AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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He admitted it and then did it again.

It might be his victims were simply whoever was available but if he was genuinely remorseful would he be so judgmental of others?

He's repeatedly called LGBT people a threat to children's safety. (How about heterosexual teenagers from Christian families then...?)
If JD had been charged as an adult (and he could have been at 14/15 years old) for the multitude of criminal acts he committed, he could have faced life in prison. If JD had been charged as a juvenile offender for the same acts, he would have most likely been kept in a secure facility away from his victims until he was 18 years old. However, he probably would have been ordered by the judge to receive real counseling while being held and not allowed to contact his victims.

One problem I am having here is with him being allowed to skirt the issues with a slap on the wrist while being given the opportunity to re-victimize those living under the same roof. This situation was never dealt with properly at the time the crimes were committed and the girls were subjected to years of living with him in silence. Their parents demanded the girls' forgiveness for him, but no justice ever came for them. (Just imagine though if it had happened to the boys. It would have been a secret taken to the grave under serious threat, imo.)
Mike Huckabee has 52000 people liking his latest update but also some vocal critics on his Facebook page:

How this squeaky-clean photo launched the Duggars to fame in 2002 and belied their sordid molestation secret at home… as TLC helped them build a down-home empire for nine years AFTER Oprah reported the abuse

Producers came across photo of Jim Bob Duggar, his wife Michelle and their children - then, 13 of them - heading out to vote in Arkansas in 2002
Family was offered first one-episode show, which led on to a series that became one of America's longest running, and most loved, reality shows
Duggars' empire now includes everything from books to speaking tours, raking in millions for the two parents, 19 children and four grandchildren
But what the producers did not know at the time is that months earlier, Josh, now 27, had admitted to molesting young girls in the family home
Daily Mail Online has detailed how the one photo launched Duggars to fame while they hid dark secret - and how TLC helped them build empire

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I did not realize that the reality TV empire as a whole started AFTER the first molestations, I thought they had been doing TV specials before that.

It makes it worse in my mind If the family was already a reality TV family, suddenly quitting might cause talk and speculation and also there'd be contracts and plans for the money. But they decided to put their kids on display for the world fully knowing that there were secrets of hidden abuse, and taking the risk that one day it might come out.

5. Jim Bob Watched the Crew Like a Hawk When They First Began Filming
Though the crew is now part of the family, Jim Bob was as protective over his brood as you might imagine when TLC first began filming. "We watched them like a hawk," said Jim Bob, who "didn't know them from Adam" and was naturally concerned about strangers filming his kids.

"Early on, Jim Bob was over our shoulder," Scott confirmed grimly, as if in remembrance of the days when Jim Bob trailed him like a shadow.

Was that because he was worried what the crew would do or because he was worried what the kids might let slip?

In Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships, Josh recalls: 'As I became a young man, I was constantly tempted to have a lot of wrong thoughts and often battled to keep my heart right. One of the greatest things that helped me in my struggle was my parents' commitment to accountability.

'I often had failures in my early teenage years but found that I had a clear conscience only when I was willing to speak to confess my thoughts and temptations quickly to God and to my parents

Failures, thoughts and temptations - or crimes, whatevah you wanna call them.

The clinic that Josh Duggar attended after his parents learned he had molested multiple young girls has been revealed as the Basic Life Principles Training Center.

The facility, in Little Rock, Arkansas, which offers faith-based healing has been criticized by some who have attended their programs and also come under fire after a scandal involving founder Bill Gothard.

Gothard was accused in 2014 of sexually harassing women who worked at his ministry, including teenagers, and not reporting cases of child abuse.

He was never convicted of any crimes, but resigned soon after these claims became public.

Radar Online spoke to Harold Walker who confirmed that Josh had attended the facility, but would not go into details about why or any treatment he received at the time.

He also said the entire family spent time working at the center.

'I really don’t remember the circumstances on why Josh came to our center,' said Walker.

'He came down … they used to work at the center, the entire family did.'

Walker is the family friend named in the police report of Josh's molestation who Jim Bob says he contacted about getting his son counseling.

Aww shucks how nice. Josh was sent there to be corrected and his victims had to work right alongside him as if they'd done something wrong too.
No. Masturbating next to your same sex sibling is not the same thing as repeatedly groping them sexually. Please. And she also has never represented herself as a paragon of virtue nor judged others or tried to create laws that infringed on their lives. The Duggars, the ones who did not (like Lena Dunham, who apparently wrote about her experiences in a book), admit the skeleton in their closet until someone else let the cat out of the bag, have worked hard to deny civil rights to others based on their sexual orientation, etc.

OK, OK, I yield!

A far-left kidtoucher is morally superior to a far-right kidtoucher.

Now, as I said above, I won't mention Dunham again.

disclaimer: I'm not a fundie Christian, but I vote "R" b/c I like guns and low taxes.
Jim-<modsnip> used to be an AR state sen., IIRC.

And I believe he made a run for the local Congressional seat around the '02.

Does anyone think that had anything to do w/ covering up Junior's crimes?
I wonder if they think they can "cure" pedophilia the same way they can "cure" homosexuality?

(the oldest of Josh's victims was 12 y/o, right?)
Jim-<modsnip> used to be an AR state sen., IIRC.

And I believe he made a run for the local Congressional seat around the '02.

Does anyone think that had anything to do w/ covering up Junior's crimes?

Jim Bob, coming off a term serving in the Arkansas House of Representatives, decided to run for United States Senate, but lost a primary that May to incumbent Tim Hutchinson in his quest to secure the Republican party nomination

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He was doing an election in May 2002. The first reported molestation incident was in March 2002.

Two months before an election would certainly not be the best of times to deal with the police in a family matter, for a politician.
Josh did this multiple times and multiple interventions didnt work. So he was sent away for a few months. And on his return to the household he was brought over to the home of an ASP LEO who spoke sternly to him...this same LEO is now doing 56 years for child *advertiser censored*.

And yes he was an adult when the investigation was opened in 2006. Why is the record of that investigation now being destroyed by court order? It isnt customary that a case like this one have the records destroyed. Why was it ordered?

They made themselves public figures and they held themselves up as examples and they accused LGBT couples or individuals of being pedophiles. They did all of these things knowing that they had at least 4 victims and a predator living inside their walls.

Honey Boo Boo is the same story, essentially.

So, back to the vetting process for TLC-these rumors have been floating around for years, Oprah's producers pulled the plug on their visit when presented with evidence of the investigation...umm, does TLC purposely bring on ticking time bombs or is their vetting process an epic fail?

Sure would be nice to know.
19 Kids and Counting Episodes Pulled From TLC Schedule Amid Josh Duggar Molestation Allegations, Apology

Corinne Heller, eonline
Seconds ago

TLC has pulled episodes of family reality show 19 Kids and Counting from its schedule amid resurfaced allegations that cast member Josh Duggar allegedly molested five underage girls when he was a teenager.

The 27-year-old on Thursday issued a public apology, saying that 12 years ago, as a "young teenager," he "acted inexcusably." He did not directly address the allegations, first reported by In Touch magazine on Thursday, along with what it said was a scan of a 2006 Arkansas police report . Charges were never filed against Josh, who recently resigned his post at the Family Research Council, a Christian lobbying group.

"Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air," the cable network said in a statement to E! News on Friday. "We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."...


TLC pulled the marathon, but I wonder if the show will be totally cancelled for the next season. I'm behind and will watch to see if I missed something.

From article

The site shows that reruns will resume on June 1.

JBD doesn't own Jill and Derick's house. Your point is valid though. They do own lots of commercial and residential property.

JimBob Duggar does not own Jill and Derick's house? Are you sure? I thought he did (he sure didn't give it to them as a wedding present, and they didn't buy it). I was under the impression that they pay him rent.
It sounds like, according to Lisa Bloom on The Today Show this morning, that, basically, there's nothing to be done. His parents were not mandatory reporters (those who are obligated, by law, to report abuse if they know about it). TLC is not considered a mandatory (not sure if that's the correct word) reporter...they were just employers, and apparently, none of the abuse took place during their watch. The only people who would have been required to report this abuse would be doctors, teachers, clergy. Lisa Bloom did mention perhaps clergy members of their church might be held accountable, but for the most part, she made it sound like it's a done deal, and nothing more can be done....unless, of course, the minor child involved wishes to bring charges against him. She didn't think that was likely, though.
JimBob Duggar does not own Jill and Derick's house? Are you sure? I thought he did (he sure didn't give it to them as a wedding present, and they didn't buy it). I was under the impression that they pay him rent.

To answer my own question:
As Jim Bob explains, he purchased a &#8220;fixer upper&#8221; home a few years back that is finally ready to be lived in. Both he and Michelle think it&#8217;s a little too big for Jill and Derick to live in together, but they think it&#8217;s a great place for them to start until they can finally get the house sold. How exciting for them!
First I want to say that I have never done any research or read research, on young teens that have committed sexual offenses against their own siblings and others.

I would think (hope maybe) that because the person was young at the time of the offenses, they could be treated "if" they got proper counseling, etc. Like I said, I have no statistical information and I am sure there are many variables that would come into play on how successful the outcome may be with each individual offender.

I have listened to many victims/survivors share their stories from their childhood of incest. I don't recall one individual stating that authorities were ever contacted! Unfortunately, the shame and embarrassment of having a family member that committed such a crime and the shame it would bring if shared with anyone, seems to override the well being of the victim! How sad is that?

This is why so many victims never come forward and suffer in silence.

Some use the "forgive" in religion to intimidate others to sweep things under the rug and forget.

There is no healing from that type of forgiveness.
This is the nail on the head. Were the victims giving ' forgiveness to Josh' out of their own accord or with a parent prodding them on to forgive ? At those tender ages they cannot know what forgiveness truly means and probably were never told they were ' victims of abuse'. I'm gravely concerned about the victims. I will say this to Josh, good for you for coming forward. I do applaud that move. But that does not wrap the whole story up with a bow on top and you get no award for your actions. Very few do admit to their mistakes, so I gotta give you credit for that much . Also at age 14 , you were probably not even aware yourself of why you did these things or the lasting impact on the victims. If we were to find that Josh and all victims had or are getting full blown ' PROFESSIONAL" therapy from educated psychologists or therapists , I would feel differently . But sending the perp to do some labor and telling the victims, ' he's really sorry, forgive him and forget it ', is NOT how you handle these things.
SMH. How is this even legal?

Judge orders Josh Duggar's Record Destroyed

What's a little sexual abuse among family members, eh? :sick:

WOW ! Arkansas , pay attention!!!!!!!!!!! This is a senator from your state who is publicly taking a stand that family's dealing with incest can manage their own crimes internally and it should not be a criminal issue and he's representing YOU. Heads up, Arkansas. This guy should not be getting a single vote next time there is an election. The jails and hospitals and streets are full of victims right now whose family wanted them to shut up and put it behind them. Is it naivety ? This is ridiculous.
Wow. I agree that juvenile records should be sealed and I have no idea how these were released. Other than that, wow. He molested very small children. Repeatedly. Even after confession and being "disciplined" for it. That's not "poor decisions." A poor decision would be failing to put oil in your motor, not taking an umbrella on a darkly cloudy day, picking the wrong major in college, dating a loser. But molesting five girls over and over again? I'm sorry. IMO, that's quite a bit more than a "poor decision".

And he never obtained true help for what he did which was totally covered up until the staff at the Oprah show got wind of it. So this is alarming.

In the meantime, these people are portraying to the world a model of purity and perfect parenting, while advocating hard for laws that discriminate against the LGBT community, calling such people "pedophiles" that threaten the family. Hypocrisy much?

And in the meantime , these baby girls were on tv , smiling for the camera, KNOWING they are living a lie and being profited from . I'm really glad I never watched this show because I would now be analyzing all of the younger kids' statements and actions and facial expressions . And over and over? This behavior continued for a long period of time? While they were filming things talking about Josh's purity and upcoming marriage, these victims were probably in the bathroom throwing up, building eating disorders , hurting themselves and very confused . They're looking at this abuser , knowing what he did, while their parents ( who did not protect THEM very well ) are singing his praises, right? Yea! These girls are in trouble....... it's not going away. ** speculative **
I have never heard of these people, but I get the distinct impression they will now be used as a propaganda tool to foment more hate towards real Christians JMO

You could very well be right. I'd caution actual child loving Christians to distance themselves and not support them at this time. Huckabee is making a big mistake, imho. Be very aware of any religious leaders who come out and support these people. Support the victims. The parents can get lost.
I don't understand why Josh, knowing this had occurred and could come out someday, would take this very visible job in DC. Is he that full of himself, to think that no one would bat an eye?
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