Arrest in JBR case part 2

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OMG........Pam Paugh just made a Freudian slip and called Cyril Wecht "Dr. Cynical Wecht". I could swear that's what I heard.
wenchie said:
OMG........Pam Paugh just made a Freudian slip and called Cyril Wecht "Dr. Cynical Wecht". I could swear that's what I heard.

Yup! That was classic!
tybee204 said:
His charges in California are misdemeaners so his time there will be minimal. Most States wont even extrodite for misdimeaners.
okay I had to look this up Tybee. The little bit i dared to google said the differnce between a misdemeanor and felony is posession (M) and possession with intent to distribute(F)
I see that Pee Wee Hermans was also a misdemeanor charge.
JBean said:
okay I had to look this up Tybee. The little bit i dared to google said the differnce between a misdemeanor and felony is posession (M) and possession with intent to distribute(F)
I see that Pee Wee Hermans was also a misdemeanor charge.

So, this guy says he's an author and maybe he got too close to the truth and that (over the period of 2 year), this alerted the family film-maker who alerted authorities. Did he just guess the truth and know unpublished facts about the murder, is he a scorned rejected author looking for attention or is he the man that murdered a 6 year old child on Christmas eve (wasn't that the same day as Laci?).

Anyway, so this guy is seen on tv admitting to the crime but the crime bluffs over the past 10 years are saying that he's innocent and just copping to the crime ... because really the Ramsay's are guilty (and he wants to publish his book)? Do I have this right? Could the opinionist media talking heads keep silent for a day and see what this guy has to say? For once ... let it play out without giving the guy 200 excuses before the cameras even arrive?

There is something wrong with the picture and the picture wasn't made because this guy was spotted as being odd in his social group, this picture is being painted because this guy knows and says facts that implicate guilt.

What to think ...
The same Thai official that is giving details of Karr's confession has admitted that he was not present for the confession. Maybe this official, who has no real knowledge of the case, is making stuff up in order to "be cool" and get camera time?
Even if the Thai official misquoted many things, there's still a major discrepancy about his wife saying he was at home that Christmas. Some people have said nobody would remember what you were doing on Christmas 10 years ago, but I think most people would immediately remember if their husband had been out of town on Christmas day any year. He had small children at home, he was in school so didn't have a ton of extra money to be traveling, he had no family to visit in Colorado, and both his ex-wife and brother state he was in the Georgia/Alabama area that Christmas. I think there will be pictures showing this man sitting with his family on Christmas day of 1996 which will totally blow his confession out of the water. JMHO.

And all of the talking heads (Geragos, Mickey Sherman, Wendy Murphy, etc.) are all expressing major doubts about this man on TV this morning.
HeartofTexas said:
Even if the Thai official misquoted many things, there's still a major discrepancy about his wife saying he was at home that Christmas. Some people have said nobody would remember what you were doing on Christmas 10 years ago, but I think most people would immediately remember if their husband had been out of town on Christmas day any year. He had small children at home, he was in school so didn't have a ton of extra money to be traveling, he had no family to visit in Colorado, and both his ex-wife and brother state he was in the Georgia/Alabama area that Christmas. I think there will be pictures showing this man sitting with his family on Christmas day of 1996 which will totally blow his confession out of the water. JMHO.

And all of the talking heads (Geragos, Mickey Sherman, Wendy Murphy, etc.) are all expressing major doubts about this man on TV this morning.

His brother and his wife both claim that he was with them that Christmas of '96. They live in different states, but the states are close to each other. It would still be difficult to pull off being in two states at one time and not be in a third. The brother was going to look for pictures to prove that they were together in 96; so is the ex-wife. I think the brother is going to have a breakdown if John Karr really was the guy that whacked a 6 year old child across the head and then said it was an accident.
If this man is staging this as a stunt for a book promotion, then he should be jailed until the real culprit is caught.
otto said:
His brother and his wife both claim that he was with them that Christmas of '96. They live in different states, but the states are close to each other. It would still be difficult to pull off being in two states at one time and not be in a third. The brother was going to look for pictures to prove that they were together in 96; so is the ex-wife. I think the brother is going to have a breakdown if John Karr really was the guy that whacked a 6 year old child across the head and then said it was an accident.
Hiya Otto. He could have very well been in Atlanta and AL on the same day. It is not a long drive at all. Lots of people commute from AL to Atlanta everyday to work and vice versa.
otto said:
If this man is staging this as a stunt for a book promotion, then he should be jailed until the real culprit is caught.
Yep! He darn well should!

I would hope if this is all a sham he will face punishment....don't know the laws, don't know if/what/etc. Anyone?
christine2448 said:
Hiya Otto. He could have very well been in Atlanta and AL on the same day. It is not a long drive at all. Lots of people commute from AL to Atlanta everyday to work and vice versa.

Sure. He has 3 sons and a wife in one state and a brother; one that doesn't even know if he is married, in another. It was, for some unknown reason, important enough for John Karr to leave his wife and children to visit his brother in another state on Christmas eve by himself. Right.

Yup. That makes sense like a pedophile makes sense.
Many families spend Christmas morning at home with their wife and children opening presents, etc. and then travel to their parents/brothers/sister's/in-law's homes in the afternoon. I think it's quite conceivable he could have done both without stretching my imagination in the least.
I just heard on CNN that they have a picture of Karr opening presents and holding a stuffed bear that looks similar to the one that was left at JonBenet's house that no one had a clue where it came from. They didn't mention if the picture was dated. Did anyone else catch this?
JBean said:
There is another video where he is actually seated at microphones. he speaks much more clearly there and in some complete sentences. It is there that I have heard hi actually say many of the things that media has reported.
But I have NOT heard him actually say about the chloroform or picking her up at school.

It seems that this man, in spite of his multiple alibis (for which I am sure he is greatful) knows more than he should about the case.

It really is sad that someone let the cat out of the bag before he was back in Kansas ... errrrrr ... I mean, Boulder Colorado. What if this man was quietly returned to the scene of the crime and questioned without all the speculation? Wouldn't that be a good idea ... to tell the stupid media and talking heads to get their faces out of every piece of news?
In another reality, I suppose.
HeartofTexas said:
Many families spend Christmas morning at home with their wife and children opening presents, etc. and then travel to their parents/brothers/sister's/in-law's homes in the afternoon. I think it's quite conceivable he could have done both without stretching my imagination in the least.

His wife and children did not report that they traveled at Christmas to visit the brother. Only John Karr, sans familie, traveled that day. The story is that the brother and wife were in different states, but John Karr visited both.

Naturally, the obvious question is why he didn't bring his family with him.

As you point out, there is nothing wrong with families visiting at Christmas, except there is something wrong with a guy that leaves his family and 3 children behind during the visit.
MrsMush99 said:
I just heard on CNN that they have a picture of Karr opening presents and holding a stuffed bear that looks similar to the one that was left at JonBenet's house that no one had a clue where it came from. They didn't mention if the picture was dated. Did anyone else catch this?

I want to see this ... keep us posted ... should be on CNN soon???
MrsMush99 said:
I just heard on CNN that they have a picture of Karr opening presents and holding a stuffed bear that looks similar to the one that was left at JonBenet's house that no one had a clue where it came from. They didn't mention if the picture was dated. Did anyone else catch this?

OMG, really?

Is it possible this guy flew to CO and did this while Lara thought he was with the brother and the brother thought he was with Lara and the kids?????
He looks so pathetically innocent ... boyishly innocent.
Maybe his admissions are not truthful ... right ... he's just a fruitcake murder groupy that lost it when he was being cornered for being a pedophile.

Why is there such an ernest desire to make him innocent and re-focus on the family?
christine2448 said:
Oooo OK, I get what yer sayin'. I thought maybe you thought it wasn't possible, and I was just trying to say that it is very possible. But I get it :)

Yup, Christine, it is very possible. I live in Alabama but I am only about 75 min. tops from the Atlanta airport.

What would be interesting to know is if Karr, on the night of the 25th/26th, left the area with Lara thinking he was in Atlanta with his brother, and the brother was thinking he was in AL with Lara...that business with the teddy bear in a photo with him being similar to the one found in the Ramsey home after JBR's death has me creeped out now...
otto said:
He looks so pathetically innocent ... boyishly innocent.
Maybe his admissions are not truthful ... right ... he's just a fruitcake murder groupy that lost it when he was being cornered for being a pedophile.

Why is there such an ernest desire to make him innocent and re-focus on the family?

I've been thinking the same thing.

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