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DNA Solves
doublejack said:
Agreed. I think it is more common in rural, small town settings though where class sizes are smaller and dating options are fewer among people the same age. Also, you see more young marriages in areas of the country that are more religious - the old "shotgun wedding" situation. Based on those two factors I would have to say it's likely to be more common in the South than the North or either coast.

One place very young marriage is common in the U.S. is among polygamous sects, and in particular, among fundamentalist Mormons, where young girls are often "given" in such marriages to much older, married men, some of whom are relatives.

We tend to think that most Americans wait at least until high school is over to marry, but the drop-out rate nationally is over 30%. Years ago, these kids might get jobs in mines or mills or on the farm, get married, etc. Today, they are probably more likely to live together or have babies out of wedlock, given more lenient social attitudes.
i agree that they did a GREAT makeover job on her, cause when they popped up on her door step she was runnin from the cameras as fast as she could and rightfully so....she wasnt anything easy on the eyes.

sntemp said:
In reference to his wives being attractive or not.

They must have dolled her up with some top quality proffesionals because I have seen this woman in 2 other interviews and she is lot's of things but attractive isn't one of them.

Speaking as someone who is from Alabama, she's your typical Alabama backroads hick and not even an attractive one by their standards at that.

(sits back and waits for the attacks to come)
I saw one of his wives being interviwed,I think it was his first wife--She was as dumb as a stump
wenchie said:
Perhaps at that time, at that place, in that age group - that was a normal haircut at the time.

It doesn't further anything one way or the other to pretend that Karr wasn't a decent-looking young man. And it the videos, he's all smiles and relaxed and looks completely normal.

Everyone's acting as if he's the most hideous-looking thing that ever walked the earth. And now, the ex-wife's mother vaguely remembers him signing letters to her with S.B.T.C.

I still say that this is all some huge psychology experiment, to see just how easy it is to change people's perception of things, and how easily we are swayed (even to the point of hallucination), by the media.
I remember how everyone was saying how good looking and clean cut he was when we first got a photo of him....He looks ok...a little on the feminine side. And mullets were the cool thing...remember Billy Ray Cirrus??
The first thing I noticed is that Quientana has a super-professional makeup job in that photo (kinda like Patsy's).

It's hard to imagine her being a dog without it, though. She looks like she'd still be nice looking without out. Not beautiful, but nice-looking.
sntemp said:
In reference to his wives being attractive or not.

They must have dolled her up with some top quality proffesionals because I have seen this woman in 2 other interviews and she is lot's of things but attractive isn't one of them.

Speaking as someone who is from Alabama, she's your typical Alabama backroads hick and not even an attractive one by their standards at that.

(sits back and waits for the attacks to come)

They really did doll her up. I saw her on some news program and she looked terrible.
I wasn't offended by the "southerners" comment.

I was too busy hunting down roadkill armadillo for supper. Oh, and spitting tobacco into a can on the front porch. And rounding up the little Bubbas as well. Y'all get the picture.

Besides, my grandmother taught me to be gracious to those who were not fortunate enough to be born in the South. They are doing the best they can, she would say, and they can't help it.

Seriously, the marrying at 13/14 is a leftover from a rural/agricultural/pioneer time. The South had an agrarian economy long after the North. There are probably a few other laws about livestock and farming that aren't really applicable to today's times, but they don't get the attention that Marrying at 13 does.
wenchie said:
The first thing I noticed is that Quientana has a super-professional makeup job in that photo (kinda like Patsy's).

It's hard to imagine her being a dog without it, though. She looks like she'd still be nice looking without out. Not beautiful, but nice-looking.

The saying around here is "She cleans up good."

I don't clean up that good, so I have to think she's got more going for her to begin with, look-wise.
Texana said:
She's gorgeous, all right.

It makes me sick to think of her at twelve being preyed upon by Karr.

WOW! an older Jon Bennet....pretty, blond hair, big eyes....I found that kind of creepy!!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Texana said:
I wasn't offended by the "southerners" comment.

I was too busy hunting down roadkill armadillo for supper. Oh, and spitting tobacco into a can on the front porch. And rounding up the little Bubbas as well. Y'all get the picture.

Besides, my grandmother taught me to be gracious to those who were not fortunate enough to be born in the South. They are doing the best they can, she would say, and they can't help it.
Can any of you tell me where I can see a picture of his second wife?
guppy said:
Yes, Alta Vista and Lycos were around in 1996.

Right! As was 'Mining Co. dot com' which later changed to what is now known as 'About dot com'.
You know what I don't get? Why are people attacking his first wives looks? Who cares what she looks like. I mean it's okay to say she's pretty but why say she's ugly? What does that accomplish? She was 12/13 when she was with this creep and not old enough to know any better. It's one thing to attack the parents for letting the marriage happen but there is nothing in this world that makes it okay to say she's ugly. She didn't ask for any of this. She came forward because I'm sure she's been hounded by the media. Regardless of her reason, her looks has no bearing on this case.

By the way... I think she's beautiful. I know a lot of women even with the professional makeup and hair job that look as good as she does.
Anngelique said:
You know what I don't get? Why are people attacking his first wives looks? Who cares what she looks like. I mean it's okay to say she's pretty but why say she's ugly? What does that accomplish? She was 12/13 when she was with this creep and not old enough to know any better. It's one thing to attack the parents for letting the marriage happen but there is nothing in this world that makes it okay to say she's ugly. She didn't ask for any of this. She came forward because I'm sure she's been hounded by the media. Regardless of her reason, her looks has no bearing on this case.

By the way... I think she's beautiful. I know a lot of women even with the professional makeup and hair job that look as good as she does.
I thought she was really pretty, as well. Haven't seen a pic of his 2nd wife yet.
lilpony said:
I thought she was really pretty, as well. Haven't seen a pic of his 2nd wife yet.
The second wife can be seen in the home video. She has very, very long brown hair and has a nice figure even after all those babies. She stays out of the video most of the time but you catch glimpses of her. At one point they're all together and the photographer says "the happy family".
ragland said:
theres somewhere in the US you can elope to at the age of 13? even at that time?
Yeah, it surprises me also! Can one 'elop' at 12 any where now!:eek:

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