AR - Dexter Williams, 24, found dead in hot tub with TV weatherman, 5 Sept 2011

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I just re-watched Brett Cummins' September 5th forecast (uploaded @ 4:46pm & confirmed to be recorded that day).

Is anyone else as disturbed, shocked, perplexed as I am that he was able to pull off a happy, carefree on-camera performance less than 8 hours after the incident?
What type of personality trait allows one to do this? [IMO: His media training skills would not be enough to compensate given the situation]

Is there a possible explanation for Cummins fleeing the scene of his friends death and eventually returning at a later time?

On another site (one of those that one has to troll through a plethora of comments that sound like they were posted by the Westboro Baptist Church before finding a relevant comment...) I saw this posted: "My guess, they'll find that he passed out and choked on his own vomit, the way millions of intoxicated people do." While I normally wouldn't hone in on that, I remembered Steely Dan's comment yesterday : "One of the officers found the living area "Extremely Clean" I don't know what he means by that but it seems like he's noting a very recent cleaning." This made me wonder if the vomit that was cleaned up (prior to alerting police/paramedics being called) was actually Dexter Williams'. I should note that I logically don't see why if it was Williams' vomit that Cummins & Barbour would claim it was Cummins, but it does make me wonder so I thought I'd share that tidbit with you folks for your thoughts.

I'd love to hear your thoughts because the first two things I mentioned in this post (along with Barbour stating that after his drug-binge with Cummins & Willims he had a Rip Van Winkle-like 10 hour of sleep) raise the biggest red flags that make me question what actually led to Dexter Williams death and how the reality of events was covered up prior to alerting paramedics or the authorities.

Weathermen and women are basically performers. Whether they can set aside their personal feelings and continue to perform after a tragedy doesn't really tell us anything about them, except that they are, as noted above, professionals.

If the victim choked on his own vomit, that would show up in the autopsy. Vomit would remain in his lungs and esophagus. So I don't see what would be accomplished by cleaning up around him.

And I keep coming back to the same question: if you were going to make up a phony story, why would you place yourself in the bathtub with the corpse?
As a gay man who is a little younger than Brett Cummins whose professional experience is in both broadcast journalism (former) and public relations/crisis communications (current), this story caught my attention. I've become pretty passionate about trying to find answers that would help me and, in turn, everyone reading this to understand this bizarre, truly unfortunate situation.

Sadly, I had no doubt on September 6th that no matter if Brett Cummins did absolutely nothing wrong or he (and Barbour) is responsible for an act leading to the death of Dexter Williams that he would have to resign from his position. After reading countless reader comments left on news articles in Little Rock-based publications, national publications, Facebook and Twitter it became crystal clear to me that there was no possible way that Cummins could return to the airwaves in Little Rock. I continue to be horrified at the bigotry, hate and homophobia that exists in Little Rock today. If I was in Cummins' position I'd probably do the same thing and most explore other cities to call home. I understand that it is easy for someone to be nameless, faceless and use their screename to say hurtful, hateful things but I've really been sickened by things I've read on Little Rock-based sites.

In the past 24 hours I've seen a lot of postings on Twitter feeds, Facebook pages in which people who are allegedly friends with Cummins or were friends of Williams are sharing salacious things about them that I would consider slanderous. Why would you say such things about people who are allegedly your friends? Then again if you woke up next to a close friend who needed medical attention why would you not attempt to perform any sort of life saving technique on a friend, immediately call 911 and flee the scene???

Red by me

This will sound strange but let me explain. I'm glad that nameless faceless people are posting homophobic things. Most of them probably don't have the guts to say those things publicly anymore and it shows that prejudice and ignorance are alive and unfortunately, well.

Because people are afraid to speak publicly about those things it makes things appear better than they are. At least that board shows how some people are still so (insert your own insult here. I couldn't hone it down to one.)
They were probably awake for hours getting their stories straight, cleaning, and freaking out.

I couldn't agree more. I just can't believe that when a friend is in desperate need of medical attention someone would not attempt to help / resuscitate him or call 911 immediately...
I couldn't agree more. I just can't believe that when a friend is in desperate need of medical attention someone would not attempt to help / resuscitate him or call 911 immediately...

I hope the cops can piece what really happened together. This is very strange.
Weathermen and women are basically performers. Whether they can set aside their personal feelings and continue to perform after a tragedy doesn't really tell us anything about them, except that they are, as noted above, professionals.

If the victim choked on his own vomit, that would show up in the autopsy. Vomit would remain in his lungs and esophagus. So I don't see what would be accomplished by cleaning up around him.

And I keep coming back to the same question: if you were going to make up a phony story, why would you place yourself in the bathtub with the corpse?

If we were talking about the most together weatherman in a top 5 media market I might possibly think that maybe they could muster the ability to perform after the death of a close friend whose death involved him or her; however we are talking about a weatherman in the 53rd ranked media market-- a market whose broadcasters are not generally known as being the best-in-the business. Then again we are talking about Brett Cummins whose "professionalism" led him to:
* Not immediately call 911 when a friend needed medical attention,
* Not attempt to resuscitate a friend who needed to be resuscitated,
* Not tolerate a dirty rug which led him to cleaning up his vomit on the rug which was clearly more important than his friend in need of medical help
* Not remain at the scene with his friend in medical attention but leave his friend and eventually return to the scene after doing whatever
I guess you are right, Brett Cummins is a consummate professional...

Regarding "if you were going to make up a phony story, why would you place yourself in the bathtub with the corpse?": While I have no evidence to back this up, IMHO Barbour was much more involved in the events of the night and his statement to police that he slept for 10 hours is untrue. I think that since Cummins had fled the scene before police arrived Barbour had the opportunity to alter elements of their agreed upon storyline and distance himself from involvement. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong...
That poor young man, may he rest in peace :( God bless his family and friends:(

not sure if this is his facebook?
This has to be one of the strangest stories I ever heard. I probably can understand someone falling asleep in the tub. I can't figure out how one falls asleep in the tub and stays asleep in the tub when a dead, dog collared friend is also in the tub!

Both a little freaky and very sad.
This has to be one of the strangest stories I ever heard. I probably can understand someone falling asleep in the tub. I can't figure out how one falls asleep in the tub and stays asleep in the tub when a dead, dog collared friend is also in the tub!

Both a little freaky and very sad.

very sad, and if no foul play, some very self distuctive behavior. No doubt.

(I don't care about dog collars....but drugs, not calling for help! there was a chance he could have been saved)
just damn. :(
This has to be one of the strangest stories I ever heard. I probably can understand someone falling asleep in the tub. I can't figure out how one falls asleep in the tub and stays asleep in the tub when a dead, dog collared friend is also in the tub!

Both a little freaky and very sad.

Falling asleep and not knowing the person next to you died during the night I think is explainable. The rest isn't.
This has to be one of the strangest stories I ever heard. I probably can understand someone falling asleep in the tub. I can't figure out how one falls asleep in the tub and stays asleep in the tub when a dead, dog collared friend is also in the tub!

Both a little freaky and very sad.

I think everyone is assuming these men were partying with uppers when it is just as likely that they were on downers, opiates or dissociative/hypnotics such as GHB, Ketamine or Ambien. They are very popular "party drugs" because they increase your sex drive, remove all of your inhibitions and your memory except for fuzzy little bits and pieces.. and you sleep like a log after the "fun" is over.

Just a thought as it would explain why they were able to sleep- IF they really slept.
I think everyone is assuming these men were partying with uppers when it is just as likely that they were on downers, opiates or dissociative/hypnotics such as GHB, Ketamine or Ambien. They are very popular "party drugs" because they increase your sex drive, remove all of your inhibitions and your memory except for fuzzy little bits and pieces.. and you sleep like a log after the "fun" is over.

Just a thought as it would explain why they were able to sleep- IF they really slept.

My only experience with ambien, was when DH (he had ALS) took it after a glass of wine. The man drove his wheel chair slowly into the wall until we could shut his power off. Funny now, but scary when it happened. The lights were on but no one was home kinda thing. He woke up groggy, but happy.
Showed him the tire marks on the wall where he kept banging it. He had no memory. Like he lost all track of time. So I could see something like that happening in this case. Sad all around.
Sadly, I had no doubt on September 6th that no matter if Brett Cummins did absolutely nothing wrong or he (and Barbour) is responsible for an act leading to the death of Dexter Williams that he would have to resign from his position. After reading countless reader comments left on news articles in Little Rock-based publications, national publications, Facebook and Twitter it became crystal clear to me that there was no possible way that Cummins could return to the airwaves in Little Rock. I continue to be horrified at the bigotry, hate and homophobia that exists in Little Rock today. If I was in Cummins' position I'd probably do the same thing and most explore other cities to call home. I understand that it is easy for someone to be nameless, faceless and use their screename to say hurtful, hateful things but I've really been sickened by things I've read on Little Rock-based sites.

It isn't just Arkansas though - I bet if it happened anywhere (even NY or SF), the bigots and haters would be having a field day posting. Intolerance is everywhere - especially behind anonymous computer screens unfortunately.

I like how some online news are requiring posters to use Facebook authentication. I would bet most people are not going to spew their vile thoughts when their mother and coworkers can see it on their "walls."
Weathermen and women are basically performers. Whether they can set aside their personal feelings and continue to perform after a tragedy doesn't really tell us anything about them, except that they are, as noted above, professionals.


I completely agree. The man went to work and did his job after something tragic happened. That happens ALL of the time, in ALL different types of professions. I certainly wouldn't be able to do it but other people can and that doesn't mean that they're sociopaths, etc. It's not like he pulled a Casey Anthony and went to Blockbuster while groping a new boyfriend. The man simply went to work and did his job.
If we were talking about the most together weatherman in a top 5 media market I might possibly think that maybe they could muster the ability to perform after the death of a close friend whose death involved him or her; however we are talking about a weatherman in the 53rd ranked media market-- a market whose broadcasters are not generally known as being the best-in-the business. Then again we are talking about Brett Cummins whose "professionalism" led him to:
* Not immediately call 911 when a friend needed medical attention,
* Not attempt to resuscitate a friend who needed to be resuscitated,
* Not tolerate a dirty rug which led him to cleaning up his vomit on the rug which was clearly more important than his friend in need of medical help
* Not remain at the scene with his friend in medical attention but leave his friend and eventually return to the scene after doing whatever
I guess you are right, Brett Cummins is a consummate professional...

Regarding "if you were going to make up a phony story, why would you place yourself in the bathtub with the corpse?": While I have no evidence to back this up, IMHO Barbour was much more involved in the events of the night and his statement to police that he slept for 10 hours is untrue. I think that since Cummins had fled the scene before police arrived Barbour had the opportunity to alter elements of their agreed upon storyline and distance himself from involvement. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong...

Hastings, I didn't offer a defense for all of Cummins' conduct that night. I merely said that his ability to read a teleprompter isn't indicative of anything except that he is an experienced reader. 1st, 5th or 53rd market.

So are you saying Barbour in his story to LE put Cummins in the bathtub with the deceased? That makes more sense on its face, because Barbour may have wanted to put Cummins closer to the victim as part of placing himself (Barbour) farther away from the victim. (None of which is to say Cummins wasn't involved in tampering with evidence as well.)
I like how some online news are requiring posters to use Facebook authentication. I would bet most people are not going to spew their vile thoughts when their mother and coworkers can see it on their "walls."

That is a fantastic point! (Off the main topic of this thread: Although I'm consistently shocked by things people post on their Facebook pages... Didn't they get that memo about how corporate recruiters review candidates Facebook pages as part of an informal background check.)
Hastings, I didn't offer a defense for all of Cummins' conduct that night. I merely said that his ability to read a teleprompter isn't indicative of anything except that he is an experienced reader. 1st, 5th or 53rd market.

So are you saying Barbour in his story to LE put Cummins in the bathtub with the deceased? That makes more sense on its face, because Barbour may have wanted to put Cummins closer to the victim as part of placing himself (Barbour) farther away from the victim. (None of which is to say Cummins wasn't involved in tampering with evidence as well.)

Nova: I definitely appreciate your feedback.

For deeper background on my point about "professionalism" giving Cummins the ability to perform on-camera after the events at Barbour's house: I was relating my thoughts through personal experience in larger market journalism and public relations as well as friendships (real ones, not the Facebook kind) with top-notch broadcasters, when covering a breaking news event (9-11-01 for example) they can pull it together and distance themselves to provide a public service to the viewer. When it is personal (death of a parent, spouse; birth of a child or grandchild), they immediately drop everything to deal with the event (I could provide countless examples).

I will present an alternate theory on how Cummins was able to pull off that forecast:
In my opinion, I have no doubt that Brett is someone who has been living a secret life for years, whether that be hiding his sexuality in public (which I don't blame him for, especially in Little Rock) or hiding his true sexual passions/interests from people he knows/friends; I am extremely confident that Cummins is someone that can jump from his public persona to friends persona to sexual persona pretty easily. I think years of being secretive/hiding things about himself and switch persona's based on the scene conditioned him to have the ability to post that happy-go-lucky weather update video hours after Dexter Williams died.

In regard to Christopher Barbour:
* It is critically important for us to remember that on December 23, 2010 Christopher Barbour was arrested and charged with third degree domestic battery.
* I have tried to do extensive research into the backgrounds of Cummins, Barbour and Williams to better understand this situation. While I have uncovered a plethora of personal, intimate knowledge about Williams and Cummins (which I haven't shared here), I have had an impossible time discovering anything about the background/basic information about Christopher Barbour. I haven't been able to locate any follow-up information on his arrest. If anyone can assist in this effort, it would be tremendously helpful to allow us to understand the situation.
* With that in mind, IMHO, I think that Cummins (not wanting to ruin his career) and Barbour (not wanting another arrest) had a lot to gain by working together to do whatever it took to minimize their involvement in Williams' death. I'm sure that this discussion and crafting of a storyline took a good amount of time until they are both satisfied that neither will be accountable. For some reason Cummins flees the scene, which we can only assume is to dispose of evidence, get cleaned up or perhaps something darker, and Barbour alerts the authorities. Barbour might have decided that because of the December arrest he needed to distance himself from the events even further by concocting the Rip Van Winkle-like sleep story and placing Cummins in the tub (I'd venture to guess the agreed upon story was Williams wanted to take a bath to feel rejuvenated to continue their sexual exploits and Cummins/Barbour had both passed out while Williams was in the bathroom). Barbour may have done this because: he was mad at Cummins because if he didn't bring Williams to his house this wouldn't have happened or he wanted to do whatever it took to make it an "all on you, none on me" situation.
* I think that the medical examiner's time of death will be VERY telling. I'd suspect that this might be a reason preliminary toxicology reports weren't released and they are waiting for the full report to have a rock solid account of the time of death and cover-up.

At this point I am confident that given the evidence we all understand that charges should be filed against Cummins and Williams.

Sorry for the never-ending post, I would really appreciate everyone's thoughts on what I've written.

Also, thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome here!
One of the things that disturb me most is the dog collar chain around Dereks neck. In the case of erotica asphyxia sure that a choke chain or dog collar chain would do the trick. If D had been nauseated when someone was holding dog collar tight he would not have been able to expell vomit.

The fact that Barbour tried to distant himself from the bathroom scene is what a criminal would do. Cleaning vomit off carpet in living room..

When police arrived they noted that lividity had begun and Derek was laying on his side in fetal position.

Brett had left the home to get rid of drugs or evidence..

Still too many unanswered questions in this case.
I think they agreed that Barbour would clean the house and Cummins would dispose of evidence. Cummins may have taken too long to dispose of the evidence and Barbour assumed he was being set up. So he called police and told them a story that made him look very innocent and to explain the cleaned rug he came up with the Cummins threw up in the living room idea.

If that did in fact happen then Cummins may not have been in on the full story and there may have been inconsistencies. JMO
The fact that the 2 other people in the home the nite or morn of Dereks distanced himself from the room that Derek was found dead and the other left the home before police arrived..puts both of them in a hinky light.

The police noting how clean the living room area was when they ariived also shows me that they thought things were off.

It is difficult to understand how Brett could go forward with the news..but folks do strange things to cover their nervousness etc.

IMO the other things ..especially the fact that he left the scene..shows more guilt of something..not sure what yet.

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