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I think I remember someone posting already about the statistical significance of blinking among psychopaths; they blink less.


I didn't see the other statistic but I'm wondering if it might have been misinterpreted or perhaps it was a different study?

"It was shown that 'psychopaths do not show the normal pattern of blink modulation when processing negatively valenced stimuli as do nonpsychopaths and healthy individuals'. Another finding was that while nonpsychopaths 'elicit a larger blink reflex response than that elicited during viewing of neutral or positive stimuli', this was not true for psychopaths as they elicited the same blink reflexes when viewing positive and negative stimuli."

mmeeehhh... I'm not really going down the psychopath trail anyway... that is soooo blase 1991 Lecter... ;)
A few things I've noted: Lm seems to have a consistent droop on the left side of his mouth

also maybe... botox? nerve damage from fillers?

a girl has to look her best!
Of course I don't think there is anything that could possibly serve as an excuse to justify his actions, but the more I learn about Luka the more sorry I feel for him. He was telling elaborate tales about himself back in grade school. It seemed as if he spent his entire life trying to be somebody that people might like and accept. He could never be himself because even he had no idea who he was. It's likely that he was told as a child that he was a worthless piece of ****. He undoubtedly felt abandoned by his parents as a child, and appears to have been abandoned repeatedly by family throughout adulthood. So much of his odd behavior is easily explained by his dysfunctional childhood. What a broken human being. The entire story is depressing from every angle.

It's important to note that the prognosis and chances for recovery are very poor for those w/out a good support system, whether they are battling addiction, mental illness, or whatever. He never really had a chance. It's a shame that another human took the brunt of his pain.
There are outward neurological indications that something is unbalanced... blunted affect, alogia are two prime examples we can clearly see in video footage.

Now whether those are the result of medication or lack of medication it could go either way or even be a combination... mesolimbic pathway (dopamine) which also effects fine motor function.

I really have more digging to do and I am stoked about the research! Ready to get my geek on!!!
Alogia? Where are you seeing that? I think you are way off the mark with that one.
Alogia? Where are you seeing that? I think you are way off the mark with that one.

It is subtle but the pauses are there especially in the interview at the news station about KH...

Not at all like the naked news interview except that was heavily edited so we didn't see him when the screen was blacked out when the interviewer would ask the questions so we don't know how long it really was before he responded. Regardless IMO, there is a noticeable difference in his speech pattern & mannerisms between those two when he does speak.

I'd say the cover guy & plastic surgery interviews were in between. He wasn't as animated in the cover guy but not as fast to respond in the plastic surgery.

Make sense? It is late and I'm beat so I have no idea if I'm explaining it correctly.
In order to see just how alike their facial structures were, I uploaded face front photos for James Dean and Luka to this morphing site online to see how well their faces merged. Supposedly Luka had plastic surgery to look like him. He also seems to wear caterpillar eyebrows in imitation. If he really did have plastic surgery simply to look like a celebrity then he probably did have body dysmorphic disorder along with narcissism. ...though he may also have wanted to distance himself with a new look and name from his past relations, life, and perhaps even his ill deeds.

In order to see just how alike their facial structures were, I uploaded face front photos for James Dean and Luka to this morphing site online to see how well their faces merged. Supposedly Luka had plastic surgery to look like him. He also seems to wear caterpillar eyebrows in imitation. If he really did have plastic surgery simply to look like a celebrity then he probably did have body dysmorphic disorder along with narcissism. ...though he may also have wanted to distance himself with a new look and name from his past relations, life, and perhaps even his ill deeds.

Concur wholeheartily!
I was just documenting the fact that some info and a link I found useful had come down from the site without the last edit date being changed just mentioning it. The link was to L.M. necro blog which I found useful for reasons I posted on couple of days ago. Sorry for not being clearer I had never heard of E.D. still this week and of course I could see it was satirical, kind of mean etc. Sorry about what happened if it hurt you the article I mean on yourself.

In my opinion some sign that that extradition was not normal can be found in the myriad defenses put forward here:

The problem with us from here deciding on his mental health (though we can try) is that we know very very little about him. Very little knew is emerging. Does anyone find that strange? I keep seeing the same old 10 day old facts being brought forward in media.
Yes I agree, I have slowed down in click through the newspapers - the lead papragraph is him back and then they just rehash the crime, manhunt, capture. Thats it. Same kinda thing happend after arrest. Poof gone.
Here in FL (!) we could not get rid of Casey ANthong (!) for 3 years!
Great thoughts as usual, Scientific! Personally, I do not feel that the inconsistencies in the video indicate much of anything other than the fact that he was a really crappy editor. As I have stated previously, I feel that all of his actions in the video were obligatory. I feel he is too much of an emotional flatliner to be too fetishy.
"narcissists experience regular mini psychotic breaks". IMO I agree totally, lets even throw in some affective disorders for good meansure!
A few things I've noted: Lm seems to have a consistent droop on the left side of his mouth; he blinks very inconsistently and at a much lower rate than average; he was described by a friend in an article as having a facial tic and by another friend as being very shaky (I read these a while ago but do not have sources, my apologies). I can't find any diagnosis that mirrors all these affects, so perhaps either a neuro disorder or medication side effects?

Well, on top of everything else ...
Tardive Dyskinesia

By the early 1960s, symptoms associated with tardive dyskinesia were apparent in approximately 30 percent of psychiatric patients treated with antipsychotic medications, linking the development of the condition to these drugs.

He is young so not sure if he would have been the med but hey a notion right!

I didn't see the other statistic but I'm wondering if it might have been misinterpreted or perhaps it was a different study?

"It was shown that 'psychopaths do not show the normal pattern of blink modulation when processing negatively valenced stimuli as do nonpsychopaths and healthy individuals'. Another finding was that while nonpsychopaths 'elicit a larger blink reflex response than that elicited during viewing of neutral or positive stimuli', this was not true for psychopaths as they elicited the same blink reflexes when viewing positive and negative stimuli."

mmeeehhh... I'm not really going down the psychopath trail anyway... that is soooo blase 1991 Lecter... ;)
LINK Below

Still making tehcnical mistakes! Put this in wrong place so it will appear twice! SOrry!

-----It was shown that 'psychopaths do not show the normal pattern of blink modulation when processing negatively valenced stimuli as do nonpsychopaths and healthy individuals'

---..........It might be said that this lack of empathy is one of the reasons why psychopaths in extreme cases have been found to be involved in ritualistic cannibalism.

----Another characteristic of psychopaths is compulsive lying, deception, manipulation.

----Psychopathy is believed to affect approximately 1% of the general population, 15-25% of the male and female prison population (Hare, 1991, 2003), and 10-15% of substance abuse populations

----they lack emotions. Not completely, for they do posses such emotions as anger or frustration when they do not get what they want,

---'emotional blunting'
FootballMom, I'm looking forward to your timeline!
very interesting the link to the article about the psychotic murder and I'm going to google that paper now! :woohoo:
I've seen around the web some people making comparisons between Luka Magnotta vs Vince Li.
The problem is the narcissist factor coupled with LM internet story,
people find it hard to believe he could be psychotic or had some mental breakdown. IDK anymore what to think!
Great find!
Although a liar, he has stated he was abused and from your great article:

In a clue as the kind of person the Canadian police might be looking for, the Finnish academics found mutilation and dismemberment murders was significantly associated with childhood sexual victimization.

I didn't see the other statistic but I'm wondering if it might have been misinterpreted or perhaps it was a different study?

"It was shown that 'psychopaths do not show the normal pattern of blink modulation when processing negatively valenced stimuli as do nonpsychopaths and healthy individuals'. Another finding was that while nonpsychopaths 'elicit a larger blink reflex response than that elicited during viewing of neutral or positive stimuli', this was not true for psychopaths as they elicited the same blink reflexes when viewing positive and negative stimuli."

mmeeehhh... I'm not really going down the psychopath trail anyway... that is soooo blase 1991 Lecter... ;)
opppss I posted later from same source , sorry did not see this one - still rolling all over the place!
I've watched at least a dozen interviews and videos of him and didn't notice any tics or shakiness. I did notice that he doesn't blink much, and he smiles partially and infrequently as if uncomfortable with it for some reason.

Being in the industry - did you find a high correlaition of folks sufferring with mental illiness in the field in general?
Of course I don't think there is anything that could possibly serve as an excuse to justify his actions, but the more I learn about Luka the more sorry I feel for him. He was telling elaborate tales about himself back in grade school. It seemed as if he spent his entire life trying to be somebody that people might like and accept. He could never be himself because even he had no idea who he was. It's likely that he was told as a child that he was a worthless piece of ****. He undoubtedly felt abandoned by his parents as a child, and appears to have been abandoned repeatedly by family throughout adulthood. So much of his odd behavior is easily explained by his dysfunctional childhood. What a broken human being. The entire story is depressing from every angle.

It's important to note that the prognosis and chances for recovery are very poor for those w/out a good support system, whether they are battling addiction, mental illness, or whatever. He never really had a chance. It's a shame that another human took the brunt of his pain.
Cant recall where I read this but apparently his father had HUGE issues with his bisexuality - HUGE.
Oh dear.... I was going to say something ugly about him having seen the horrid sketch of him yesterday, or really any of the REAL-LIFE pictures of him that have been taken without him having a chance to put on make-up and a hair piece. I will refrain from those statements. Maybe he is just missing the internet. I truly find it difficult to fathom an individual who can make multiple films of himself torturing kittens and then a film of him doing things beyond description to JL and FILMING it, but after arrest decides he feels bad enough to kill himself? NO WAY!!!! Just another act in the LM show.... an act that is NEVER, EVER, EVER going to be a sold-out show. :twocents:

If he is suicidal, and that is a big if, it is not an indication of any type of remorse. Self pity for his current situation at best and another play for the attention he so deeply craves more likely.

Suicide in jail just means a loss of will to live in their current situation not remorse for their victims. Innocent men behind bars kill themselves and they have no victim to feel remorse for. Criminals who regret hurting someone and want to die because of it do it before they are arrested. The ones that were living just fine until the cops caught up to them...... eh, not so much. moo
JBean, Nurse or Salem
Would this be the appropriate thread to post the latest news updates such as this:

From the National Post
20 June 2012
Luka Rocco Magnotta in solitary confinement, under suicide watch in Montreal jail

Or should we create a thread that would be a repository and discussion of latest news updates????

1) I knew the suicide watch would be necessary, some canadian psychiatrist mentioned that the narcissists will play the game as far as they can (request their own psychiatrist and don't accept the one ordered by court for instance) but she said that when they finally face the harsh reality that they are actually screwed up and will need to face justice, they panic and their last resort is to try to put an end to their lives and close the curtains, because until the end they need to be in control and be the center of attention. I've seen several cases here in Brazil where the killer after the trial commit suicide on the 1st night in jail in solitary confinement. This is why no shoelaces, belts and sheets are allowed!

2)The article mentions about the amount of money that was wasted in security, I disagree with this! IMHO, they were very discreet compared to high profile criminals transportation here where I live. Military planes are used for polititians /diplomats/bishops here, so it is not uncommon and only fair that they are used to transport dangerous drug dealers and serial killers that are a risk to society. Plus the canadians didn't let a 'Beatlesmania' reception happen, here the airport and the court would be packed with people screaming swear words to Luka with posters claiming justice and the press going insane filming. Seriously!

3)I need to mention that I'm very impressed with the way that the canadians are dealing with this case, very classy might I say, if LM case happened here in my country it would be a circus, 24hours tv news with a lot of nasty details (the press destroy both the killer and the victim here) and Luka would be probably lynched/mobbed by the crowd and wouldn't get a fair trail because of the media/press influence. Also it's very common here that the killer plead 'not guilty' even if all the forensic evidence shows they are guilty since the beginning. I guess it is standard so they can claim innocence in the press and play games with our heads, saying 'no comments' and fuel our imagination. Luka would probably love the way things are approached here because it is very intense.:floorlaugh:

4)About opening a new thread: I think there are so many threads already that I'm confused and can't barely keep updated and follow everything! But I understand the need of breaking down in topics, it seems easier for a lot of people. Cheers!
Daniel Waschbusch, a psychology professor at Florida International University, said although he is not familiar with Magnotta’s case or any details about his upbringing, many criminals have rough childhoods and are defined as “callous-unemotional.”

Still, says Waschbush, a positive environment doesn’t solve everything. “Plenty of parents I work with are making heroic efforts to help and the kids are still struggling.”
Agree! Fetishy on the outside only, imo.

He is obsessed with being infamous.
One of a dozen decapitation videos?
The ones no one remembers the names (general society).

Bind, drug, torture, dismember, necrophilia, repeated necrophilia, and at a minimum implied cannibilism....... that video released days before body is found guarantees underground viral copies. He may not be a fetishist in the true sense but he understands how to get attention.

He got two years of attention and interaction over the kitten videos.
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