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Sorry that you had a bad experience. My years in psychology at 2 major universities yielded no such laxatities and our clinical review boards were very exact/strict.
[Chief Deputy District Atty] Pearson also said in court that Holmes was banned from the campus as a result of the threat — an assertion that CU officials later disputed.

"The university has never banned Mr. Holmes from campus," CU spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery said later.

Earlier, in court, Holmes' attorney Daniel King also challenged the prosecution's version of events.

"I would question the validity of some of that," King said.

[url="] Source[/url]

"I am bad news,' Aurora gunman James Eagan Holmes warned weeks before attack"

The text message, sent to another graduate student in early July, was cryptic and worrisome. Had she heard of “dysphoric mania,” James Eagan Holmes wanted to know?
The psychiatric condition, a form of bipolar disorder, combines the frenetic energy of mania with the agitation, dark thoughts and in some cases paranoid delusions of major depression.
She messaged back, asking him if dysphoric mania could be managed with treatment. Mr. Holmes replied: “It was,” but added that she should stay away from him “because I am bad news.”

"I am bad news,' Aurora gunman James Eagan Holmes warned weeks before attack"

The text message, sent to another graduate student in early July, was cryptic and worrisome. Had she heard of “dysphoric mania,” James Eagan Holmes wanted to know?
The psychiatric condition, a form of bipolar disorder, combines the frenetic energy of mania with the agitation, dark thoughts and in some cases paranoid delusions of major depression.
She messaged back, asking him if dysphoric mania could be managed with treatment. Mr. Holmes replied: “It was,” but added that she should stay away from him “because I am bad news.”

Thanks just read this and was about to post :)...first tiny glimpse into anything in this case...I sure hope that gag order gets lifted or lightened up...maybe I don't understand enough about the legal system...but...
A slightly lengthier version...also a Batman reference...

"Dave Aragon, the director of the low-budget movie “Suffocator of Sins,” a Batman-style story of vigilante justice and dark redemption, remembers receiving two phone calls in late May or early June from a man identifying himself as James Holmes from Denver. The caller had become enraptured with the four-minute online trailer for the movie, Mr. Aragon said — “He told me he’d watched it 100 times” — and had pressed him for more details about the film.

“He came off as articulate, nervous, on the meek side,” he said. “He was obviously interested in the body count.” "

"Note, 10:45 a.m.: As several commenters have pointed out, this particular version was uploaded on Aug. 1. But judging from the movie's Facebook page at least, the promotional roll out for the film started back in March. All that said, it should be noted that Aragon—who made similar claims to other media outlets besides the NYT—does not appear to have any evidence to support his story that Holmes indeed called him."


"Note, 10:45 a.m.: As several commenters have pointed out, this particular version was uploaded on Aug. 1. But judging from the movie's Facebook page at least, the promotional roll out for the film started back in March. All that said, it should be noted that Aragon—who made similar claims to other media outlets besides the NYT—does not appear to have any evidence to support his story that Holmes indeed called him."


I don't think there is much to back up his claim. Seems like a good way to get some press for the movie. I think it has been discussed, I still think it's sick when people try to inject themselves into a tragedy like this.

"I am bad news,' Aurora gunman James Eagan Holmes warned weeks before attack"

The text message, sent to another graduate student in early July, was cryptic and worrisome. Had she heard of “dysphoric mania,” James Eagan Holmes wanted to know?
The psychiatric condition, a form of bipolar disorder, combines the frenetic energy of mania with the agitation, dark thoughts and in some cases paranoid delusions of major depression.
She messaged back, asking him if dysphoric mania could be managed with treatment. Mr. Holmes replied: “It was,” but added that she should stay away from him “because I am bad news.”

Thank you for that article. Probably the best one I've read in awhile about JH.
That was a very informative article. I had theorized from the outset (posted it a few places) that he might have schizoaffective disorder w/ delusions. This case is tragic of course but hopefully we will all learn more about mental illness and how public misinformation and the US legal and insurance industry are contributing towards people with MI resorting to violence. Mental Illness is our hidden epidemic - that which will not be spoken of. Just my own opinion.

"I am bad news,' Aurora gunman James Eagan Holmes warned weeks before attack"

The text message, sent to another graduate student in early July, was cryptic and worrisome. Had she heard of “dysphoric mania,” James Eagan Holmes wanted to know?
The psychiatric condition, a form of bipolar disorder, combines the frenetic energy of mania with the agitation, dark thoughts and in some cases paranoid delusions of major depression.
She messaged back, asking him if dysphoric mania could be managed with treatment. Mr. Holmes replied: “It was,” but added that she should stay away from him “because I am bad news.”

Interesting about “dysphoric mania”.
I think by far the NYTimes, MSNBC article is the single most informative article I have read regarding James Holmes. A further googling of 'dysphoric mania' landed me at this location:!-I-hate-my-life!.aspx

Reading that author's words as well as the comments are enormously informative and I can almost get a sense of how it might feel to suffer from that mental illness. What I don't think I can ever know is about James's thinking or rational unless he himself is able to talk about it.
A comment left there on 6/24 by a James...yeah, I know, common name.
A slightly lengthier version...also a Batman reference...

"Dave Aragon, the director of the low-budget movie “Suffocator of Sins,” a Batman-style story of vigilante justice and dark redemption, remembers receiving two phone calls in late May or early June from a man identifying himself as James Holmes from Denver. The caller had become enraptured with the four-minute online trailer for the movie, Mr. Aragon said — “He told me he’d watched it 100 times” — and had pressed him for more details about the film.

“He came off as articulate, nervous, on the meek side,” he said. “He was obviously interested in the body count.” "

Goodness, this publicity *advertiser censored* is making his second attempt at getting this completely made up story in the news in order to latch on to a national news story and use it to blab on about his awful film that no one including James Holmes cares about... People like Aragon who basically trample over the bodies of the victims to get their own 15 minutes truly disgust me.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2

It's an article, thanks for sharing it redsky.

Personally I think that the media would better serve the public interest if they began a concerted effort to get answers to and clarify the countless questions about the events of July 20.

I understand that there is a gag order, but reporters are able to talk to witnesses, victims, LE and university personnel "on background" and allow the public to get closer to getting the answers to do many anomalies.

I care more about knowing how this happened and who was responsible than I do about some dumb txt message that Holmes allegedly sent weeks before the attack.
That was a very informative article. I had theorized from the outset (posted it a few places) that he might have schizoaffective disorder w/ delusions. This case is tragic of course but hopefully we will all learn more about mental illness and how public misinformation and the US legal and insurance industry are contributing towards people with MI resorting to violence. Mental Illness is our hidden epidemic - that which will not be spoken of. Just my own opinion.

IF what we are reading now is true, then I strongly disagree with you. The only "public misconception" will be that all mentally ill people are potentially more dangerous than you can ever imagine…that they should be forcibly controlled because they cannot be trusted when left to their own devices. JH had ALL the advantages. He knew he was MI, and more importantly, UNDERSTOOD it in a way that most people will never comprehend. He knew that it could be (and was) successfully controlled with treatment, had access to more mental illness professionals than any layperson could possibly dream of, with treatment fully insured (it is my understanding that all campuses require health insurance). He knew he was "bad news" and did nothing about it. He didn't even have to worry about repayment of his tuition as he was on a full grant with stipend! Even with all these advantages, he still made the decision to stockpile an arsenal which he used against innocent people according to a careful and meticulous plan MONTHS in the making. There is no one to blame for this murderous rampage other than James and James alone. Just my own opinion…
I keep hoping we will hear SOMETHING because I am still trying to understand on some level.

When I read that he allegedly had Dysphoric Mania, I thought about how so many of you may have hit the nail on the head about him.
Dysphoric Mania is also known as a MIXED state. Someone is Manic and Depressed at the same time. In my experience with Bipolar Disorder - that makes someone extremely, extremely agitated and everything upsets the person.
-Kind of the - Leave me alone - NO don't leave me kind of behavior and feeling.-
We have all felt that way sometime in our lives but a mixed episode can be very scary and cause delusions. It can last a week or more and IMHO James was likely stretching for many weeks, maybe a few months if this in fact what he is suffering from.
If he has BiPolar I or SchizoAffective disorder, stopping his medication would be hell. Unfortunately, stopping medication is not at all unusual for those with these disorders. If they feel fine - they think they can stop taking the medication and the diseases hit them like a freight train, often worse than before and also with the side effects of discontinuing medication. Not an excuse for any of this but maybe a glimpse into his mind can be helpful.
IF H had ALL the advantages. He knew he was MI, and more importantly, UNDERSTOOD it in a way that most people will never comprehend. He knew that it could be (and was) successfully controlled with treatment, had access to more mental illness professionals than any layperson could possibly dream of, with treatment fully insured (it is my understanding that all campuses require health insurance). He knew he was "bad news" and did nothing about it. He didn't even have to worry about repayment of his tuition as he was on a full grant with stipend! Even with all these advantages, he still made the decision to stockpile an arsenal which he used against innocent people according to a careful and meticulous plan MONTHS in the making. There is no one to blame for this murderous rampage other than James and James alone. Just my own opinion…

MI is MI whether or not someone has these advantages. I strongly disagree with you. MI does not discriminate across gender, economic class or intelligence.
Someone with MI, often thinks they do not need their medication once they feel better from it. If he stopped his meds as the article states - he did make the choice to do so but once the medication stopped and if he is as reclusive as has been stated - he likely felt he made the right choice in stopping his medication because his mania/depression/mixed episode/delusions took over. Those are like radio static to the brain and thought process. Without anyone close to him to see changes in him after stopping medications, he would not have much of a reference point for his behavior.
IMHO mental illness is a hidden disease and is still talked about in whispers.
I don't know that this case is the best case for people to begin to understand but IMHO most people already have their misconceptions about MI. Sadly, these aren't likely to be changed, just reinforced.
JH is innately to blame, no doubt, but I don't think we have enough information at this time to know where any other blame will ultimately fall.

IMO, MOO, etc etc.

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