Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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I'm not sure if I will be able to put this into words on here correctly so please follow with me...

I base my broken identity theory on the belief that many people carry within them the seeds for severe mental illness and it is only under the right conditions that these seeds sprout and take root.

In my theory here, my belief is that there was no or a very, very poor identity. Very low self-esteem. In the background was the seeds of a narcissist. (Remember that Narcissus was not always this way but BECAME what he was).

So you have this person with the personality/identity void and along comes someone that gives her that attention. ~sprouts the seed.

She in her mind grabs on to this ray of hope, this CHANCE to become something better, to become someone to 'show' those who had hurt her and put her down in the past.

So she builds on this.

In my opinion, one of the quickest ways to get yourself killed by a group of people is to challenge their belief systems particularly as it relates to their RELIGION. (It's historically true, it happened to Jesus).

When you think about this then consider how profound it is for JA to actually CONVERT to another religion simply to please TA.

New hair,
New look,
New friends,
New boyfriend,
New places to hangout and live
New religion.

(Looks a lot like building blocks to me).

She is now building a new identity. And from the looks of it, it's certainly an identity above what she started with. I dare say it's even grandiose in her mind.

Let me reword some of this... When a person is born, I think it's fair to say, they have no values, opinions, identity etc. This is developed over the course of adolescence from the environment in which they exist with the family unit playing the most significant role. By the time a person reaches late teens they have a pretty good sense of who they are.. their core self and it will remain consistent. That is their self identity. When that does not develop they lack a sense of self or what you call a broken identity. I do believe genetics (discussed further down) plays a role in this and that could kind of be related to your seed example..kind of.

If people here had to write a description of themselves and who they "really" are as a person. If they think they're a good and caring person or whatever on day 1 they'll probably agree with it on day 15 and on and on. It will remain consistent. It would take me too much thought to try and describe who I "really" was. If I did though my description would be applicable to today, but could be completely different a couple days later. My identity / view of myself doesn't remain consistent. This is why you'll see people with identity issues change jobs, hobbies, they will mirror other people that they like or even people they see on tv, becoming a mormon and dying hair etc could fit into this category. I've mirrored people in real life, as well as, people I've seen on tv. It doesn't remain consistent, because once I found someone that I liked more I try and take on that identity. Identity as in mannerisms, beliefs, how they act.

For the longest time I never believed genetics played any role in any of this, but I've changed my opinion of this. You could grow up in the same exact environment as I did and turn out completely healthy mentally and be productive. Another example would be some women who are raped become stronger, lead fulfilling productive lives, and others are destroyed. It seems logical to me that genetics plays some role in how we are able to adapt in order to survive.

someone posted something somewhere about narcs and self esteem. They lack it just like borderlines. We manipulate to feel liked/loved, and their manipulation would be centered around feeling important/admired. We are all insecure.
Oh that is so sad, being silenced as a child leaves you with such a sense of powerlessness, and because it is embedded in our brains at an an early age it can be hard to shift. I also grieve lost potential, lack of acknowledgement, validity, and self worth the list is endless...
In that sense it was helpful for me to know what I was tackling, old repeated messages that I absolutely know are not true about me, and probably aren't true about you either. It's like a wittering nagging voice in my head that wants me to be that small defenceless child (parental tapes on a permanent loop) again. So I tell it to shut up and go bother someone else!
In psychoanalytical terms this is direct contact between the parent (superego) and the child (id) and has the effect of leaving us bouncing between the two extremes with the added result of the adult (ego strengths) being impaired. Which accounts for our inability to feel confident, able, and empowered, and assertive.
The tapes have to go, they are no longer news just repeated empty words that have no relevant meaning in my life as an adult. I work at it every day to give my inner child space and compassion, pats on the back for not succumbing to false nonsense, and give permission to myself to just be who I am. In a sense, I am re-nurturing that little child, who did nothing to deserve such treatment, and I find all sorts of ways for the child to tell her side of the story, via art, poetry, dance or anything creative. I play her lovely music and try to show her everyday the wonders of the world. I try to be as loving a mother as I can to that little wounded inner being. I validate her, comfort her, and give her what I never had.

I also need to check my reality daily to remind me that while my efforts are not appreciated by those who should love me unconditionally, there are others that absolutely do, and I think your husband and daughter would agree with that about you!
Phew, that was a big long one, now watch it disappear into the interwebs!
This all just my own opinion, based on my own life experience:)

What a lovely, thoughtful post you wrote in response to McBee.
I was physically and mentally abused growing up. For me, the pain of the emotional abuse has lasted longer than the physical pain. I feel like I'm a a shell of the person I was supposed to be. I sometimes wonder about the things I could have accomplished in my life if it wasn't for the years and years of being taught that I was stupid, annoying, of being made fun of, of getting yelled at and berated for accidents (like dropping a glass. Once my mom told me all I ever do is f*ck everything up and to never do the dishes again. She was always saying things like that to us). But there is a blockage in my brain that keeps me from getting over that stuff and cannot get over it. I find it hard to make friends because my mind won't let me talk. I have things to say but I ruminate and become so deathly worried that what I'm going to say is going to sound stupid that I don't say anything. I am painfully shy. Being this way has ruined my life and who I think I could have been. I have no self esteem left, no confidence.

I am married and I have a daughter who I love. It's good to have someone in my life who loves me unconditionally and makes me feel loved and appreciated and smart. He's amazing. But I cannot get it in my head that I am worth something and that I'm smart and worthy. So I am happy overall. Just sad about my lost potential.

Wow, meebee I would have never guessed that about you... From how you post you seem very intelligent and very well spoken!

I am so sorry for the trauma you suffered...but I wanted to let you know (at least from an "online" perspective) how others perceive you, and that you are a valuable member of this forum!

I'm new, but from what I've seen, You always have great posts and information...

I was physically and mentally abused growing up. For me, the pain of the emotional abuse has lasted longer than the physical pain. I feel like I'm a a shell of the person I was supposed to be. I sometimes wonder about the things I could have accomplished in my life if it wasn't for the years and years of being taught that I was stupid, annoying, of being made fun of, of getting yelled at and berated for accidents (like dropping a glass. Once my mom told me all I ever do is f*ck everything up and to never do the dishes again. She was always saying things like that to us). But there is a blockage in my brain that keeps me from getting over that stuff and cannot get over it. I find it hard to make friends because my mind won't let me talk. I have things to say but I ruminate and become so deathly worried that what I'm going to say is going to sound stupid that I don't say anything. I am painfully shy. Being this way has ruined my life and who I think I could have been. I have no self esteem left, no confidence.

I am married and I have a daughter who I love. It's good to have someone in my life who loves me unconditionally and makes me feel loved and appreciated and smart. He's amazing. But I cannot get it in my head that I am worth something and that I'm smart and worthy. So I am happy overall. Just sad about my lost potential.

You write such interesting and thoughtful posts..I would never have imagined you felt that way. A big, big hug.

But I do know that kind of emotional block you are talking about. Three things that have helped me "rework" my brain pattern ...I imagine myself small and sitting on the floor blurting out all my hurts..while imagining the big me soothing that child and saying all the things that a loving, nuturing mother would say.

I also get a basket full of rocks of all sizes. I walk through our woods releasing a rock at a time for each blocked item. Somehow the lessing of the physcially weight, relieves the emotional weight. And the third thing... I do each year at the beach as the sun is coming and I am completely alone, I draw a huge circle in the sand and mark symbols for all the things I want to let go of. I say an affirming statement and conscioulsy release it to the tides; and as I watch the ocean sweep away all that I released, I ask God to bring me back peace in it's place. It's not that it completely frees me, but when I find myself started to play an "old tape" I remind myself that I already let that go. Over time it worked.
Thank you for acknowledging my post. There is a good website which explains the term 'splitter'. It is common among children of N mothers that the siblings (according to their warped mindset of N mums) are either good or bad, the 'good' ones tend to be compliant with their demands, and the 'bad' not so much. So the siblings are split into categories of golden child/black sheep. The N mother looks for reflections of herself in her children, and if they don't possess it they are not important.
They will convey this message to their children which pits them against each other (splitting) because the golden siblings believe they are always right, which isn't so, they are as wounded and falsely inflated as the black sheep is falsely under inflated, because the mind of a N is warped. It creates such dysfunctional families, half of whom deny it, while the other half continue to suffer it, as well as suffering them, and their need to carry on the mothers message to preserve their own sanity.:furious::furious::furious:
They both have the same wounding, just different sides of the coin.
Pm me if you want the name of the website, it is primarily concerned with daughters of narcissistic mothers. I'm not sure how to link it or if it is allowed. Eek...

Oh! I know that website! (Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, right?!) has been wonderful and very instrumental and healing in my life! It also helped us go "NC" (no contact) with my is so hard b/c when we went NC my mom went full-court-press into stereotypical Narcissistic Mother was hard, but we learned so much from that website that we are able to stand firm and not react to her crazy attempts to "punish" us for going NC ...thankfully, I am one of the "black sheep" so I am able to lead a somewhat normal life... But my siblings who were "golden children" still suffer so much b/c they can't break free from her Narcissistic grip on them..

The hardest part is having to explain to others...friends, our pastor, etc.. When my mom calls them and tries to cause trouble... And the thing is my mom is VERY beautiful and friendly, people are drawn to her, so she can get control of others very easily..

My mom's mom disappeared when she was 16yrs old, and was never found.. It is actually a cold case in Arizona (my moms family is from Scottsdale)... And we believe that this trauma may have been what has caused her personality disorders...or at least made them worse...

It is actually because of being raised by a N Mother that I was able to spot Jodi as a sociopath right away and what got me interested in this case...

So as hard as it is to go through what many of us have gone through in life, we have to realize that it is both the good and the bad parts of our lives that make us who we are today... for some reason we have suffered what we have, and i believe it is so we can help others... so I have chosen to take the bad things I've endured in my life and use them for good...

I have also learned so much in the short time I've been on this website reading about little bits of many of the hardships people on WS have endured... I can't thank you enough for being brave enough to share...
Back to JA. Tonight , when they still had the trial going, the defense witness said that JA felt she was nothing like Lisa( I may have that wrong) and if TA thought that he was delusional. The domestic violence witness said, "actually she said he must be on crack." I hit the pause button and then the back button, which if you do that puts everything is slow motion going backward. You could see how utterly delighted JA was that she had said that. You can clearly see her trying to cover her smile with her hand. This women is reliving her relationship with TA throughout the trial. I almost want to say to do know he's killed him.
Oh! I know that website! (Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, right?!) has been wonderful and very instrumental and healing in my life! It also helped us go "NC" (no contact) with my is so hard b/c when we went NC my mom went full-court-press into stereotypical Narcissistic Mother was hard, but we learned so much from that website that we are able to stand firm and not react to her crazy attempts to "punish" us for going NC ...thankfully, I am one of the "black sheep" so I am able to lead a somewhat normal life... But my siblings who were "golden children" still suffer so much b/c they can't break free from her Narcissistic grip on them..

The hardest part is having to explain to others...friends, our pastor, etc.. When my mom calls them and tries to cause trouble... And the thing is my mom is VERY beautiful and friendly, people are drawn to her, so she can get control of others very easily..

My mom's mom disappeared when she was 16yrs old, and was never found.. It is actually a cold case in Arizona (my moms family is from Scottsdale)... And we believe that this trauma may have been what has caused her personality disorders...or at least made them worse...

It is actually because of being raised by a N Mother that I was able to spot Jodi as a sociopath right away and what got me interested in this case...

So as hard as it is to go through what many of us have gone through in life, we have to realize that it is both the good and the bad parts of our lives that make us who we are today... for some reason we have suffered what we have, and i believe it is so we can help others... so I have chosen to take the bad things I've endured in my life and use them for good...

I have also learned so much in the short time I've been on this website reading about little bits of many of the hardships people on WS have endured... I can't thank you enough for being brave enough to share...

Yes yes, you saved me from the embarrassing position of outing my computer illiteracy!! I don't mind so much about the highly personal stuff :floorlaugh:
Daughters of N Mothers that's the one!
I absolutely agree with you, people who go through this stuff are generally full of amazing insights, because after all the oppressed always knows more than the oppressor, because they see both sides of the coin.
I also agree that using the bad for good gives us privileged gift because we 'get' it, and when talking to other people who aren't quite there yet, they know we speak from genuine experience and authentic congruent selves. That is a very special gift arising from hard work against the odds. Well done you!!
That site was very helpful to me in identifying and explaining specific behaviours of N mums, and so enlightening that I could see that the 'mental crack' that I had was the light getting in;)
My mother has been gone for over 30 years, but her memory lives on in my siblings, with whom I have no contact. She was exactly the same as yours, nobody would have guessed. My extended family in Scotland still think of her fondly...and it's the feeling of never ever knowing that you are believed and that things did happen that can make it so unreal.
So, three cheers for the black sheep, hip hip...
Let me reword some of this... When a person is born, I think it's fair to say, they have no values, opinions, identity etc. This is developed over the course of adolescence from the environment in which they exist with the family unit playing the most significant role. By the time a person reaches late teens they have a pretty good sense of who they are.. their core self and it will remain consistent. That is their self identity. When that does not develop they lack a sense of self or what you call a broken identity. I do believe genetics (discussed further down) plays a role in this and that could kind of be related to your seed example..kind of.

If people here had to write a description of themselves and who they "really" are as a person. If they think they're a good and caring person or whatever on day 1 they'll probably agree with it on day 15 and on and on. It will remain consistent. It would take me too much thought to try and describe who I "really" was. If I did though my description would be applicable to today, but could be completely different a couple days later. My identity / view of myself doesn't remain consistent. This is why you'll see people with identity issues change jobs, hobbies, they will mirror other people that they like or even people they see on tv, becoming a mormon and dying hair etc could fit into this category. I've mirrored people in real life, as well as, people I've seen on tv. It doesn't remain consistent, because once I found someone that I liked more I try and take on that identity. Identity as in mannerisms, beliefs, how they act.

For the longest time I never believed genetics played any role in any of this, but I've changed my opinion of this. You could grow up in the same exact environment as I did and turn out completely healthy mentally and be productive. Another example would be some women who are raped become stronger, lead fulfilling productive lives, and others are destroyed. It seems logical to me that genetics plays some role in how we are able to adapt in order to survive.

someone posted something somewhere about narcs and self esteem. They lack it just like borderlines. We manipulate to feel liked/loved, and their manipulation would be centered around feeling important/admired. We are all insecure.

BBM: Genetics, yes the ole' family tree! I have heard there is a theory and some research suggesting that the incidence of BPD (and perhaps other PD's) are greater if there is a first generation relative with a PD.

For instance, I have identical twin nieces (proven identical by DNA test) that are 10 yrs. old. Their mother is a mid-level-functioning BPD. One twin is starting to exhibit profound behavioral problems (eating issues, sleeping problems, growling, suicidal ideation, cognition difficulties, raging at others, etc.) while the other twin is composed, appropriate, scholastic, and consistent in behavior. I am hoping to persuade my brother and sister-in-law to have them take part in research involving brain flouroscopy in hopes of noting the differences in the brains of these twins (ex. amygdala to the cortex "wiring" differences) which is being done at UMass and Harvard.
I am hoping that their contribution in research will help others not have to endure labels, misdiagnosis, and stigmas.

As a peculiar sidenote, the twins are no longer impossible to tell apart at quick glance---I feel in part due to the repurcussions of the mental health issue the one is experiencing. Her pain, anxiety, and frustrations are always a part of her and it really saddens me to say it.

Much more needs to be done in the way of research, discussions, and overall care in our society regarding mental health in this country. MOO.
BBM: Genetics, yes the ole' family tree! I have heard there is a theory and some research suggesting that the incidence of BPD (and perhaps other PD's) are greater if there is a first generation relative with a PD.

For instance, I have identical twin nieces (proven identical by DNA test) that are 10 yrs. old. Their mother is a mid-level-functioning BPD. One twin is starting to exhibit profound behavioral problems (eating issues, sleeping problems, growling, suicidal ideation, cognition difficulties, raging at others, etc.) while the other twin is composed, appropriate, scholastic, and consistent in behavior. I am hoping to persuade my brother and sister-in-law to have them take part in research involving brain flouroscopy in hopes of noting the differences in the brains of these twins (ex. amygdala to the cortex "wiring" differences) which is being done at UMass and Harvard.
I am hoping that their contribution in research will help others not have to endure labels, misdiagnosis, and stigmas.

As a peculiar sidenote, the twins are no longer impossible to tell apart at quick glance---I feel in part due to the repurcussions of the mental health issue the one is experiencing. Her pain, anxiety, and frustrations are always a part of her and it really saddens me to say it.

Much more needs to be done in the way of research, discussions, and overall care in our society regarding mental health in this country. MOO.

That must be hard to take, especially as they are twins because they 'reflect' each other, and must make the one with the concerns look so'different'.
It wouldn't surprise me if there was a genetic component, and if it can be shown, it sure would go a long way in our understanding.
What do you think about the idea of 'genetic' trauma? Isn't trauma an injury to the amygdala? I'm not questioning you, :blushing: I am just curious.
I don't particularly like the labelling stuff either, it's helpful for guidelines, but can and does stigmatise people who are battling it out.
Nobody is to blame for having a mental illness and I am out and proud!
By the looks of this thread, many others are too! We are people first, not a diagnosis.
I think I might be derailing, so many apologies.
I hope things work out for your nieces, it sounds like they could contribute much to research for themselves and others.
I find mental health concerns for children very alarming, and in this country at least, woefully inadequate resources to manage it. Children as young as 7/8 are committing or attempting to commit suicide. That's never OK!:furious:
It needs a societal response, or it will create utter mayhem.
Gecko......thank you for the very thoughtful response and your contribution to this thread, in general. :rocker:
Gecko......thank you for the very thoughtful response and your contribution to this thread, in general. :rocker:

ATasteOf, you are very welcome, and it's my pleasure! We all of us have great things to say and learn from, and if it helps us to gain a deeper knowledge/insight about us, then that can only ever be a good thing.
It is so impressive, heartwarming, and inspirational to hear about how others have coped through serious darkness and pain.:clap:
I was physically and mentally abused growing up. For me, the pain of the emotional abuse has lasted longer than the physical pain. I feel like I'm a a shell of the person I was supposed to be. I sometimes wonder about the things I could have accomplished in my life if it wasn't for the years and years of being taught that I was stupid, annoying, of being made fun of, of getting yelled at and berated for accidents (like dropping a glass. Once my mom told me all I ever do is f*ck everything up and to never do the dishes again. She was always saying things like that to us). But there is a blockage in my brain that keeps me from getting over that stuff and cannot get over it. I find it hard to make friends because my mind won't let me talk. I have things to say but I ruminate and become so deathly worried that what I'm going to say is going to sound stupid that I don't say anything. I am painfully shy. Being this way has ruined my life and who I think I could have been. I have no self esteem left, no confidence.

I am married and I have a daughter who I love. It's good to have someone in my life who loves me unconditionally and makes me feel loved and appreciated and smart. He's amazing. But I cannot get it in my head that I am worth something and that I'm smart and worthy. So I am happy overall. Just sad about my lost potential.
I am so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, very similar to my own upbringing, and yes, the lost potential is enormous. People who don't know how bad the situation was will often upbraid people like us, telling us "not to blame", or "to get over it": They have no idea of the jaw-droppingly callous things said, the cruelty, the betrayals, (in my family, the outright backstabbing and thefts). Don't ever be worried about anything you have to say: I and others understand. I am very glad you have your husband and daughter: My own husband was my protector and defender and died at age 52. You are worth more than you know; the fact you were able to survive what you did is indeed a real victory and a sign of a strong will to live; your husband sees this and appreciates it. HUGS :)
Thank you for acknowledging my post. There is a good website which explains the term 'splitter'. It is common among children of N mothers that the siblings (according to their warped mindset of N mums) are either good or bad, the 'good' ones tend to be compliant with their demands, and the 'bad' not so much. So the siblings are split into categories of golden child/black sheep. The N mother looks for reflections of herself in her children, and if they don't possess it they are not important. They will also 'gaslight' and tell you that you are the mentally unstable one when you insist that something is not right.
They will convey this message to their children which pits them against each other (splitting) because the golden siblings believe they are always right, which isn't so, they are as wounded and falsely inflated as the black sheep is falsely under inflated, because the mind of a N is warped. It creates such dysfunctional families, half of whom deny it, while the other half continue to suffer it, as well as suffering them, and their need to carry on the mothers message to preserve their own sanity.:furious::furious::furious:
They both have the same wounding, just different sides of the coin, personally I would rather be the 'black sheep', because they can acknowledge and unlearn primitive behaviours, and prevent their escape onto the next generation of children. The golden children can't/won't.
Pm me if you want the name of the website, it is primarily concerned with daughters of narcissistic mothers. I'm not sure how to link it or if it is allowed. Eek...
It certainly sounds like something is going on for your friend. Poor thing.
Thank you for this analysis; yes, all of the splitting and gaslighting was very apparent in my own family.

You are so right: The daughters (or sons) of an N mother have 2 choices:

Either become LIKE her, and employ the same evil tactics as she does, OR become her victim. Thank you so much for such an astute analysis.
Thank you for acknowledging my post. There is a good website which explains the term 'splitter'. It is common among children of N mothers that the siblings (according to their warped mindset of N mums) are either good or bad, the 'good' ones tend to be compliant with their demands, and the 'bad' not so much. So the siblings are split into categories of golden child/black sheep. The N mother looks for reflections of herself in her children, and if they don't possess it they are not important. They will also 'gaslight' and tell you that you are the mentally unstable one when you insist that something is not right.
They will convey this message to their children which pits them against each other (splitting) because the golden siblings believe they are always right, which isn't so, they are as wounded and falsely inflated as the black sheep is falsely under inflated, because the mind of a N is warped. It creates such dysfunctional families, half of whom deny it, while the other half continue to suffer it, as well as suffering them, and their need to carry on the mothers message to preserve their own sanity.:furious::furious::furious:
They both have the same wounding, just different sides of the coin, personally I would rather be the 'black sheep', because they can acknowledge and unlearn primitive behaviours, and prevent their escape onto the next generation of children. The golden children can't/won't.
Pm me if you want the name of the website, it is primarily concerned with daughters of narcissistic mothers. I'm not sure how to link it or if it is allowed. Eek...
It certainly sounds like something is going on for your friend. Poor thing.

Did anyone watch the clip of JA Mom being interviewed by police?

She sounds just like Jodi, complete with fakey sounding cry-voice!
Oh that is so sad, being silenced as a child leaves you with such a sense of powerlessness, and because it is embedded in our brains at an an early age it can be hard to shift. I also grieve lost potential, lack of acknowledgement, validity, and self worth the list is endless...
In that sense it was helpful for me to know what I was tackling, old repeated messages that I absolutely know are not true about me, and probably aren't true about you either. It's like a wittering nagging voice in my head that wants me to be that small defenceless child (parental tapes on a permanent loop) again. So I tell it to shut up and go bother someone else!
In psychoanalytical terms this is direct contact between the parent (superego) and the child (id) and has the effect of leaving us bouncing between the two extremes with the added result of the adult (ego strengths) being impaired. Which accounts for our inability to feel confident, able, and empowered, and assertive.
The tapes have to go, they are no longer news just repeated empty words that have no relevant meaning in my life as an adult. I work at it every day to give my inner child space and compassion, pats on the back for not succumbing to false nonsense, and give permission to myself to just be who I am. In a sense, I am re-nurturing that little child, who did nothing to deserve such treatment, and I find all sorts of ways for the child to tell her side of the story, via art, poetry, dance or anything creative. I play her lovely music and try to show her everyday the wonders of the world. I try to be as loving a mother as I can to that little wounded inner being. I validate her, comfort her, and give her what I never had.

I also need to check my reality daily to remind me that while my efforts are not appreciated by those who should love me unconditionally, there are others that absolutely do, and I think your husband and daughter would agree with that about you!
Phew, that was a big long one, now watch it disappear into the interwebs!
This all just my own opinion, based on my own life experience:)

Gecko- what a helpful, thoughtful post you wrote in response to MeeBee.

MeeBee, like someone else said, I too would have never guessed that about you... your posts all are very intelligent and well written.

I am sorry for the trauma you suffered...but please know that you are a valuable member of this forum!

You always have great insights and information...
Did anyone watch the clip of JA Mom being interviewed by police?

She sounds just like Jodi, complete with fakey sounding cry-voice!

I saw clips of the mother and then the father being interviewed. I didn't get the sense that the mother's crying was fake but I want to know WHY the parents did not get HELP for Jodi if these people that called them were saying she needed help? And the father was saying that Jodi would rage at them quite a bit in the year prior to this murder.
I saw clips of the mother and then the father being interviewed. I didn't get the sense that the mother's crying was fake but I want to know WHY the parents did not get HELP for Jodi if these people that called them were saying she needed help? And the father was saying that Jodi would rage at them quite a bit in the year prior to this murder.

Yes, I agree that she didn't sound fake, more kind of panicked than anything, perhaps at exposure/self blame who knows?
They seem to be rather in denial, but not shocked.
My first question was 'well what did you do about her behaviour'? Did it pop out of nowhere? How long have you known? Did she just rage at that particular time, or ever before?
They seem to complain about her a fair bit, but they held the leash in her formative years. Maybe they thought it would go away?
Yes, I agree that she didn't sound fake, more kind of panicked than anything, perhaps at exposure/self blame who knows?
They seem to be rather in denial, but not shocked.
My first question was 'well what did you do about her behaviour'? Did it pop out of nowhere? How long have you known? Did she just rage at that particular time, or ever before?
They seem to complain about her a fair bit, but they held the leash in her formative years. Maybe they thought it would go away?

I know someone who has a kid like JA (except for the murder part. As of today anyway.)

The mother knows her kid has problems, yet she does nothing. She enables the kid. She tells me it's "easier" to give in than suffer the rage and abuse that the kid heaps on her if she were to put her foot down.

The kid has ran the mother since she was a young child. No structure at all. The mother gave up parenting years ago. To the kid's detriment.

I can't help but feel that as difficult as it must be for JA's mother and father, they're the ones who raised her and nowhere has it been said they actually sought help for her when she was young.
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