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Just so I understand. If a person is diagnosed as a schizophrenic, is that considered "insane"? After taking the required medication does a schizophrenic become "sane"?

In Lougheed's case for example, IF he was diagnosed with this mental illness and was prescribed the proper medication, did that make him suddenly realize what he had done was wrong?

I mean no disrespect to anyone suffering from schizophrenia or have family members with this illness and apologize if I'm not using the proper terms in my post.

What other Mental Illness would causes someone not to know the difference between what is real and not real? TIA

No, that is wrong. Someone diagnosed with schizophrenia does not automatically become insane. Schizophrenics can get convicted and if sentenced to death penalty can and have been executed.
Confident most of us have seen the video when he was 18. For some reason his words then did not register as meaningful as they just did when trying to find something on mom!

talking about his experiment

it’s an illusion that allows you to change the past. (rumor adopted?)

........studies Subjective experience which is what takes place inside the mind as opposed to the external world.

Isn't that an awesome reframe of what delusions are?
Confident most of us have seen the video when he was 18. For some reason his words then did not register as meaningful as they just did when trying to find something on mom!

talking about his experiment

it’s an illusion that allows you to change the past. (rumor adopted?)

........studies Subjective experience which is what takes place inside the mind as opposed to the external world.

Isn't that an awesome reframe of what delusions are?

Or :waitasec:

Could it possibly be a way for a very smart, evil person to take horrific actions with nothing but evil intentions; and then rewrite their mind's history so that they have no recollection of ever doing so? Sorry, but I couldn't but help but ponder this.

So many unanswered questions.
Confident most of us have seen the video when he was 18. For some reason his words then did not register as meaningful as they just did when trying to find something on mom!

talking about his experiment

it’s an illusion that allows you to change the past. (rumor adopted?)

........studies Subjective experience which is what takes place inside the mind as opposed to the external world.

Isn't that an awesome reframe of what delusions are?

I believe there is an article that said he did not do that research. He was just handed the papers to read, that would mean he had no attachment to the subject he was speaking about.
I believe there is an article that said he did not do that research. He was just handed the papers to read, that would mean he had no attachment to the subject he was speaking about.

What about the video though? Sounds to me like he wrote the code.

I'm having trouble deciphering Mr. Eagleman's words. He said JH was 18 and he also said JH was a 2nd year grad student. Which was it?

Eagleman, a former researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., where Holmes attended the eight-week summer camp when he was 18, said the young man had a reputation as a "dolt."

It 'appears' that the 'dolt' graduated past that stage, as he booby trapped his apartment with explosives so sophisticated that the Chief of police stated he'd never seen anything like it. And it two the FBI 2 days to disarm it all.

Does that sound like something a simpleton could accomplish? :waitasec:

The case involved a 16-year-old high school student with no prior history of violence who, while chatting in his home with two friends, abruptly stabbed one of them to death with a single wound to the chest. He could give no explanation for his behavior. Earlier in the day, his two friends had stopped by his house in his absence and gotten into a mild altercation with the teen's younger brother in which no one was hurt. The teen then invited his friends over for a visit and while calmly sitting together, he committed the abrupt assault. Immediately afterward he called the police.

The teenager had been taking Prozac for three months, during which time his behavior deteriorated. He became impulsive and unpredictable and suicidal. He also began to talk at times as if fantasizing about violence. He seemed to become a different person to his distraught parents. I testified that his primary care physician and his parents alerted the prescribing psychiatric clinic to the teenager's deteriorating condition and raised questions about continuing Prozac. Despite these concerns, the clinic continued his Prozac and then doubled it on his last visit. Seventeen days after the increase in dosage, the teen committed the violence.
I'm having trouble deciphering Mr. Eagleman's words. He said JH was 18 and he also said JH was a 2nd year grad student. Which was it?


Both. He was 18 six years ago when he made the presentation. Six years later he was a graduate student.
We shouldn't be comparing US to Canada. Canada, at lest to me, appears to be excessively lenient on anyone they perceive as mentally deficient.
Perhaps if we are considering legal consequences it may not be a good comparison- but if we are talking about secondary types of pyschosis then people are people and their country of origin is irrelevant.

I have seen firsthand medicinally induced psychotic behavior. I am not using the term psychotic generically but rather specifically with a full break from reality leading to a 5150 lockdown. Serious consequences from both respiridone and pot.
Pot is not for everyone. While it is completely harmless in some, the psychosis that it can induce in others is very real and can produce catastrophic results.
I wanted to find out, through the years, how writers and comics developed the Jokers thoughts, needs and wants etc.

B R E A T H T A K I N G!
An enlightening journey into delusion.............and fantasy. Amazing....

As one of the most iconic and recognized villains in popular media, The Joker was ranked #1 on Wizard's list of the 100 Greatest Villains of All Time.

.[3] He was also named #2 on IGN's list of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List,[4] was ranked #8 on the Greatest Comic Book Characters in History list by Empire (being the highest ranking villain on the list)

The original and currently dominant image is of a highly intelligent psychopath…….

…..commonly depict him as falling into a tank of chemical waste, giving him the appearance of a clown.

During a relatively civil conversation with Batman, he expresses regret for the loss that motivated Batman to fight against preventable death, but informs the Dark Knight "I don't hate you 'cause I'm crazy. I'm crazy 'cause I hate you", and states that he will only stop hurting and killing people when Batman is dead.

In his initial dozen or so appearances, starting with Batman #1 (1940), the Joker was a straightforward homicidal maniac.....

The Joker escapes to execute his attack on the Black Glove, unleashing his signature venom on an audience gathered under Professor Pig (via tainted popcorn)

…………………in an attempt to prove that any normal man can go insane after having "one bad day."

The most widely cited backstory, .credits as the most widely supported account, is featured in The Killing Joke. It depicts him as originally being an engineer at a chemical plant

While other villains rely on tried-and-true methods to commit crimes (such as Mr. Freeze's freeze gun or Poison Ivy's toxic plants),the Joker usually has a variety of weapons at his disposal.

In Ark ham Asylum, the Joker was bound in a straightjacket and muzzle, while being taken by corrections officers …………to a psychologist for answers

From the Joker's first appearance in Batman #1, he has committed crimes both whimsical and brutal, all with a logic and reasoning that, in Batman's words, "make sense to him alone."

The Joker locks Jason and his mother in the warehouse where the assault took place and blows it up just as Batman arrives.

In Batman #1, he challenges Gotham's underworld and police department by announcing over the radio that he will kill three of Gotham's most prominent citizens at certain times.

Beginning in Batman #251, with "The Joker's Five Way Revenge", the Joker returns to his roots as a homicidal maniac who murders people on a whim,

The 1990s animated series, [……..19] added elements deepening the severity of the Joker's insanity….………

……….discovers that a woman who may be his birth mother is being blackmailed by the Joker.

In the (non-continuity) one-shot comic Mad Love, Arkham Asylum psychiatrist Harleen Quinzel ponders whether the Joker may in fact be faking insanity so as to avoid the death penalty.

As she tries to treat the Joker, he recounts a tale of an abusive father and runaway mother to gain her sympathy.

He surrenders to Batman

the Joker steals Mister Mxyzptlk's reality-altering power,

As time runs out, Superman realizes that the Joker still cannot erase Batman from existence, as the Joker totally defines himself by his opposition to the Dark Knight.

This breaks the Joker's control, and Mxyzptlk and the Spectre manage to reconstruct reality from the moment the Joker disrupted everything, but Batman is left broken from experiencing multiple deaths. Superman has to erase Batman's memories of these events. With plans to infect the entire world, he manipulates the super-powered inmates to allow a jailbreak, and sets them loose to cause mass chaos

The Joker is portrayed as highly intelligent and skilled in the fields of chemistry and engineering, as well an expert with explosives

discovers that Joker's doctor modified his CAT scan to make it appear that he had a fatal tumor in an attempt to subdue him with the threat of death.

the Joker reappears in Batman #663 with a drastic new appearance

His versatility in combat is due in part to his own extensive array of hidden gadgets and weapons on his person.

He then goes on a rampage through Arkham,

During routine therapy, Joker is met by a spy for the Club of Villains who offers him a chance to join them in their crusade against Batman.

…………………………………then takes off his mask to reveal himself to be the Joker

Batman pursues and captures the Joker, while the original Dark Knight, Robin,…….

the Joker reveals that he did not attack

The venom comes in many forms …..from gas

Joker is shown kidnapping a computer genius, and admitting that he doesn't know much about computers, although later writers have portrayed him as very computer literate.

the Joker's mental state is in fact a previously unprecedented form of "super-sanity," a form of ultra-sensory perception.

he has no true personality of his own

the mayor of Gotham City, Scarecrow turns on the Joker and uses his fear gas to see what Joker is afraid of.

used his shape-shifting abilities to…… emulate the Joker's chaotic thought patterns

the Joker expresses regret for his many crimes and pleads for a chance at redemption

However, during Batman: Cacophony, the Joker is again rendered sane when he is dosed with mood stabilizers and antipsychotics

He himself is confused as to what actually happened; as he says in The Killing Joke, "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another...

written by Grant Morrison, it is said that the Joker may not be insane, but has some sort of "super-sanity" in which he re-creates himself each day to cope with the chaotic flow of modern urban life.[53]

In the story, he is a chemical engineer looking to steal from the company that employs him and adopts the persona of Red Hood.

………………..who quits his job …..only to fail miserably

During the planning, police contact him and inform him that his wife and unborn child have died in a household accident.

As the engineer tries to escape, he is confronted by Batman, who is investigating.....

As soon as they enter the plant, however, they are immediately caught by security……

he removes the hood and sees his reflection: bleached chalk-white skin, ruby-red lips, and bright green hair.

These events, coupled with his other misfortunes that day, drive the engineer completely insane

Joker finds an old Red Hood costume

However, the story suggests that the Joker remained sane, and researched his crimes to look like the work of a sick mind

in order to pursue his vendetta against Batman, able to evade permanent incarceration via insanity defense

The second arc of Batman Confidential (#7-12) re-imagines the Joker as a gifted criminal……. who is nearly suicidal due to boredom with his "job".

becomes obsessed with Batman after he breaks up one of his jobs.....

the resultant flood of antidepressant chemicals alters his appearance to that of a clown, completing his transformation into the Joker.[56]

In it, Atom assists in an operation on the Joker's brain. While inside the Joker's head, he sees the flashes of his life as "Jack", before his fateful first encounter with Batman.

His career as the Joker begins soon afterward, including one panel alluding to the film The Dark Knight.[

in the mainstream DC Universe conform to the notion of Joker's skin and hair being permanently altered by the chemicals,

………. in some cases is explained by conflicting versions of his origins

Most comic portrayals over the decades, however, default to depicting the Joker as unscarred and fully capable of not smiling,

The Joker's victims have included men, women, children,

………. in some cases is explained by conflicting versions of his origins

In the graphic novel The Joker: Devil's Advocate, the Joker is reported to have killed well over 2,000 people. Despite having murdered enough people to get the death penalty thousands of times over, he is always found not guilty by reason of insanity.[

In the Batman story line "War Crimes", this continued ruling of insanity is in fact made possible by the Joker's own dream team of lawyers.

He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life,

the Joker has a gun which at first shoots a flag saying "BANG!", but then, with another pull of the trigger, the flag fires and impales its target

His unpredictable, homicidal nature makes him one of the most feared supervillains in the DC Universe
Interesting reads on Multiple Personality Disorder

Within a few years of its publication, reported cases of multiple personality disorder — now known as dissociative identity disorder — leapt from fewer than 100 to thousands. But in a new book, Sybil Exposed, writer Debbie Nathan argues that most of the story is based on a lie.

I found this interesting that Britian has only had 1 case in 15 years and none in Japan but here in North America there are thousands of cases.
Perhaps if we are considering legal consequences it may not be a good comparison- but if we are talking about secondary types of pyschosis then people are people and their country of origin is irrelevant.

I have seen firsthand medicinally induced psychotic behavior. I am not using the term psychotic generically but rather specifically with a full break from reality leading to a 5150 lockdown. Serious consequences from both respiridone and pot.
Pot is not for everyone. While it is completely harmless in some, the psychosis that it can induce in others is very real and can produce catastrophic results.

Even if pot were to produce catastrophic results its illegal so whoever is using it illegally still has no one but himself to blame.
Excellent stuff! In the theater discussion, it appears Holmes purchased the ticket to the movie many months in advance. He had an avid interest in the upcoming dark Knight returns movie. His grades begin to slip around the same time. His presentation on temporal illusion demonstrated his knowledge of the subject and the procedure. His psych saw/ heard, was told something that caused her concern.
from Cariis above-
the Joker's mental state is in fact a previously unprecedented form of "super-sanity," a form of ultra-sensory perception.

he has no true personality of his own

The "disorder" disguised by intellect and official high level research, went unnoticed for what it was until very late in the transformation from Holmes to joker.

Holmes appears to have struck upon a character figure to use for his intended purpose. I get the impresion he would have been well aware the hold the character had on Letcher previously. Holmes works at McDonalds home of Ronald McDonald for unknown reasons. He was being paid and according to reports no student in thios program would be able to hold a part time job given the course curriculum. In relation here you find a strange article. The stage was already set?
For those who know Batman, Colorado's theater shooting is eerily familiar. In 1986, the comic The Dark Knight Returns shows a crazed gun-man in a movie theatre, killing people watching a film. Those who know Batman best say that violent scene served a purpose.

Holmes presentation on temporal illusions is a virtual representation of what was about to come.

The Dark Knight Returns was proceeded by an article near the time Holmes would have to have purchased his ticket.

Ronald McDonald set to replace Heath Ledger’s Joker in Batman 3

The Dark Knight Rises... via temporal illusion.. This is his thesis?
This is total supposition:

What IF JH never told police he was the Joker? What IF they (the police) asked him (JH) a question, he made a smart @ss comment/response, they asked if he was joking or if it was a joke, and he said yeah, I'm a joker…or something to that affect. From that, it became he said he was the Joker.
This is total supposition:

What IF JH never told police he was the Joker? What IF they (the police) asked him (JH) a question, he made a smart @ss comment/response, they asked if he was joking or if it was a joke, and he said yeah, I'm a joker…or something to that affect. From that, it became he said he was the Joker.

I have wondered about this since we heard the word joker used.

Also, just remembered we have a thread for comic stuff, I think we are supposed to post all this over there:

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