Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Hi Macushia, I have been watching FOX for hours and think DesSands just didn't exlain herself that well which is easy to do.

They said they are sifting dirt in their little set up lab area and bring the dirt from all over that wooded area as if the bag had been there for months, animals would have scattered bones all over. I wrote that last part down ;}

Hearing that, and realizing in her morgue Dr G has the bones laid out at this point in reconstructing the skeletal remains, it is easy to jump to a conclusion that Dr G has notified the Sheriff there are many small bones missing. That is why they must have started sifting dirt. This paragraph is only an assumption, but a logical one. I have seen many of Dr G's TV shows and know this is what would be done at this point. I haven't heard any statement yet from the ME's office tho, and FOX just said it will most likely be next week when we do.

Ok, thanks, that might be the answer. I know there have been no statements from the ME' office or Dr. G, so I was wondering what was going on. I think we all need to be cautious when we post to be sure that we are not creating even more rumors than the ones that are out there now.
I believe there is specific training involved in underwater cadaver dog scent. Not all or even many dogs are trained for this. I think one of our sleuther's is training her dogs for underwater searches.

Thanks SuziQ!
Interesting, I had never thought of this. I would hope that they would re-interview him or maybe they already have and it hadn't came out in the released interviews. BTW I thought GA filed the report of the missing gas cans on the 24th, do I have my dates mixed up?
Yes, he filed the report on the morning of the 24th, and confronted KC that afternoon. However, he thinks the shed was broken into on the 23rd or 22nd. He goes into detail on this in the Greta interview.
It has been reported in the news, but by means of inside sources, and not any official statement.

Actually, Jose said that it "was part of the record" (by that I am assuming public jail house records) and so he could confirm that it was true.
My opinion also. Casey, imo, always felt resentment towards Caylee, like a small child does when a new baby arrives. A severe case of sibling rivilary, because Cindy always acted like the Mother of them both ("I tucked them both into bed..."), and seemed to favor Baby Caylee (like children often do when a new baby arrives into the family and the baby who was... is no longer the baby.)

Casey resented that Cindy was the first to hold Caylee after birth. Casey resented that she had to take Caylee every where with her, had to "babysit" her when Cindy (the "real" Mother) was working.
Caylee kept the "adolescent" Casey from having fun and from having a life of her own. Caylee took the "baby" place in the A family, that Casey had for so long.

Many people have asked and wondered how a mother (Casey) could kill her own beautiful baby. As I see it, Casey... from day 1.... never saw herself as Caylee's mother, nor loved Caylee as a mother would, and never had any maternal feelings at all towards Caylee.

Nor do I think Caylee loved or saw Casey as her mother. I think Casey felt that Caylee was beginning to tattle on their whereabouts during the day and reveal the truth about what Casey was doing. (According to Geo: "Caylee never seemed to recognize the name Zanny.")

Casey had pure hatred and resentment towards the new baby in the family... and wanted her gone, for many obvious reasons. I think Casey had been thinking about ways to get rid of Caylee.... for a long time.

peace your post makes so much sense. I think Casey looked at Caylee as a punishment from her mother. We've heard that Cindy insisted Casey keep her baby and I believe that would drive her to dislike everything about being a mother and having a child. We have no idea what went on between Cindy and Casey over the pregnancy. Speaking from my own experience, my mother treated me like a piece of trash when she discovered I was pregnant before I was married. It was like she put a curse on me telling me "You'll pay for this forever." I am sure Cindy's reaction to Casey's pregnancy was anything but loving. And, although there is no excuse to taking your child's life, I can see where Caylee would be a minute by minute reminder of how terrible she was to bring a child into the world. And, I'm sure Cindy would have been very harsh on Casey everyday from the moment the baby was born. I suppose because of my experience, I might be looking at this differently. Parents can be so cruel.
No, it doesn't. But...she IS the only person charged with First Degree Murder and Manslaughter With Aggravating Circumstances of Caylee Marie which came via a Grand Jury (meaning 12+ people voted to indict her) who heard the evidence before Caylee's remains were found. I wonder what those 12+ people are thinking today and if they feel they made the right decision based on the facts they were presented all those weeks ago?

Excellent post SS, and I so agree.

The first thing I learned when I discovered Forumdom is acc to the law a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. That has nothing to do with the court of public opinion. And just because someone is found not guilty doesn't mean they are innocent, only that there was not evidence to convict without reasonable doubt.
I don't think the location of the body is odd at all. Casey was/is L-A-Z-Y & S-T-U-P-I-D.

The dope didn't work in over two years. She didn't even give two weeks notice when she was employed, she just stopped showing up for work. When she forged one of Amy's stolen checks, she signed her own name. When she ran out of gas, she called TonE to pick her up to go break into her parent's shed for gas. She was so lazy that she couldn't walk a 1/4 mile to her own house and get gas herself, she had TonE with his handy crowbar do it for her. I'm sure there's a million more examples of her laziness/stupidity.

Is it really a surprise that she wouldn't want to be too put out by the pesky task of disposing of her burdensome daughter's body?

Sorry if this has been asked, but I'm just catching up... Was the location of the remains the same area where KC ran out of gas when TonE came to help her get the gas out of shed? If so, did she have him come to set him up as the killer, in case someone saw them there?

Or could this be the case:

I have always wondered about the body being stashed in that little freezer that sits inside the A's garage just in front of CA's car. Each time I watch a video and see CA go past that freezer, I get the creeps. Could it be possible that she and GA found the body in the freezer under a bunch of things before KA got out of jail the first time? They seemed to get crazy with their actions just before or right after she came home from jail. Is it possible that they have been covering for her since that time, and GA or LA moved the body in the trash bag to the woods when rumors of FBI looking into obstruction charges came to light? This is just my opinion...Has anyone else had this thought?
Casey didn't go further into the woods for the same reason she didn't use the shovel, she is lazy.

Plus there are brambles, spiders and snakes in the woods. .


Who would/could hang out in such a place?..Even picnic there like her best school friend said they often did..I know kids do some far out things but this doesn't add up even before adding in the fact it gets swampy during the rainy season..All of this=why I do NOT believe where the body/bag was found is the same spot.

I do believe she just threw the bag in & in the dark because even though it looks like the last house is a bit away from the end of the road nobody, not even KA, is dumb enough to think she may not be seen.

The day Tony picked her up I think she was there to check on the bag or possibly move it but that goes against doing it when she could be easily seen so I really need to rule that out.

My most MAIN nagging thoughts are...

1. How much water was there & when..If it was just a few feet when the bag was thrown in that would have sunk to the bottom but what about when it was as deep as when Tim was there?..We know there was enough to sink an ATV so why wasn't the bag floating near the surface?..There couldn't have been that much weight in the bag especially with her decomposing already for a few months..Unless it also contained a paver (from the house) but why bother just to dump her there?..Unless the first plan was to dump her in the Econ or some other deep waters..

2..What about this fence we've heard so much about?..There definitely wasn't a fence right at the discovery spot because we could clearly see them collecting evidence under (& all around) the tent they set up..I saw no fence at all there & I'm also sure the man who found her didn't bother to climb up & over just to tinkle.

But I did see a fence a short distance away.

That had to be put up sometime between early Sept & Nov..If the bag was actually behind the fence at that time or very close by why didn't the workers notice the bag?..Maybe they did see it & chose to leave it..Maybe it was under just enough water to cover it..If it was very flooded, again, why wasn't it floating on the surface?..If the workers haven't been interviewed yet they should be.

3..How odd/convenient/lucky/fate? the A's weren't home or even in FL when the discovery was made..If they weren't in CA my guess is they would've rushed to the scene..Not so much because I believe they knew she was there all along but like the rest of us they knew it was sure to be her..I'm relieved I didn't have to witness their reaction..OTH!..I wish I could've seen KC's..I think at some time we will see (or hear) a delayed version..How can these GPs not visit/contact KC now?..Even if it's to 'supposedly' comfort her..And her brother too who for some strange reason didn't even bother to go the scene when he was so "close" to it.
I agree, I think she had help in the disposal of the body. Remember she was on the phone with Lee for hours one night? Wonder what that was all about...Plus, I just have a gut feeling, which may mean nothing, but I believe he was involved in the cover up some way. Also, KC states that she doesn't know where Caylee is in the interview with police, perhaps, that is because she didn't dispose of the body. I think when this all went down that night CA called the police and she asked KC what she had done, CA sent Lee out to do something with that baby's body. Perhaps this is why Lee didn't want his DNA taken? As always though, GA is left out of the loop.

Personally, I hope he doesn't go on to kill himself in light of all of this. He seems to be the only half decent one in that family.

If it turns out that it had been there all along, it is the strongest indication that it was placed there by Casey. George being ex-LE would have found an area much more difficult to find. Casey knew that in just a short while the area would be covered in water had she placed it there. If it turns out that it was just recently placed there, there is no other conclusion than that she had an accomplice. The neighbor said the water had only receded within the past week and a half. All signs point to Casey, including her own statements.
I still want to find out when and who put the fence up. Anyone figured this out yet?

Hi SS, I did read that in a link here yesterday. I'd have to go back and re-read links which wouldn't take long so I will. It was something like the fence was put up to keep people out as it was private property.
There are a few things that don't make sense to me.

She would have had to plan this in some way if the body has really been in that one spot so long, it would have floated at certain points during wouldn't have just stayed on the ground UNDER the water without something to weigh it down.

If it was weighed down, that would mean some amount of pre planning, and if pre planning was involved, this definitely isn't a very smart spot.

Even if it was weighed down, some would have floated.....which would lead one to think that a black garbage bag would tear, and after all these months most of the contents would be scattered all over.

I am sure the facts will come out that will make it make sense, but right now with what is known a lot doesn't fit for me.
If it turns out that it had been there all along, it is the strongest indication that it was placed there by Casey. George being ex-LE would have found an area much more difficult to find. Casey knew that in just a short while the area would be covered in water had she placed it there. If it turns out that it was just recently placed there, there is no other conclusion than that she had an accomplice. The neighbor said the water had only receded within the past week and a half. All signs point to Casey, including her own statements.

I agree with you as well Elfie, I think we are all just banging our heads against the wall. Until we hear concrete facts about this whole thing we can theorize all we want. I think we all just want answers, and especially the big WHY? to be answered.
I'm going from memory here, and I could be a little off on the facts.
Tim M said a developer put up the fence, and did not give them permission to check his property.
There are a few things that don't make sense to me.

She would have had to plan this in some way if the body has really been in that one spot so long, it would have floated at certain points during wouldn't have just stayed on the ground UNDER the water without something to weigh it down.

If it was weighed down, that would mean some amount of pre planning, and if pre planning was involved, this definitely isn't a very smart spot.

Even if it was weighed down, some would have floated.....which would lead one to think that a black garbage bag would tear, and after all these months most of the contents would be scattered all over.

I am sure the facts will come out that will make it make sense, but right now with what is known a lot doesn't fit for me.

If it were weighed down, perhaps one or more of the pavers from the A's backyard were used. That could be what led LE back to the house with search warrant so quickly. Just my opinion on this!!
Hi SS, I did read that in a link here yesterday. I'd have to go back and re-read links which wouldn't take long so I will. It was something like the fence was put up to keep people out as it was private property.
Thanks so much, Scandi! :blowkiss:
There are a few things that don't make sense to me.

She would have had to plan this in some way if the body has really been in that one spot so long, it would have floated at certain points during wouldn't have just stayed on the ground UNDER the water without something to weigh it down.

If it was weighed down, that would mean some amount of pre planning, and if pre planning was involved, this definitely isn't a very smart spot.

Even if it was weighed down, some would have floated.....which would lead one to think that a black garbage bag would tear, and after all these months most of the contents would be scattered all over.

I am sure the facts will come out that will make it make sense, but right now with what is known a lot doesn't fit for me.

it was buried at first, remember the shovel..the flooding brought the bag to the surface but it didn't float very far because of the tall weeds holding it back--one of the talking head experts brought up this point on tv the day of the discovery.
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