Speaking of forgiveness - I hope I'll be forgiven for:
1)Punching the gas pedal everytime I saw a patrol car hoping I'd get pulled over for speeding and create an opportunity to talk with the officer about the case - with little regard to the safety of other vehicles around me.
2) Filling out an online survey on LPD's website giving a biased opinion based on the handling of this case (so I thought and now know I was wrong), and using the comments section to tell them my thoughts.
I owe them a huge apology and I truly am sorry.
3) Circling around a white Chevy 4 door silver ado when I got home from work this afternoon and found him innocently cleaning the cement with a pressure washer, taking pictures of him, his truck and glaring at him through my apartment window until he finished his work and left.
4) Taking the family's comments about ACI and WS radio show personally and not being more understanding or accepting of their reasons for it.
This has been an emotional situation unlike anything I've ever encountered, but I am grateful for this forum and it's service to victims, families and concerned citizens.
Thanks guys!