ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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Originally Posted by plentyofnous

Lets have some discussion

If he was on trial on what we know and even what has been alluded to, would any of us be able to convict him and imprison him for 25 years without his children having a dad


Would we, if it was up to us, give him bail to return home on what we know and even what has been alluded to here

Count me in. I'd convict him on the fact that 2months after his wife went missing, and subsequently found dead in a creek, that a court order had to be instituted to get a hair sample <modsnip>. This after he clearly said, the only time he said anything, was that he had given the police everything he could. ( Olivia riding shotgun for him at that time)

so yes. And I am a reasonable person.
I believe RAGE played a part. If he indeed is guilty, I could easily see it as him having lost control totally. Although he may love his children, rage took over, and once that happens, people do not think about what they are doing, they just do it!

Yes I was going to say I don't think he was thinking about them at the time- but does not mean he doesn't love them. However I thought people would respond that he obviously didn't love them if he was not thinking about them by killing their mother. I think the mind is more complex than that. MOO
Once again caseclosed the voice of reason and morality, I am simply just stating how it is, not how it should be, but I think most parents in Australia would disagree with allowing in laws rights over their kids, for petes sake the majority won t even acknowledge gay marriages, not that i have an opinion , just stating how it is

Hang on, I am not saying that the in-laws should have all the rights. They should though have access to visitation. I have been divorced for nearly 9 years and I have a great relationship with my ex-in-laws and I allow them to see my daughter whenever they want, take her on little trips, have her over for a weekend if they wish, etc.

Gay marriage is a totally different story/subject IMO.
I believe RAGE played a part. If he indeed is guilty, I could easily see it as him having lost control totally. Although he may love his children, rage took over, and once that happens, people do not think about what they are doing, they just do it!

Yes!!!!!! have said that so well. Have been trying to express those exact sentiments but somehow come across as a baddy.....well done. :rocker:
He had murder on his mind for some time.. it merely required a trigger.. and that trigger could be anything.. anything at all.

What I think may have been the trigger was.. Allison destroyed his fantasy about himself. Some look, something she said, whatever.... It really doesnt matter, in law and in common sense. That it mattered to him and what he did about it is now his big problem.
Originally Posted by plentyofnous

Lets have some discussion

If he was on trial on what we know and even what has been alluded to, would any of us be able to convict him and imprison him for 25 years without his children having a dad


Would we, if it was up to us, give him bail to return home on what we know and even what has been alluded to here

Count me in. I'd convict him on the fact that 2months after his wife went missing, and subsequently found dead in a creek, that a court order had to be instituted to get a hair sample from the murdering fool. This after he clearly said, the only time he said anything, was that he had given the police everything he could. ( Olivia riding shotgun for him at that time)

so yes. And I am a reasonable person.

There was not a court order to get his DNA from the hairsample. He consented to that without the court order. It was reported the judge was prepared to order it had he not given it.
Thank you for the feed back.
Firstly as this is a forum about GBC I could only conclude that the person you were describing as shielding his children must have been GBC.

Secondly I said "If Like me you don't know GBC" I didn't say you don't know him. I think that addresses your second point.

Thirdly though those traits may be viable for this type of person (I assume you mean a murderer) it has not been established (the traits that is)re GBC as far as I know. I used the word evil as it has been used on occasion to describe GBC in particular and I recall another BC 's(please don't make be find it) on occasion .
And last but not least. Using the term "At least they know him" did not imply you didn't ,it simply was my way of saying I would hold a personal friends description of his personality traits over the opinions of stranger. How well did you know him? Was it professional or personal if I am allowed to ask without offending you.

Finally I am sorry I said you would be 'amazed' re the number of people who don't think he was possible of such a thing, that was really bad of me and I apologise.That you are not amazed is your right and I should't have used such a common phrase to make my point.

I hope this explains my post and no offence was intended. All IMO

Thanks. I certainly did use GBC and things referred to about him, as an example, and I do have my opinion about him. However my original post was to inform about some alternative ways of looking at what you or others may see on the surface, by explaining the behaviour of a narcissist in a similar situation. I personally find that sometimes people interpret what they see in a simplistic way, or through their own innocent eyes and how what they see means to them. But there are people out there who have different feelings and reactions underlying their outward behaviour, these are people who are narcissists, or sociopaths, and people who are capable of murder.

I won't comment on how I met or know GBC, your question doesn't offend, just frustrates. Thanks for the apology, I realise you mean well but I'm finding it hard to get across my point that i wasn't commenting on GBC himself, just using him as an example, so why would I need to justify how I know him? Let alone explain it on a site which could be read by accomplices to the murder, or the murderer him/herself in the future.

I'm dropping this now, I hope it's helped but I now think I need red wine. Anyone want to join me?
He avoided giving it for 2 months. He had to be arrested to get the sample. He didnt volunteer it when she went missing, or when she was found dead. He had retained a barrister by then.

so when he said.. ' I've given the police everything I can' to that reporter, he was lying, was he not?
Plenty if your point is that what we know is at this stage very little, I would give you that, but if Centrebet were to run a book on whether he made supreme court bail or not , what price would you think they would offer for him to remain in custody whilst on remand ?

If I was to frame a market using a current case before West Aust courts at present, based on circumstantial evidence, bearing in mind WA Law Code is very similar to Qld s, then the odds for bail, On What Has been stated as fact and even what has been alluded to, the odds for granting bail would be very skinny in a 2 horse race ( tomato sauce ) at this stage longer odds to remain in custody

of course, its what we don t know which is the issue

IMO not an opinion on innocent or guilt, just hypothetical on what we currently know or what has been alluded to
Thanks. I certainly did use GBC and things referred to about him, as an example, and I do have my opinion about him. However my original post was to inform about some alternative ways of looking at what you or others may see on the surface, by explaining the behaviour of a narcissist in a similar situation. I personally find that sometimes people interpret what they see in a simplistic way, or through their own innocent eyes and how what they see means to them. But there are people out there who have different feelings and reactions underlying their outward behaviour, these are people who are narcissists, or sociopaths, and people who are capable of murder.

I won't comment on how I met or know GBC, your question doesn't offend, just frustrates. Thanks for the apology, I realise you mean well but I'm finding it hard to get across my point that i wasn't commenting on GBC himself, just using him as an example, so why would I need to justify how I know him? Let alone explain it on a site which could be read by accomplices to the murder, or the murderer him/herself in the future.

I'm dropping this now, I hope it's helped but I now think I need red wine. Anyone want to join me?

Cheers, enjoy your wine. I would if I could :takeabow:
?? sorry.. I was not trying to be rude. And I have read all the posts. I felt a need to comment that this is not a forum about GBC, but about Allisons murder.
(of course as he is now arrested for allegedly committing her murder,and previously as he was for webslueth purpose POI, then he is being discussed- if it were someone else, then it would be them being discussed). I am sorry if you found my post offensive. I simply wanted to point out that fact and yes I said not trying to be pedantic, as I was not and I worried it may come across that way.

Again you have taken me the wrong way. I found it funny that you said this forum was about Allison's death and not GBC. If you have read all posts this forum completely what % of posts have discussed GBC ? Please don't think I get offended or wish to offend.....I'm the most easy going person you will ever meet. Cheers

Mothergoose I think you have misunderstood me. Regardless of what percentage of posts have been discussing GBC, and for the record I have read since thread one, The fact is the forum is about Allisons murder and if her murderer was someone else or alleged to be someone else other than GBC, then they would be the one being discussed. That was my point. It happens that GBC has been regarded as POI here and now arrested for the murder so yes he is being discussed. But the forum thread is still about the crime that is Allisons murder.
Originally Posted by plentyofnous

Lets have some discussion

If he was on trial on what we know and even what has been alluded to, would any of us be able to convict him and imprison him for 25 years without his children having a dad


Would we, if it was up to us, give him bail to return home on what we know and even what has been alluded to here

Count me in. I'd convict him on the fact that 2months after his wife went missing, and subsequently found dead in a creek, that a court order had to be instituted to get a hair sample from the murdering fool. This after he clearly said, the only time he said anything, was that he had given the police everything he could. ( Olivia riding shotgun for him at that time)

so yes. And I am a reasonable person.

He had murder on his mind for some time.. it merely required a trigger.. and that trigger could be anything.. anything at all.

What I think may have been the trigger was.. Allison destroyed his fantasy about himself. Some look, something she said, whatever.... It really doesnt matter, in law and in common sense. That it mattered to him and what he did about it is now his big problem.

Hmm... I disagree with your first statement. I still believe it was not pre-planned or something he may have been thinking of for some time. IMO he lost control in a particular moment and did the unthinkable.
so yes, as I said. Count me in. I'd convict him. The only doubts I have are unreasonable ones..

Unreasonable in the sense that in the cold light of day, I cant see some stranger living unbeknownst to anyone under the Kholo bridge, going out and seeking Allison in her own home, bringing her back, dead or alive to the Kholo bridge, dropping her there, and then in a puff of sulphur disappearing into the ether, never to be heard or seen of again.

it stands to reason that she was killed in her own home, taken to the Kholo, and the murderer went back to his base. He had to. He had to report her missing before anyone else did. He had to be AT HOME to report her, or else how would he know she was missing at that time?

No one else did it.
it would grieve me intensely if bail was granted to a person who interfered with a corpse.

Thats just not on.
He avoided giving it for 2 months. He had to be arrested to get the sample. He didnt volunteer it when she went missing, or when she was found dead. He had retained a barrister by then.

so when he said.. ' I've given the police everything I can' to that reporter, he was lying, was he not?

I don't know what he was thinking. I am only saying it is not correct that it was a court order to get his DNA, he did consent. WHy he did not give it before, well obviously if guilty he would not want to. he could volunteer it, but doesn't have to . We don't know if the police have asked him to previously. But leaving it there as i was only stating he consented without the court order.
Plenty if your point is that what we know is at this stage very little, I would give you that, but if Centrebet were to run a book on whether he made supreme court bail or not , what price would you think they would offer for him to remain in custody whilst on remand ?

still, your views
Hmm... I disagree with your first statement. I still believe it was not pre-planned or something he may have been thinking of for some time. IMO he lost control in a particular moment and did the unthinkable.

we can disagree with tremendous affection, you know. hehe.
If I was to frame a market using a current case before West Aust courts at present, based on circumstantial evidence, bearing in mind WA Law Code is very similar to Qld s, then the odds for bail, On What Has been stated as fact and even what has been alluded to, the odds for granting bail would be very skinny in a 2 horse race ( tomato sauce ) at this stage longer odds to remain in custody

of course, its what we don t know which is the issue

IMO not an opinion on innocent or guilt, just hypothetical on what we currently know or what has been alluded to

Plenty I don't feel he will make bail. I don't have the brief of evidence in front of me and I am guessing that nor does anyone on this forum. I don't disagree with the point you made in respect of what we actually know. But if were possible to covnvict on the basis of what has been alluded to ...say no more.
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