll throw this out FWIW...If he did plan any or all of the kidnapping/murder and if he'd ever used meth before then he knew what a rush and feeling of omnipotence it can give a person. If a person thinks whiskey can make them feel 10 ft tall and bulletproof, then meth would (comparatively) make one feel like superman. If he had been using, it's possible when he wasn't high he hatched the plan then to get the courage to follow through he started a bender. After two days of meth use it's definitely possible to function especially if they have a tolerance, but by then a person's rationale isn't as functional. By the third day paranoia (and possibly auditory hallucinations) firmly set in. I, personally, believe this guy is crazy like a fox. However, whenever there is illicit drug use involved, especially with someone that is addicted - there is no rational rhyme or reason. I have watched as people I loved and knew most/all of my life destroyed what so many of us hold dear. It wasn't for some great achievement or fame, actually it was usually a combination of prison, death, or infamy.

So I guess what I'm saying overall is....There may be no great mystery if this guy was using drugs other than, we the public, don't know all the minute details. The one thing we do know is that a wonderful person was taken from family and friends far too soon. As it was quoted from BC's family member, her death was senseless.

To the locals: Do any of you know if they still run the realty/home show on Sat. or Sun. mornings? When I lived there they had a program that showcased homes and provided the phone numbers/photos of each home. TIA
Its hard because we dont have many informations...but its the same for erin corwin case they didnt even confirm if she was pregnant...and its understandable as they dont want to jeopradized the case in i guess we have to wait couple of months for more information...
I'll throw this out FWIW...If he did plan any or all of the kidnapping/murder and if he'd ever used meth before then he knew what a rush and feeling of omnipotence it can give a person. If a person thinks whiskey can make them feel 10 ft tall and bulletproof, then meth would (comparatively) make one feel like superman. If he had been using, it's possible when he wasn't high he hatched the plan then to get the courage to follow through he started a bender. After two days of meth use it's definitely possible to function especially if they have a tolerance, but by then a person's rationale isn't as functional. By the third day paranoia (and possibly auditory hallucinations) firmly set in. I, personally, believe this guy is crazy like a fox. However, whenever there is illicit drug use involved, especially with someone that is addicted - there is no rational rhyme or reason. I have watched as people I loved and knew most/all of my life destroyed what so many of us hold dear. It wasn't for some great achievement or fame, actually it was usually a combination of prison, death, or infamy.

So I guess what I'm saying overall is....There may be no great mystery if this guy was using drugs other than, we the public, don't know all the minute details. The one thing we do know is that a wonderful person was taken from family and friends far too soon. As it was quoted from BC's family member, her death was senseless.

To the locals: Do any of you know if they still run the realty/home show on Sat. or Sun. mornings? When I lived there they had a program that showcased homes and provided the phone numbers/photos of each home. TIA

The one I remember showing open houses/advertising on was under the TV Guide channel about 5 years ago. I don't have cable now so.. someone needs to fill it in. There was also specials on window cleaning, carpet cleaning.. etc. that was all local. And yes, there was open houses on it.
I kept seeing it and I just couldn't stand it anymore! It got my attention as the type is so small. It made me look harder! And it's really so silly and I'm so glad you're laughing. I think Buddha would be happy. :)

No problem... :laughing:
A close family member of mine had Borderline Personality Disorder with Narcissistic Tendencies (they have since passed away). I have psychotherapist friends who call them "Border Drains" as they say they are the hardest to treat and are entirely exhausting. I know the feeling first hand. I would not dare to diagnose AL, but BPD does ring true based on my personal experience. MOO.

I respectfully disagree and think that AL is your basic sociopath, ASPD, and revved up on drugs.
It is just all that.

Not diagnosing AL here but if I were to do so, ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder aka "Sociopath") combined with a drug addiction (meth or crack) would be the "horsey I was a betting on"! :thinking:

Additionally, from what I've read about "tweekers" (meth addicts) is that they will take things apart (think about his endless videos with magnets/locks) for hours and hours.
Coincidentally, there are some of the newish lockboxes that do contain a magnet part inside. I wonder if he had taken the lockbox off the home he wanted BC to show him and captured her by surprise when she walked in? Ironically, her realtor friend showing BC's listing had a problem with a key if I recall correctly?

But then again, maybe it's just being me trying to think like a sociopath that AL is. :shame:
Just having a chance to check in, guess no news?
Not diagnosing AL here but if I were to do so, ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder aka "Sociopath") combined with a drug addiction (meth or crack) would be the "horsey I was a betting on"! :thinking:

Additionally, from what I've read about "tweekers" (meth addicts) is that they will take things apart (think about his endless videos with magnets/locks) for hours and hours.
Coincidentally, there are some of the newish lockboxes that do contain a magnet part inside. I wonder if he had taken the lockbox off the home he wanted BC to show him and captured her by surprise when she walked in? Ironically, her realtor friend showing BC's listing had a problem with a key if I recall correctly?

But then again, maybe it's just being me trying to think like a sociopath that AL is. :shame:

Good info about "tweekers". I don't know AL but I know one real sociopath. That person takes psychotic meds. I don't think AL is a sociopath but more of a psychopath. (MOO) but he can detach himself easily, which would be more of a sociopath. ( No remorse/non-attachment) The problem with Borderline Personality Disorder, is it's over-used.

I don't think he carried Beverly out to the car.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one shortly...
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