Armchair Psych Profile and JH's Background

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Writers imagination aside.. The question of was he possibly bisexual.. Or bicurious comes from the shooters information of what/who it is that he is seeking and is his motive and desire for creating a profile.. He is seeking sex.. Sex with women as well as sex with couples.. IMO it is the shooters information that leads to quite valid and relevant questions of his possibly being bisexual or bicurious.. That question doesn't arise from the writer of the article's imagination.. In fact the question immediately arose within minutes of us first finding and reading who/what sex that the shooter was seeking on AFF as well as other known hook up websites..

Just sayin that February's question was definitely based upon the shooters words/info and not at all based upon nor derived from an over imaginative, embellishing author of an article..jmo, tho!

I respect your opinion... but I am no kid... I have known people in my life that liked to "swing" (NOT ME)
that is couples sex.... none of them were "bi" it was the swapping that was their thrill. Whatever...
I do not know if he was bi based on wanting to have sex with couples. My opinion is the writer ran out of theories.
However MI are often very interested in lots of sex.

YES the shooter did search for sex in many places.
I have to question no lights on at night, unless there were light blocking curtains, or the newspaper in the windows we heard about earlier.

I really have to question college students as neighbors being certain of anything.

Living in a college town and being a renter, no one pays attention to their neighbors. Half the time the students are not at home. They are at school, work, or partying until the wee hours. Anything stated as fact, could really be based on blurry intoxicated 4 a.m. observation, hung over observation, wrong window observation, or just no observation at all.

If this is not college students talking, us older renters look out for each other, but ignore the students. They come and go too quickly. We are usually asleep long before they get home from work or bar closing, so we don't notice unless someone is having an after the bar closes loud party.

Couple of the "rules of living in student rental areas" are "stay out of it, it is none of your business" unless of course you can hear or see someone being murdered. And, "don't look in there" because they will think you are stalking them or are crazy.

ITA. If you look back at statements from neighbors, there are plenty of contradicting info. Downstairs neighbor said there was never loud noises from JH's apartment until the night in question. Yet some anonymous neighbors claimed there frequently was loud music playing in the apartment. And as I recall, somebody claimed there were strange color lights coming from the apartment, and that unusual window coverings were used. So I am taking what is coming out of the neighbors with a grain of salt.
What I found out is that lay people throw around "crazy," "insane" and "delusional" as if it were candy. And in my opinion, they should not be saying things like that if they are a governor.

Maybe you should tell the governor. JAT
What I found out is that lay people throw around "crazy," "insane" and "delusional" as if it were candy. And in my opinion, they should not be saying things like that if they are a governor.

SADLY there is a huge stigma to being MI and there is not enough awareness about it.
There is not enough the government care to do for them. There are organizations that fight for that.

If N.A.M.I thinks that the political arena is out of order they will be in Washington about it soon.

Sadly it is obvious this guy is MI. I am certain.
But maybe the political arena needs to talk differently.
Why can’t they get anything from this guy at all?
Aren’t they talking to him?
Or are they just observing his hair and eyes :waitasec:

Because the suspect has a right not to talk, they can not make him talk unless he wants to. I don't see anything delusional about someone requesting a lawyer and not talking to police, by the way.
I read what everyone has to say and take it into consideration, but . . .

As I look back on how media reported JH and his crimes, I feel manipulated into thinking right from the start that this man "just snapped". All I heard, at first, was how this brilliant student lost his mind with no one noticing. Then, I heard a bunch of experts searching for mental illnesses to explain his actions, as though being intelligent and hiding his evil plans must mean mental illness. Enough, it's almost like brainwashing - I don't want to accept the diagnosis of the media and their power to sway me to either pity or anger in certain cases - just give me the real, validated facts, media.

JMO, just because you know someone with mental illness, or read something about certain conditions, doesn't make it so in this case. Just because his eyes look funny doesn't prove anything either. Just because you are an expert on the subject of mental illness doesn't mean much until facts are brought out. Obviously, he didn't "just snap" because the planning was ongoing for months and months. Plain ole criminals are sometimes really smart and sneaky too.

I think we might all agree, we want to know more about what lead JH to do such horrible things that would destroy other people, but we really can't fully understand it until more info comes out. This is my opinion only.

BBM: ITA that is why I am glad no cameras in the court room.

That is my position too. We do not know enough to make any evaluations, decisions about him.

The only thing I can say for certain is that he is Mentally Ill.
but MI come in so many forms.
I understand your reasoning and frustration. Honestly I think JH should face the death penalty for what he has done. I think there is a fascination in the main stream media when someone commits such a horrible and random act. However there is also great concern among mental health professionals so they can explain why an individual like JH, with potential to do good for society and raised in a stable loving American home, can commit such an atrocity. What led to this? Psychologists want to know his pathological journey from a fairly normal undergraduate student, to a homicidal maniac calling himself the joker.

What he did was premeditated and he deserves to be held accountable for his own actions and manipulation.

It can only be called premeditated if he acted alone.

I used to go to support groups for parents of MI regularly.
I knew of a case where an MI person carried drugs to another land for someone...
the MI person was threatened and manipulated.
the MI person was in jail till the case was solved, MI person was freed.
But not before they sat in prison for a long time.

Now there are stories from witnesses that there may have been an accomplice t
hat is not impossible at all. We have to wait and see.
Because the suspect has a right not to talk, they can not make him talk unless he wants to. I don't see anything delusional about someone requesting a lawyer and not talking to police, by the way.

Thanks for the reply but the BBM - is not a reply to the post I had written.
The fact that he does not have to talk is true.
It can only be called premeditated if he acted alone.

That is clearly not accurate. Nothing in the law says that a crime can only be called premeditated if the suspect acted alone.
That is clearly not accurate. Nothing in the law says that a crime can only be called premeditated if the suspect acted alone.

When you cut off only one line you didn’t get what I SAID AT ALL.
So if you did read the rest you would have learned that the MI person was released it was not premeditated,
and the MI person was manipulated by a Con Man

What you did is the same as what the media does.
to avoid a real report and create sensationalism.
Just seems to me a whole lot of the speculation could be cleared up with some very basic information. Homes past record of MI and past history of being medicated. Obviously family and medical professionals would know. It will all come out anyway and has no benefit either way to being kept secret. Up til the time of seeing the good doctor Fenton that is. I can see some potential legal issues there, but whether there is or isn't a track record over a significant period of time should be a demonstrable foundational point for much of what is being discussed. Why don't we know?
Is Holmes informed before his court appearances if cameras are allowed in the courtroom?

I can only speculate that I'd think his attorneys would inform him. The next question would be, how much is he able to comprehend?
Just seems to me a whole lot of the speculation could be cleared up with some very basic information. Homes past record of MI and past history of being medicated. Obviously family and medical professionals would know. It will all come out anyway and has no benefit either way to being kept secret. Up til the time of seeing the good doctor Fenton that is. I can see some potential legal issues there, but whether there is or isn't a track record over a significant period of time should be a demonstrable foundational point for much of what is being discussed. Why don't we know?

Because there is HIPAA, doctor patient confidentiality, and a gag order in place.
Is Holmes informed before his court appearances if cameras are allowed in the courtroom?

Most likely yes. He either asked, or his defense attorneys told him, or an investigator just to see how he would react-even if the defense attorneys were present, jail staff could have told him. Don't know if he has access to t.v., radio, or newspapers. He would certainly know the minute he was escorted into the Courtroom if he was not told already.
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