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Hastings - I get what you mean but this time LM isn't directing his own film. He's completely in the hands of others. For everything.

I'd like to think that is somewhat humbling for LM......but I do have my doubts.

Let's see what this week brings..............:jail:
Hastings - I get what you mean but this time LM isn't directing his own film. He's completely in the hands of others. For everything.

I'd like to think that is somewhat humbling for LM......but I do have my doubts.

Let's see what this week brings..............:jail:

I've never seen the jail emoticon; that's oddly adorable. :)

I agree that Magnotta isn't in charge of his own defense (I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall to hear the discussions between Magnotta and his legal team which I imagine must be priceless).

I think you're right and humbling is putting it gently, I imagine that the hardest aspect of this for Magnotta is that he cannot create and control every little detail of his life (and defense). If he was not insane before, I'd imagine that dealing with the loss of control is probably moving him closer and closer to it.
:floorlaugh: Hastings - how on earth could you miss the :jail: icon? It's right beside the posting block!! :floorlaugh:

Thanks, I needed that laugh.

:jail: :floorlaugh: :jail: :floorlaugh: :jail:
Is there a good chance of a document dump after this pre-trial hearing?

I really want to see how Detective Smith (? I'm pretty sure he was lead inestigator?) handled Magnotta in the early interview/interrogations.
Is there a good chance of a document dump after this pre-trial hearing?

I really want to see how Detective Smith (? I'm pretty sure he was lead inestigator?) handled Magnotta in the early interview/interrogations.

Wasn't it Detective Ian Lafreniere? If not, why do I think it was?

By 'document dump' do you mean making it all public, lifting the ban? If so, I highly doubt it.

Wasn't it Detective Ian Lafreniere? If not, why do I think it was?

By 'document dump' do you mean making it all public, lifting the ban? If so, I highly doubt it.

“We will be questioning him and we’ll see what is the result of that. Yes, this is a good moment for us … obviously he is here to face justice and that will be helpful for [Jun Lin's] family as well,” said Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafrenière on Monday evening after Magnotta’s arrive at Mirabel airport just before 7 p.m
NOV.29 2012, BBM- kudos to sleuther BM and to the detective who sensed where this evil was heading...
Correspondence between the Toronto police and an online group investigating Magnotta, and later obtained by CBC's the fifth estate, shows that a detective expressed concerns about Magnotta nearly three months before Lin's death in Montreal.
"I want to find this guy more than anyone out there," a Toronto police detective told the online activists in one email dated March 9, 2012. "Trust me, I want to bring him before the courts even if just to get him psychiatric help."

""I'm aware of public opinion ... even with that being said, I still support him," said Kyle, who won't give his last name or his profession. "Those types of things that he's accused of must be very traumatic for him."

As for his resemblance to Magnotta, Kyle smiled and said the comments were "very surprising but flattering at the same time."

He's not the only one with an affinity for the alleged dismemberer.

One woman who looked old enough to be Magnotta's mother hung around news reporters in an overflow room last week.

She talked loudly about how the government didn't do enough to stop Magnotta from being abused as a child, when his name was Eric Newman.

The circus promises to become a zoo as early as next month when the body-parts case could go to trial"
Yep, I call it the "cheering for the bad guy" complex. It's all over the place e.g. James Holmes Colorado Shooter, Bernardo, etc and their bands of trolls. Even Magnotta is one of them with his obsession with Karla Homolka.
Will this thing go to trial? What do you guys think? I suspect it will. If not, what will they do with him?

"Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier said he will call five more witnesses from Montreal, as well as some from Ottawa and Vancouver and two from Europe. The preliminary hearing, which is a procedure to determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial, is to last this week as well as the week of April 8.

The media will be able to publicize the evidence and proceedings during the trial."

Read more:
News link from June 1 2012,long article filled with all the pics, details - Includes disgusting info, not for everyone, posting for pre- arrest reference.
For example...
"Arsenault also said Magnotta used methamphetamine, was fascinated with James Dean and Madonna, and would PUNCH himself in the head while showering.

"He said, 'I'm afraid when you look in my eyes ... that you'll see that there's nothing inside of me.' "

"To me he was a *advertiser censored***d up kid."

Read more:
From dotr's post above:

<<< The media will be able to publicize the evidence and proceedings during the trial." >>>

But this will NOT be a` la Larry King where lawyers etc. sit down and tell the blow-by-blow details and analyse the thing to death. It'll just be the media standing outside the court telling briefly what happened inside

Please correct me if I'm wrong here. We don't do that Larry King thing in Canada, do we? :please:
By Julia Shaw, BBM and criminal career trajectory.pdf
"WARNING: Despite psychopathy being one of the most powerful predictors
of violent and nonviolent criminal recidivism (see Douglas, Vincent, &
Edens, 2006; Hare & Neumann, 2008, for reviews), psychopathic offenders are
2.5 times more likely than nonpsychopathic offenders to be successful in their
applications for conditional release
(Porter et al., 2009). One interpretation
Psychopathy and Law: A Practitioner&#8217;s Guide, First Edition. Edited by Helin¨a H¨akk¨anen-Nyholm and Jan-Olof Nyholm.
2012 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2012 by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.
202 Psychopathy and Law
of this is that the interpersonal skills of psychopaths allow them to successfully
fool and manipulate legal decision makerswith Academy Award&#8211;winning
emotional performances
(e.g., Porter & Woodworth, 2007; Seto & Barbaree,
1999). As such, during the parole review process, psychopathic offenders may
give the impression that they can be successfully managed in the community
even when recidivism rates suggest otherwise. In order to make informed
decisions, it is vital for those working with offenders from a legal or clinical
standpoint to be educated on both the nature of fabricated remorse and
(ten Brinke, MacDonald, Porter, & O&#8217;Connor, 2011) and the typical
career trajectories of psychopaths"
Journalists in the courtroom are tweeting that Magnotta collapsed in the witness stand after video was shown in court.
Journalists in the courtroom are tweeting that Magnotta collapsed in the witness stand after video was shown in court.

Do you have the Twitter links for this? Or, can you copy and paste the Twitter info?


PS. And now you all know why I refuse to watch the video!! :facepalm:
Journalists in the courtroom are tweeting that Magnotta collapsed in the witness stand after video was shown in court.

I was just reading those tweets. I am wondering if it was the uncut version of the video they found on his computer, or the one that circulated the internet. If the former, he may have had a 'holy crap, I'm screwed' moment. Or, it may all be dramatics. This is Luka, afterall...
Here's a tweet from Toronto TV:

CP24 &#8207;@CP24

Luka Rocco Magnotta has collapsed in court during his preliminary hearing. More to come...

They don't say it's because of the video.
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