Identified! AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #1 - Kelly from VA

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Just a thought re: the Strouds...I wonder if a letter to them might work...I'm thinking that a letter would be non-threatening, if worded well, and an addressed stamped envelope could be enclosed. Then a person could respond somewhat anonymously with that a far fetched idea?
I don't know why but when I was younger I looked at a lot of "post mortem pictures", this is when we just discovered those gross websites that show death. So I have seen a lot of pictures of death. I can see them and stuff but it's just after, the vision stays in my head for a long time and when I go to bed sometimes the post mortem will flash in my head and I get creeped out. Also, I don't even view post mortems and I have nightmares every other night about dead bodies and serial killers. :confused:

I guess it's not a big deal because this Jane Doe is in good shape, her face is in tact so MBB can post it here but I know some other people aren't comfortable viewing other people dead either. While I suppose if you view post mortems frequently you may become a bit desensitized but to the average person who doesn't, it can be a bit disturbing to see a close up of a dead stranger. JMO. :)
Just a thought re: the Strouds...I wonder if a letter to them might work...I'm thinking that a letter would be non-threatening, if worded well, and an addressed stamped envelope could be enclosed. Then a person could respond somewhat anonymously with that a far fetched idea?

Does anybody know if the Strouds still live there?
Does anybody know if the Strouds still live there?

I will start looking , I have been bombarded with work, I live in Irving, I even think one of them is a pastor my husband met.......I will start tonight
Just a thought re: the Strouds...I wonder if a letter to them might work...I'm thinking that a letter would be non-threatening, if worded well, and an addressed stamped envelope could be enclosed. Then a person could respond somewhat anonymously with that a far fetched idea?

I wanted to give y'all my two cents on contacting the Willie James Stroud family; 1st, Notice the great grandfathers name, when I did an ancestry search for all the names listed in the Bible that Jane had in her possession, a few had listed their geneaology there (at Ancestry) and one in particular, the Dantzlers, had a daughter that listed a marriage and then divorce and the last name of her ex husband was none other than McAlphin, now James Roy was not listed (yet) in the descendants, but I had a insightful thought when I found that.... Mmmm... could the Stroud family be James Roy McAlphins kin and that's why they decided not to cooperate or give any info that they may have, could be they blame Jane for James Roys "troubles" or they truly thought her name was Cheryl Ann Wick? When I did an ancestry search for James Roy McAlphin, guess what name comes up as an ancestor or descendant.... If you guessed Willie James McAlphin, you are right on, that name has a date of birth as 1975! Now, I admit that not every thing I have read has turned on a lightbulb in my head, but this one did, I think the Strouds are pretty closely related to James Roy McAlphin!!!
Detective Phillips has written(sent photos, even) and left messages at numbers they had for them(and yes most of the Strouds still live there, James Roy lived there, too) Detective Phillips suggested that no one outside an officer of the law, contact these people, because and I quote "We do not and cannot be responsible for putting some innocent person in a dangerous situation, so please, unless you are an active LE, do not attempt to contact any of the Strouds", personally, I ain't skeered, but I do want to heed Phillips' advice, she's a pretty wise Detective! I believe you all can read between the lines on this one!

I am hoping (and praying) the article that Seifsister told us about, generates a lead that will crack this case wide open. I am in agreement with Fairy1, I have suspected that our 1991 AR Jane, has not been reported or listed as missing or she was so young when she began "living" away from her home that unless an age-progressed pic is exact on the features, we'll not be the ones to match her. The Kahler Detectives believe that she's enough of a match to dig into it further and have DNA being processed as we chat. If that lead gets both of their DNA in CODIS and they're not a match, well that can only be a good thing.
Janes case could also be like Bambi Dicks case was for so long. Jane may have been removed inadvertently from the missing list when she turned 18 or 21, unless a sibling or parent notices and brings it to light, we may never know, but I am being optimistic and truly believe that we will help solve this.

We just have to keep her face and story up front. I am working with a couple of local journalists, one has a syndicated column nationwide, to write her story with photos and at least it will be distributed statewide here in Arkansas, maybe one of Janes former "co-workers" will come forward with "new" info, a "co-worker" that didn't get interviewed at all, because she moved out of state or something during that time!! After that gets printed I am hoping that some of our investigative reporters will pick it up and air her story.

I guess I just posted about a dollars worth, LOL, but I had to post my thoughts and remind you all what Detective Phillips said to me(us). Of course, a letter could be sent anonymously, if someone uses a PO Box, like I do! I also have an email, that I use for different websites that I enter sweepstakes or get coupons on, in other words an email for junk to come to, I also use it to request info from people that I am doing background checks on, it's under a business name, so it's not easy to find who it belongs to!!

Change that to a $1.02....LOL!!
Thanks MBB for explaining the situation. This puts a new light on the Stroud angle for sure! Guess we'll just have to let the balls in play do their thing and see if they lead anywhere. I remain optimistic that we can figure this out!
I won't be writing that's for sure, we should take LE'S advice. I don't think I would have anyway but this just makes me glad I had a bad feeling. I hope LE is able to solve this. I don't think there's much as web sleuthers we can do besides send in possible matches.
wow, why that never occoured to me , I dont know, it prett obivoius JR Mc. has Texas ties, that makes sense, I hope his a@@ does not move here to irving when he is released, that would BITE! now for sure I want to know where they live! I have every sex offender on my radar in the area (Im not just nosey, I have two very beatiful girls, one 22 years that does print modeling, one 3 years) so I watch for this
oh yeah, i just googled stroud el darado, there are lots !!!! there is even a stroud st
MBB you are one smart cookie!
I'm gonna throw in my 2 gut keeps leading me to a MN connection. She has that Scandinavian look to her, even her post mort pics do. Plus she had the SSN from that girl in MN, the address, and the phone number, which were all valid MN info. Plus she would have had this info on her back in the late 80's/early 90's. ID theft, IMO would have been a lot harder to pull off unless she had a connection somehow to the area. I mean its not like the internet was like it is today.

Mel ~
I'm gonna throw in my 2 gut keeps leading me to a MN connection. She has that Scandinavian look to her, even her post mort pics do. Plus she had the SSN from that girl in MN, the address, and the phone number, which were all valid MN info. Plus she would have had this info on her back in the late 80's/early 90's. ID theft, IMO would have been a lot harder to pull off unless she had a connection somehow to the area. I mean its not like the internet was like it is today.

Mel ~

Makes sense!!!!
The Doe Network has updated her page today to include the following:

James Roy McAlphin is no longer in prison for her murder, he is in the Robertson unit in Abline,TX for a sexual assult in Travis co. Tx he is due to be released in 2010.

If you go to site updates for May 18th it can be viewed there.
The Doe Network has updated her page today to include the following:

James Roy McAlphin is no longer in prison for her murder, he is in the Robertson unit in Abline,TX for a sexual assult in Travis co. Tx he is due to be released in 2010.

If you go to site updates for May 18th it can be viewed there.

This pi**es me off! He beat the carp out of her then dragged her before shooting her to death and he's done serving time for that? WTF? Why don't these 's get LWOP or the DP? Just makes me so :furious::furious::furious:!

Sorry, but it looks like the sexual assault wouldn't have happened if he had been sentenced fairly for JD's murder. No doubt in my mind he'll be up to his usual tricks upon his release in 2010. Grrrrr.
The Doe Network has updated her page today to include the following:

James Roy McAlphin is no longer in prison for her murder, he is in the Robertson unit in Abline,TX for a sexual assult in Travis co. Tx he is due to be released in 2010.

If you go to site updates for May 18th it can be viewed there.

I emailed them, I want everyone to know where he is , and I also know they verified the info, so now I am sure, I swear if I did all of that they would have fried me, go figure!!!!!
This pi**es me off! He beat the carp out of her then dragged her before shooting her to death and he's done serving time for that? WTF? Why don't these 's get LWOP or the DP? Just makes me so :furious::furious::furious:!

Sorry, but it looks like the sexual assault wouldn't have happened if he had been sentenced fairly for JD's murder. No doubt in my mind he'll be up to his usual tricks upon his release in 2010. Grrrrr.

ITA!!:mad: I am going to my Library and get a copy of the newspaper that has the details of the cowards conviction, he was convicted or sentenced in 1992, I will scan that copy and put it here! It is shameful, to say the least, that McAlphin wasn't incarcerated for life!! I hope his victim in Texas is notified and attends all parole hearings for him.....:eek:
I haven't heard anything back from my connections with the journalists, but it may be taking them a little bit longer to get all information gathered :waitasec:
Sloane7777; :blowkiss: Thanks for doing that!!
LOL! That's a big possibility! Good to have "cousins" sleuthing here,too!! :blushing:
Sincerely though, Welcome! Glad to have ya here! I sent you a PM!

On another note, I saw that same video on youtube, awhile back I think Jan 08) before I was able to become a member here and it motivated me to search for her identity! I always cry *sigh* whenever I watch it, very touching! Thanks Fairy1 for linking it here! :dance:
In the video, it shows excerpts of where she wrote in her "diary" and in it she mentions staying at "Gail's" place and a fella named Tyrone giving "Gail" money for "rent" for allowing them to stay longer. The writing in the "diary" makes me think that it was written when she was very young and in an abusive relationship as well as homeless...
There is just so many S curves in this girls life, it's confusing sometimes! It also makes it extremely difficult to lay out a timeline for her!!!
I am doing a search on Ancestry, for all the names that she used, the first alias I entered, Sharon Wiley, shows there's one born in Minnesota, which is where the "true" Cheryl Wick lives..... Coincidence???? I believe she must've had family from there or lived there at one time in her life....
There is a Wiley from Texas, too!
Then there's the Kelly Carr/Karr alias, a search of that name brings up females born (1968 or before) in California, Minnesota,New York, South Carolina and Virginia.
I looked up the menu names too! Phillips Waterside, they're all over the east coast, started in Baltimore,MD and there was one in Virginia Beach,VA (Seems to be family type restaurants) and Phillips Seafoods started all of them and Phillips celebrated their 50th in 2006....
Now, The Raven (the red menu with a silhouette of a raven on it) is in Virginia Beach, VA and has a website link here: if you click on their offical website and then the image button (adult material in image) you will probably figure out what her "position" was there, if she worked there....
Worrell Brothers is a bar/restaurant in Virginia Beach, VA, so I'm gonna say it's safe to think that she was either born there or close by and lived in VB,VA for sometime also....
The Boyd Sound Studio in Wylie, Texas has been there since 1976, there is a website too, here:, you can take a virtual tour of the studio (just pics) and when you get to pic 5, in the background are photos of people, one of them (maybe two) resembles our Jane, then pic 6 has Happy musicians as the tag, I see a couple of pics that could be her, ???? Boyd's seems like a really nice studio, a small one, but set up very well....
I'll put more here later, I don't want to take over the page with this post!
Gonna do some more searching!

Happy & Successful Sleuthing to ALL.....:D

Hi, have just been reading abut this Jane Doe this morning. Took a look at the Boyd Sound Studio pics. I'm wondering if perhaps Jane Doe didn't have a brother, sister, father or mother who had recorded at that studio.

Anyone live close to Wylie, outside of Dallas, who could go to the studio & look at the pics on their walls? I, too, see some pics on their walls worth checking out.
ITA!!:mad: I am going to my Library and get a copy of the newspaper that has the details of the cowards conviction, he was convicted or sentenced in 1992, I will scan that copy and put it here! It is shameful, to say the least, that McAlphin wasn't incarcerated for life!! I hope his victim in Texas is notified and attends all parole hearings for him.....:eek:
I haven't heard anything back from my connections with the journalists, but it may be taking them a little bit longer to get all information gathered :waitasec:
Sloane7777; :blowkiss: Thanks for doing that!!

No problem!!!! If anyone can find any info on the incendent he was convicted of this time, I would like to know, just to keep tabs.....apparently Im awfully close to the relations, so are you!you know how it is in arkansas, you just move on to the next town!!!!!! (by the way,:boohoo: I'm so homesick!!!)
I found this interesting as all we have are photographs of her article from Fayetteville, AR
A University of Arkansas researcher has found that most people don’t identify fugitives or missing children from photographs. Working with fellow researchers, UA psychology professor James Lampinen has determined that even when there is a promise of financial reward, most people don’t connect the dots between the face in a photograph and the actual person, even when the photograph has been aged progressed.
MadeaBecBec, he was in Varner super Max Facility, I thought that was ONLY lifers or Death Row!!!! I guess I was wrong!
I found this interesting as all we have are photographs of her article from Fayetteville, AR
A University of Arkansas researcher has found that most people don’t identify fugitives or missing children from photographs. Working with fellow researchers, UA psychology professor James Lampinen has determined that even when there is a promise of financial reward, most people don’t connect the dots between the face in a photograph and the actual person, even when the photograph has been aged progressed.

I agree with this! I'm often frustrated when we have only one pic of the missing person to go on - that could be years old! But now with this case, we have many pics and so many different looks and here we are still. Frustrating....
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