Armchair psych profile and personal background

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I'm looking forward to seeing this episode of Fifth Estate. I'm hoping to see a separate thread on this topic and to see more discussion on his crimes against animals as well as Jun Lin. Alpha Beta Project did excellent work at tracking down that sicko and identifying him from his posted photos. I'm also interested in how they feel he may have joined their group online and who they think he was (username).
I am watching it right now. I had to turn away at a few parts.

Ditto, just cannot deal with the cruelty.
It was good to see the dedicated online sleuths and the good work they performed, the program was quite good and I wished it was a bit longer.
I am no expert but Colette Parent and christine burkert were both of my teachers at Uof O. Since my specialization was focused on sex trades and etc we did, in fact had to do research with real sex workers and etc. Most of their work is focused on helping them, fighting the laws, understand them better and etc. And when we do an interview or a research the confidentiality is something that is very important. I believe that the the research is still not published right now (since there's no <Jimmy>in any of the past issues) and not because of the case.
I just read this story about Kayla Bourque,another cruel animal sadist and mental case. She will be released but on probation. Wow. Bad decision. She stated that she wants to kill people including her mother and brother.

Horrific! This person imo is very dangerous to society, (for obvious reasons) but even more so, because like Karla H, she is a petite, fairly attractive, intellegent and educated, others may not register the usual red-flags of a dangerous person, ie. male and weird looking like L.M.
Horrific! This person imo is very dangerous to society, (for obvious reasons) but even more so, because like Karla H, she is a petite, fairly attractive, intellegent and educated, others may not register the usual red-flags of a dangerous person, ie. male and weird looking like L.M.

I just recently saw a german documentary about rumanian orphanages and was wondering how many of those babies become sociopaths.
I just recently saw a german documentary about rumanian orphanages and was wondering how many of those babies become sociopaths.

"I asked Anne Marie, the director of the orphanage, where the seven-year-old slept as the room only had small cots. “In the corner cot,” she pointed with a shrug. “He can’t stretch out but that is all we have.” In her forties, she seemed to run the place with breathtaking complacency and little sign of relating to the children in her care. Most disturbing of all was the unsettling quiet. Babies, whose cries always go unanswered, soon fall silent. As they grow older, they rock back and forth, later they self-harm and become very aggressive.

So I could only begin to imagine what had happened to Florin, a 17-year-old boy abandoned at birth, who Anne Marie told me was so aggressive that he was kept in a room on his own. When I saw him, he was lying apathetically on an old sofa and looking at me with the eyes of a frightened animal.

“All he understands is: “Stay here now!” Anne Marie told us, before pointing out some tiles in the bathroom he had allegedly smashed. My blood ran cold as she continued. “I don’t have strong enough medicine to keep him calm, so I am trying to move him to an old-age home that does.” Florin is given nothing to do and has no one to whom he can talk.

In another room, on an upper floor, there were about 10 shrunken forms in their beds; it was hard to tell their ages, but Anne Marie said they ranged from nine to 26 years old. It was 2pm on a gloriously sunny autumn day, but they were lying inert under grubby blankets, some tied to the bedstead with filthy tape. There were no wheelchairs or a lift; none of them had ever been outside; and the stench of urine and faeces was overwhelming"
Hey guys :seeya:

I just read an article saying that the new DSMV has removed NPD from it's list for 2013.

So I'm wondering how or if this might affect LRMs' case in the sense of his mental capacity, sanity etc? Especially since the changes will be in the new edition of the DSMV, and whether or not LRM has recieved a diagnosis/evaluation from a psyche professional already.

The article was in the NY Times here

I just find this new change to be a bit scary...

The above was created admidst the initial hysteria, but 6 months on, the person has changed their tune.
The blogger also talks of Magnotta responding to letters he has been sent.

Thought I would highlight for anyone interested.

Thanks for sharing that jellybeanz. My sophomoric guess is in their correspondence Magnotta told her he is really gay or she sent him a photo of herself and pointed out flaws which made her unattractive to him... ;-)
What I have heard from folks who have received replies from Luka is that he has asked them for money. I am guessing that she caught on quickly that he could care less about her care and concern, and just wanted her to send him money. Apparently there has been a lot of fan drama and I think that he is manipulating them and playing favorites, showing favoritism to those who who are sending him the most cash. FYI: He cannot receive pictures.
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