Identified! AR - El Dorado, Whitehall Motel, WhtFem 18-21, 81UFAR, Jul'91 #4 - Kelly from VA

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That’s a very odd thing for Namus to publish, peoples personal Facebook profiles??

The whole email is weird to publish, not just the Facebook profiles but the sender's email address is there too. I wonder if they meant to make the email visible to LE only...

I'm also confused about some of the information this person is claiming to know. Where did she get the address on EDJD's fake ID cards? Has that been made public? All the addresses I've seen linked to EDJD were hotels/motels she worked out of, but I could have missed that info if it was published.

There's a picture of the two "Cheryl Ann Wick" ID cards showing that address - see page 2 of this thread.
The whole email is weird to publish, not just the Facebook profiles but the sender's email address is there too. I wonder if they meant to make the email visible to LE only...

There's a picture of the two "Cheryl Ann Wick" ID cards showing that address - see page 2 of this thread.
Thank you!

I did some searching for 2206 Nevada and I don't see anything connecting McAlphin to the address. Can anyone find the source of that info?
Probably LE just failed to hide that document in the NAMUS profile. I saw a similar thing on another UID profile a couple of years ago where internal documents about the son of an MP and the reasons he possibly matched a UID were published alongside the UID’s publicly viewable photos on Namus. The document disappeared a few days later, presumably when LE realized their mistake.
I agree, this is very strange.

I'm also confused about some of the information this person is claiming to know. Where did she get the address on EDJD's fake ID cards? Has that been made public? All the addresses I've seen linked to EDJD were hotels/motels she worked out of, but I could have missed that info if it was published.

She also claims all the families are connected to "the Jacksons" but there isn't just one Jackson family in El Dorado. I checked out the Facebooks and really can't find any concrete connections between them. I think this person is assuming connections based on thin evidence, like an extremely common last name. However, El Dorado isn't that big, so it's possible these people do know each other peripherally at least.

I'm also pretty sure Elvira is a relative (the mother?) of James McAlphin. He has her name tattooed on his chest...Not a stretch to think EDJD might have stayed with her at some point.

Elvira was born in 1971, and James Roy McAlphin was born in 1964. She is definitely not his mother.
Not a sister. And who tattooes their sister's name on their chest? Her maiden name is Millsap or Millsap. I think she was once married to him.
I ended up finding her birth record after I commented. Wasn't sure which name was maiden/married
Did a 4 days/+20 hours research, made a whole family tree for the Blevins family, just to find out today on this forum that the Blevins' sisters are not an option anymore. Aw :(
You bring up a good point. Were any of EDJD's possible fathers in the military around the time she might have been conceived? I know three people whose mothers lived in a military town and got pregnant by servicemen from away. One was put up for adoption, another's parents got married, and the last one's father was stationed elsewhere and left without knowing he'd fathered a child, and was raised by her mother and a stepfather. Her mother could have tracked him down, but chose not to.

According to what I read on a Facebook group, they already know who the father is and are working only on the maternal line.
According to what I read on a Facebook group, they already know who the father is and are working only on the maternal line.

I don't have access to that group. But I do know investigators know who the paternal line is and am simply trying to retrace the father's steps to see if leads to the mother.
Did a 4 days/+20 hours research, made a whole family tree for the Blevins family, just to find out today on this forum that the Blevins' sisters are not an option anymore. Aw :(

What?! I didn't infer that from anything I've read here. Please explain.
According to what I read on a Facebook group, they already know who the father is and are working only on the maternal line.
Yes they have I believe that earlier in the post I had mentioned that. But could have been taken down because I had mentioned the name. Her cousins are referring to her as Memory not eljd. Her
Did a 4 days/+20 hours research, made a whole family tree for the Blevins family, just to find out today on this forum that the Blevins' sisters are not an option anymore. Aw :(
The paternal is the Woods side they don't know the Mother. Her cousins prefer to call her Memory not EDJD. They had a facebook going for awhile then took it down. Dennis Leroy Layman is the presumed father. If I remember right
The paternal is the Woods side they don't know the Mother. Her cousins prefer to call her Memory not EDJD. They had a facebook going for awhile then took it down. Dennis Leroy Layman is the presumed father. If I remember right

Apparently, Dennis can't be the father. TW said that EDJD's father is one of her uncles, excluding Robert. So, there are three options left (Clifton, Ashton and Wilford).
Do you know where it is stated that her father is known? I’ve seen that stated several times here but is it a fact do we know? Is it in MSM?

From Huffpost, 1/23/2019

"Phillips said a genealogist she is working with has since identified Doe’s father as a descendant of Daniel Wood and Mamie Carter, who had nine children and lived in Virginia. The couple is the great-grandparents of Christina Tilford, the Alabama woman whose DNA provided the first link in the case."

DNA Just Led To Major Break In Murder Case That's Stumped Police For 27 Years

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