AR AR - Morgan Nick, 6, Alma, 9 Jun 1995

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Has Jeremy Jones been considered as a suspect in Morgan's disappearance? Morgan is younger than his other victims, but he looks like the drawing of the suspect. A lot. When I was reading about Morgan it had pictures of the suspect, and a 22 year old would not seem that out of place at a game.

He would have been 22, and in the northeast corner of Oklahoma, not that far from Arkansas. - photo at the bottom of Jeremy Jones
Has Jeremy Jones been considered as a suspect in Morgan's disappearance? Morgan is younger than his other victims, but he looks like the drawing of the suspect. A lot. When I was reading about Morgan it had pictures of the suspect, and a 22 year old would not seem that out of place at a game.

He would have been 22, and in the northeast corner of Oklahoma, not that far from Arkansas. - photo at the bottom of Jeremy Jones
Definitely a resemblance

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does anyone know, what is the address to the baseball field that Morgan Nick was kidnapped from?
[FONT=&quot]780 City Park Rd, Alma, AR 72921. Very close to interstate 40.[/FONT]
I have read a lot about Morgan's case and I think I can answer some questions:

- Morgan was abducted from Woffard Ballpark, which was located on W. Main Street one block away from the Alma Police Department. It was demolished some years ago and it's now an overflow parking lot for the high school across the street.

- The two little league teams playing the last game of the night were The Marlins, the hometown team from Alma, and the visiting team, The Pythons, from town unknown. I agree that it would be helpful to know the origins of the visiting team as the abductor could have traveled to Alma in order to watch the visiting team play. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any information about the origins of The Pythons team. All of the local little league team names have changed a million times since 1995 and I cannot track it down. I would love to know if anyone out there knows....

- Yes, Morgan and her mother went to watch the child of a family friend play in the baseball game.

- I am unaware of whether it was a tournament or a regular season game. However, little league season typically runs from March through May with tournament games held in June and July, so it is likely it was a tournament game given the late time of year.

- According to a newspaper article, the players were ages 6-7. However, I have heard Morgan's mom quoted as saying that the players were aged 8. It's a minor issue, IMO, and there's no telling who is right and who was mistaken. The noteworthy thing is that this was a ballpark brimming with very young elementary-age children, not older middle school or high school kids.

- The game in question was the last game of the day in an all-day schedule of back-to-back games being played at the ballpark. Unfortunately, the previous games got behind schedule (perhaps the games went into extra innings or something), and so the last game started much later than it was scheduled to start.

- The townspeople did notice the abductor. At least one adult (and possibly more than one adult, I need to re-read my newspaper articles about the case) did notice the man watching the children as they played. Unfortunately, given the small-town family atmosphere, the townspeople likely assumed that he was the parent of one of the children keeping an eye on them. Hindsight is 20/20.

- From what I understand about the Spiro lead, LE received a tip about the individual living in that trailer years prior to the trailer search. The tip wasn't a priority. However, the individual moved out of the trailer and LE saw an opportunity to search the empty trailer and look for any trace DNA evidence suggesting that Morgan may have ever been there. I'm guessing nothing came of it since it was a few years ago.

- The laundromat attempted abduction was NOT related to Morgan's abduction. It was later determined to be a domestic dispute where a non-custodial dad tried to abduct his own daughter.

The last point here is interesting to me... you are correct that the laundromat attempted abduction was NOT related to Morgan's abduction. It was quickly determined (within weeks) that it was a domestic dispute where a non-custodial parent tried to abduct his own daughter.

So tell me then, why did they use the sketch of THAT man as Morgan's possible abductor for almost five years? Odd, don't you think? Makes no sense. So I question the entire story at this point. It doesn't add up.
I have read a lot about Morgan's case and I think I can answer some questions:

- Morgan was abducted from Woffard Ballpark, which was located on W. Main Street one block away from the Alma Police Department. It was demolished some years ago and it's now an overflow parking lot for the high school across the street.

- The two little league teams playing the last game of the night were The Marlins, the hometown team from Alma, and the visiting team, The Pythons, from town unknown. I agree that it would be helpful to know the origins of the visiting team as the abductor could have traveled to Alma in order to watch the visiting team play. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any information about the origins of The Pythons team. All of the local little league team names have changed a million times since 1995 and I cannot track it down. I would love to know if anyone out there knows....

- Yes, Morgan and her mother went to watch the child of a family friend play in the baseball game.

- I am unaware of whether it was a tournament or a regular season game. However, little league season typically runs from March through May with tournament games held in June and July, so it is likely it was a tournament game given the late time of year.

- According to a newspaper article, the players were ages 6-7. However, I have heard Morgan's mom quoted as saying that the players were aged 8. It's a minor issue, IMO, and there's no telling who is right and who was mistaken. The noteworthy thing is that this was a ballpark brimming with very young elementary-age children, not older middle school or high school kids.

- The game in question was the last game of the day in an all-day schedule of back-to-back games being played at the ballpark. Unfortunately, the previous games got behind schedule (perhaps the games went into extra innings or something), and so the last game started much later than it was scheduled to start.

- The townspeople did notice the abductor. At least one adult (and possibly more than one adult, I need to re-read my newspaper articles about the case) did notice the man watching the children as they played. Unfortunately, given the small-town family atmosphere, the townspeople likely assumed that he was the parent of one of the children keeping an eye on them. Hindsight is 20/20.

- From what I understand about the Spiro lead, LE received a tip about the individual living in that trailer years prior to the trailer search. The tip wasn't a priority. However, the individual moved out of the trailer and LE saw an opportunity to search the empty trailer and look for any trace DNA evidence suggesting that Morgan may have ever been there. I'm guessing nothing came of it since it was a few years ago.

- The laundromat attempted abduction was NOT related to Morgan's abduction. It was later determined to be a domestic dispute where a non-custodial dad tried to abduct his own daughter.


That's some good information you have there, hiraeth. I have only just saw this now so I am catching up.

It would be good to know where the Pythons came in from, presuming that was how the perp knew the game was on that night. Although, it was the last game of the night and pretty late so there is the possibility this was a chance kidnapping and perp just saw the game in play.

Could you please expand on or provide some MSM for the Spiro lead? Morgan has always been very dear to my heart but I have to admit, regrettably, that with years gone by information has come and gone in my mind.

What are everyone's theories on what became of Morgan? It's been over 20 years and I hate to see how cold it's gotten.
The last point here is interesting to me... you are correct that the laundromat attempted abduction was NOT related to Morgan's abduction. It was quickly determined (within weeks) that it was a domestic dispute where a non-custodial parent tried to abduct his own daughter.

So tell me then, why did they use the sketch of THAT man as Morgan's possible abductor for almost five years? Odd, don't you think? Makes no sense. So I question the entire story at this point. It doesn't add up.

I share your consternation about the police issuing two different composite sketches of the suspect five years apart. However, I think it can be explained:

Contributing Factor #1:
There were three witnesses (one adult and the two young children, ages 10 and 8) who saw the suspect at the ballpark. Unfortunately, the two young children, who spoke to the suspect along with Morgan and arguably got the best look at him, “gave varying descriptions of the man they saw” per a newspaper article. Therefore, I believe that the police chose to rely most heavily on the description provided by the adult who only saw the suspect at a distance across a dark parking lot late at night. In fact, the police even took the adult to Little Rock to be hypnotized in the hope that she could provide them with more information.

Basically, the adult was not a high-quality witness and the traumatized young children were inconsistent.


Contributing Factor #2:
Following Morgan’s abduction on Friday night, the police learned about an incident that had taken place on Friday morning where a man matching the description of Morgan’s abductor had tried to snatch a young girl from a laundromat and a subsequent incident that took place on Saturday where a man matching the description of Morgan’s abductor tried to pull a young girl into a gas station convenience store bathroom.

All of the early newspaper articles state that the police believed that the three incidents MUST be related, which I believe was the biggest mistake in the entire investigation.

Due to the fact that the ballpark witnesses were not able to provide a high-quality, consistent description needed to create a composite sketch, the police based their original composite sketch on a witness description from the laundromat incident.

That laundromat sketch was shown to the ballpark witnesses who “graded it 8 on a scale of 1-to-10” with 10 being an exact likeness, so it was released to the public as a sketch of Morgan’s abductor when it was really just a sketch of the suspect from the laundromat incident.


Contributing Factor #3:
The laundromat incident was not reported to police until after Morgan’s abduction. While the witness in the laundromat incident immediately came forward to work with law enforcement on the composite sketch, the purported victims, a mother and her young daughter, did not come forward, and their identities remained unknown.

The police and the Nick family publicly pleaded for woman to come forward. The police are even quoted in newspaper articles as saying that they would be willing to forgive any open warrants or questionable immigration status, if the woman was unwilling to come forward for those reasons.

Around that time, there were two anonymous phone calls; one call made to Colleen Nick, Morgan’s mom, and one call to the Fort Smith 9-1-1 call center. A newspaper article where the police and the Nick family beg the anonymous caller to call back states that the anonymous caller who called Colleen Nick was a woman.

I believe, although it’s only my personal hunch, that the mother from the laundromat incident who was unwilling to come forward to law enforcement for whatever reason, reached out to the police and the Nick family by telephone in the hope of remaining anonymous.

I believe that the woman stated the laundromat incident was just a domestic situation between her and her ex-husband, but due to the fact that the woman refused to come forward, the police could not prove she wasn’t a crank caller and therefore, they could not justify pulling the original composite sketch out of circulation when the ballpark witnesses had graded it as an 8 on a scale of 1-to-10.

I believe the original composite sketch stayed in circulation for the first five years of the investigation until, either (A) the woman finally came forward in person years later and they could prove her story or (B) the police, knowing about the female caller’s claim and the fact that five years had passed without an arrest, decided they should err on the side of caution and released a new composite based only on the ballpark witnesses descriptions.


In conclusion,

The police were measured and vague when they released the new and current composite sketch, likely due to the fact they they did not want to be criticized for conflating the unrelated incidents and releasing a bad composite sketch.

No big conspiracy required, I’m afraid. It’s just unfortunate for Morgan that the police and the public were looking at the wrong composite sketch for the first five years of the investigation.
Could you please expand on or provide some MSM for the Spiro lead?

This video, which has already been shared, is all the information publicly available about the lead. I'd love to know more, too.


What are everyone's theories on what became of Morgan?

Unfortunately, Alma is located at the crossroads of four major highways and only 10 minutes from the Arkansas-Oklahoma border. Morgan literally could have been out of the state of Arkansas before Alma police even arrived on scene to investigate her disappearance.

This was 1995 before statewide and nationwide Amber Alerts. A newspaper article quotes Colleen Nick, Morgan's mom, as saying that she was dismayed to discover that, even days and weeks later, people in surrounding states were still unaware of Morgan's abduction. It was a much easier time to abduct a child, unfortunately.

Assuming that Morgan has survived despite the odds against her, she could be anywhere in the USA and IMHO, possibly even in Canada or Mexico as borders were more porous pre-9/11. Her family seems like a bunch of wonderful people who love and miss her very much, so I hope they get their miracle.

Unfortunately, Alma is located at the crossroads of four major highways and only 10 minutes from the Arkansas-Oklahoma border. Morgan literally could have been out of the state of Arkansas before Alma police even arrived on scene to investigate her disappearance.

This was 1995 before statewide and nationwide Amber Alerts. A newspaper article quotes Colleen Nick, Morgan's mom, as saying that she was dismayed to discover that, even days and weeks later, people in surrounding states were still unaware of Morgan's abduction. It was a much easier time to abduct a child, unfortunately.

Assuming that Morgan has survived despite the odds against her, she could be anywhere in the USA and IMHO, possibly even in Canada or Mexico as borders were more porous pre-9/11. Her family seems like a bunch of wonderful people who love and miss her very much, so I hope they get their miracle.


How heartbreaking that must have been to find out that LE didn't even know your child was missing. That's a helpless feeling. Now it's out spreading across social media within a few hours. I was with a 501(c)(3) non profit for some time and things spread so fast we could have been dealing with the family members within hours of someone being missing. It's wasn't the same then.

Yes, they do. Colleen founded the Morgan Nick Foundation in her name. They do amazing work.
Oh wouldn't it be, I hate to say Wonderful, but for her to be found would be a blessing. Missing for so long.
That's a really interesting find. I am finding it hard to believe that would be a coincidence! I searched Sevier's name on the AR court site and he has had a bunch of convictions for criminal mischief, battery, possession of firearms, AND in '08 he was busted for living near a school as a registered RSO... hm...

Here's his mug next to the sketch of the man seen talking to Morgan.

View attachment 76048

Looks like it’s him! That mug shot is a match. PRAYING they find her!!! I am 100% convinced he is our perp

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This was Damaristcotta’s post right before the photos she posted in 2015. This is obviously the guy connected with the property they’re searching now. PRAYING FOR ANSWERS!!!!!!

Ok so I was reading an article about how in 2010 they were searching a vacant house near Boston Ave. in Spiro, OK for any evidence that Morgan had been there. It also mentioned how there had once been a person of interest who lived in Spiro. Well I took a look through Oklahoma's sex offender list and found a man named Brian P Sevier. He was arrested in 1996 for lewd acts against a child, a year after Morgan's abduction. The place of the crime was in Crawford Co. Arkansas. He fits all of Morgan's suspect's physical characteristics. He has black hair, he's 215 pounds (more then the estimated weight of the suspect but he could have gotten heavier), he's 6 foot tall and judging by his age now, he could have been in the correct age range the suspect was estimated to be in. Here is his profile which includes a picture which IMO looks close to the sketch we have.

His current address is listed as Carmen Drive in Spiro, OK. A quick Google map search shows that Carmen Drive is about 4 minutes away from Boston Ave. (Carmen Dr is spelled as Carmon on Google Maps) Spiro, OK itself is around 35-40 min. from Alma, Ark. I also looked him up on Whitepages which says he's lived in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Could he be the person they were interested in?

Let me know what you guys think, or if I got any of the information wrong, I'm new to the forum. Seems like a long shot but there's always the possibility.

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Subscribing to the thread I have never forgotten this tragic case.
This is the case that got me interested in missing persons cases to begin with. I was 16 and had just moved to Arkansas, about 45 miles from where Morgan disappeared. Soon after, I became a young mom. I always held what happened to Morgan in the back of my mind and I believe it made me a better and more protective parent than I would have been.

Morgan is also the reason I have always been extra-vigilant when in public... always aware of my surroundings for my family's protection, but also looking out for the faces of the missing I have come to learn of since.

Morgan, I've thought of you often over the years. I pray that you are found today and go home to your family.

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