Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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Watch from 4:12pm on... she is asked about the supposed moment that the day turned deadly... she says that it took "minutes" for the situation to heat up (I'm paraphrasing here). Totally different than what they said in court that it was immediate when she dropped the camera. Supposedly the most crucial moment of her life, and she can't even keep that part of the story straight. Notice the big "gulp" she does after she says it too. Snake.


THANK YOU so much for pointing that out, Lisa S!!! And the "gulp" totally gives her away here. It's like you can see the wheels turning inside her head, thinking..."sh.t, damn, I just f'd up."

Yes, Jodi... you are a LIAR. Like when she told her mom that she had the receipts to PROVE she wasn't in Arizona. LIAR. Story totally made up. She totally flies by the seat of her pants all the time.

Jodi says that telling a lie doesn't necessarily make one a liar. Jodi may not lie about everything, but she definitely LIES about the most important things in her trial.

NOTE to Juan - use this in the penalty retrial!

Thanks for posting this link. Just watched it. Boy, JA is so full of it! (surprise So, in the beginning of this interview JA goes on about how whatever they decide will be what is right, and then toward the end, after the reporter asks her about getting the DP, she says that would not be justice, but rather, it would be revenge. What a piece of work.
They don't. There's one thing being determined and that's if she gets the DP or not. That's it. The guilt phase is over. She will never again be a free woman because no judge will ever allow her to have parole; they just won't.

So either way she's going to Perryville. And even if this jury had given the Alexander's the sentence they wanted at this time (the DP), the Alexander's will still never get over this loss. There is no such thing as "closure." They will always miss and grieve for Travis. Always. The sharpness of the pain may dull a little over time, but that's it. There is no possible sentence that will take away their pain. That's the reality of such a loss.

Think of all the murdered people whose killers were never caught, whose families have no resolution at all, there is no trial because the perp is still out there. Think of the families who don't even have the body of their loved one. The Alexanders are much further down the road than many others--the killer of their loved one has been caught, has been successfully prosecuted, and will die in prison with 100% certainty.

When I put it all in perspective, I don't see the travesty of justice that others claim. Justice has not been denied, not at all. Sentencing has been delayed; justice was not denied.
I'm sorry, M74, we will have to agree to disagree. Your perspective may not be shared by the Alexanders. The rehearing of the penalty phase will be painful for the Alexanders and many of us are angry that the jury's indecision has caused that. It's just a fact.
Considering JM's comment about parole during his closing arguments (see AZLawyer's research) created what could be reversible error on appeal (a huge "oops" that any appellate defense would jump on) had this jury reached a DP conclusion unanimously, it's a blessing in disguise. The state gets a do-over with no appealable issue AND there's still the opportunity for JA to get the DP.

Once the Alexanders are aware of that they may be very thankful this jury didn't decide.

/silver lining
I'm sorry, M74, we will have to agree to disagree. Your perspective may not be shared by the Alexanders. The rehearing of the penalty phase will be painful for the Alexanders and many of us are angry that the jury's indecision has caused that. It's just a fact.
Quoting myself. I rest MY case, M74.

A statement by Harold Sorenson, Tanisha's husband:

I will make a comment ! These are my words only. This is not from any of the Alexander family or even from my wife Tanisha.
They are all emotionally drained. At the same time they are overwhelmingly grateful - to the court, to Judge Stephens, to the jurors all of them, especially to Juan Martinez, to the Attorney General of Arizona, who they will be meeting with very shortly to prepare themselves emotionally, mentally, for the re-trial of the third phase, the penalty phase. This will be even harder on them then what they've experienced during the past phases of this trial.
If ever they needed the world's love and support of the overwhelming majority that have been there for them, it would be this re trial of the penalty phase.
Please keep the family continually in your hearts, in your prayers as the fight for justice is not just for Travis alone, but for the past and future victims of the world that the DP can be respected and upheld when it truly is warranted.
Let goodness prevail over evil.
We love you, and deeply respect the overwhelming support. God bless true victims and justice for Travis Alexander.
Thank you,
Harold Sorenson.
My God she is so full of herself! A mother...just the thought of that makes me shudder. And if there were 3 people that could attest to the fact she had bruises her poor DT would have called them.

One good thing about the Re-Do is her DT will call mitigation witnesses and then Juan can work his magic and yank bad things about Jodi out of 'em.

One of the HLN shows mentioned a possible agreement to give CKJA a life term with out parole and take the DP off the table... I bet if that were offered she'd turn it down in a heartbeat. SHE wants all the cameras and all the press attention solely on her and screw the fact Travis' family has to do this again. Lord I despise her.

I could easily by wrong, but my impression is that being on death row means neverending appeals with top notch attorneys whose specialty that is. JA would be a media magnet as one of the very few woman on death row in America and probably the most quotable and fascinating to watch. In other words, she'll be covered repeatedly until the day she is executed, which in AZ is a day that for females never comes. I honestly believe she'd prefer death row and the constant attention to spending her life in the general population of the horrible Perryville Prison. I also think the likelihood of the next jury not having at least one holdout for life is almost nil. TA's family's desire for another trial is very important, but it shouldn't be determinative imo. They want to find peace and be done with JA, but that will never happen if she's on death row.
Considering JM's comment about parole during his closing arguments (see AZLawyer's research) created what could be reversible error on appeal (a huge "oops" that any appellate defense would jump on) had this jury reached a DP conclusion unanimously, it's a blessing in disguise. The state gets a do-over with no appealable issue AND there's still the opportunity for JA to get the DP.

Once the Alexanders are aware of that they may be very thankful this jury didn't decide.

/silver lining

Beth Karas was asked about that on InSession and started saying that Martinez was experienced enough to know whether he could say that or not. Before she even finished her sentence she remembered that the jurors had already been told that in the jury questionnaire so she was sure it wasn't an appealable issue.
Beth Karas was asked about that on InSession and started saying that Martinez was experienced enough to know whether he could say that or not. Before she even finished her sentence she remembered that the jurors had already been told that in the jury questionnaire so she was sure it wasn't an appealable issue.

You'd have to read AZlawyer's research to see it, but apparently the exact way JM said the statement to the jury during his argument might have created a possibility of a valid appeal had the jury voted unanimously for the DP (note I say 'might,' not definitively). It was something first mentioned on HLN by one of the TH lawyers and then AZLawyer dove in and researched it. AZLawyer just sent her research findings to the DA's office as a heads-up. Better to ensure there are absolutely no appellate issues down the road. Imagine JA getting the DP but then it gets overturned 2 or 3 years later due to an error by the state. :-O Talk about a never-ending nightmare! JA needs to not only be sentenced but sentenced with zero errors so that she has no wiggle room later on during appeals (and yes, there will be appeals unless she takes some kind of deal where she gives up all rights to further appeals).

So, because the jury hung on that phase, there is no appealable issue AND the state also has a "do-over" on trying to get the DP for JA. In most other states there is no "do-over." In my state (NC) if the jury fails to unanimously come to an agreement on sentencing, the default is LWOP. There's no 2nd chance to get a DP sentence.
The art work was part of her "Presentation" :rolleyes:

Haha. And I almost threw up in my mouth just a lil bit when she described her dream of Travis, stretched out on the bunk in her cell. Travis.. what are you doing here? We both have to do the time, he replies.

Can she get any crazier? She has now even has conjured poor dead Travis admitting guilt on his behalf to make her look better. I can't think of any sicker lie she has produced as of yet. I was floored when that evil nonsense flowed from her mouth. She made up the whole dream, obviously.
This chick sets NO limits to her manipulations and cold hearted callousness.
We have no (and I mean zero) control over any of it. She's already been convicted of M1. To me that's like winning a $1M dollar lottery but then being really angry that I didn't win $5M or $10M because gosh darn it....someone did!

If you haven't seen the multitude of posts claiming to have only wanted a jury's unanimous decision (regardless of what that decision was), then you must be skipping many threads as there were hundreds of posts clamoring for that and disappointed that the jury couldn't make a decision on something.

For those who insist ONLY a DP sentence can be the right/true/proper sentence, well...good luck because it is not as easy to get as some imagine, certainly not a slam dunk, and while it is possible, there's no guarantee that's what will happen.

Plus even though the family wants the DP in the long run it may not be the best thing for them. The appeals are endless, taking years and is that toll really worth it for them. While they feel they want this now, if Jodi get LWOP and she never gets out they will not have to endure the long line of appeals that will be filed immediately once she is sentenced. She becomes just another prisoner that will soon be forgotten.
Plus even though the family wants the DP in the long run it may not be the best thing for them. The appeals are endless, taking years and is that toll really worth it for them. While they feel they want this now, if Jodi get LWOP and she never gets out they will not have to endure the long line of appeals that will be filed immediately once she is sentenced. She becomes just another prisoner that will soon be forgotten.
And she doesn't hesitate to subliminally unveil her joy over the fact that she looks forward to the appeals. Just another way to stick it to everyone in her mind. Maybe her magical thinking has her believing she can win her appeal and walk free as a wrongly accused woman. I wish they would just lock her up for life and let her fade into an inmate number. No appeals, no nuttin' but eternal time behind bars until she takes her last breath, sooner, or later. By her own hand or natural causes. I kinda like the scenario where she has to decide whether she wants to live out her natural life caged up or suicide without assistance. Put it ALL on her.
Haha. And I almost threw up in my mouth just a lil bit when she described her dream of Travis, stretched out on the bunk in her cell. Travis.. what are you doing here? We both have to do the time, he replies.

Can she get any crazier?

I think she just makes up stuff to say on the spur of the moment (remember she was asked if she ever dreams about TA) and doesn't run it in her mind first to see if it even makes sense. Most of the time what she says makes no sense at all and doesn't even relate back to what she's said before, thus the incongruity of her lies. She can't keep herself from talking--remember the interrogation tapes? Yep, she's cuckoo-crazy but not the kind of crazy in which she doesn't know right from wrong and could use a diminished mental capacity defense. She's the cuckoo-crazy variety that spends her life behind bars. Ever hear the words of Diane Downs after 25+ yrs in prison? Defcon 9 level of cuckoo-crazy complete with conspiracies. :)
I think she just makes up stuff to say on the spur of the moment (remember she was asked if she ever dreams about TA) and doesn't run it in her mind first to see if it even makes sense. Most of the time what she says makes no sense at all and doesn't even relate back to what she's said before, thus the incongruity of her lies. She can't keep herself from talking--remember the interrogation tapes? Yep, she's cuckoo-crazy but not the kind of crazy in which she doesn't know right from wrong and could use a diminished mental capacity defense. She's the cuckoo-crazy variety that spends her life behind bars. Ever hear the words of Diane Downs after 25+ yrs in prison? Defcon 9 level of cuckoo-crazy complete with conspiracies. :)

i can very easily see her saying 'well....there's a lot i can't say. my attorneys know but they kept it out. let's just say there was a lot more to that day than has come out so far. i hope some day i can speak the truth about it.'

I think she just makes up stuff to say on the spur of the moment (remember she was asked if she ever dreams about TA) and doesn't run it in her mind first to see if it even makes sense. Most of the time what she says makes no sense at all and doesn't even relate back to what she's said before, thus the incongruity of her lies. She can't keep herself from talking--remember the interrogation tapes? Yep, she's cuckoo-crazy but not the kind of crazy in which she doesn't know right from wrong and could use a diminished mental capacity defense. She's the cuckoo-crazy variety that spends her life behind bars. Ever hear the words of Diane Downs after 25+ yrs in prison? Defcon 9 level of cuckoo-crazy complete with conspiracies. :)
Agree. Give her a few years @ Perryville and we will probably start hearing her conspiracy theories as well. She is crazy like a fox. She will be spouting self defense and DV until her dying breath.
Agree. Give her a few years @ Perryville and we will probably start hearing her conspiracy theories as well. She is crazy like a fox. She will be spouting self defense and DV until her dying breath.

Yep! She can spout anything she wants but none of it will help her. Just like Diane Downs and all her crazy "self-defense" and "bushy haired stranger" rants she's been touting since 1982. It never helps and doesn't do a thing.

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