Armchair Psych Profile and JH's Background

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I agree. And while IANAL, in forensic psych, we did study Tarasoff (duty to warn). Which I believe is what you're referring to.

Well, sort of. Tarasoff was a California case/ruling. Other jurisdictions have adopted similar laws. What I quoted was Colorado's version of the California law.

He appears to be a perfectly able Caucasian male. Neither female, minority, nor disabled.

Disabilities can be hidden.

And this piece from your piece !

The panel also criticized misinterpretations of privacy laws and gaps in Virginia's mental health system and gun laws.

Virginia Tech fined $55000 in 2007 shooting rampage - CNN

Mar 29, 2011 – Virginia Tech will be fined $55000 for waiting too long to provide timely warnings about a shooter on the loose during a 2007 rampage in which........


The way you are phrasing this, some may infer that VA Tech was fined 55k for misinterpretations of privacy laws and gaps in Virginia's mental health system and gun laws as well as waiting too long to provide timely warnings. let's be clear. That is not the case.

James Holmes' School Records: University Of Colorado Barred From Releasing Aurora Suspect's Info

If anyone can figure this out, help me. :waitasec: I'll go make coffee.

The school cannot publicly release info on the killer.

Here's the Order, going to read it now, must have coffee: Order Regarding P-2.pdf

ETA: Okay, the University cannot release anything until the trial is over, public info or not, unless Judge gives another Order stating they can. Dated July 23, 2012.

However, the prosecution and defense can obtain the records via proper subpoena.


IMO, total fabrication. Those claims were made by the friend who put her finger,alledgly,into her firnds neck to stop bleeding.

It was odd,(contrary to every single person the theatre) and they reported like 4 days later - every other witness said he said nothing throughout

Wow. So now you are inferring that the friend did not put her fingers into her friend's neck to stop bleeding and you are accusing them both of lying about what the killer stated?

I have a real problem with this. These are victims of a horrible crime. Why are you defending the killer?

IMHO this judge should be removed. NOTHING should be hidden, all should be transparent.
While I can see not wanting to trial such a charged case in the public eye.
I think everything people know about JH should be open.

Ironically MI people hide all the time... hiding anything at this stage is enabling (not with intent to enable but it is) IMHO

I think putting all the information out so that JH can see he can no longer hide, would help on so many levels.
AGAIN: I would move to remove this judge, but I have no say ;)

Nope. The judge is ensuring a fair trial for the killer. We have no right to this info until it comes out in trial.
Oh Boo-freakin-hoo, Poor guy...he cannot remember anything that happened and he wants to know why he is in jail.

"Where am I, why am I here?" he asked the jailers.

What a crock. if he plans to fool the judge and the mental health experts and the jury he better do better than that.
Dont know if this was posted but this is from Paul Karrer. He is a 5th grade teacher at Castroville Elementary School in north Monterey County, Calif. This is his notes on JH.

Jimmy was well-dressed, neat, wore glasses, liked to read, and excelled in all academic areas. He had two really good friends, including Chris, both sharp like him—in fact, top of the class.
I trusted James Holmes so much that when he finished his assignments, I let him and another student create a class website. Mind you, this was 1998 and our computers were primitive; we had to write lines and lines of code to do anything. Jimmy worked on this independently, and he did it well.
Hi Joe, Shawdowraiths has an amazing link from the University directly about this preliminary exam. It is couple post from here. The arguments on dates seems to be on the side for now ( for me ) since what we need to actually see is actual confirmations from students or school itself from that University about their own process. Yes some schools have leverage or flexibilities and i know that but some schools are also tight with records and following their own academic calendar as they have to provide records also to the government :)

I don't know why we need confirmations about the university's process, unless someone can present some evidence that the university might be lying or not following its own rules, and I haven't seen any evidence of that.

And I wasn't trying to suggest that the university was being flexible or lenient with records. I don't think they were. I was simply trying to point out how the preliminary exam process typically works in graduate programs. As someone who completed a graduate program at a large state university and currently works in academia, I actually know a thing or two about this kind of stuff. I was simply trying to clear up some confusion. But I will stop discussing it now.
I don't know why we need confirmations about the university's process, unless someone can present some evidence that the university might be lying or not following its own rules, and I haven't seen any evidence of that.

And I wasn't trying to suggest that the university was being flexible or lenient with records. I don't think they were. I was simply trying to point out how the preliminary exam process typically works in graduate programs. As someone who completed a graduate program at a large state university and currently works in academia, I actually know a thing or two about this kind of stuff. I was simply trying to clear up some confusion. But I will stop discussing it now.

I understand but on this board, we need to back-up with what we talk about if we want it to consider it as FACT, other than that, it stands as our opinion and everyone are entitled for it regardless of your studies. Sorry i dont mean to be rude and i appreciate your inputs and that will be placed into my own personal considerations .

anyways, you could be right and I am we go along this case, we'll learn more.
Im not sure where to put this, as there is no "general discussion" thread....
but looks like the copycats have begun...

URGENT: Authorities have arrested a Maryland man they say referred to himself as "a joker" and threatened to carry out a shooting at his workplace, Fox News has learned.


Police arrested 28-year-old Neil Prescott of Crofton, Md., after he allegedly called his employer and threatened to "shoot the place up," a source close to the investigation told Fox News.


Police said that when they took the man into custody, they found an "arsenal" of weapons inside his home. The Associated Press reports that a search of the suspect's home turned up more than 20 guns, including assault rifles and handguns, and more than 400 rounds of ammunition.

more at link...
Im not sure where to put this, as there is no "general discussion" thread....
but looks like the copycats have begun...

more at link...

I know what you mean, i posted it earlier too on this thread, we should have a thread for copycats , not that we want them but just for the sake of discussion only and an aftermath of this horrible crime.

Defense: Shooting suspect was seeing psychiatrist

DENVER (AP) — Court papers say the former graduate student accused in the Colorado movie theater shooting was being treated by a psychiatrist at the university where he studied.

The revelation was disclosed Friday in a defense motion. The motion sought to discover the source of leaks to some media outlets that a package that James Holmes sent the psychiatrist contained a notebook with descriptions of an attack.

The motion says the package contained communications between Holmes and his psychiatrist that should be shielded from public view.
Before everyone gets too excited that defendant was "seeing" psychiatrist, remember that others in similar programs have posted this is a requirement in that kind of program.

Also, keep in mind said psychiatrist may be a professor.

This does not mean the defendant told the psychiatrist anything, much less displayed anything that would bring to mind any issues.
i too believe the guy is looking for his 15min along w/ free advertising....

again, im just alarmed at the people in this world who are ready to call 911 over someone who appears different than themselves.....that is a dangerous precedent for this country and i feel sorry for those who are perfectly sane and of healthy mind who would never hurt a fly yet have strange aspergers friend comes to mind. how many of you would call 911 if you met this person on the street thinking he was "off" or "different" or "strange" ???

again, how many people posting here would like me or someone else to call authorities because we think you are strange and your postings are a bit "off" pretty sure if the roles were reversed you (in general, not specific) would be pissed off for someone accusing you of whatever because they didnt like your personality....

make sure to never visit Boulder - lots of "strange" characters up there...for sure!

and there is NOTHING odd about "cheers"...maybe the gun guy was an unsophisticated or non-worldly traveled person.....because cheers is VERY common and i know tons of people who say it....

while i truly believe the suspect has some mental issues - because i believe to commit such evil heinous acts you cannot be free of some mental issue - i dont believe that from what has been released to us, there were ANY signs of him being a danger to society and he is the ONLY person responsible for what he did. and while i believe he does have mental issues, i also believe he is fit to stand trial. compos mentis - despite having some mental issues. << my disclaimer lol

Thank you for stating this, much needed. I'm just happy I moved away from a very small town nearly 30 years ago. Everyone was told "not to talk about any problems b/c people would think you are crazy". Even simple issues, God forbid you act, dress, or have knowledge of anything outside of local television. Fortunately, embracing diversity is the protocol in this larger city.
This link even tells you the doctors name the shooter was seeing.

Dr LF, Lynn.aspx

Fenton, medical director of the counseling facility, has written numerous papers and launched research in the area of schizophrenia. She did not respond to calls to her home and office.
One week ago since JH decided to blow a bunch of people away. Some people say he had no choice, but I think he did have a choice. He also chose to wear complete protective gear and keep himself safe.

In one week there's been 2-3 copycats caught before they managed to kill. It's very sad if all they see in the aftermath of JH's crime is how they, too, can release their rage and get famous, or get their revenge.

JMO, I think this type of crime is completely different than Andrea Yates. Her symptoms were so obvious and I feel great compassion for anyone who suffers from MI.

Waiting to hear more about the facts of MI leading up to JH's actions.
So I'm wondering if Knot4u2no has been around (yoohoo, you here?) and if he is willing to speculate/give his opinion on this topic. I'd love to hear what you have to say. I'll check back :)
:MOO: One week ago since JH decided to blow a bunch of people away. Some people say he had no choice, but I think he did have a choice. He also chose to wear complete protective gear and keep himself safe.

In one week there's been 2-3 copycats caught before they managed to kill. It's very sad if all they see in the aftermath of JH's crime is how they, too, can release their rage and get famous, or get their revenge.

JMO, I think this type of crime is completely different than Andrea Yates. Her symptoms were so obvious and I feel great compassion for anyone who suffers from MI.

IMO unless you are completely psychotic and out of touch with reality you have a choice. Every criminal act I ever committed was a choice, though I easily blamed them on my mental illness back then. Mental illness does not excuse bad acts.. it just doesn't (period)
thanks, :) but I have to reply to this...While funny in some way, it really was not..LOL
*I was not strapped down LOL *But I DO know of several cases where it did happen. In-fact NAMI teaches those cases to family of the MI so that when or if it comes up they know how to handle it.
No - In my case, we got to emergency room and she got them to check me out, and latter apologize, but it was close. I almost saw myself in a hospital gown.

Since you do have knowledge of it. Can you see WHY those people would get LWOP instead of DP ????
Yes, absolutely I can.. I think we actually agree for the most part and are on the same page as far as realizing that MI is very real, and can be debilitating, and can and should be a factor in some cases that would sentence an individual to LWOP instead of DP due to the fact that they are severely mentally ill.. I absolutely agree with you on that and find that sentencing appropriate in those particular cases..

The only thing I believe that we see differently is that I "at this time" do not believe that the shooter falls into this particular category.. I am not at all convinced this man is severely mentally ill to a degree that would keep him from qualifying for the death penalty.. Whereas I believe your opinion at this time is that he is severely mentally ill to the point that he would fall into the category that would deem appropriate a LWOP sentence and not the DP..

I think that's where the difference lies.. You may very well be correct that he is in that category.. I am not convinced of that yet and am not going to give him the benefit of doubt mainly due to the fact that he was extremely organized, thorough and methodical, very long term premeditation.. And what IMO appears to be very phony type Behaviors of playing puppets, and IMO phony type behaviors in court when he was not at all under any sedatives or mood altering drugs..

Could he be severely mentally incapacitated and none of it be an act??.. It's possible but IMO not probable..but that's jmo at this time..

As i said for the most part I believe we agree it's just that one of us is convinced he is in that category of severely mentally ill and one of us is not yet convinced..:)
Really JMO, I don't care if he gets the DP anyways. I just don't like the idea that someone may be smart enough to fake MI in their commission of mass murder. On the other hand, if JH was actually in therapy and his symptoms to harm people disregarded by his professional doctor, it's a whole different story.
Really JMO, I don't care if he gets the DP anyways. I just don't like the idea that someone may be smart enough to fake MI in their commission of mass murder. On the other hand, if JH was actually in therapy and his symptoms to harm people disregarded by his professional doctor, it's a whole different story.

Really JMO, I don't care if he gets the DP anyways. I just don't like the idea that someone may be smart enough to fake MI in their commission of mass murder. On the other hand, if JH was actually in therapy and his symptoms to harm people disregarded by his professional doctor, it's a whole different story.

I agree with this in that it is that I am NOT just determined to see this man put to death.. My point is quite similar to yours in that I want the appropriate sentence given and not be escaped via his using this MI to his benefit to get out of that appropriate sentence when the MI is not truly a level that would allow him to receive a lighter sentence..

Iow faking a severe MI and a jury being swindled into buying it.. As we saw similarly happen in Casey's case..(ie. Using daddy raped me vs. I'm Severely mentally deranged)

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