Arizona girl, 2, left in car by father on 109-degree day and is found dead

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Scholtes was arrested and booked Friday morning at the Pima County Adult Detention Center, according to police.

"This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of leaving children unattended in vehicles. The temperature inside a vehicle can rise rapidly, even on relatively mild days, leading to potentially fatal outcomes within minutes," read a statement from police. "We urge all parents and caregivers to remain vigilant and take every precaution to ensure the safety of their children."
I agree. Her affect was odd. Unemotional (or perhaps without the emotion we’d expect). Curious what the texts said. Assume he’s done it before (not just once), and assume she criticized him and told him not to do it (she’s a Dr at a hospital, she sees worst case scenarios daily). I’d lose my **** the first time my spouse did it. Can’t imagine if this was an ongoing thing tho.

In an earlier post, someone suggested she should be held negligent if she knew about his history and continued to let him be the main caregiver. I thought that was a harsh response. But now that I’ve had time to let this info sink in, I have to agree.
Unemotional? I'm guessing she didn't want to be seen because she was a mess, swollen eyes from crying or total lack of desire to get all dressed up for court hearing because of her emotional state. I believe that this is an extremely horrible and unfortunate mistake that this family will struggle to get through. This is all my opinion. MOO
Assume family will step in to care take. I imagine court and police officers will be checking on him. I can’t imagine a scenario where he won’t serve jail time. If I were him, I’d plead guilty immediately and start the sentence. Then he can be around when the kids are still at home. His life is already going to a living hell regardless. May as well get it done.

There’s a good documentary about babies being left to die in cars on Amazon Prime - Fatal Distraction. Cooper Harris’ mom is in it as well as other parents/couples. It’s amazing the forgiveness a lot of the offenders received.
I don't believe police have the time to continuously check in on people released on bond. MOO. It's up to the person on bond to abide by the conditions of release themselves not to be babysat by law enforcement who are busy with their day to day jobs. All my personal opinion.
Unemotional? I'm guessing she didn't want to be seen because she was a mess, swollen eyes from crying or total lack of desire to get all dressed up for court hearing because of her emotional state. I believe that this is an extremely horrible and unfortunate mistake that this family will struggle to get through. This is all my opinion. MOO
I assumed she didn’t want to be seen because she’s a hospital physician and wanted to keep her identity private.

I do not envy her. She is in a horrible situation and is a victim as well.
It strikes me as being very arrogant and chauvinistic, in a way that I've seen men can be, especially when it's a woman telling them to stop.

They immediately file the alarm and reprimand from the woman in the 'ignore' pile, and continue to do the thing, with a large degree of smugness and satisfaction that they're 'getting away with' doing the thing, and wasn't she ridiculous to tell him to not do the thing, because it's fine and he was right.

And now a baby is dead.

I've mostly seen it surrounding cars, actually. Men deliberately driving dangerously to scare their partner and persisting in doing it, putting their lives at risk. I've seen it with dangerous and neglectful parenting, but never in this specific variant. I cannot fathom the degree of selfishness you have to have to put your child's life second to having a immature reaction to a very reasonable demand from your partner over that child's safety.

I agree. Interesting point about the car.

I have a hunch he thought using the car as a locked crib was a brilliant way to streamline the job of taking care of kids.

If the little one didn't die in the car that day, he would've done the same thing again.

According to the interim complaint, Scholtes’ other two children, ages 9 and 5, said that their father had left all three children alone in the vehicle regularly and stated that “he got distracted by playing his game and putting his food away,” when their sister was in the car.

The vehicle was parked in direct sunlight with the car seat on the driver’s side of the vehicle, which was a west-facing window. Scholtes knew that he had left his 2-year-old daughter in the vehicle.

Police said Scholtes told officers he took his daughter on some errands and then went home. She was asleep in her car seat, so he left her in the vehicle while he went inside.

He claimed he left the vehicle running with the AC on. When he went back outside, the car was off and his daughter was unconscious.

Scholtes told investigators he usually parked the vehicle in a garage but didn’t on July 9 because exercise equipment was in the way.
*excuse...I hope he didn't try to shift the blame a bit to the mom if it was her equipment.
Absolutely. Such a bizarre exchange from both of them. I can't even imagine having the presence of mind to pick up my phone after the death of my child, let alone caused by me or my partners negligence?!

I don't know how long after her death these texts were sent. But surely after such a traumatic event you'd just be in a hole of despair. At the most doing the bare minimum to care for your other children.
The texts were exchanged on the way to the hospital, while the baby's body was also enroute. After the mother had tried cpr.

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