Arrest in JBR case part 2

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Buzzm1 said:
As Cypros pointed out, that is not the right John Karr.
I think it is the right John Karr with an old picture to give him a more youthful, less old creepy guy appearance.
Thank you so much Dragonfly and Indigo for posting his photo and the sketch. That was so fast too!

I agree it is simply amazing how close they are in likeness: a long jaw with a pointed chin, same face shape, hairline and hair, and only the nose is a bit longer in the sketch, but HEY, pretty phenomonal I'd say!

Now do you guys know who this psychic is and when the sketch was drawn and if there is a thread about it here. If this is the guy, we had a remarkable picture of him all along. And if the police had talked to him before as I read here today, is that one for the books or what! 10 whole years. I know, they were too busy fingering Patsy!


Has anyone seen BlueCrab? :p :p :p :p
A galfriend at my house tonight called the Boulder police dept (because we have a VOIP phone) and told them they were a bunch of "bumbling Keystone Cops." You could hear a *whole lotta* commotion that was going on in the background before the very busy female operator hung up on her. LOL
scandi said:
Thank you so much Dragonfly and Indigo for posting his photo and the sketch. That was so fast too!

I agree it is simply amazing how close they are in likeness: a long jaw with a pointed chin, same face shape, hairline and hair, and only the nose is a bit longer in the sketch, but HEY, pretty phenomonal I'd say!

Now do you guys know who thie psychic is and when the sketch was drawn and if there is a thread about it here. If this is the guy, we had a remarkable picture of him all along. And if the police had talked to him before as I read here today, is that one for the books or what! 10 whole years. I know, they were too busy fingering Patsy!


Has anyone seen BlueCrab? :p :p :p :p
Any relation to SnowCrab or KingCrab??:p
Buzzm1 said:
As Cypros pointed out, that is not the right John Karr.

Do you think the resume guy is a different guy then the guy in the photo abc just released? Or do you think abc has the wrong guy??? (does that make sense? I need to go to bed) :waitasec: LOL
Kalypso2012 said:
A galfriend at my house tonight called the Boulder police dept (because we have a VOIP phone) and told them they were a bunch of "bumbling Keystone Cops." You could hear a *whole lotta* commotion that was going on in the background before the very busy female operator hung up on her. LOL
What are the initials I keep seeing pop up, like S*BT?

Thanks Scandi
laini said:
Do you think the resume guy is a different guy then the guy in the photo abc just released? Or do you think abc has the wrong guy??? (does that make sense? I need to go to bed) :waitasec: LOL
ABC has the right guy.
Although I went back and forth on "parents did it" and "intruder did it", the person who I really felt/feel bad for is Burke. All the "burke did it" posts broke my heart. (not to say I wasn't swayed by poster's opinions) I really hope there is good evidence (DNA!!) so we will know for sure if this guy did it.
I think both photos look like the same guy Buzz, just at different ages. I can see both of these guys in that sketch. And then we are looking at two different angles as well. Gives a bit of a different perspective.

scandi said:
What are the initials I keep seeing pop up, like S*BT?

Thanks Scandi
S.B.T.C. was at the end of the Ransom Note. We've had whole threads devoted to the possible meaning. My favorite is Patsy- Saved By The Cross.
Buzzm1 said:
As Cypros pointed out, that is not the right John Karr.
actually Buzz in post #121 Cypros responds
Cypros said:
OKay, I was criticizing posting the wrong picture, but now I see that this really may be the guy. Gawd this case is driving me nuts!!

the Associated Press ABC pic (more recent perhaps) and the Resume pic (more dated perhaps) imo bear a striking resemblance...
nice hairline too ;)

wenchie said:
Okay. I have no proof that there are "millions" of men who have looked at child *advertiser censored*. I'm sure that not all of them who have, have molested children, though.

This man was arrested for having child *advertiser censored*. Some people are jumping the gun and assuming that he was arrested for pedophilia.

The only reason men would look at adult *advertiser censored* is to be sexually stimulated by the attractive women and visualization of sexual things. Why on earth would anyone at all even look at child *advertiser censored* in the first place if not for the same sick disgustiong revolting reasons? Besides, it is illegal and anyone having it in possession or on a computer is risking arrest I think. Decent normal men would be in horror of viewing such horrible things and wouldn't even look it up online or clink on any sort of questionable links online.
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case

BOULDER, Colo. - A former schoolteacher was arrested Wednesday in Thailand in the slaying of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey — a surprise breakthrough in a lurid, decade-old murder mystery that had cast a cloud of suspicion over her parents.

Ramsey family attorney Lin Wood identified the suspect as John Mark Karr, 41. Federal officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the name, and one law enforcement official told The Associated Press that Boulder police had tracked him down online.

Wood said the arrest vindicated JonBenet's parents, John and Patsy Ramsey. Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer June 24.

"John and Patsy lived their lives knowing they were innocent, trying to raise a son despite the furor around them," Wood said. "The story of this family is a story of courage, and story of an American injustice and tragedy that ultimately people will have to look back on and hopefully learn from."

The attorney said the Ramseys learned about the suspect at least a month before Patsy Ramsey's death. "It's been a very long 10 years, and I'm just sorry Patsy isn't here for me to hug her neck," Wood said.

Karr was a teacher who once lived in Conyers, Ga., according to Wood. The attorney said the Ramseys gave police information about Karr before he was identified as a suspect.

Wood would not say how the Ramseys knew Karr. But JonBenet was born in Atlanta in 1990, and the Ramseys lived in the Atlanta suburb of Dunwoody, about 30 miles northeast of Conyers, for several years before moving to Colorado in 1991.

Pictures--pick any two
indigomood said:
point well taken, however, imo, I do believe there is a striking resemblance of the resume pic you referenced and the assoc press picture here


I think it's the same guy except the picture in the resume is probably from a couple of years ago. In fact, it's the same picture that was posted on that link I found and that resume only went up to 2001 ... so the picture could be that old.
Thanks Linaski, you lil' sweetie-pie!

Same mouth - thin upper lip, pouchy lower lip in center, jaw would show more from side view, left eyebrow facing you in newer pic has same line as right eyebrow in older pic - I think one of the pics is turned around, left to right. Plus he is squinting in the newer picture.

I see a lot of distinct similarities.

The new pic almost resembles a news reporter on TV - NBC I think, except his face is a bit wider and he is heavier.


PS: I think this case has had a following for so many years that posters get engrained in their formulated ideas about it. It might be difficult for some posters to accept the fact Patsy didn't kill JonBenet if it is found this guy is good for the killing, as for 10 years they have been convinced she did.

I think the guy slipped into the house some time before the night he killed her and got acquainted with the home and the Ramsey's lives, discovered that little room behind the furnace room and took something Patsy had written. He studied her handwriting to duplicate it which wouldn't be too hard as he is educated and a teacher, and had the note all written when he got to the home on the night of the murder.

What gets me, he murdered her with everyone sleeping soundly who never heard a thing! The balls to do something like that is beyond me.
Karr's brother seemed very nice but also seemed to be completely unaware of anything bad in which his brother may have been involved. A simple misunderstanding because his brother was writing a book about men that commit crimes against children? Perhaps. But isn't it a bit ironic that this same man is wanted on sex charges and was found with child *advertiser censored* on his computer? I personally think that the story about writing this book was just a convenient excuse. The "research" he was doing was probably more like recreation and the research angle was a pre-fabricated excuse that this sicko had in case he was ever caught.

On Greta, Nate Karr seemed to have no idea of any past trouble that his brother may have had with LE. Sadly, I think that he is going to be shell-shocked to learn what his brother had really been up to.

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