What Did Dau Mean by "Food"
Per the Interim Affidavit, Dau(s?) stated: "he got distracted by playing his game and putting his food away." Did not say "groceries" in Affidavit.
What kind of food? Relevant?
--- Carry-out/take-away snacks/meals?
Maybe only one foam clamshell for himself? Or maybe a stack of them w 4 meals? Or one biggish bag of fast food?
Likely a few min?
--- Groceries?
------ If just a a box of cookies & gallon of milk? A few min?
------ If several/many bags of groceries, make 3-4-5 trips?
----------Carry into house, put on kit. COUNTER. A few min?
----------Carry bags into house, to SORT & put some groceries into some into fridge, some into freezer, some into pantry, some into the right kit cabs? Yep, could take 20-30 min?
Btwn the death & the arrest, seems MSM & some posts here converted "food" from dau's stmt in Interim Affidavit into "groceries."
May be a relevant & material difference, re ELAPSED TIME in which CRS forgot or misjudged. Well, CRS' DEFENSE would ARGUE.
Or may not be relevant or material. IDK.
Thx agn to
@LifeIsAMystery for posting ^ link.