GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 4

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I know that was very stupid. I guess that answer's how they got AL on their radar so quickly. So much had been said about the phone prior to CL's arrest, even to the point of thinking that was how they found BC's body. So now I wonder how they found her?

Same! He would have had the phone when he dropped the body, I would think. Thought... didnt people say the realtors use their phones to gain entry into homes??? What if he did it to get the phone to get into other properties?
Her being on drugs would explain so much about why she was with him. I guess that's why I question it so hard.
But I know firsthand you can be with a heavy user and not realize it. If you don't know to look for it then you don't. She may have truly been clueless.
Thank you so much for talking to us. You have my support whether you are right or wrong.
Well he may not have known that with an Iphone you can use find my phone which lead them straight to his house. They probably found her through phone pings. He sure was hanging on to that phone. 7 times in jail should have told him he didnt make a very good criminal.
You are a true friend, nojusticenusa. I hope you are correct and she is innocent for her children's sake.
I will tell you from personal experience that being someone's friend and holding up for them can come back to bite pretty dang hard. I knew my best friend for 25+ yrs, more like sisters, told each other everything---or so I thought. I confronted her, out of love and concern, about a rumored affair she'd supposedly been carrying on. She lied lied lied right to my face for 15+ yrs (yes, the affair lasted that long)! She finally fessed up when I told her I knew and had seen concrete evidence of the affair. I was the one hurt in that situation because I defended her to EVERYONE in our small town. She used me for an alibi, without me knowing, for a decade and a 1/2! We even went to church together! I know this is off subject but I just don't want you or anyone else that is friends with CL to wind up being more victims added to the list.
This guy isnt very smart at all. I feel there still could be someone else involved too.
Well he may not have known that with an Iphone you can use find my phone which lead them straight to his house. They probably found her through phone pings. He sure was hanging on to that phone. 7 times in jail should have told him he didnt make a very good criminal.
Okay I am confused. How would they find BC's body through phone pings, if the LE found her phone at CL house?
Okay I am confused. How would they find BC's body through phone pings, if the LE found her phone at CL house?

Because the phone was probably still with them (him and Beverly and anyone else with them)when he buried her and it would have pinged in that area Before he went home if their was a close tower.
I have such bad timing! I miss everything. Just got home to this amazing discussion without being able to participate but what insights nojustice has provided! I'm still of the theory that the culprits are not all in custody as well. Feel like there is one missing person not yet implicated by LE. As a fellow Realtor über concerned about this case, I thank you nojustice for shedding this light on it for us. And I do worry about the daughter especially. Hoping that she too has a strong support system at this time amongst friends and loved ones because she will need it. And even if so, there will be scars and trauma that will take time to address and heal for her as well. I do hope for your sake that your friend has been straight with you but keep your third eye open so you don't get blindsided in the event you might be wrong. And thank again so much for talking to us and all the information. Sleep well!
This guy isnt very smart at all. I feel there still could be someone else involved too.
You might be correct. Who knows at this point! All I know is LE has to have some hard evidence on CL. You don't just throw those charges on someone thinking you'll break them in jail. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. LE reported they had their suspicions but had gathered enough evidence to arrest her. LE also stated it was nothing AL said to them, it was evidence found.
I know, innocent til proven guilty--but I could maybe convince myself more if she'd been hit with a lesser charge like "accessory to murder"...
This was premeditated. That call was made a couple of days in advance which tells me there was some kind of plan in place. So AL decides he isnt satisfied any more with being a life time thief he wants to advance to murder. Why? What was the motive? This still has missing pieces. At least for me. I cant help but wonder if someone else had it in for Beverly and AL and CL were to get money for doing the deed? Could there be some gang activity? Someone had a plan to gain something. But all that was found was her cell phone. Im not seeing a motive yet.
Because the phone was probably still with them (him and Beverly and anyone else with them)when he buried her and it would have pinged in that area Before he went home if their was a close tower.

I must be understanding this differently then. The way her friend made it sound was that BC's phone was found at AL/CL's house and that is why CL was arrested for having her phone in her home. I don't think by this info that the phone was ever with her body at the shallow grave and that is what I was wondering was how they found her body then.
I must be understanding this differently then. The way her friend made it sound was that BC's phone was found at AL/CL's house and that is why CL was arrested for having her phone in her home. I don't think by this info that the phone was ever with her body at the shallow grave and that is what I was wondering was how they found her body then.

Right. Arron meets Beverly. "Gets" Beverly and her phone. Goes to bury Beverly (phone still with them). Goes home with phone and brings it inside. The phone took the ride for the whole thing. My theory
Right. Arron meets Beverly. "Gets" Beverly and her phone. Goes to bury Beverly (phone still with them). Goes home with phone and brings it inside. The phone took the ride for the whole thing. My theory

I get it now. I had not thought of it that way. It is just that her charge for stealing the phone was dated at the same time AL arrest warrant was. Or at least it was that day before they found her body. I wonder why they didn't use the warrant and arrest her the day (Monday) they had her in for questioning. She was not arrest for that until several days later. Just so odd. Would it really take from Thursday to Monday for them to research BC's phone pings?

I just looked and she was not arrested until 10/9/14 for that charge and the warrant was issued on 9/29/14. Strange they waited 10 days to arrest her when they had her right there for questioning. I guess they had their reasons.
I get it now. I had not thought of it that way. It is just that her charge for stealing the phone was dated at the same time AL arrest warrant was. Or at least it was that day before they found her body. I wonder why they didn't use the warrant and arrest her the day (Monday) they had her in for questioning. She was not arrest for that until several days later. Just so odd. Would it really take from Thursday to Monday for them to research BC's phone pings?

I just looked and she was not arrested until 10/9/14 for that charge and the warrant was issued on 9/29/14. Strange they waited 10 days to arrest her when they had her right there for questioning. I guess they had their reasons.

First, I think that what nojustice said could very well be true about her being arrested because they thought she might flee. I'm sure they already had the phone that was found in her house. It could have been a quick charge to get her to stay while they gathered evidence.
Second, as I posted right after her body was found, the phone is not what directly led to her body. It may have helped and would have eventually led to her body. However, it was someone who worked with AL that had been talked to that day about the dump truck being stolen from the Argon shop in saline county, that called police and told them to check Cabot later that night. It was a combination of his possible access because of keys, his knowledge of the plant from his short employment with argon, and the ex coworkers gut instinct that led to the discovery of her body late Sunday night. (Past Midnight before they found her ).
Also, that coworker said AL had been fired for selling drugs while working.
Moo because I have no links supporting this theory/. Just local/inside knowledge of the party that helped LE.
This was premeditated. That call was made a couple of days in advance which tells me there was some kind of plan in place. So AL decides he isnt satisfied any more with being a life time thief he wants to advance to murder. Why? What was the motive? This still has missing pieces. At least for me. I cant help but wonder if someone else had it in for Beverly and AL and CL were to get money for doing the deed? Could there be some gang activity? Someone had a plan to gain something. But all that was found was her cell phone. Im not seeing a motive yet.

Exactly. There are still missing pieces to this puzzle. Unless they really thought the could kidnap her and get a ransom and then let her go.
It makes more sense that they were being paid though. But why and by who?
If AL was into meth as I've heard, the first theory would make sense. Meth users come up with ideas that they think are genius but non drug users would shake their head at.
I want to hear from Travis even though LE said he was cleared from being a suspect.
This case keeps me awake at night. I can't even imagine what the investigators are doing through.
CL is a good person and mother. She, like many single mothers, end up with the wrong men who trick them into thinking they are going to take care of them and pay their bills. They fall prey to a carrot dangled in front of them of a better lifestyle for them and their children. She is not perfect but nowhere close to a killer or kidnapper.

I also knew BC and she was a wonderful lady. I hate this for both families and my heart is broken. BC did not deserve what happened and neither did her family. It is tragic for all involved.

CL does NOT do drugs. She has passed drug screens both for nursing school and jobs and recently passed on during custody case.

She was at nursing school the night of the kidnapping.

She and AL were split up when this happened but he refused to move out. He had moved out briefly back in the summer and moved in with TM but she had recently let him back in the house when he became gainfully employed and tricked her again with false promises of support while she was in nursing school.

CL was not friends with TM. AL was the one that was friends with TM.

The recent custody fight is a long going issue with her and her ex, like so many cases we see with divorce involving children. The ex is actually years behind on child support so has a reason for wanting to get custody. You can verify this at pulaski county clerk website and see for yourself the recent wage garnishment shortly that was filed shortly before BC was murdered. I do not for one minute believe TL thinks CL does drugs or is a prostitute. He used that in a moment of weakness to gain an advantage in the custody battle. The ex was called by AL after CL kicked him out. AL tried to extort money out of the ex to the tune of $5000.00 for information that CL was a prostitute. This happened in Jan 2014. A sensible person would wonder why the ex waited so long to file again for custody if he believed any of the drug or prostitute lies? Could it be because CL had a new wage assignment sent to his job in Sept 2014 shortly before his Oct 2014 filing for custody? Her daughter was being returned to her by the court but then she was arrested.

AL gave all of CL's friends the creepers. None of us wanted to be around him. None of us wanted her with him. ALL of us tried to warn her. None of us allowed our kids around him.

Her Halloween Haunted House post on FB was in bad taste. I think we can all agree on that one. I personally think it was another bad choice from someone who was confused and going through post traumatic stress from all that has been going on. Bad taste does not make one a killer.

She was arrested for theft by receiving on the Monday before the body was found on Tuesday. I will not post what was the object of the theft by receiving so as not to jeopardize anything to do with the investigation. If you read the custody paperwork you will find the answer to this question. What her ex says in the custody paperwork is true on that subject. She had nothing to do BC disappearance or what they found in her house. What they found had to have been put there by AL. She had no idea it was there. I believe it led LE to him. The house was leased to CL not AL and she was living there before he moved in with her. She just married him in the Spring. the theft charge was a way for the police to question her. They told her that. She was told by police that the charge would be dropped and she did cooperate with them. It is a mystery why they charged her. We all believe it is to put pressure on her because she did not give them the answers they want. We do not believe she has those answers but the police for some reason think she knows something. She will not fare well in jail. She does not belong there.

She has never had any charges at any other time in her life. All the reports of her having a record are absolutely untrue. She is a mild mannered person.

Every part of me, and of all her other real friends, tell us this is not true about her. I was around her after the murder and she was just as surprised and shocked as the rest of us when things would come out in the news. There was a lot of information about AL that she never knew.

She did not know he was a 7 time convicted felon when they married. She did however know he had been in some past trouble for some sort of scam on a company but he told her he had changed. She had no idea of his long criminal past. I realize it was posted on FB but apparently she was blinded by love and failed to do her research. Call her dumb if you will but being dumb does not make one a killer.

AL and CL had a very bad relationship. What the neighbors reported about them fighting is very true. He was not physically abusive but was mentally. Her daughter did not like him and he did not like her. He was very childish and would lie on the daughter to try to come between CL and her daughter. It was not a good situation and CL should have woke up sooner about him.

The black eye was a fluke accident that happened a few weeks ago long after AL was in jail and BC had been buried. It has nothing to do with any of this.

CL only crime is looking for love in all the wrong places and being stupid enough to post things in bad taste on her FB page. I believe AL took advantage of her. I do not believe she would harm anyone or participate freely with knowledge in any of this.

What I do not like seeing is the lynch mob mentality I see posted by some. Remember she is innocent until proven guilty and in this country people still have a right to a fair trial. We do not hang people in the town square. I know it's easy to sit back assume that LE does not charge innocent people. Don't assume anything. How many people have spent years on death row to be later found innocent. Nothing is proven yet. This needs to take it's course.

Her FB page had to be closed because her kids could read all the posts that were being posted. Some of them were horrible. Nobody's family deserves to see that, especially kids who love their mom. I think the realtors I saw posting on her FB page the night she was arrested should be ashamed of themselves. It did not reflect well on them as professionals and I do not believe the Carter family would have approved. They have certainly acted classy throughout this entire ordeal they have had to go through with their wife and mother being taken and senselessly murdered.

Everyone deserves a fair trial in this country. It's what this country was founded on. I do believe in justice for BC. I also believe in justice for CL and even for AL. What this country needs is more love and prayers for our fellow neighbors not bashing and judgmental behavior.

The truth will come out in the end and it will be up to a jury of their peers to decide their fate. In the meantime, I will never believe CL had anything to do with this until I see the evidence.

There are a lot of rumors going around about BC but I would not post them here out of respect for her and her family. I think her co-workers are wrong for the talk I've been hearing around town, if in fact they are the ones running their mouths. Most of the rumors I've heard have reportedly coming from them. Someone correct me on this if I have been misinformed. I do know I witnessed some of them posting on CL FB page myself. It was shameful and in bad taste.

I welcome your opinion but I ask that you think about her children when you start bashing and that she may be innocent. Everyone has family that loves them. Nobody deserves to read things like I've seen here about their mother. Regardless of the outcome she will never be able to recover from this. Her name will permanently be connected to this tragedy.

There are a lot of victims in this case. I do not believe AL is one of them, although I'm not 100% sure he is the killer.

If CL had anything to do with this I will be shocked and will come here and admit I was wrong.

I appreciate the info you have shared; it's always helpful to have an inside perspective. You seem like a kind hearted person wanting to believe the best of your friend. I am afraid you're in for a big disappointment, though. It's extremely unlikely that all of these things she is claiming to be untrue are actually untrue.

If, as someone else mentioned, BC's phone was found in her home, a fingerprint test would have been done and if her prints were not on it, why would she have been accused of "receiving" it?

If the lease is in her name and not AL's, she could have had him removed from the residence by contacting police.

Just because she was in class doesn't mean she didn't have anything to do with the murder. I don't think there's any chance that an arrest warrant for capital murder would have been issued without solid evidence. LE doesn't want to risk a lawsuit for false arrest, especially on such a serious crime in a high profile case.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou: "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them."

I looked up false positives for pcp. Almost all the medications that can cause a false positive are medications that are highly abused. No way to know for sure with that one, I guess. I know I never had to take a drug test for nursing school, and it's also not standard practice for drug testing to be required in custody cases either.

This sounds like a mean, mean post and I'm sorry for that. I work with substance abusers and can see holes in stories that a less cynical and jaded person wouldn't recognize.
Mzopinion8d, I agree with your entire post except that LE would remove him if the lease is in her name. In arkansas, once a person sets up residence at your house , having mail delivered there is enough , they have to be evicted thru court to be forced to leave. The police can't make them leave. I know this because my dad tried to get the woman that killed him escorted off his property but they told him since she lived there, they could not make her leave.
I appreciate the info you have shared; it's always helpful to have an inside perspective. You seem like a kind hearted person wanting to believe the best of your friend. I am afraid you're in for a big disappointment, though. It's extremely unlikely that all of these things she is claiming to be untrue are actually untrue.

If, as someone else mentioned, BC's phone was found in her home, a fingerprint test would have been done and if her prints were not on it, why would she have been accused of "receiving" it?

If the lease is in her name and not AL's, she could have had him removed from the residence by contacting police.

Just because she was in class doesn't mean she didn't have anything to do with the murder. I don't think there's any chance that an arrest warrant for capital murder would have been issued without solid evidence. LE doesn't want to risk a lawsuit for false arrest, especially on such a serious crime in a high profile case.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou: "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them."

I looked up false positives for pcp. Almost all the medications that can cause a false positive are medications that are highly abused. No way to know for sure with that one, I guess. I know I never had to take a drug test for nursing school, and it's also not standard practice for drug testing to be required in custody cases either.

This sounds like a mean, mean post and I'm sorry for that. I work with substance abusers and can see holes in stories that a less cynical and jaded person wouldn't recognize.

Someone I know had to take a drug test. The went to the local head shop to buy something you drink that flushes out the urine. The salesman said it would hide everything but PCP. I find it interesting that she tested positive only for PCP.
I did some research and false positives for PCP can occur with some prescription drugs and possibly even Benadryl.
I didn't know that.
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