GUILTY AR - Dawna Natzke, 46, Hot Springs Village, 21 Dec 2011

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Maybe the defense forgot what their defense was. After all it's been five years. I would forget things in that amount of time also.
From the above link: The jury deliberated until 6:30 until they took an overnight recess until 8:30 tomorrow morning.

I think we should have a verdict by 9:00 AM LOL

What does the jury have to deliberate when the defense never made an argument before resting their case?

I'm still confused. I guess we're on Jury Watch. Maybe they do it different in AR because I have never seen a murder case this short and disorganized. I hope the jury is smart.


Just now checking in and my jaw dropped when I saw this, I can't believe it ! Well, I guess the Duck didn't have anyone to go to bat for him, but then even his own father told them where they should look for Dawna's body. :( I do hope this isn't going to be used as an excuse for appeal, but I'm sure they'll try.

Thanks again JLSChook! :wave:
From the above link: The jury deliberated until 6:30 until they took an overnight recess until 8:30 tomorrow morning.

I think we should have a verdict by 9:00 AM LOL

What does the jury have to deliberate when the defense never made an argument before resting their case?


Sometimes, but very rarely, the defense will do this as a sign of confidence. They are trying to tell the jury that they believe that the State has no case, so they won't even bother to defend their client. It's a tactic that won't work.

Yayyyy jury! They Ducking nailed him! :giggle:
JoeFriday you were almost right on your time estimate!! :jail:
According to prosecutor in closing argument he stated "obviously someone had to help" dispose of the body. Wonder who, his mother?

Also wondering why defense thought it was an issue that KD didn't have scratches on his arms at the party, when it's obvious, or should be, is to me at least... that he received the scratches after he and Dawna left and she was fighting for her life before he bludgeoned her in the head and put her in a pond to drown.
:( Just weird. But then I guess he was hoping he had a Casey Anthony jury dumb enough to buy his load of BS.
From the above link: The jury deliberated until 6:30 until they took an overnight recess until 8:30 tomorrow morning.

I think we should have a verdict by 9:00 AM LOL

What does the jury have to deliberate when the defense never made an argument before resting their case?


Joe, the defense made all its points in cross examination. It's likely they had no witnesses to back up their version of a case. It's not unusual for this to happen. Defense knows that the prosecution has to prove the case. The defense doesn't have to prove it for them.

And, as it often happens, the ploy didn't work! Thank goodness for the GUILTY verdict. Justice was so slow in coming for Dawna.
This is great news! Took forever!!! I hope Dawna can rest in peace now.
According to prosecutor in closing argument he stated "obviously someone had to help" dispose of the body. Wonder who, his mother?

Also wondering why defense thought it was an issue that KD didn't have scratches on his arms at the party, when it's obvious, or should be, is to me at least... that he received the scratches after he and Dawna left and she was fighting for her life before he bludgeoned her in the head and put her in a pond to drown.
:( Just weird. But then I guess he was hoping he had a Casey Anthony jury dumb enough to buy his load of BS.

I have always wondered how Duck would have gotten from where Dawna's car was found burned back to his vehicle. It's been so long I can't remember how far it was. This might be what the prosecution is referring to when it was said someone needed to help.

Wes there any testimony about this?


BTW, Very good imitation of the call of the loon, JLSChook!
I have always wondered how Duck would have gotten from where Dawna's car was found burned back to his vehicle. It's been so long I can't remember how far it was. This might be what the prosecution is referring to when it was said someone needed to help.

Wes there any testimony about this?

I don't know either (and, as you can see, too lazy to find out), but I remember that Doris Smith, Dawna's mom, and Duck met Dawna at the HSV Community Center parking lot to ride together to the party. I'm wondering if Duck positioned his own vehicle somewhere close to where he was going to torch Dawna's vehicle. Then, might have asked Dawna's Mom to pick him up near where he left his vehicle -- saying he had to get it serviced and didn't have a way home after he dropped it off. Then, she drove Duck to his and Dawna's house to pick up the station wagon and then they met back at the HSV parking lot to meet up with Dawna. Duck drove Dawna and her mom to the party, as I recall.

So, the day of the torching, with his own vehicle close by, all he had to do was walk a short distance and didn't need anyone to help him. This scenario doesn't jive with Occam's Razor -- and I've nearly expunged my last remaining brain cell just coming up with it -- but, I guess the question is: Where was HIS vehicle from the time they drove to the party -- using Dawna's station wagon, until he was seen driving it after Dawna went missing. I think I remember that he did drive his own vehicle to work (arriving late to work) on Thursday morning -- the day after the party.

O.K. Until tomorrow (or, later today), when I will do a reimaginement of the Prosecution's closing argument before the jury. I'm sure it was brilliant, and so I've been trying to come up with something that would do it justice.
Crime Watch Daily:

Unidentified DNA complicates investigation of murdered police dispatcher Dawna Natzke - March 2018
Dawna's naked body was so badly decomposed, cops had little to work with. Luckily they find her clothes strewn throughout the forest. And on her bra there's DNA evidence that cops hope will confirm Kevin Duck is her killer.

"There was a mixture of DNA. Part of the mixture was Dawna, which is completely expected on her bra. The other part of the mixture was a male profile," said Graham.

"There was no doubt in my mind that Kevin had killed my mother," said Brandin.

But hold on: the results are in, and cops are stunned.

"It was not his DNA," said Joe Graham.

Prosecutor Graham won't be specific as to what kind of male DNA was found, but tests reveal one thing.

"We had collected samples from Kevin Duck to have analyzed and it was not his DNA," said Graham.

If it's not Kevin Duck's DNA, whose is it? Prosecutors tell Crime Watch Daily the sample doesn't match anybody in the national DNA data system. So the question is, Who was with Dawna when she was murdered?


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