GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 7

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No...right now she is charged with horrible crimes. Same as AL. Like it or not, they are both innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Presumed innocent by a court of law and jury of their peers until proven guilty.

Not by me though.
No...right now she is charged with horrible crimes. Same as AL. Like it or not, they are both innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
That's why I just edited my post and have taken out "guilty". ... SORRY.....I'm sure everyone knew what I was trying to say.
LE may just downgrade her charges to "conspiracy after the fact"; As long as she testifies. But AL did mention an accomplice at first; but they cleared the guy of any wrongdoing. So AL could have been covering CL's involvement at that point. But I still think that CL will say that she was scared and forced to go along with this. Just like most female accomplises say when they are co-defendants with a male.
CL may have been involved in the preplanning such as calling and helping set that appointment up. The reason I believe she is probably telling the truth about being in clinicals is because it would be easy to verify and she seems like the brighter of the 2 and would know this. You have to spend x amount of hours in clinicals when you are in nursing school and you have to do these under supervision. Say this semester her clinicals are to be done at the hospital. (My daughter had many clinicals . Some at hospital, some at a day care, some at mental health center. It goes along with what ever classes they are taking that semester, peds, psych etc. Never was she left alone at clinicals. Someone was in charge of her. ) It would be a huge mistake to lie about being there at least to LE. But that doesn't account for her time after and the rest of the weekend which I assume is when her alibi fell through. Thats why I lean more toward help hold against her will.

I just wanted to add also that evaluation reports are sent back to their school instructor from their clinical supervisor. At least my daughters were.
I have a question. Is it often that LE charges people with a major crime like those on her and then down grades them later. Just curious if that happens often. Those are some big charges for them to just accuse without some sort of proof. Be gentle on me please Thanks.
Thats why Im wondering if the truck may have been seen at a different time and have nothing to do with this case. Just as I think AL neighbor may have been speaking about Friday instead of Thursday. That truck bothers me but so far its not been revealed to be connected so Im trying to think through a scenario without the things we dont know for a fact. But I know what you mean. That truck will always haunt this case.

Supposing the truck was seen at a different time... Do we know what Beverly's husband drives? Maybe they saw his vehicle when he was looking for her.
Supposing the truck was seen at a different time... Do we know what Beverly's husband drives? Maybe they saw his vehicle when he was looking for her.

That never crossed my mind. I assume being in construction he has trucks.
I have a question. Is it often that LE charges people with a major crime like those on her and then down grades them later. Just curious if that happens often. Those are some big charges for them to just accuse without some sort of proof. Be gentle on me please Thanks.

Ive heard more about dp getting taken off table in exchange for testimony and cooperation. I think the jury will be given some charges they can pick from though.
Do we know when the trial startd? Do you think it will be televised? This is one I'd definitely want to watch..
CL may have been involved in the preplanning such as calling and helping set that appointment up. The reason I believe she is probably telling the truth about being in clinicals is because it would be easy to verify and she seems like the brighter of the 2 and would know this. You have to spend x amount of hours in clinicals when you are in nursing school and you have to do these under supervision. Say this semester her clinicals are to be done at the hospital. (My daughter had many clinicals . Some at hospital, some at a day care, some at mental health center. It goes along with what ever classes they are taking that semester, peds, psych etc. Never was she left alone at clinicals. Someone was in charge of her. ) It would be a huge mistake to lie about being there at least to LE. But that doesn't account for her time after and the rest of the weekend which I assume is when her alibi fell through. Thats why I lean more toward help hold against her will.

I just wanted to add also that evaluation reports are sent back to their school instructor from their clinical supervisor. At least my daughters were.

I think it happening during clinicals was exactly the plan!!! I think they needed a partial alibi and so chose a time that she could say "but I was here then." That makes no difference, in the scheme of things. Setting someone up for a heinous crime, holding someone against their will and murder are all horrible. Not being there for one small part doesn't save anyone. I think that was what they were banking on. Myyyyyy opinion.
I agree with your post. I'm on 50 mg of tramadol twice a day as one of my pain medications that I have been on for over eight years. I am disabled but it has not affected my ability to function either mentally or physically.

I too use Tramadol on and off since 5-6 years. Until now I have not seen any addictive effect of it. When my pain stops, I stop taking it without any problems. In my worst days I take 100mg 3-4 times a day. Until the third pill I can't feel any effect which would hinder any of my daily activities, just the opposite: I am able to function well, which would be impossible to do without Tramadol at that time. From 300mg on I found that my vocabulary seems to get smaller and I can have some problems remembering some things. All in all under 300mg I have no problem functioning what so ever.
If CL was in clinicals that night that would be easily proven by LE so I have to go under the assumption she was there unless its proven otherwise.
We have a eyewitness that saw a truck there. We also have FH rumor there was a silver car there . At one point all 3 vehicles were there. Neither of the accused perps own a truck and there have been no arrests so far of anyone that does. Perhaps the neighbor saw this on Friday when there probably was LE and investigators running in and out? We know for sure AL was there because he confessed to kidnapping BC.
Going with just what we know for sure, AL by all accounts was at the vacant house alone. (CL was at school. )
When was BC bound with duct tape? She met him approximately 5-5:30. There were neighbors close to this vacant house and this is a prime time for people to be returning home from work which is a risky time of getting caught. Would he have taken the time to bind her or use a weapon to force her to leave with him? Im assuming he would have taped her mouth also to keep her from screaming. If he just forced her in the car he would have had a hard time driving and controlling her too. If her mouth was taped he ran the risk of other drivers seeing a woman duct taped and calling the cops. So he probably would have had to bind her there and throw her in the back seat lying down or put her in the trunk. The only thing I can figure out if she was unbound at that time he made her get in the trunk which was the fastest way to get out of there. He had her phone on him and most likely was the one who texted her RE friend around 7. So maybe BC wasnt being held anywhere and was in the trunk.Then CL comes home and finds out what he did. At this point, BC was bound with duct tape. I think a struggling BC would have been a challenge for AL to handle by himself other than forcing her in the car with a weapon at the vacant house by himself. Al wasnt that much bigger than BC. If she is fighting him back at all I don't see him doing all this then. I can see her doing like Holly Bobo though and walking away with him.

Some thought provoking ideas here concernedmother... My tendency is to think that BC was not walking out of that house in any "free" state, meaning I think she was bound inside the house - and (being an empty house with no threat of any owners stopping back for last minute something they forgot, etc,) AL would have known he had the time luxury of disabling her momentarily or long enough for his next needs - to transport her. This explains the "wide open door" of the house when CC arrives.

Then there were reports of a car BACKED UP TO THE GARAGE. To me that implies pretty clear forethought to prepare for a swift and stealth 'delivery' of the 'body' to the trunk. Carrying her out under the cover of the garage and dropping her right into the trunk. The trunk makes the most sense as an easier drop point for a body than a back seat and less conspicuous than the bed of a pickup for the travel to the next place. All of the above could have been out of view of neighbors. (in house, in garage) And... all that would have been best accomplished with two people as opposed to AL alone, not easy alone, but doable I guess.

I had said earlier that the "accident" of her death may have been suffocation if she'd been bound at the mouth (which is pretty certain) and then in a fast duct tape job he somehow also covered her nose and then shoved her in the trunk for... who knows how long.

Now we have CL. Who like you, I believe was at clinicals for the same reasons. However, here is a leap ...not knowing her.

What if, midstream in all this, she were to discover AL was smack in the middle of a crime gone wrong, one that she was just close enough for her to be potentially implicated -- and AL had convinced her it was not too late to get out of it undetected, if she would help him now. I go there since we see AL has this semi-Svengali charm effect on certain women and seemed able to convince them to act against better reason, common sense, and even their own interests. I mean, just living with this guy alone would be going against most better judgement and common sense, let alone living with your child ...and marrying him etc etc.

So the question being, would CL be the type who, once she discovers her husband to be in the middle of a criminal blunder, to (A) call the police and report him. (B) run from the whole scenario to a friend and extricate herself but NOT call and report him or (C) believe his plan to get out of it stands a chance of working and assist him at that stage thinking they/he could still get out of it and not get caught.

Your theory took me to that place...CLs decision she might take at the moment of discovery her husband had just committed a crime and it was going south ...and him pleading with her to help him get out of it. What course would she be likely to take at a moment like that? All very interesting speculation!

MOOooooooooo ;). Said the cow.
The dentist gave me a script yesterday for 50mg Tramadol for pain. My face feels like someone punched me so I havent made it to get it filled. Hopefully tomorrow Ill be able to go to a CVS. He gave me Tramadol because I can not take any thing with codeine in any form without throwing it up. I am one of the most low dosage people ever seen. It doesnt take much to drug me up or knock me on my butt. If I get this filled and take one Ill post results.
Just a question here.... There wasn't any power, or was there? Is the garage an electric one... If so they wouldn't be able to open it, right?
Thank you. This has been my entire frustration with this case that so many things are reported not only on this board but also in the news media and even in court documents that are just not correct. I'm not being snarky with anyone just frustrated that so many rumors get reported as fact and that even the courts can't seem to get things right in some of their paperwork.

My point: Mistakes happen. Not everything that you read or is printed is fact. You have to use common sense and weed through it all.

And this is true for all things. You just can't believe everything you read. It seems reporters don't care if they get the facts or not anymore.
Just a question here.... There wasn't any power, or was there? Is the garage an electric one... If so they wouldn't be able to open it, right?

Good question. Many foreclosures have power off after a certain period of time, no one is paying for power. IIRC it had been on the market awhile? It very well could have been no power. We would know by seeing LE or other footage at the house that night. When CC went looking for her in every room he would have had to look in darkness if power was off, as would LE later. Were news crews there that night or the next day? Don't rememeber.
Just a question here.... There wasn't any power, or was there? Is the garage an electric one... If so they wouldn't be able to open it, right?

I think it was C Jr who said during an interview thats why that house was to be shown first because there was no power. I could be wrong . It could have been his dad without going looking for it again. But it was said .
Just a question here.... There wasn't any power, or was there? Is the garage an electric one... If so they wouldn't be able to open it, right?

Also electric doors have a default mechanism to open them from inside when power goes out, manually by hand. And most can be opened from the outside but usually a key is required.
CL may have been involved in the preplanning such as calling and helping set that appointment up. The reason I believe she is probably telling the truth about being in clinicals is because it would be easy to verify and she seems like the brighter of the 2 and would know this. You have to spend x amount of hours in clinicals when you are in nursing school and you have to do these under supervision. Say this semester her clinicals are to be done at the hospital. (My daughter had many clinicals . Some at hospital, some at a day care, some at mental health center. It goes along with what ever classes they are taking that semester, peds, psych etc. Never was she left alone at clinicals. Someone was in charge of her. ) It would be a huge mistake to lie about being there at least to LE. But that doesn't account for her time after and the rest of the weekend which I assume is when her alibi fell through. Thats why I lean more toward help hold against her will.

I just wanted to add also that evaluation reports are sent back to their school instructor from their clinical supervisor. At least my daughters were.

Her alibi was given to us by a friend who really wants her to be innocent, understandably. NJ heard from her or a friend that CL was in clinicals. But we don't know if that's what she told cops. I can't fault NJ for defending her friend and passing on what she knows or heard. We just have to understand that what NJ heard may not always be the truth because CL is in the fight of her life. They had that month between his charges and charging CL. Surely in that time law enforcement could have figured out if she was in clinicals and if she was with the ex boyfriend all weekend. Maybe charges will be downgraded. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. But they charged her with kidnapping and murder right along with him and then bound it over to the other court without downgrading charges.
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