Armchair psych profile and personal background

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1) I knew the suicide watch would be necessary, some canadian psychiatrist mentioned that the narcissists will play the game as far as they can (request their own psychiatrist and don't accept the one ordered by court for instance) but she said that when they finally face the harsh reality that they are actually screwed up and will need to face justice, they panic and their last resort is to try to put an end to their lives and close the curtains, because until the end they need to be in control and be the center of attention. I've seen several cases here in Brazil where the killer after the trial commit suicide on the 1st night in jail in solitary confinement. This is why no shoelaces, belts and sheets are allowed!

2)The article mentions about the amount of money that was wasted in security, I disagree with this! IMHO, they were very discreet compared to high profile criminals transportation here where I live. Military planes are used for polititians /diplomats/bishops here, so it is not uncommon and only fair that they are used to transport dangerous drug dealers and serial killers that are a risk to society. Plus the canadians didn't let a 'Beatlesmania' reception happen, here the airport and the court would be packed with people screaming swear words to Luka with posters claiming justice and the press going insane filming. Seriously!

3)I need to mention that I'm very impressed with the way that the canadians are dealing with this case, very classy might I say, if LM case happened here in my country it would be a circus, 24hours tv news with a lot of nasty details (the press destroy both the killer and the victim here) and Luka would be probably lynched/mobbed by the crowd and wouldn't get a fair trail because of the media/press influence. Also it's very common here that the killer plead 'not guilty' even if all the forensic evidence shows they are guilty since the beginning. I guess it is standard so they can claim innocence in the press and play games with our heads, saying 'no comments' and fuel our imagination. Luka would probably love the way things are approached here because it is very intense.:floorlaugh:

4)About opening a new thread: I think there are so many threads already that I'm confused and can't barely keep updated and follow everything! But I understand the need of breaking down in topics, it seems easier for a lot of people. Cheers!

Maybe there is still hope someone will slip him a couple of shoelaces so he hangs himself. It would save this city, province, country a whole lot of money. I doubt he`ll kill himself anyway. We coddle our prisoners and he`s loving every single minute of the attention. Just like he wanted.
Yes thedissent, I've noticed as well that there are a lot of opportunistic people (vultures?) using this crime to fit their own agenda and to promote their own beliefs.

Some websites are claiming that this was a satanist/sacrifice crime of the New World Order, others claim Luka is a reptile! Theories of him being an undercover agent connected to high profile people in the goverment and now they need to get rid of him because he knows too much. Some claim he was a boytoy of canadians polititians and could tell some awful stuff he found out, this is why he is framed for a murder he did not commit! Some sites are claiming there is a new street drug that are turning humans into cannibals & zombies and the goverment are testing around in different places around the world. Some places said Luka is a MK ULTRA victim, because of the name change from Eric Newton to Luka Magnotta, plastic surgeries and prostitution. He was monarch programmed and into the whole illuminatti (sp?) mansonic thing, look he even wore a Mickey Mouse t-shirt when he was at the airport, and everything Disney is dangerous LOL:banghead:

There is much more floating around, we need to remember that Encyclopedia Dramatica has some useful information but a lot of trolling. I find all these theories very interesting but I obviously take everything with a grain of salt.
It's a perfect landscape for imagination and theories because we still don't know **WHY** this crime happened, usually there is an obvious reason behind each crime (money, jealousy, drugs, religion) and everything is still a mystery (at least to me) so maybe that's the reason it attracts opportunistic people and I think some lunatics too.
Just my 2cents here!

Bringing this over from the previous thread.
Second, what is all this about LRM having anything special to say beyond how he committed this horrific crime? Is this all based on those couple edits to that Encyclopedia Dramatica page? That could have been done by any of the million trolls or delusional conspiracy theorists online. There was a guy on YouTube setting up a "LRM Defense" fund and making weird claims about his innocence within days of the LRM story breaking. There are some very weird and opportunistic people out there posting about this story; it doesn't mean LRM is a patsy for some grand conspiracy, nor does it mean LRM has anything particularly interesting to say, beyond confessing the details and reasons for his crime. .
I've watched at least a dozen interviews and videos of him and didn't notice any tics or shakiness. I did notice that he doesn't blink much, and he smiles partially and infrequently as if uncomfortable with it for some reason.
Probably does not like his teeth!
Alogia? Where are you seeing that? I think you are way off the mark with that one.
I am with Sunday here! I did not observe alogia - if fact - fluid verbally! On the under wear model video -- at the end, did you all see how angry and defensive he became when a judge stated something like I just don't see it !

HALLMARK of narcissism!

People with strong narcissistic tendencies tend to overreact ..............when they feel they have been criticised......
Hey Mbshafeena, I wish I was as organized with my thoughts like you guys here. I've read so many somewhat similar cases (it reminds me of Vince Li and Isakin Jonsson aka the Skara Cannibal) but what makes me very shocked is the unique way the crime was distributed. The internet promotion reminded me of Marcus Jannes, a swedish guy with Asperger's syndrome that decided to broadcast his suicide by hanging online and afterwards the video went viral. I think the web presence gives the Magnotta case a whole new dimension and tbh it scares me because the legal system (at least here in Brazil) is not experienced with cybercrimes. This is why I'm looking forward to your analysis, it sounds very interesting!

I am in the middle of putting together my analysis of LM. Because there is still a lot of information that has not been confirmed, such as possible existing medical records from his youth and record of what may have been prescribed and for what condition he may have been diagnosed with, I will base my analysis solely on his writings that he has peppered all over the net. For now I am just trying to grasp the mental illnesses, other cases that may be somewhat similar, even though there are many unique characteristics in the way this murder was committed and the unique way LM disseminated what he had done.
I've read somewhere long time ago that children raised by narcissist parents/grandparents, tend to become 'inverted or covert narcissist' and a small percentage become real narcissist themselves in an attempt to compensate for the neglect, child abuse and lack of love and attention they suffer while growing up.

Is it possible that Magnotta became a narcissist to compensate for the way he was treated/neglect/unseen in childhood?
I mean, if you grown up in a family where your grandmother or your mother is the only one important and nobody cares about your needs and opinions, sure it affects the way you deal with yourself and the rest of the world, right?

This is just a theory, I'm no psychologist or psychiatrist so I don't have scientific background to talk about this but I've been thinking about this possibility for a while since he came from a dysfunctional family. Of course his family dynamics may have nothing to do with the way he is, maybe he was just born evil, who knows, but the way he was raised and the fact that his aunt talked about how crazy the family works and his cousin was envolved with crime and even set a fire in their home, this whole thing makes me think about the enviroment he was raised. It's no excuse for his crime but probably influenced his personality. IDK!

Link below:
Interesting: - Narcissism
-Grandiose sense of self-importance.
-Fantasies of and preoccupied with beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or unlimited success.
-belief of being special and unique and can only be understood or a need to associate with people of high status.
- need for excessive admiration.
- Unreasonable expectation of being treated with favor or excepting an automatic compliance to her / his wishes.
-will use others to achieve her / his goals.
-lacks empathy.
- believes others are envious of her / him or is envious of others.
-contemptuous or haughty attitudes / behaviors."
I've read somewhere long time ago that children raised by narcissist parents/grandparents, tend to become 'inverted or covert narcissist' and a small percentage become real narcissist themselves in an attempt to compensate for the neglect, child abuse and lack of love and attention they suffer while growing up.

Is it possible that Magnotta became a narcissist to compensate for the way he was treated/neglect/unseen in childhood?
I mean, if you grown up in a family where your grandmother or your mother is the only one important and nobody cares about your needs and opinions, sure it affects the way you deal with yourself and the rest of the world, right?

This is just a theory, I'm no psychologist or psychiatrist so I don't have scientific background to talk about this but I've been thinking about this possibility for a while since he came from a dysfunctional family. Of course his family dynamics may have nothing to do with the way he is, maybe he was just born evil, who knows, but the way he was raised and the fact that his aunt talked about how crazy the family works and his cousin was envolved with crime and even set a fire in their home, this whole thing makes me think about the enviroment he was raised. It's no excuse for his crime but probably influenced his personality. IDK!
LINK below
What Causes Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

The exact cause of narcissistic personality disorder is not known. …….it results from a combination of factors that may include biological vulnerabilities, social interactions with early caregivers, and psychological factors that involve temperament and the ability to manage stresses.
…… narcissistic personality disorder may be more likely to develop when children experience parenting styles that are excessively pampering, or when parents have a need for their children to be talented or special in order to maintain their own self-esteem.

On the other end of the spectrum, narcissistic personality disorder might develop as the result of neglect or abuse and trauma inflicted by parents or other authority figures during childhood.

he disorder usually is evident by adolescence or early adulthood when personality traits have become consolidated
In order to see just how alike their facial structures were, I uploaded face front photos for James Dean and Luka to this morphing site online to see how well their faces merged. Supposedly Luka had plastic surgery to look like him. He also seems to wear caterpillar eyebrows in imitation. If he really did have plastic surgery simply to look like a celebrity then he probably did have body dysmorphic disorder along with narcissism. ...though he may also have wanted to distance himself with a new look and name from his past relations, life, and perhaps even his ill deeds.


James Dean must be rolling in his grave.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but this is ment to extent his BDD and/or narcissism. Im not providing links, simply google it, for as google is your friend :)

In regards to LM's cosmetic journey, i've tried to compare some pics of him, whether it is just his imagination or a real deal. I don't know if it is relevant, but I thought that it might be of any interest to some of you.

A picture of LM in which you can see a receding hairline. I'm not gonna link it but if you google "flickr Luka Magnotta 2013 Male Model's photostream" it's on the second page, first row on the right, black and white photo.
It is visable that the hairline draws back at the "high temple area". I believe this pic is taken pre-op.

Now take a look at video "Luka Magnotta Clubbing 2009 at the Club" on dailymotion. You can see @0.24 up to 0.30 two distinct ( or 1 very wide ) balt cresent shapes. Which is consistent with what he discribed in the plastic fantastic audition vid. Also around the 0.36 mark, it looks like he has not much of a receding hairline, although some other pics in that video suggests that he has one, not as much as in the black and white photo as mentioned above.

The angle of which the pictures are taken could be very much misleading, I am aware of that. However that cresent shape at the back of his head, seems legit to assume that he had undergo some hair transplant thingie.


Oh wait....I'm going to TRY to create a separate place for news updates myself. Wish me luck!! :)

The entry is long but worth it --please do click on the link at the bottom. Amazing stuff may have already been posted here?

Anyone know exact time he was arrested exact? Think of the implications – is this what his final entry was before arrest? Makes sense all the fear rage he prob was feeling by that time in the saga. Looks like he wrote it the third and then when in the café (if I recall wasn’t he arrested on the 4th. The time of the post is 06-04-2012, 03:52 PM!

IMO this is him ---too much adds up that would be congruent with how he might have felt about his background at 3:52 on the 4th. I would guess by that time he was pretty stressed. I am sure it felt as if the world was falling in on him.

Signed by vladimir romanov cutelittlenemo1

It is number 165! The pic is unreal ……a brain misfiring and needing the warmth of a cap??

Preview: (does not violate 10% copyright stuff its long!)
From the entry .................................
i am about to have a nervous breakdown. On the verge!

I am 29 and went through YEARS of struggles, creating surrogate familys whereever I could, moving doezens of times and having psychological health issues

I left the country

I became a male prostitute

My mother had me when she was 16, I am a male. I lived the majority of my childhood with my grandmother.

If they are evil ( ME interesting word choice) and dont have your best interests at heart...then SCREW THEM!!!!!!!

My father was an alcohalic "yes man" who was bipolar (me family hx of mental illiness?)

My father and I have a weird relationsship, he had many nervous breakdowns(me: psyc hospitalizations?)

Both my parents are highly intelligent in different ways. My mother is extremely manipulative,calculating

Shes smart, but in a sneaky way(Me: who does that resemble??)

placed in the trauma ward against my will (My thought Baker Act?? Psyc history!)

why couldnt I have been born to a loving family that would appreciate me??

My mother wore surgical masks and latex gloves(Me: Surgery/mutalation?)

My brother is a complete failure (Me he is in jail something to do with mafia, drugs and guns)

have not spoken to my mother

I am now married (me total psychotic break?)
Check it out folks!
Hey people:

I just created a new thread for 'new news'. Waiting for a Mod to approve. Hoping to make this whole thing easier for all of us to follow. (As if anything about this crime is "easy"!!)

Hey! very good observation! the b&w picture is the one he is smoking right? in that youtube video 'Magnotta auditions for plastic surgery', Magnotta explained that this is exactly how his hairline looked before the hair transplant!

Also I googled the myspace page he made for his grandparents and if you look at his grandfather pictures, it is very interesting how little hair he had left and the receeding hairline when he was a young male. IMO I think Luka resembles a lot his grandfather in some of those pictures. And let's not forget that in the plastic surgery video on youtube, the girl who interviewed LM touched his scars in the back of his head, so I suspect that he really had a hairtransplant.

I'm still not sure yet about the nosejob and under the eyes circles/bags surgery, but if you compare his schoolbook pictures, the coverguy audition, naked news interview, plastic surgery audition, toronto sun Karla Homolka rumour and finally his mugshot pictures, his nose looks a little different, his face changed, IMO.

I wanted to find out if those surgeries were real because then it means he actually told the truth for once!
thanks again for your input, I didn't know about that flick page.

I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but this is ment to extent his BDD and/or narcissism. Im not providing links, simply google it, for as google is your friend :)

In regards to LM's cosmetic journey, i've tried to compare some pics of him, whether it is just his imagination or a real deal. I don't know if it is relevant, but I thought that it might be of any interest to some of you.

A picture of LM in which you can see a receding hairline. I'm not gonna link it but if you google "flickr Luka Magnotta 2013 Male Model's photostream" it's on the second page, first row on the right, black and white photo.
It is visable that the hairline draws back at the "high temple area". I believe this pic is taken pre-op.

Now take a look at video "Luka Magnotta Clubbing 2009 at the Club" on dailymotion. You can see @0.24 up to 0.30 two distinct ( or 1 very wide ) balt cresent shapes. Which is consistent with what he discribed in the plastic fantastic audition vid. Also around the 0.36 mark, it looks like he has not much of a receding hairline, although some other pics in that video suggests that he has one, not as much as in the black and white photo as mentioned above.

The angle of which the pictures are taken could be very much misleading, I am aware of that. However that cresent shape at the back of his head, seems legit to assume that he had undergo some hair transplant thingie.
imo, he's done nothing particular to make anyone think he's likely to off himself. This is sop in high-profile/high-risk cases, if not others. I wouldn't let the label stop you. jmo

Absolutely agree. If he was going to kill himself, he'd already be dead. I'm sure he loves being monitored 24/7 because it gives his delusional mind a feeling of importance.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Imo, this is way off base. He agreed to extradition so it was done, pronto, as it should be. While many prisoners are transported on commercial airlines, I have no doubt that it was best to avoid that debacle in this case. For real?...they're gonna put him on the next random Air Canada flight?. I don't freakin think so! The 24 hour hold is typical, imo. Nothing at all to do with him being special. To do with liability issues only. I really don't know what the point is. A high level canadian official special ordered a necrophilia snuff film and is now protecting himself with quick extradition, gov't aircraft and a suicide hold? Seriously? They would have just let him get away. He has no credibility. We've seen his posts, pics and blogs on the internet, right?

It was reported in an article focused on why he was transported this way that no commercial airline would agree to have him on their manifest.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Agree! Fetishy on the outside only, imo.

I actually disagree with this <MODSNIP>

I also wonder if his ties to these fetishes and the role which they played in his life grew exponentially in the last 18 months due to the fact that he was not rejected in these communities when he was rejected in the real world.

If anyone is willing to do this, I'd love your input: Re-read the emails he sent to the alleged NY lawyer and ask yourself "might this list be something a potential submissive/slave might send to a potential dominant/master outlining things he's previously done as a submissive/slave in past relationships.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Just caught up from 12 hours out of the loop and cannot thank all of you enough for the incredibly well thought out, informative, educational discussion I feel lucky to have just read. What an incredible group of people everyone in this community seems to be!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
I actually disagree with this <modsnip>

I also wonder if his ties to these fetishes and the role which they played in his life grew exponentially in the last 18 months due to the fact that he was not rejected in these communities when he was rejected in the real world.

If anyone is willing to do this, I'd love your input: Re-read the emails he sent to the alleged NY lawyer and ask yourself "might this list be something a potential submissive/slave might send to a potential dominant/master outlining things he's previously done as a submissive/slave in past relationships.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

I'm using your post to ask my question. Why do some think he was rejected in the real world? Do we have anything concrete that this is/was indeed the case?

Also, how would you or anyone else define "rejection" in his case? Rejected by partners? Rejected by employers?

IMO, we're giving him way too much credit (perhaps even excuses) for his narcissistic/psychopath personalty and interpreting some of these traits as mental illness.
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