GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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I respectfully disagree. I also have complete faith both sides can make that decision.

I hope you are right. As I said, I grew up in the legal industry. I have seen cases that looked like a sure thing, flop and ones that looked like they wouldn't stand a chance, result in a conviction. More than the attorneys, it boils down to the jurors.
I see where NJ would be a good witness for either side. She is a loyal friend and would make a good character witness for CL on the defense side. On the prosecution side she has information that days before CL was arrested CL was having her help create a time line. The things NJ posted came from CL herself. The prosecution probably would like to see that timeline.
Edited to add: Do I think the prosecution needs her? I think they have what they need already-whatever it is.I doubt they would bother. I think they have their star witness and its not AL.
Random out loud thinking. Reading on the FB acct Prayers for and it states that AL was fired from Argos on Wednesday the day before BC was abducted. That status post was made on Sept 30th. I admit I have missed a lot but I did not realize it was that close that he lost his job. So does anyone know any different? Or was this a misunderstanding (when AL lost his job) by the comment author? If AL DID just lose his job that brings me further things to ponder..
Random out loud thinking. Reading on the FB acct Prayers for and it states that AL was fired from Argos on Wednesday the day before BC was abducted. That status post was made on Sept 30th. I admit I have missed a lot but I did not realize it was that close that he lost his job. So does anyone know any different? Or was this a misunderstanding (when AL lost his job) by the comment author? If AL DID just lose his job that brings me further things to ponder..

I had heard it was earlier, either a week min or several weeks earlier before the abduction that he was fired, maybe even a month? And I had posted that local newspaper article claiming he had come to the office to apply for a job there only days before the abduction but took the application and never filled it out. Per the editor who wrote the article after ALs arrest. Just going by memory here so dates could be off!
I had heard it was earlier, either a week min or several weeks earlier before the abduction that he was fired, maybe even a month? And I had posted that local newspaper article claiming he had come to the office to apply for a job there only days before the abduction but took the application and never filled it out. Per the editor who wrote the article after ALs arrest. Just going by memory here so dates could be off!

On that article from The Leader, I personally call BS. That editor is great on victim reporting. I give them that. But,after you get past the headline, the article was self serving if you read the whole article. The application was never brought back. LOL the editor/owner of paper says
"He said he wanted a job application, but I wouldn’t open the door for him.
He looked like someone who might have escaped from prison or who was on parole, so why let him inside?
He was a tall dark fellow who could snap at any moment and rob you for drug money or a six-pack of beer. If he ran into someone vulnerable, maybe an old man or an attractive woman, he might reach for a gun or a knife. "
I understand not opening a door, if your office is closed. JMHO this article was just to sell a paper.
I had heard it was earlier, either a week min or several weeks earlier before the abduction that he was fired, maybe even a month? And I had posted that local newspaper article claiming he had come to the office to apply for a job there only days before the abduction but took the application and never filled it out. Per the editor who wrote the article after ALs arrest. Just going by memory here so dates could be off!
I am possibly confused, so I apologize ahead of time. I was just "assuming" it was a ways prior also, I took it as that from NJ saying he moved back in with CL after he got the job with ARGO then when he got fired he wouldn't move out. (I again apologize if I am misstating something, not intentional.)
What really surprises me is them /whoever not taking her purse. MHO that $100 she won at that open house was probably there. Unless they were in a hurry to get her out of that house they didnt take the time.
Random out loud thinking. Reading on the FB acct Prayers for and it states that AL was fired from Argos on Wednesday the day before BC was abducted. That status post was made on Sept 30th. I admit I have missed a lot but I did not realize it was that close that he lost his job. So does anyone know any different? Or was this a misunderstanding (when AL lost his job) by the comment author? If AL DID just lose his job that brings me further things to ponder..

Incorrect. He had lost his job sometime before the abduction of BC. I can't remember specifically but I know it was not the day before.
On that article from The Leader, I personally call BS. That editor is great on victim reporting. I give them that. But,after you get past the headline, the article was self serving if you read the whole article. The application was never brought back. LOL the editor/owner of paper says
"He said he wanted a job application, but I wouldn’t open the door for him.
He looked like someone who might have escaped from prison or who was on parole, so why let him inside?
He was a tall dark fellow who could snap at any moment and rob you for drug money or a six-pack of beer. If he ran into someone vulnerable, maybe an old man or an attractive woman, he might reach for a gun or a knife. "
I understand not opening a door, if your office is closed. JMHO this article was just to sell a paper.

It's possible this was not even AL. Just trumped up to sell paper IMO.
Random out loud thinking. Reading on the FB acct Prayers for and it states that AL was fired from Argos on Wednesday the day before BC was abducted. That status post was made on Sept 30th. I admit I have missed a lot but I did not realize it was that close that he lost his job. So does anyone know any different? Or was this a misunderstanding (when AL lost his job) by the comment author? If AL DID just lose his job that brings me further things to ponder..

I wouldn't think that is it true.

NJ talked about where and what AL & CL were doing the day of, and a few days after, Beverly was abducted.
Sorry I didn't know how to quote a closed thread comment. So going by this I guess both AL and CL were charged under the first option ?

So sad to hear this news, but I figured it wasn't going to be a good outcome after hearing the search team was told not to convene tomorrow (today). FWIW in order to be charged with capital murder in the state of AR one must meet the following:
Arkansas law defines capital murder as a homicide committed under any of a number of defined circumstances:

Causing the death of another during the commission of a violent and major felony—such as robbery, rape, or kidnapping—under circumstances that show extreme indifference to human life
Causing the death of another in the process of committing arson
Purposely causing the death of another after premeditation
Causing the death of another while attempting to kill a law enforcement officer, teacher, or other public official in the line of duty
Purposely causing the death of another while incarcerated with the Arkansas Department of Corrections
Killing another in exchange for something or value or hiring another person to do so
Killing another by discharging a firearm from a vehicle
Causing the death of a person under the age of 14 under circumstances showing extreme indifference to human life

It was reported when he was arrested that he had been fired from there in July.

Thanks everyone, THATS what I was thinking. And reading that on the FB page that was first started when they were looking for BC really confused me (doesn't take much)
He posted on FB Sat July 19th that he "got a new job this week" at Argos cement and would begin working Monday(7/21). That might be where the July comes from. Hard to find his date of firing. And I guess it's possible the Arkansas online article was just to sell papers... but it's online for free reading, so not sure how that story might translate to any significant bottom line income to the publisher, but I'm not familiar with the paper and maybe they do have significant hard copy sales.

This articles references the hiring date at Argos but think it's only based on what AL himself posted?
He posted on FB Sat July 19th that he "got a new job this week" at Argos cement and would begin working Monday(7/21). That might be where the July comes from. Hard to find his date of firing. And I guess it's possible the Arkansas online article was just to sell papers... but it's online for free reading, so not sure how that story might translate to any significant bottom line income to the publisher, but I'm not familiar with the paper and maybe they do have significant hard copy sales.

This articles references the hiring date at Argos but think it's only based on what AL himself posted?

An article like that would generate a lot of hits to their website which can translate to ad money in a few different ways.

ETA: It would be good for SEO too.
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